5,172 research outputs found

    The Attorney-Client Privilege and Information Disclosed to an Attorney with the Intention That the Attorney Draft a Document To Be Released to Third Parties: Public Policy Calls for at Least the Strictest Application of the Attorney-Client Privilege

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    The attorney-client privilege is the oldest evidentiary privilege known to the common law. It exists to encourage clients to openly communicate with their attorneys. Some commentators, however, have questioned the value of the privilege and called for its elimination. This policy debate, though unlikely to influence typical privilege disputes, is important when the application of the attorney-client privilege is unclear. One example is when a client conveys information to her attorney with the intent that the attorney draft a document to be released to a third party. This Note seeks to shed light on the arguments for and against the application of the attorney-client privilege to this scenario, and concludes that public policy calls for a strict application of the privilege

    The Attorney-Client Privilege and Information Disclosed to an Attorney with the Intention That the Attorney Draft a Document To Be Released to Third Parties: Public Policy Calls for at Least the Strictest Application of the Attorney-Client Privilege

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    The attorney-client privilege is the oldest evidentiary privilege known to the common law. It exists to encourage clients to openly communicate with their attorneys. Some commentators, however, have questioned the value of the privilege and called for its elimination. This policy debate, though unlikely to influence typical privilege disputes, is important when the application of the attorney-client privilege is unclear. One example is when a client conveys information to her attorney with the intent that the attorney draft a document to be released to a third party. This Note seeks to shed light on the arguments for and against the application of the attorney-client privilege to this scenario, and concludes that public policy calls for a strict application of the privilege

    The Changing Role of the Atomic Energy Commission in Atomic Power Development

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    SamhÀllets finansiering av bostadsbyggandet har minskat radikalt. Nyproducerade bostÀder erbjuds frÀmst till kundgrupper med kapital. DÀrför Àr det viktigt att se pÄ bostadsefterfrÄgan utgÄende frÄn olika individers handlingsmöjligheter. I rapporten visas att hushÄllens livscykel bestÀmmer mycket av bostadspreferenser.Livsform, hÀr utbildningsnivÄ och hemort, pÄverkar livscykelns skeenden. Livsstil Àr till stor del en produkt av livscykel och livsform. De grupper som har störst resurser har ocksÄ störst möjlighet att utveckla livsstilar med betydelse för bostadsval. 8 olika konsumentgrupper beskrivs, huvudsakligen ur Stockholmsperspektiv. Barnfamiljers starka önskan om smÄhus framtrÀder, sÀrskilt dÄ andra barnet kommer. Högutbildade ensamstÄende kvinnor vill bo i innerstad nÀra kulturutbud, medan ensamstÄende mÀn vill bo centralt ur kommunikationssynpunkt. De Àldre par som sÀljer familjevillan har önskemÄl utöver sjönÀra bostadsrÀtt. Resultaten bidrar till att öka kunskapen ocksÄ om de skiftande bostadsbehov som inte ger sig till kÀnna pÄ marknaden. Rapporten vÀnder sig till bostadssektorns byggherrar och till samhÀllsplanerare.QC 20120229</p

    Theory of flux anisotropies in a guiding center plasma

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    The one particle distribution function f on the scale of the bounce motion of particles in a magnetic field B is considered. The Vlasov equation is expanded through O(epsilon) in the adiabatic parameter which is the ratio of particle gyroradius to scale length of the magnetic field. Because f is directly proportional to particle flux differential in kinetic energy and solid angle, f is in principle measurable in space experiments, and the analysis is tailored to be explicitly applicable to space problems. To O(1), f is gyrotropic; its first velocity moment is (if non-vanishing) parallel to B, and hence macroscopic parallel flow is included in this term. The O(epsilon) contribution is non-gyrotropic and macroscopic flow parallel to B plus additional parallel flow results from these terms. The degree of non-gyrotropy and the amount of cross-field macroscopic flow depend on the perpendicular component of the electric field, on curvature and shear in the magnetic field, and on the spatial gradient, pitch angle derivative, and speed derivative of the lowest order distribution function

    Selling Solar: Financing Household Solar Energy in the Developing World

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    Based on value chain analyses of case studies, outlines the issues and challenges for developing a solar energy industry, with a focus on the need for a financing infrastructure that serves purchasers, manufacturers, distributors, and investors
