369 research outputs found


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    A module M is said to be generalized N-projective (or N-dual ojective) if, for any epimorphism g : N &#8594; X and any homomorphism f : M &#8594; X, there exist decompositions M = M1 &#8853; M2, N = N1 &#8853; N2, a homomorphism h1 : M1 &#8594; N1 and an epimorphism h2 : N2 &#8594; M2 such that g &#9702; h1 = f|M1 and f &#9702; h2 = g|N2 . This relative projectivity is very useful for the study on direct sums of lifting modules (cf. [5], [7]). In the definition, it should be noted that we may often consider the case when f to be an epimorphism. By this reason, in this paper we define relative (strongly) generalized epi-projective modules and show several results on this generalized epi-projectivity. We apply our results to the known problem when finite direct sums M1&#8853;· · ·&#8853;Mn of lifting modules Mi (i = 1, · · · , n) is lifting.</p


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    In [5] and [6], we have introduced a couple of relative generalized epi-projectivities and given several properties of these projectivities. In this paper, we consider relative generalized injectivities that are dual to these relative projectivities and apply them to the study of direct sums of extending modules. Firstly we prove that for an extending module N, a module M is N-injective if and only if M is mono-Ninjective and essentially N-injective. Then we define a mono-ojectivity that plays an important role in the study of direct sums of extending modules. The structure of (mono-)ojectivity is complicated and hence it is difficult to determine whether these injectivities are inherited by finite direct sums and direct summands even in the case where each module is quasi-continuous. Finally we give several characterizations of these injectivities and find necessary and sufficient conditions for the direct sums of extending modules to be extending


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    Aikido is a Japanese martial art established by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969). A major characteristic is that there are neither competitions nor is there practice in form of competition. Generally, practice involves an instructor demonstrating a technique, after which it is practiced in pairs. The present study therefore sought to perform a three-dimensional analysis of the "Tenkan" a typical aikido technique, and to clarify the differences and factors related to the techniques for experts, intermediates, and beginners. We discussed the difference of deviation of the center of mass and evaluation of the ground reaction forces

    Intestinal bacterial translocation by Klebsiella pneumoniae: role of the CF29K adhesin

