322 research outputs found

    Conditions for Confinement and Freeze-Out

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    Matter implies the existence of a large-scale connected cluster of a uniform nature. The appearance of such clusters as function of hadron density is specified by percolation theory. We can therefore formulate the freeze-out of interacting hadronic matter in terms of the percolation of hadronic clusters. The resulting freeze-out condition as function of temperature and baryo-chemical potential interpolates between resonance gas behaviour at low baryon density and repulsive nucleonic matter at low temperature, and it agrees well with data.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Non-saturating magnetoresistance of inhomogeneous conductors: comparison of experiment and simulation

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    The silver chalcogenides provide a striking example of the benefits of imperfection. Nanothreads of excess silver cause distortions in the current flow that yield a linear and non-saturating transverse magnetoresistance (MR). Associated with the large and positive MR is a negative longitudinal MR. The longitudinal MR only occurs in the three-dimensional limit and thereby permits the determination of a characteristic length scale set by the spatial inhomogeneity. We find that this fundamental inhomogeneity length can be as large as ten microns. Systematic measurements of the diagonal and off-diagonal components of the resistivity tensor in various sample geometries show clear evidence of the distorted current paths posited in theoretical simulations. We use a random resistor network model to fit the linear MR, and expand it from two to three dimensions to depict current distortions in the third (thickness) dimension. When compared directly to experiments on Ag2±δ_{2\pm\delta}Se and Ag2±δ_{2\pm\delta}Te, in magnetic fields up to 55 T, the model identifies conductivity fluctuations due to macroscopic inhomogeneities as the underlying physical mechanism. It also accounts reasonably quantitatively for the various components of the resistivity tensor observed in the experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Percolation approach to phase transitions in high energy nuclear collisions

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    We study continuum percolation in nuclear collisions for the realistic case in which the nuclear matter distribution is not uniform over the collision volume, and show that the percolation threshold is increased compared to the standard, uniform situation. In terms of quark-gluon plasma formation this means that the phase transition threshold is pushed to higher energies.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures (PS), LaTeX2e using fontenc, amsmath, epsfi

    Cerkiew przyfrontowego Charkowa

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    Charków w czasach pokoju był miastem nad wyraz pełnym życia. Wstydliwie ukrywał to za szarymi ścianami budynków, wielkimi kompleksami budowli przemysłowych. Za żywiołem udawanego języka rosyjskiego miasto ukrywało swoją ukraińską istotę, co bezbłędnie zdradzało charkowian, gdziekolwiek by się nie udali – charakterystyczna wymowa i cały wachlarz ukrainizmów oraz typowo lokalnych słówek na kształt sławetnego „trempela” 1. Za tą scenografią miasta skryte było to, co określało jego rzeczywistą tożsamość – poczucie własnej godności, kreatywne podejście do pracy, subtelne, czasem sarkastyczne poczucie humoru i co chyba najważniejsze – zdolność doceniania wolności i jej obrony. Nie przypadkiem właśnie Charków wyróżniał się wśród pięciu pułkowych centrów Słobodzkiej Ukrainy – kraju będącego spełnieniem marzeń Ukraińców o „ziemi swobody” 2 – i stał się jej faktycznym centrum


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    Polemic treatises “Obrona jednosci cerkiewnej” (1617) by Fr. Leon Kreuza and “Palinodia” (1620-1622) by Fr. Zacharias Kopystenski are treated in this article as a kind of dialogue between western and eastern Christian cultures, provoked by their authors’ search for historical foundations of their religious identity. The author of the essay singles out the main features of “Sarmatian” piety, arguing that this chronological line adds extensionality to literary texts. The place of church is defined in accordance with its concern for holiness experienced by real persons. The author states that the polemic discourse reflects the search for harmony alternating between everlasting and historically transitive elements of the local church tradition as an   ncarnation of the grace-giving action of the Holy Spirit in the human community which has its own ethnical and cultural specifics.У статті аналізуються полемічні трактати о. Лева Кревзи “Obrona jednosci cerkiewnej” (1617) і о. Захарії Копистенського “Палінодія” (1620-1622) як феномен діалогу західної та східної християнських культур, мотивованого пошуком історичних засад власної релігійної ідентичності. Виявляються риси “сарматської” релігійності. Хронологічна лінія надає об’ємності літературному просторові тексту. Місце церкви визначається в перспективі плекання досвіду святості, утіленої в конкретних персонажах. Дискурс відображає пошук гармонії між непроминущим та історично перехідним у помісній традиції як конкретному втіленні благодатної дії Святого Духа в етнічно й культурно визначеній людській спільноті

    Sylvester Kosov’s Exegesis (1635): A Manifesto of the Kyiv-Mohyla Counter-Reformation?

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    Bishop Sylvester Kosov’s polemical treatise The Exegesis (1635) is regarded as evidence of new trends in Kyiv theology, reflecting the entry of Orthodox thinkers of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita) into the spiritual sphere of European Reform, traditionally defined as the Counter-Reformation. The treatise’s author, being the closest associate of Metropolitan Petro Mohyla, denies the Byzantine theologians’ accusations of pliancy to Protestant influences. Demonstrating doctrinal differences with Calvinism, Lutheranism, and Unitarianism, Sylvester Kosov determines his own faith identity and its natural connection to the apostolic tradition and the teachings of the Church Fathers. In doing so, he uses expressive Baroque imagery