5 research outputs found

    Smart City : Leitfaden zur Umsetzung von Smart-City-Initiativen in der Schweiz

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    Dieser Leitfaden zur Umsetzung von Smart-City-Initiativen in der Schweiz wurde im Rahmen des Programmes EnergieSchweiz fĂŒr Gemeinden konzipiert. Das Bundesamt fĂŒr Energie (BFE) fördert damit die Umsetzung der nationalen Energiepolitik in den Bereichen Energieeffizienz und erneuerbare Energie. Mit dem Programm EnergieSchweiz fĂŒr Gemeinden unterstĂŒtzt das BFE gezielt Projekte auf kommunaler Ebene

    Supporting the Transformation Process to Smart Sustainable Cities in Switzerland: Implementation Guidelines and Promising Practices

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    Challenges such as the digitalisation of administration, the change of cities through urbanisation, climate change and the restructuring of infrastructure systems in the energy and mobility sector require a rethinking of the existing urban development approaches. The Smart City concept enables cities to tackle these challenges in the sense of a holistic development approach across departments, networked with partners and supported by digital technologies. In Switzerland's view, the Smart City concept goes far beyond internal administrative e-government and digitisation strategies. The overriding goal is to develop efficient and resource-saving solutions while at the same time increasing the quality of life and the attractiveness of the location. The overall aim is to create an innovative urban environment that involves the inhabitants and the economy and opens up new design possibilities

    Cloning of cDNAs or genes encoding enzymes of sterol biosynthesis from plants and other eukaryotes: Heterologous expression and complementation analysis of mutations for functional characterization

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