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    El imposex es un fenómeno que consiste en la aparición de caracteres sexuales masculinos sobre el sistema reproductivo de las hembras de caracoles gasterópodos prosobranquios. Esta alteración fue históricamente asociada a la contaminación por compuestos organoestañosos, como el tributil estaño (TBT). En el presente trabajo evaluamos la incidencia de imposex en el caracol marino Xanthochorus buxea (Broderip, 1833) (Muricidae) provenientes de Playa Hermosa, Ancón, Lima, Perú. El porcentaje de imposex fue 97,6 %. El índice de la longitud relativa del pene (RPLI) fue de 94,3. Una relación estadísticamente significativa fue encontrada entre la longitud de la conchilla y la longitud del pene en machos y en hembras. La presente investigación es la primera aplicación de X. buxea como un bioindicador de componentes organoestañosos en el Perú de las costas del Pacífico Sudamericano

    Rulyrana spiculata Duellman 1976

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    <i>Rulyrana spiculata</i>. <p> On 28 November 2013, we collected a specimen of <i>Rulyrana spiculata</i> (CORBIDI 13906) at Campamento Hospital, in El Sira Community Reserve (09°28’43.24”S, 74°46’41.36”W; 791 m a.s.l), Puerto Inca Province, Huanuco Department, Peru. On 21 March 2014 we collected six more specimens (CORBIDI 14406–11) (Figure 5 A–F) at the same locality. On 6 November 2014, we collected a specimen of <i>Rulyrana</i> (CORBIDI 15431) at 3 de Mayo Native Community, in Tingo Maria National Park (09°25’13.06”S, 75°59’33.36”W; 948 m a.s.l), Leoncio Prado Province, Huanuco Department, Peru, and on 20 November 2015 two more specimens (CORBIDI 16518, 16572) were collected by Andy Barboza near to Agua Nueva Local Community (09°43’1.39”S, 75°48’58.77”W; 1186 m a.s.l), Huanuco Province, Huanuco Department, Peru.</p> <p> The coloration patterns, overall appearance, and measurements (Table 4) of the specimens we collected from El Sira, Tingo Maria National Park, and other locations in the Huanuco Department (Fig. 1) resembled those of the type series of <i>Rulyrana spiculata</i> from the Kosñipata Valley of Cusco Department and of specimens that we observed and collected at the type locality on multiple occasions (Catenazzi <i>et al.</i> 2011, 2013). The main source of variation we observed was the distinctly wider dorsal color pattern range in specimens from Huanuco varying from pale green (CORBIDI 14406, Figure 6 A-B) to greenish brown (CORBIDI 14409, Figure 6 C-D), in contrast to the green or dark green coloration of type and topotype specimens (Duellman 1976; Catenazzi <i>et al.</i> 2011, 2013), as well as Bolivian material (Harvey and Noonan 2005). A trait not included in the original description of <i>R. spiculata</i>, but later reported for specimens from La Paz Department, Bolivia identified as <i>Rulyrana spiculata</i> (Harvey & Noonan 2005), is the presence of a pair of enlarged round glandular tubercles below the venter. Our examination of specimens from El Sira Community Reserve (CORBIDI 14406, 14409, Fig. 6) and of CORBIDI 19185 from the type locality (Fig. 6 E, F) confirms the presence of these tubercles. Additionally, specimens from El Sira Community Reserve seem to have longer heads and larger eyes (Table 4), but the small sample size prevents us from performing statistical comparisons. Despite these variations, diagnostic characters of the species do not overlap with those of other species of the genus, ensuring field identifications through morphological traits. However, we still compared our morphological identifications with those provided by genetic analyses.</p> <p> We obtained DNA sequences from CORBIDI 13906, 14409, 144010, 15431 and 16572 from Huanuco and from a male (CORBIDI 19185) from the type locality. The uncorrected genetic distances for 16S between the topotype individual and specimens from Huanuco support our identifications (Table 5). All specimens we sequenced from El Sira (range 0.2–1.29 %), Tingo Maria National Park (1.29%), and the Agua Nueva Community (1.29%) were similar to the sequence we obtained from CORBIDI 19185. Furthermore, we confirmed the identification of MHNSM 24867 from Vista Alegre, Provincia Satipo, in the Junin Department as <i>R. spiculata</i> (Guayasamin <i>et al.