16,440 research outputs found

    Beautifying the Farm Home

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    Perennial Flowers

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    Odonata New to the Wisconsin State List

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    The only extensive paper dealing primarily with the Odonata of Wisconsin is that of Muttkowski (19081, in which he included not only 78 species taken but 30 to be expected in the state. Subsequent records and corrections leave a total of 103 species for which definite evidence has been published (Ries, 1967:113). The following account of new records of Anisoptera and Zygoptera taken during five seasons of collecting in the northern part of Wisconsin confirms the presence of four of the expected species mentioned by Muttkowski, and includes eleven others, making a total of 15 additions to the state list. As 12 of these species also occur in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (Hebard, 1910; Combs, 1917; Byers, 1927: and Kormondy, 1958) few of the records are surprising. Rather, they are the result of the first intensive collecting in the area. Most of them extend the known range of the species concerned. some to a considerable degree. Unless otherwise specified, all these new records are from near Sayner in Vilas County, an area in which I have collected 73 species. In addition to specimens listed below, several males of most of the species were sent to Dr. Robert W. Cruden, now at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, for chromosome counts (Cruden, 1968) ; these remain in his possession

    Dielectric determination of the glass transition temperature (T sub g)

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    The objective is to determine the glass transition temperature of a polymer using a dielectric dissipation technique. A peak in the dissipation factor versus temperature curve is expected near the glass transition temperature T sub g. It should be noted that the glass transition is gradual rather than abrupt, so that the glass transition temperature T sub g is not clearly identifiable. In this case, the glass transition temperature is defined to be the temperature at the intersection point of the tangent lines to the dissipation factor versus temperature curve above and below the transition region, as illustrated

    Motives for exercising and associations with body composition in Icelandic adolescents

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    The aim of this study is to identify and analyze the motives that lead Icelandic teenagers to engage in physical exercise and the possible associations with variables of their body composition. For this purpose, the Self-Report of Reasons for the Practice of Physical Exercise questionnaire (AMPEF) was administered to 387 students (54% boys and 46% girls, Mage = 13.38 years) from Reykjavik (Iceland). The results reveal the subscales Revitalization and Enjoyment, Strength and Endurance, Challenge and Competition as the main motives for exercising among the participants. Boys score higher in all subscales than girls except for Revitalization and Enjoyment. Associations between the motive Weight Management and Appearance, and BMI and Fat % levels were found. It can be concluded that the participants’ physical exercise practice is based on the feelings and experiences they perceive in the sports practice process

    Coral Reef Electronic Chart Initiative, Protecting Corals, Saving Ships

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    The Office of Coast Survey, NOAA is conducting a pilot project in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary to convert existing coral, marine protected areas (MPA) and other marine GIS information into a format suitable for use with shipboard Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS). Specifically, existing data will be converted into Marine Information Objects (MIOs) conforming to IHO S-57 data standards that become a supplemental information layer to be used with Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) in ECDIS. The project goal is to strengthen marine resource conservation by bringing critical coral, MPA, and other environmental protection-related information to the marine r. This effort will also contribute to an initiative by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) to incorporate nautical chart symbology for coral reefs and MPAs. In particular, designated areas will be symbolized as Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSAs). This project involves a number of stakeholders (e.g., mariners, hydrographers, conservationists, scientists, and resource managers) who are interested in both safety of navigation and marine environmental conservation