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    O gênero Klebsiella faz parte da família Enterobacteriaceae e pode ser encontrado no meio ambiente e nas mucosas de seres humanos e animais. Atualmente, o gênero é composto de cinco espécies, das quais a K. pneumoniae, e mais raramente, a K. oxytoca, são causadoras de infecções. As infecções por K. pneumoniae acometem primordialmente indivíduos hospitalizados, geralmente fragilizados por outras condições, que acabam, na maioria das vezes, desenvolvendo infecções do trato urinário, lesões supurativas, bacteremias e septicemia. Além disso, a K. pneumoniae encontra-se entre as espécies mais comumente implicadas em infecções por microorganismos resistentes a antibióticos, sendo, depois de Escherichia coli, a causa mais comum de septicemia por Gramnegativos. O primeiro estágio da infecção hospitalar por K. pneumoniae consiste na colonização do trato gastrointestinal. A translocação bacteriana (TB), definida como a passagem de bactérias viáveis através da mucosa intestinal, é um processo endógeno que se coloca como hipótese para a ocorrência dessas infecções. A colonização intestinal demanda que as bactérias estejam firmemente estabelecidas na superfície da mucosa para resistir aos movimentos peristálticos do intestino. A proteína CF29K, descrita em uma amostra clínica de K. pneumoniae, é uma adesina não fimbrial que demonstrou mediar uma adesão do tipo difuso em células cultivadas de origem intestinal. Praticamente, não há relatos sobre o papel desta adesina no potencial patogênico de K. pneumoniae. Tampouco há demonstração da capacidade de K. pneumoniae translocar por via intestinal em modelo animal imunologicamente competente e que não apresente lesão da barreira mucosa. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi estudar o envolvimento da adesina afimbrial CF29K no processo de translocação de K. pneumoniae por via intestinal. O ensaio de TB realizado em modelo in vivo, mostrou que a K. pneumoniae CF504, protótipo de CF29K, é capaz de translocar para linfonodos do mesentério, fígado e baço. Este achado reveste-se de grande consistência na medida em que o modelo de TB empregado não expõe o animal a fatores que levam ao dano da barreira intestinal. A supressão da expressão da adesina CF29K, obtida por mutagênese específica do gene cf29A, da amostra K. pneumoniae CF504, não interferiu na sua capacidade de aderir a células Caco-2, sugerindo que outra(s) adesina(s) também deva desempenhar este papel na amostra selvagem. Da mesma forma, a ausência de CF29K não resultou em menor eficiência de translocação por via intestinal. Além disso, o estudo de 27 amostras clínicas de K. pneumoniae não detectou o gene cf29A em nenhum dos isolados. No entanto, o teste de TB realizado com 15 dessas amostras resultou positivo. Concluise, portanto, que a translocação bacteriana por via intestinal é um processo que independe da adesina CF29K e que deve refletir um possível mecanismo de patogenicidade de K. pneumoniae envolvido, seja na instalação da infecção per se, seja no agravamento de quadros infecciosos sistêmicos já instalados.Klebsiella is a member of the family Enterobacteriaceae and can be isolated from the environment and from the mucosal surfaces of human beings and animals. There are five known species of Klebsiella, being K. pneumoniae and K. oxytoca the most associated with infections. Mainly hospitalized patients are infected and can present urinary tract infections, supurative lesions, bacteremia, and septicemia. K. pneumoniae strains presenting high resistance to antibiotics are the most common Gram negatives causing septicemia after Escherichia coli. Colonization of the intestinal tract is the first stage in the nosocomial infections by K. pneumoniae. Being so, bacterial translocation (BT), defined as the passage of viable bacteria through the intestinal barrier, is an endogenous process that applies as a hypotheses for the occurrence of those infections. Intestinal colonization demands a firm interaction between the bacteria and the mucosal surface so they can resist to the intestinal peristalses. The CF29K protein discovered in a clinical isolate of K. pneumoniae, is an afimbrial adhesin responsible for diffuse adhesion to intestinal cells in vitro. There is no acknowledge on the role of this adhesin to the pathogenesis of K. pneumoniae, neither on the ability of these bacteria to translocate through the intact intestinal barrier of immunological competent animal models. The aim of this study was to evaluate the involvement of the adhesin CF29K in the BT process. It was shown that CF504, the prototype K. pneumoniae strain for CF29K, is able to translocate trough the intestinal barrier of rats, being recovered from mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, and spleen, after two hours of inoculation. This fact gains importance since the BT assay used causes no physical damage to the intestinal mucosa. The suppression of the CF29K protein expression obtained by site-direct mutagenesis of the cf29A gene of the prototype strain did not change its ability to adherer to Caco-2 cells, suggesting that there might be other (s) adhesin(s) also involved in this interaction. Nevertheless, the absence of CF29K did not abolish the BT capacity of the strain. Besides, the study of 27 clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae did not detect the presence of cf29A gene in any strain. Even so, the BT test carried out with 15 of those isolates resulted positive. We conclude that BT across the intestinal mucosa is a process not related to the adhesin CF29K. We propose that BT may reflect a possible mechanism of pathogenicity of K. pneumoniae involved either in the installation of the infection, or in the worsening of already installed systemic infection.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    Os animais como sujeitos de direito no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro

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    O presente trabalho monográfico tem como problema de pesquisa a análise da possibilidade do animal ser sujeito de direito no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. O problema central subsiste na existência de práticas antropocêntricas enraizadas no pensamento ocidental, contrapondo-se ao pensamento ecocêntrico/biocêntrico. Para tanto, estabeleceu, como objetivo geral, proporcionar melhor compreensão acerca do tema, para que só então seja possível realizar uma análise sobre a condição jurídica dos animais, com o escopo de detectar a controvérsia existente no direito brasileiro. A metodologia utilizada para a análise do aludido tema teve por base o método multidisciplinar, com instrumento teórico produzido por filósofos e doutrinadores

    The Reproductive Biology of Two Common Surfzone Associated Sciaenids, Yellowfin Croaker (Umbrina roncador) and Spotfin Croaker (Roncador stearnsii), from Southern California