</i> 2008), albeit the sequence available (EU663022) seems to be of low quality due to the presence of indels not seen in any other sequenced specimen of <i>Rulyrana</i>. We can also confirm that <i>R. spiculata</i> occurs in Bolivia because the 16S sequence of specimen CBG 806 from Boquerón, La Paz Department closely matches the 16S sequence of CORBIDI 19185 from the type locality (only three nucleotide substitutions within a 550 bp sequence).</p> <p> We found <i>Rulyrana spiculata</i> in El Sira Community Reserve (CORBIDI 13906, 14406–11) at night along streams in the foothill primary forest. We found several males calling between 19:00–21:00 hours from leaves of riparian vegetation at the end of the wet season. We did not find egg masses or females. The fast-flowing stream had clear water, and the riparian vegetation consisted mainly of bushes, tall herbs, <i>Heliconia</i> sp., and some trees 25–30 meters high. We examined several epiphytic bromeliads, which did not contain amphibians. Sympatric amphibians included <i>Hyloscirtus</i> cf. <i>phyllognathus</i> along the same stream, and <i>Allobates</i> sp., <i>Ameerega petersii</i>, and <i>Pristimantis iiap</i> in the nearby forest. We also recorded species of snakes, which may prey on <i>R. spiculata</i>, such as <i>Leptodeira annulata</i> and <i>Chironius fuscus</i> (Cantor and Pizzatto 2008, Muscat <i>et al</i>. 2017). Specimens from Tingo Maria National Park (CORBIDI 15431) and Agua Nueva Local Community (CORBIDI 16518, 16572), both in the Huallaga River basin, inhabited secondary montane forest. The males we found were perched on leaves at 1–2 meters above the stream between 19:00-22:00 hours. The riparian vegetation consisted of bushes and tall herbs (<i>Heliconia</i> sp.), and we also found males of <i>Hyloscirtus</i> cf. <i>phyllognathus</i> along the same stream.</p> <p> <i>H. mondolfii</i> prior to hatching, same locality as above, showing the characteristic pink coloration.</p> <p> Our records extend the known distribution of <i>Rulyrana spiculata</i> ~ 195 km to the northeast (Fig. 1) and represent the farthest known populations from the type locality (~ 595 km by airline). The farthest Bolivian locality is 521 km by airline south of the type locality (Harvey & Noonan 2005). The type locality is in the upper Madre de Dios watershed, whereas other Peruvian localities to the north, such as the Perené Valley (Cannatella and Duellman 1982) and El Sira Community Reserve (this study) are within the Ucayali watershed, and Bolivian localities to the south are part of the upper Beni watershed. The occurrence of <i>R. spiculata</i> in three large watersheds (along> 1000 km by airline from north to south) suggests the species may be widely distributed in the eastern slopes of the Andes of Peru and northern Bolivia.</p> <p> The IUCN Red List considered <i>R. spiculata</i> as endemic to Peru with a distribution extended from south to central regions of the country and also is listed as Near Threatened (Rodríguez <i>et al</i>. 2004). We recommend updating the distribution range to include our newly confirmed localities and to add Bolivia as a country of occurrence. In spite of the new records which put in evidence a wider but fragmented occurrence, the species is known to have been locally extirpated at localities where chytrid-driven declines have occurred (Catenazzi <i>et al</i>. 2011, 2014), thus we recommend further revision of material deposited in collections which could reveal new localities, as well as monitoring of existing populations to confirm species persistence, particularly at sites in the cloud forest known to have being affected by chytrid epizootics. Therefore, we consider at the moment there is not enough data to allow us to update its IUCN red list category.</p>Published as part of <i>Chávez, Germán, Pradel, Renzo & Catenazzi, Alessandro, 2019, Integrative taxonomy reveals first country record of Hyalinobatrachium mondolfii Señaris and Ayarzagüena 2001, and distribution range extensions for Cochranella nola Harvey 1996, and Rulyrana spiculata Duellman 1976 (Anura: Centrolenidae) in Peru, pp. 541-560 in Zootaxa 4691 (5)</i> on pages 551-556, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4691.5.7, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3998658">http://zenodo.org/record/3998658</a&gt

