20 research outputs found

    Pros and cons of vector graphics in computer programming

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    MĆ«sdienās izstrādājot kādu projektu, kur bĆ«s nepiecieĆĄama grafiska saskarne, parasti tiek pieƆemtslēmums izmantot rasta grafiku, jo tā ir daudz vienkārƥāka par vektorgrafiku. Bet iespējams ĆĄo tendenci var mainÄ«t atrodot piemērus, kur vektorgrafikas izmantoĆĄanai bĆ«s vairāk priekĆĄrocÄ«bu un tā varētu bĆ«t lietderÄ«gāka par rasta grafiku. PētÄ«juma laikā tiks mēģināts identificēt vektorgrafikas priekĆĄrocÄ«bas un trĆ«kumus, lai iepazÄ«stinātu lasÄ«tāju ar iespējam, kuras sniedz vektorgrafika un kur to ir vērts izmantot.Nowadays while planning some IT project, where it will be necessary to use graphical interface, it is more popular to use raster graphics, because it is much simpler than vector graphics. But it is probably possible to turn this popularity around by introducing examples where it would be more beneficial to use vector graphics instead of raster graphics. This investigation will be aimed at identification of pros and cons of vector graphics, so that reader might learn posibilities of vector graphics and where to use them

    DISA : A predictor study of guided selfhelp treatment for depression by smartphone and with internetsupport based on behavioural activation and mindfulness.

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    Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om trovĂ€rdighet och förvĂ€ntningar pĂ„ behandling, deltagarens smartphoneanvĂ€ndning, aktivitet i behandlingen, samtidig Ă„ngestdiagnos, initial symtomnivĂ„ pĂ„ depression samt demografiska egenskaper kan predicera behandlingsutfallet i en depressionsbehandling via smartphone med internetstöd utifrĂ„n beteendeaktivering och mindfulness. 81 deltagare randomiserades till antingen beteendeaktiverings- (n=40) eller mindfulnessbetingelsen (n=41). HuvudutfallsmĂ„ttet var förĂ€ndring i BDI-II mellan för- och eftermĂ€tning mĂ€tt med residual gain scores. Korrelationsanalyser genomfördes för att undersöka samband mellan prediktorer och utfallsmĂ„ttet. För att analysera skillnader mellan grupper gjordes regressionsanalys pĂ„ interaktionseffekten mellan prediktor x grupp, samt envĂ€gs-ANOVA. Resultatet visade att tvĂ„ frĂ„gor som rör deltagarens smartphoneanvĂ€ndning korrelerade negativt med utfallsmĂ„ttet för alla deltagare sammantaget; ”sĂ„ hĂ€r ofta i snitt laddar jag ner nya applikationer till min smartphone”, (r=-.45, p=.01, R2=.21), samt ”jag mĂ€rker att jag ofta anvĂ€nder min smartphone nĂ€r jag har trĂ„kigt eller nĂ€r jag inte har nĂ„got annat att göra”, (r=-.24, p<.05, R2=.06). Av de demografiska variablerna korrelerade att ha sysselsĂ€ttning positivt med utfallet för alla deltagare sammantaget (r=.26, p=.03, R2=.07). CivilstĂ„nd, att bo tillsammans med en partner, korrelerade positivt med utfallsmĂ„ttet i beteendeaktiveringsgruppen (r=.44, p<.01, R2=.19). En signifikant skillnad i förĂ€ndring, mĂ€tt i förĂ€ndringsvĂ€rde, mellan deltagare med mĂ„ttliga och svĂ„ra initiala symtom pĂ„ BDI-II observerades (t(69)=4.36, p<.01). Ingen signifikant skillnad i eftermĂ€tningar mellan de tvĂ„ grupperna kunde observeras. Slutsatsen Ă€r att hur deltagaren anvĂ€nder sin smartphone kan ha betydelse för utfallet. Även sysselsĂ€ttning och civilstĂ„nd visade sig ha betydelse för utfallet. Varken att ha en svĂ„r depression och/eller en samtidig Ă„ngestdiagnos visade sig vara hindrande för att ta till sig behandlingen. Det var flera presumtiva prediktorer som inte visade signifikanta samband med behandlingsutfallet vilket indikerar att behandlingen kan komma att passa en bred patientgrupp. DISA-En randomiserad kontrollerad studie via smartphone med internetstöd baserad pĂ„ beteendeaktivering respektive mindfulness för vuxna med subklinisk och egentlig depressio

    Behavioural activation versus mindfulness-based guided self-help treatment administered through a smartphone application : a randomised controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVES: Evaluating and comparing the effectiveness of two smartphone-delivered treatments: one based on behavioural activation (BA) and other on mindfulness. DESIGN: Parallel randomised controlled, open, trial. Participants were allocated using an online randomisation tool, handled by an independent person who was separate from the staff conducting the study. SETTING: General community, with recruitment nationally through mass media and advertisements. PARTICIPANTS: 40 participants diagnosed with major depressive disorder received a BA treatment, and 41 participants received a mindfulness treatment. 9 participants were lost at the post-treatment. INTERVENTION BA: An 8-week long behaviour programme administered via a smartphone application. Mindfulness: An 8-week long mindfulness programme, administered via a smartphone application. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and the nine-item Patient Health Questionnaire Depression Scale (PHQ-9). RESULTS: 81 participants were randomised (mean age 36.0 years (SD=10.8)) and analysed. Results showed no significant interaction effects of group and time on any of the outcome measures either from pretreatment to post-treatment or from pretreatment to the 6-month follow-up. Subgroup analyses showed that the BA treatment was more effective than the mindfulness treatment among participants with higher initial severity of depression from pretreatment to the 6-month follow-up (PHQ-9: F (1, 362.1)=5.2, p<0.05). In contrast, the mindfulness treatment worked better than the BA treatment among participants with lower initial severity from pretreatment to the 6-month follow-up (PHQ-9: F (1, 69.3)=7.7, p<0.01); BDI-II: (F(1, 53.60)=6.25, p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The two interventions did not differ significantly from one another. For participants with higher severity of depression, the treatment based on BA was superior to the treatment based on mindfulness. For participants with lower initial severity, the treatment based on mindfulness worked significantly better than the treatment based on BA. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinical Trials NCT01463020

    Lipid composition and metabolism of subcutaneous adipose tissue and lipoma of man

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    The metabolism of isolated fat cells

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    Metabolism of human adipose tissue in vitro

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    The adipokinetic property of hypophyseal peptides and catecholamines: a problem in comparative endocrinology 1

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    In vivo and in vitro adipokinetic effects of corticotropin and related peptides 1

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    Histogenesis 1

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