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    Yellowfin croaker (Umbrina roncador) and spotfin croaker (Roncador stearnsii) were collected from San Clemente, California from May through September 2006. Both species were analyzed to determine batch fecundity. Yellowfin croaker ovaries were also histologically examined to describe their summer spawning activity. Batch fecundity in spotfin croaker (n 5 13) females ranged from 35,169 to 640,703 described by the equations BF 5 1.59E-07SL5.01 for length and BF 5 13.51W1.60 for total body weight. Yellowfin croaker (n 5 16) females batch fecundity ranged from 99,259 to 405,967 and was described by the equations BF 5 2.4E- 04SL2.02 for length or BF 5 0.33W0.68 for total body weight. Yellowfin croaker spawning was determined to begin by June and end by September

    A study on dual square free modules

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    Let M be an H-supplemented coatomic module with FIEP. Then we prove that M is dual square free if and only if every maximal submodule ofM is fully invariant. Let M = ⊕ i∈I Mi be a direct sum, such that M is coatomic. Then we prove that M is dual square free if and only if each Mi is dual square free for all i ∈ I and, Mi and ⊕ j̸≠i Mj are dual orthogonal. Finally we study the endomorphism rings of dual square free modules. Let M be a quasi-projective module. If EndR(M) is right dual square free, then M is dual square free. In addition, if M is finitely generated, then EndR(M) is right dual square free whenever M is dual square free. We give several examples illustrating our hypotheses

    Impacto de la ultrasonografía a la cabecera del paciente sobre la toma de decisiones en servicio de urgencias.

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    Introduction: Ultrasound at the patient's bedside or POCUS (point of care ultrasound), is a strategy that has allowed non-expert physicians to integrate this technology in emergency services, critical care, and even general hospitalization rooms. Objective: Provide a comprehensive and critical evaluation of the available literature on POCUS in the emergency department, understanding its strengths and the gaps in the current knowledge base regarding its utility in clinical practice. Methods: A synopsis and review of the literature were carried out according to the paper presented at the Congress of the Colombian Association of Internal Medicine (ACMI) - Valle Chapter, Universidad Libre: "A multidisciplinary approach with a Latin American vision" on the 13th and 14th. May 2022. Results: The use of POCUS in the emergency department through different protocols such as RUSH (Rapid Ultrasound in Shock), BLUE (Bedside lung ultrasound in an emergency), and CAUSE (Cardiac stop ultrasound examination) has shown an improvement in diagnostic accuracy, time to detection, and change in behaviors compared with the usual history and physical examination. Conclusion: The POCUS is a valuable tool that allows for accelerating decision-making, improving diagnostic accuracy, explaining, and improving patient outcomes in emergency services.Introducción: El ultrasonido a la cabecera del paciente o POCUS por sus siglas en inglés (point of care ultrasonography), es una estrategia que ha permitido a médicos no expertos integrar esta tecnología en servicios de urgencias, cuidado crítico, e incluso salas de hospitalización general. Objetivo: Proporcionar una evaluación integral y crítica de la literatura disponible sobre POCUS en el servicio de urgencias, entendiendo sus fortalezas y las brechas en la base del conocimiento actual sobre su utilidad en la practica clínica. Métodos: Se realizó una sinopsis y revisión de la literatura de acuerdo con la ponencia presentada en el Congreso de la Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Interna (ACMI) - Capítulo Valle, Universidad Libre: “Un enfoque multidisciplinario con visión latinoamericana” los días 13 y 14 de mayo de 2022. Resultados: El uso de POCUS en el servicio de urgencias a través de diferentes protocolos como el RUSH (Rapid Ultrasound in Shock), BLUE (Bedside lung ultrasound in emergency) y CAUSE (Cardiac arrest ultrasound exam) por sus siglas en inglés, ha demostrado una mejoría en la precisión diagnóstica, tiempo de detección y cambio en las conductas en comparación con la anamnesis y exploración física habitual. Conclusión:  El POCUS es una herramienta valiosa que permite acelerar la toma de decisiones, mejorar la precisión diagnóstica, guiar intervenciones y mejorar los resultados de los pacientes en los servicios de emergencias

    Mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad (RCM) en máquinas Dakota NC-7100 para incrementar la productividad del área de procesamiento de billetes en una empresa de traslado y custodia de valores, Trujillo, 2021

