13,572 research outputs found

    Spherical affine cones for maximal reductive subgroups in exceptional cases

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    Given a complex simply connected simple algebraic group G of exceptional type and a maximal parabolic subgroup P of G, we classify all triples (G,P,H) such that H is a maximal reductive subgroup of G acting spherically on G/P . In addition we derive branching rules for the restriction of the simple G-modules V(k\omega_i)* to H, where k \in N and \omega_i is the fundamental weight associated to P. Further we find the combinatorial invariants for the spherical affine cones over G/P

    [Review of] Maria P. P. Root, The Multiracial Experience: Racial Borders as the New Frontier

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    Maria Root\u27s collection of readings cognitively and emotionally engage the reader in the psychosocial experience of being multiracial. These readings also foster a critical awareness of the implications of rising numbers of multiracial persons for issues of inter-group race relations and national identity. This awareness forces readers to re-examine the meanings and construction of race beyond the traditional five monoracial categories traditionally used to gather census data

    Asymmetric Taxation and Cross-Border Investment Decisions

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    This paper analyzes the impact of particular loss offset limitations on intrastate and cross-border investment decisions. Investment can be realized in the investor’s domestic business, in a foreign branch or in a foreign subsidiary. The relative impact on the optimal real investment alternative compared to the optimal financial investment alternative indicates the investment incentives of tax law asymmetries. Integrating an initial loss carryforward at the time of investment creates a special decision situation. Varying loss offset parameters typically induces ambiguous effects that depend on the combination of all parameters under consideration. On average, a domestic minimum tax and a time limit on loss carryforwards tend to depress real investment. However, it is possible to find counter-examples. Real investment projects with decreasing cash flows and expected infra-marginal projects are less likely to be discriminated against than projects with increasing cash flows and expected marginal projects, respectively. An initial loss carryforward generates a domestic lock-in effect that may be intensified by loss offset limitations. Depending on the parameter setting, the opposite – a push-out effect – may occur as well.investment, asymmetric taxation, loss offset, loss carryforward, minimum tax

    Explaining visa, asylum and immigration policy Treaty revision: insights from a revised neofunctionalist framework

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    This paper seeks to explain the varying, and sometimes intriguing, outcomes of the past three Treaty revision negotiations of European Union/Community visa, asylum and immigration policy. Regarding this policy area, I focus on the substantial constitutional issues of decision rules and institutional set-up. The results of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) negotiations leading to the Amsterdam Treaty, the Treaty of Nice and the Constitutional Treaty are subjected to causal analysis. The paper draws on a revised neofunctionalist framework and argues that five explanatory factors can account for the Treaty outcomes: (1) functional pressures; (2) the role of supranational institutions; (3) socialisation, deliberation and learning processes; (4) exogenous pressures; and (5) countervailing forces.political science; intergovernmental conferences; treaty reform; European Convention; asylum policy; immigration policy; neo-functionalism; socialization

    The impact of tax uncertainty on irreversible investment

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    Traditional models of capital budgeting including taxes are based on deterministic tax rates and tax bases. In reality, however, there are multiple sources of tax uncertainty. Tax reforms induce frequent changes in both tax rates and tax bases, making future taxation of investments a stochastic process. Fiscal authorities and tax courts create additional tax uncertainty by interpreting current tax laws differently. Apart from fiscal tax uncertainty, there is modelspecific tax uncertainty, because investors use simplified models for computing an investment project's tax base and anticipate the actual tax base incorrectly. I analyze the effects of stochastic taxation on investment behaviour in a real options model. The potential investor holds an option to invest in an irreversible project with stochastic cash flows. To cover the combined effects of tax base and tax rate uncertainty, the investment's tax payment is modelled as a stochastic process that may be correlated with the project's cash flows. I show that increased uncertainty of tax payments has an ambiguous impact on investment timing. Thus, the popular view that tax uncertainty depresses real investment can be rejected. For low tax uncertainty, high cash flow uncertainty and high correlation of cash flows and tax payment, increased tax uncertainty may even accelerate investment. A higher expected tax payment delays investment. Surprisingly, a higher tax rate on interest income affects investment timing ambiguously. --

    Changing patterns in German education policy making: the impact of international organizations

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    The German sectors of secondary and higher education witnessed far-reaching changes in the last decade. Comprehensive reforms were introduced that essentially altered the educational structure as well as the procedures in policy making. These reforms were massively influenced by international initiatives namely the OECD's PISA study and the Bologna Process accompanied by the EU Commission. Both IOs succeeded in impacting German education reforms by applying various governance instruments that can be described as soft governance. Albeit multiple veto points were present in Germany and traditional German principles of education were contrary to the promoted ideals, the IOs' initiatives resolved these blocking effects of national transformation capacities and had a substantial impact on German education policy making. -- In der letzten Dekade haben weitreichende Reformen den sekundĂ€ren und tertiĂ€ren Bildungssektor in Deutschland nachhaltig verĂ€ndert. Dies gilt sowohl fĂŒr die Strukturen des Schul- bzw. Hochschulbereichs als auch fĂŒr den Aspekt der Politikgestaltung im Bildungsbereich. Der zu beobachtende Reformprozess ist maßgeblich von Initiativen auf internationaler Ebene angestoßen und beeinflusst worden - namentlich durch die PISA-Studie der OECD und den Bologna-Prozess, welcher mehr und mehr mit der EU zu assoziieren ist. In beiden FĂ€llen wurde durch die Anwendung vornehmlich weicher Steuerungsmechanismen maßgeblich Einfluss auf die Reformprozesse genommen. Obwohl in Deutschland zahlreiche institutionelle Vetopunkte im Bereich der Bildungspolitik existieren und die traditionellen Prinzipien des deutschen BildungsverstĂ€ndnisses den von der internationalen Ebene beförderten Idealen teilweise diametral gegenĂŒberstanden, gelang es beiden Internationalen Organisationen bzw. Initiativen diese blockierenden Effekte zu umgehen bzw. zu neutralisieren.

    Asymmetric Taxation and Performance-Based Incentive Contracts

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    This paper analyzes the effects of symmetric and asymmetric taxation on performance-based versus fixed remuneration contracts. I integrate a proportional corporation tax and a proportional wage tax into a binary principal-agent model. The wage tax increases the remuneration costs and makes the agent's employment less attractive. Thus, the principal tends to demand lower rather than higher effort or does not offer a contract at all. In contrast to the wage tax, the corporate tax is irrelevant for the optimal remuneration contract. Under asymmetric corporate taxation, the principal tends to offer contracts less frequently. Fixed remuneration contracts are penalized more heavily by asymmetric taxation than performance-based remuneration contracts.asymmetric taxation, loss-offset, principal-agent theory, corporate taxation, wage taxation

    The Impact of Tax Uncertainty on Irreversible Investment

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    Tax legislation, fiscal authorities, and tax courts create tax uncertainty by frequent tax reforms and various different interpretations of the tax law. Moreover, investors generate model-specific tax uncertainty by using simplified models that anticipate the actual tax base incorrectly. I analyze the effects of stochastic taxation on investment behavior in a real options model. The investor holds an option to invest in an irreversible project with stochastic cash flows. To cover the effects of both tax base and tax rate uncertainty, the investment’s tax payment is modelled as a stochastic process. Increased tax uncertainty has an ambiguous impact on investment timing. The view that tax uncertainty depresses real investment is rejected. A higher expected tax payment delays investment. A higher tax rate on interest income affects investment timing ambiguously.tax uncertainty, capital budgeting, real options, investment incentives
