9,512 research outputs found

    Environmental Injustice/Racism in Flint, Michigan: An Analysis of the Bodily Integrity Claim in Mays v. Snyder as Compared to Other Environmental Justice Cases

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    This Note examines the merits of the “bodily integrity” claim that the Flint residents have alleged in Mays (but does not discuss any claims asserted in Earley, the case Mays was consolidated with on appeal), and asserts that they should be successful on this claim on remand, assuming that the facts alleged in the Flint residents’ complaint are true. This Note outlines the alleged facts and then discusses the existing case law on bodily integrity claims generally, both in the non-environmental justice and environmental justice fields. Following is an explanation of the specific bodily integrity claim the Flint residents have made and an application of the existing case law (from both the non-environmental justice and environmental justice fields) to the alleged facts. Lastly, this Note compares this federal Flint case to the parallel Flint-related state class action suit filed with the Michigan Court of Claims. Although there might be some legal hurdles that the Flint residents will have to overcome, their bodily integrity claim can be successful on remand and will likely not be precluded by federal statute if appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. As a result, similar bodily integrity claims should be used as a remedy for contamination of other public drinking water sources across the country. The Flint residents should be able to establish that: (1) defendants’ actions occurred “under color of state law,” and (2) a constitutional right exists and was deprived. The Flint residents can best establish this by showing that defendants’ conduct was “outrageous and shocking” to the point where it “shocks the conscience” of the judiciary, as the defendants’ actions exhibited “deliberate indifference” to plaintiffs’ rights to clean water. On remand, no deference should be given to the district judge’s initial dismissal of the case because the district court made virtually no findings of fact and did not consider the merits of whether defendants actually violated the Flint residents’ established constitutional right to bodily integrity. Within the environmental justice context specifically, the magnitude of defendants’ intrusion on plaintiffs’ bodily integrity rights far outweighs the public health benefit (if there is any in this case) and its innocuous effect on the Flint residents resulting from defendants’ actions

    The effects of deviate internal representations in the optimal model of the human operator

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    Some of the issues and equations involved in predicting closed-loop man machine performance for situations in which the human operators' knowledge of the system and/or environment are imperfect are presented and discussed. Several examples to demonstrate some of the effects to be expected when such is the case are then given

    High-Stakes Testing and Student Achievement: Problems for the No Child Left Behind Act

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    Under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), standardized test scores are the indicator used to hold schools and school districts accountable for student achievement. Each state is responsible for constructing an accountability system, attaching consequences -- or stakes -- for student performance. The theory of action implied by this accountability program is that the pressure of high-stakes testing will increase student achievement. But this study finds that pressure created by high-stakes testing has had almost no important influence on student academic performance

    Henri Temianka photographs, professional acquaintances

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    Correlations between excess of loss reinsurance covers and reinsurance of the n largest claims baruch berliner

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    E. Franckx [1] has established the distribution function of the largest individual claim of a portfolio. By assuming the number of claims to be Poisson distributed, H. Ammeter was able to develop the distribution function of the total loss excluding the largest individual claim [2] as well as the distribution function of the n th largest claim [3]. Of course, the n th largest claim is dependent on the largest claim, second largest claim and so on, down to the (n th — 1) largest claim. If we assume the number of claims to be Poisson distributed and the amount of the individual claim to be Pareto distributed, the correlation between the m th largest and the n th largest claim can be expressed by an analytical formula which is susceptible to numerical computation. With this knowledge we shall be able to compute the variance of the sum of the n largest claims and moreover the correlation between the sum of the n largest claims and the total loss amount. Although an excess of loss reinsurance treaty and a treaty reinsuring the n largest claims are very different in their construction, this paper will show that from a practical point of view there exists a similarity between the two treaties. The correlation coefficient between the sum of the n largest claims and the sum of all claims exceeding a certain limit enables us to assess the degree of similarity. The correlation coefficient and thus the degree of similarity will prove to be high even in case of the reinsurance of only a small number of largest claims. Finally, the knowledge of the two first moments of the sum of the n largest claims allows us to compute the premium and the security or variance loading for the reinsurance of the n largest claim

    Regional emulation and the design of transparency policies

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    1\. Introduction 5 2\. The Global Spread of the Freedom of Information 7 3\. The Diffusion of Policy Design 9 3.1 Uncertainty and Emulation 9 3.2 Illustrative Evidence 10 4\. A Quantitative Approach to Policy Design and Policy Similarity 14 4.1 Measuring the Design of FOI Laws 14 4.2 Modeling Policy Similarity among Country-Pairs 15 5\. Model Results 17 5.1 Regional Emulation 17 5.2 Alternative Diffusion Mechanisms 18 6\. Conclusion 23 Bibliography 25How do countries make policy in an uncertain world? Do policymakers look inward, rationally designing policies to fit domestic interests, ideas, and institutions? Or do they look outward, imitating policy elements from other countries? And if the latter, where do they look? Focusing on the specific policy area of Freedom of Information laws, I argue that regional emulation plays an important role in shaping policy design. Policymakers face substantial uncertainty over the consequences of different design choices, and so emulate other countries as policy models. I further argue that, due to availability bias, countries in the same region serve as the most important such models. After reviewing numerous examples of such emulation, I model the policy similarity between 4,096 pairs of countries, and find that countries in the same region, or more geographically proximate, tend to have more similar laws than other country-pairs. These results are robust to different categorizations of region, fixed effects capturing country-specific features, and testing against alternative forms of emulation as well as alternative diffusion mechanisms of competition, coercion, conditionality, and learning. This approach also highlights the diffusion of policy design, as opposed to adoption, as an important future direction for policy diffusion research

    The Child Witness: The Progress and Emerging Limitations

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    Lokale værdier og social styrke: Rapport om projekt Paamiut Asasara 2011

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    Aktuel forskning har påpeget et behov for at undersøge og styrke børns vilkår i Grønland. Tidligere undersøgelser har påvist en lang række udfordringer, bl.a. fattigdom, selvmord, kriminalitet, alkoholmisbrug, seksuelle overgreb og vold.Paamiut i Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) har gennem de sidste årtier kæmpet imod alkoholmisbrug, en høj voldsrate, en høj selvmordsrate og en række tilfælde af omsorgssvigt af børn, både gennem forsømmelse, seksuelle overgreb samt anden vold mod børnene. Det betyder, at et stort antal af familier og børn er udsat for vold og for tab i form af uventede dødsfald, samt lever med misbrug og med uløste konflikter og sorg.Paamiut Asasara er som projekt opstået på denne baggrund. Projektet startede i februar 2008 og er blevet støttet af Bikubenfonden. Projekt Paamiut Asasara’s overordnede mål er at styrke social trivsel gennem fokus på menneskelige ressourcer, livsglæde og fælles kreativitet. Projektet udsprang af et udbredt ønske om at revitalisere sociale og kulturelle værdier og ressourcer ud fra fælles visioner om det gode liv i Paamiut. Målene for projektet er: (1) Landets bedste folkeskole, (2) et dynamisk og flerstrenget erhvervsliv, (3) udvikling, fastholdelse og tiltrækning af ressourcestærke familier, (4) optimale rammer omkring unge og studerendes liv, og (5) nedbringelse af hærværk, omsorgssvigt, tyverier, misbrug, vold, selvmord og mobning
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