    Cochranella nola Harvey 1996

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    <i>Cochranella nola.</i> <p> On 26 January 2014, we collected three specimens of <i>Cochranella</i> (CORBIDI 19156–58) (Fig. 1) at Chontachaca (13°01’22.72”S, 71°29’28.89”W; 985 m a.s.l.), Paucartambo Province, Cusco Department, Peru. The three specimens of <i>Cochranella</i> (Fig. 2) have an uniform green dorsum finely spiculated, no melanophores on fingers, visceral peritoneum clear, parietal peritoneum white, dark green bones, and pale gray iris with fine reticulations, which resembles Harvey’s (1996) description of the types of <i>C. nola</i>, as well as specimens identified as <i>C. nola</i> from Madre de Dios (Lujan <i>et al</i>. 2014; Villacampa <i>et al</i>. 2016). Comparisons with 16S sequences available in Genbank indicate that the most similar sequences—genetic distances = 1.4–1.5 % (Table 1, Appendix 1)—to our two specimens correspond to two specimens of <i>C. nola</i> from Bolivia published by Guayasamin <i>et al.</i> (2009). Based on these results we consider our specimens as part of <i>C. nola</i>.</p> <p> We found the three specimens of <i>C. nola</i> near Manu National Park during a rainy night in a disturbed submontane forest at the foothills of the Andes. We observed males perched on green leaves of vegetation alongside a stream at night between 19:00–22:00 hrs. <i>Cochranella nola</i> was recorded in sympatry with the glassfrogs <i>Hyalinobatrachium bergeri</i> and <i>Rulyrana spiculata</i>, the toad <i>Rhinella margaritifera</i>, and the treefrogs <i>Boana gladiator</i> and <i>Osteocephalus mimeticus</i>.</p> <p> Our new record confirms the presence of <i>C. nola</i> in the upper Madre de Dios River (Villacampa <i>et al</i>. 2016), in the vicinity of Manu National Park. Although there are no records from within the protected area, given the occurrence in two regions adjacent to its limit, it is very likely the species occurs within Manu NP as well. Our record is also the first for Department Cusco in Peru; the species is now known to occur in three Departments in southern Peru (Cusco, Madre de Dios, and Puno). The agreement between molecular and morphological data suggest that diagnostic external characters are conserved through the distribution range of <i>C. nola</i> in the Andean foothills from central Bolivia to southern Peru. Therefore, researchers can use external morphological characters to identify <i>C. nola</i> in the field, facilitating further work aimed at assessing the distribution and conservation status of populations of <i>C. nola</i> in Peru and Bolivia. The species is currently listed as Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List (Cortez <i>et al.</i> 2004).</p>Published as part of <i>Chávez, Germán, Pradel, Renzo & Catenazzi, Alessandro, 2019, Integrative taxonomy reveals first country record of Hyalinobatrachium mondolfii Señaris and Ayarzagüena 2001, and distribution range extensions for Cochranella nola Harvey 1996, and Rulyrana spiculata Duellman 1976 (Anura: Centrolenidae) in Peru, pp. 541-560 in Zootaxa 4691 (5)</i> on page 543, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4691.5.7, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3998658">http://zenodo.org/record/3998658</a&gt

    Integrative taxonomy reveals first country record of Hyalinobatrachium mondolfii Señaris and Ayarzagüena 2001, and distribution range extensions for Cochranella nola Harvey 1996, and Rulyrana spiculata Duellman 1976 (Anura: Centrolenidae) in Peru

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    Chávez, Germán, Pradel, Renzo, Catenazzi, Alessandro (2019): Integrative taxonomy reveals first country record of Hyalinobatrachium mondolfii Señaris and Ayarzagüena 2001, and distribution range extensions for Cochranella nola Harvey 1996, and Rulyrana spiculata Duellman 1976 (Anura: Centrolenidae) in Peru. Zootaxa 4691 (5): 541-560, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4691.5.

    Imposex in the marine snail Xanthochorus Buxea (Broderip, 1833) (Muricidae) from the South American Pacific.

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    The imposex phenomenon is the emergence of male sexual characteristics on the reproductive system of female prosobranch gastropod snails. This alteration was historically associated with contamination with organotin compounds, such as tributyltin (TBT). In this study we evaluated the incidence of imposex in the marine snail Xanthochorus buxea (Broderip, 1833) (Muricidae) from Hermosa Beach, Ancon, Lima, Peru. Imposex percentage was 97.6%. The rate of the relative length of the penis (RPLI) was equal to 94.3. Astatistically significant relationship was found between the shell length and length of the penis in males and females. This research is the first application of X. buxea as a bioindicator of organotin components in Peru from the South American Pacific coast.El imposex es un fenómeno que consiste en la aparición de caracteres sexuales masculinos sobre el sistema reproductivo de las hembras de caracoles gasterópodos prosobranquios. Esta alteración fue históricamente asociada a la contaminación por compuestos organoestañosos, como el tributil estaño (TBT). En el presente trabajo evaluamos la incidencia de imposex en el caracol marino Xanthochorus buxea (Broderip, 1833) (Muricidae) provenientes de Playa Hermosa, Ancón, Lima, Perú. El porcentaje de imposex fue 97,6 %. El índice de la longitud relativa del pene (RPLI) fue de 94,3. Una relación estadísticamente significativa fue encontrada entre la longitud de la conchilla y la longitud del pene en machos y en hembras. La presente investigación es la primera aplicación de X. buxea como un bioindicador de componentes organoestañosos en el Perú de las costas del Pacífico Sudamericano

    Natural history notes

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