1,036 research outputs found

    Notas necrológicas

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    Del olvido a la sacralización. La intervención de la víctima en la fase de ejecución de la pena (Análisis del art. 13 de la Ley 4/2015, de 27 de abril, del Estatuto de la víctima del delito, a la luz de la L.O. 1/2015, de 30 de marzo, de modificación del Código Penal)

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    La necesaria transposición de la Directiva 2012/29/UE, por la que se establecen normas mínimas sobre los derechos, el apoyo y la protección de las víctimas de delitos, a nuestro Derecho interno, es aprovechada por el legislador español para insertar en la Ley del Estatuto de la víctima del delito un precepto, sin parangón en el Derecho comparado, por el que se le confiere legitimación activa para recurrir determinados Autos del Juez de Vigilancia Penitenciaria. Así, con la intervención directa de la víctima en la ejecución de la pena de prisión, se colman las exigencias de las asociaciones y fundaciones de víctimas, en general, y del terrorismo, en particular, más interesadas en satisfacer sus deseos vindicativos e inocuizadores del condenado que en participar en el fin reeducador y resocializador de las penas privativas de libertad que la Constitución española consagra.The necessary incorporation of the Directive 2012/29/EU, which establishes minimum standards on rights, support and protection of victims of crime, into our national law, is used by the Spanish legislator to insert into the law a rule, unparalleled in comparative law, that gives to the victim active legal standing in order to appeal certain decrees of the surveillance court judge. Thus, with the victim's direct intervention in the prison punishment enforcement, are filled the demands of the associations and foundations of victims, in general, and terrorism, in particular, more interested in satisfying their wishes of revenge and insulation of the convicted person than collaborating in the reeducator and re-socializing purpose of the custodial sentences which the Spanish Constitution consecrates.El presente estudio se enmarca en el Proyecto de Investigación emergente GRE 13-22 de la Universidad de Alicante, “La política penitenciaria española en materia de consecuencias jurídicas del delito”

    Financial information and restructuring of spanish savings banks in a context of crisis. Changes in the regulation; content and evolution of FROB

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    The worsening of the financial crisis in September 2008, coinciding with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, set off unprecedented action in the European states to support the stability of their markets and financial institutions. Different forums asked for joint and faster implementation. This lead the Spanish authorities to take a series of measures. In the first part of this paper we make a theoretical review of previous studies at international level on early warning systems and about prediction of failure in the banking sector. No doubt it helps to situate and understand better the later Spanish analysis, why it is necessary and its development. We also analyze the evolution of the Spanish financial system between 2008-2011 with the focus on explaining the reform and restructuring of savings banks. Specifically, a study of the accounting and financial standards evolution is made, as well as an examination of the changes in banking regulations that emerged during this period and the role of the Banking Management Restructuring Fund (FROB) and the Institutional Protection Systems (SIP).FROB, SIP, banking regulation changes, early warning systems.

    Cycle of a single company's involvement in an export consortium, The

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    In this paper, I intend to present a longitudinal analysis that describes and contributes to explaining the entire cycle of one partner company 's involvement in an export consortium. Thus, it will not be my purpose here to analyze a consortium or an alliance as a whole (including the central core of collaboration and all the partner companies that take part in it) but rather to study in isolation just one of the partner companies belonging to a consortium. It is possible to analyze and assess the success or failure of an export consortium as a whole, but I posit that it is even more important to measure and explain the level of success or failure achieved by each of the individual partner companies,and their decisions to join or to leave the consortium.Alliances; export consortia; export strategy; marketing

    Pravci trajnoga poboljšavanja CRM strategije

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    The concept of relationship marketing has led to a paradigm change in marketing. Over the last few decades, numerous studies have analyzed the impact of customer relationship management (CRM) programs on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Quite a few CRM programs have been found to have little or no impact. Having already published several articles and cases on the subject, in this paper we set out to answer the following question: assuming a company already has a reasonably successful CRM strategy in place, how can it continuously adapt and improve that strategy? Our recommendation is that such companies implement a continuous improvement process at four different but complementary levels: first, review and reinforce the company’s mission, culture and values; second, reconsider and, if necessary, redesign the CRM strategy; third, manage the various relationship-building activities more effectively; and lastly, review and, if necessary, improve the quality of material and human resources, program execution and process governance. A systematic review of these four levels or “paths” of improvement should help generate and maintain high quality relationships over time.Koncept marketinga odnosa doveo je do promjene marketinške paradigme. Tijekom posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća u brojnim je istraživanjima analiziran učinak programa upravljanja odnosima s potrošačima (CRM, od engl. Customer Relationship Managament) na njihovo zadovoljstvo i lojalnost. Pronađeno je svega nekoliko CRM programa s malim ili nikakvim utjecajem. S obzirom na to da smo već objavili nekoliko članaka i poslovnih slučajeva s ovom temom, ovim radom nastojimo odgovoriti na sljedeće pitanje: Ako se pretpostavlja da poduzeće već provodi uspješnu strategiju upravljanja odnosima s potrošačima (CRM), kako se ona može neprekidno prilagođavati i poboljšavati? Naša preporuka je da takva poduzeća uvedu kontinuirani proces poboljšanja CRM programa na četiri različite, ali nadopunjavajuće razine. Prva je osvrt na misiju, kulturu i vrijednosti poduzeća i njihovo ojačavanje. Promišljanje o strategiji odnosa s potrošačima i, ako je potrebno, njihovo redizajniranje predstavlja drugu razinu, dok je treća učinkovitije upravljanje različitim aktivnostima koje služe izgradnji odnosa između potrošača i poduzeća. Zadnju razinu predstavljaju provođenje ispitivanja i, ako je potrebno, poboljšavanje kvalitete korištenih materijalnih i ljudskih potencijala, izvedbe programa i upravljanja procesima. Sustavno ispitivanje ovih četiriju razina ili pravaca poboljšavanja trebalo bi tijekom vremena pomoći stvaranju i održavanju visoke kvalitete odnosa s potrošačima

    Cómo mejorar una estrategia relacional

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    La introducción del concepto de Marketing Relacional por Berry (1983) ha supuesto un cambio paradigma dentro del Marketing (Sheth y Parvatiyar 2002). En las últimas décadas se han realizado un gran número de investigaciones con el fin de analizar el impacto de los programas de marketing relacional en la satisfacción y fidelización de la base de clientes. Sin embargo, los resultados alcanzados por bastantes de estos programas han sido escasos o nulos. Tras haber publicado diversos artículos y casos sobre el tema, el presente trabajo aspira a responder a la siguiente pregunta: ¿cómo puede seguir avanzando y mejorando su estrategia de marketing relacional una empresa que ya la ha puesto en marcha con cierto nivel de éxito?. Nuestra propuesta es que estas empresas pongan en marcha un proceso de mejora continua a cuatro niveles distintos y complementarios: primero, revisar y profundizar la misión, cultura y valores de la empresa; segundo, replantear y en su caso rediseñar la estrategia relacional; tercero, mejorar la gestión de cada una de las distintas actividades relacionales; y finalmente, revisar y en su caso mejorar la calidad de los medios y del equipo humano, la ejecución, y el buen gobierno de todo el proceso. La revisión sistemática de los cuatro niveles o caminos de mejora debería dar como resultado la generación y sostenimiento en el tiempo de relaciones comerciales de alta calidad (relationship quality).Marketing relacional; fidelización cliente; calidad relación; confianza;