7,319 research outputs found


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    Development of coherence in the high-gain Compton free-electron laser

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    The start-up of the free-electron laser is treated by linear analysis in the high-gain Compton regime. The results are compared with computer simulation

    Large Deviations in randomly coloured random graphs

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    Models of random graphs are considered where the presence or absence of an edge depends on the random types (colours) of its vertices, so that whether or not edges are present can be dependent. The principal objective is to study large deviations in the number of edges. These graphs provide a natural example with two different non-degenerate large deviation regimes, one arising from large deviations in the colourings followed by typical edge placement and the other from large deviation in edge placement. A secondary objective is to illustrate the use of a general result on large deviations for mixtures

    Mechanisms for the production of harmonics in free electron lasers

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    Harmonics in the radiation of a free electron laser are useful for extending the range of tuning, may originate in spontaneous or parametric processes, and can take part in stimulated emission or amplification. These mechanisms exhibit interesting analogies with those of nonlinear optics. Apart from the well known nonparametric gain analogous to stimulated Brillouin scattering, they include third-harmonic generation and other four-wave mixing parametric processes, with spatial harmonics of the electron density taking the place of the higher-order terms in the nonlinear dielectric susceptibility. We investigate these mechanisms using a one-dimensional model

    Simulation of input electron noise in the free-electron laser

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    We present a calculation of the shot noise to be used as initial condition for the electron-beam phase-variables in numerical simulations of the free-electron laser

    Fixed Point Polynomials of Permutation Groups

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    In this paper we study, given a group GG of permutations of a finite set, the so-called fixed point polynomial ∑i=0nfixi\sum_{i=0}^{n}f_{i}x^{i}, where fif_{i} is the number of permutations in GG which have exactly ii fixed points. In particular, we investigate how root location relates to properties of the permutation group. We show that for a large family of such groups most roots are close to the unit circle and roughly uniformly distributed round it. We prove that many families of such polynomials have few real roots. We show that many of these polynomials are irreducible when the group acts transitively. We close by indicating some future directions of this research. A corrigendum was appended to this paper on 10th October 2014. </jats:p

    On Sets with More Restricted Sums than Differences

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    Stock evaluation and development of a breeding program for common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Karnataka, India: progress of a research project

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    Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is the single most important species for aquaculture in the state of Karnataka, India, where it is generally grown in polyculture with Indian major carps. Precocious maturation and unwanted reproduction in the species have been identified as constraints to increase production in aquaculture and culture-based fisheries in Karnataka state. Stocks of C. carpio obtained from Hungary (Amur and P3), Indonesia (Rajdanu) and Vietnam (SV) are being assessed alongside two local stocks (L-BRP and L-FRS) in a series of culture performance trials with the objective of setting up a base population for selective breeding. The paper presents progress of research being undertaken at the Fisheries Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India
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