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    La presente indagación en búsqueda de la competitividad y la calidad de los procesos interno buscó incrementar la productividad del área de procesamiento de billetes mediante el mantenimiento centrado en la confiabilidad (RCM) en máquinas DAKOTA NC – 7100 en una empresa de traslado y custodia de valores, Trujillo, 2021. La metodología ostentó un estudio aplicado, no experimental, en donde a través de una entrevista y ficha de observación se consiguieron datos. Los resultados señalaron que, la propuesta de mantenimiento basada en la confiabilidad contó con las siguientes actividades mejoradas con la intención de poder optimizar toda la línea de procesos: identificación de la máquina de acuerdo con el plan de mantenimiento y la ejecución del mantenimiento, en donde los modos de falla fueron el problema con el sensor fluorescente, el problema con el sensor de alimentación y el problema con el sensor apilador. Mientras que, se concluyó que, el VAN obtenido fue de S/44614.47 nuevos soles, el valor de TIR fue de 52.53%, el valor del B/C fue de 1.09, en donde el tiempo de recuperación se encontró conformado por 1 año con 9 meses y 4 días

    La cetoacidosis diabética, una emergencia metabólica común

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    Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious metabolic complication and emergency of diabetes with significant morbidity and mortality. It occurs in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients. Its incidence is low, but late recognition and treatment can cause multiple complications. Objective: To review the key concepts of CAD from its definition, epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, and treatment in clinical practice. Methods: a synopsis and review of the literature was carried out according to the paper presented at the Congress of the Colombian Association of Internal Medicine (ACMI) - Valle Chapter, Universidad Libre: "A multidisciplinary approach with a Latin American vision" on the 13th and 14th May 2022. Results: DKA is characterized by uncontrolled hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis, and increased body ketones, causing diverse symptoms. There are multiple triggers, but the main ones are lack of adherence to drug therapy, infectious processes, and the onset of diabetes. It is characterized by an absolute or relative insulin deficiency, which generates an elevation of counterregulatory hormones, generating an increase in gluconeogenesis, low peripheral sensitivity to insulin, perpetuating hyperglycemia. Additionally, lipolysis is increased by generating the oxidation of free fatty acids into ketone bodies. Treatment is based on restoring circulating volume, suppressing ketogenesis and promoting ketone clearance, correcting hyperglycemia and electrolyte abnormalities. Conclusion: Identifying and adequately treating DKA saves lives, the main thing being the timely restoration of homeostasis. Management must be interdisciplinary to avoid recurrence, promoting diabetes education.Introducción: la cetoacidosis diabética (CAD) es una complicación y emergencia metabólica grave de la diabetes con una morbilidad y mortalidad significativa. Ocurre tanto en pacientes diabéticos tipo 1, como tipo 2. Su incidencia es baja, pero un reconocimiento y tratamiento tardío puede generar múltiples complicaciones. Objetivo: Revisar los conceptos clave de la CAD desde su definición, epidemiología, etiología, fisiopatología, presentación clínica, criterios diagnósticos y tratamiento en la práctica clínica. Métodos: se realizó una sinopsis y revisión de la literatura de acuerdo con la ponencia presentada en el Congreso de la Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Interna (ACMI) - Capítulo Valle, Universidad Libre: “Un enfoque multidisciplinario con visión latinoamericana” los días 13 y 14 de mayo de 2022. Resultados: la CAD se caracteriza por una hiperglucemia no controlada, acidosis metabólica y un aumento de las cetonas corporales causando una sintomatología diversa. Existen múltiples desencadenantes, pero lo principales son la falta de adherencia a la terapia farmacológica, los procesos infecciosos y el debut de la diabetes. Se caracteriza por un déficit absoluto o relativo de insulina lo cual genera una elevación de las hormonas contrarreguladoras generando un aumento de la gluconeogénesis, baja sensibilidad periférica a la insulina, perpetuando la hiperglucemia. Adicionalmente, se aumenta la lipólisis generando la oxidación de ácidos grasos libres en cuerpos cetónicos. El tratamiento está basado en restablecer el volumen circulante, suprimir la cetogénesis y favorecer la depuración de cetonas, corrigiendo la hiperglucemia y las alteraciones electrolíticas. Conclusión: Identificar y tratar adecuadamente la CAD salva vidas, siendo lo principal el restablecimiento oportuno de la homeostasis. El manejo debe ser interdisciplinario para evitar la recurrencia, fomentando la educación en diabetes