1,711 research outputs found

    Approximation algorithms for solving multi-objective optimization problems

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    This paper tries to cover the main aspects/properties related to scheduling problems, approximation algorithms, and multi-objective combinatorial optimization. Then, we try to describe the main techniques that can be used to solve such problems. In this paper, the reviews results relate to multi-objective optimization problems, exact and approximation search, with the aim of getting all Pareto optimal solutions for some NP-hard problems

    Влияние загрязнения теплообменных поверхностей конденсатора на эффективность работы АЭС

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    Объектом исследования является конденсатор ПТУ АЭС. Цель работы – оценка влияния загрязнения теплообменных поверхностей конденсатора на эффективность работы АЭС. В процессе работы производились тепловой, конструкторский, поверочный, гидродинамический расчеты конденсатора, а также оценка экономического эффекта от загрязнения теплообменной поверхности конденсатора. Достигнуты технико-экономические показатели: увеличение давления в конденсаторе, уменьшение термического КПД и мощности ПТУ. Степень внедрения: Область применения: Экономическая эффективность/значимость работы: обоснование целесообразности очистки теплообменной поверхностиThe object of this study is to condenser steam turbine nuclear power plant. Purpose - to evaluate the effect of contamination of heat-exchange surfaces of the condenser on the efficiency of the nuclear power plant. In the process, the heat produced, design, calibration, hydrodynamic calculations of the capacitor, and the assessment of the economic effects of pollution of the heat exchange surface of the condenser. Achieved technical and economic indicators: an increase in pressure in the condenser, reducing thermal efficiency and power a steam turbine plant. Degree of implementation: Application area: Cost-effectiveness / value of the work: study the feasibility of cleaning the condenser heat transfer surfac


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kemampuan awal matematis siswa terhadap penyelesaian soal-soal high order thinking ditinjau dari soal analisis, soal evaluasi, soal mencipta dan secara umum. Penelitian ini pun bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal high order thinking serta untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan siswa keliru dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal high order thinking. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode campuran dengan jenis embedded concurrent. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh terdapat pengaruh kemampuan awal matematis siswa terhadap penyelesaian soal high order thinking dalam segala aspek. Siswa dikategorikan mampu menyelesaikan soal-soal high order thinking. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan siswa keliru dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal high order thinking diantaranya adalah kurang teliti dalam proses pengerjaan soal, kemampuan awal matematis siswa yang rendah, proses yang dilalui selama pembelajaran tidak maksimal, kurangnya pemahaman siswa terhadap soal, ketidaklengkapan dalam membaca soal dan kurangnya perhatian dari orang tua.Kata Kunci: Analisis, Soal High Order Thinking, Kemampuan Awal.AbstractThis research aims to know the effect of prior mathematical students ability to solve on high order thinking questions looked by analysis question, evaluation question, creating question and genera question.This research also aims to know about students ability in solving high order thinking question and to know about the factors that cause students to be wrong in solving high order thinking questions. The research method that used is mixed method with embedded concurrent type. From the result of the research, it is gotten there is an effect of prior mathematical students ability to solve high order thinking question in all aspects. Students are categorized able to solve high order thinking questions. The factors that cause student to be wrong in solving high order thinking question are less careful in the process of solving the question, the prior mathematical students ability is low, the process traversed during learning is not maximal, the lack students understanding to the question, incompleteness in reading the questions and the lack of attention of their parents. Keywords: Analysis, High Order Thinking Question, Prior Abilit

    Effects of daytime food intake on memory consolidation during sleep or sleep deprivation.

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    Sleep enhances memory consolidation. Bearing in mind that food intake produces many metabolic signals that can influence memory processing in humans (e.g., insulin), the present study addressed the question as to whether the enhancing effect of sleep on memory consolidation is affected by the amount of energy consumed during the preceding daytime. Compared to sleep, nocturnal wakefulness has been shown to impair memory consolidation in humans. Thus, a second question was to examine whether the impaired memory consolidation associated with sleep deprivation (SD) could be compensated by increased daytime energy consumption. To these aims, 14 healthy normal-weight men learned a finger tapping sequence (procedural memory) and a list of semantically associated word pairs (declarative memory). After the learning period, standardized meals were administered, equaling either ∼50% or ∼150% of the estimated daily energy expenditure. In the morning, after sleep or wakefulness, memory consolidation was tested. Plasma glucose was measured both before learning and retrieval. Polysomnographic sleep recordings were performed by electroencephalography (EEG). Independent of energy intake, subjects recalled significantly more word pairs after sleep than they did after SD. When subjects stayed awake and received an energy oversupply, the number of correctly recalled finger sequences was equal to those seen after sleep. Plasma glucose did not differ among conditions, and sleep time in the sleep conditions was not influenced by the energy intake interventions. These data indicate that the daytime energy intake level affects neither sleep's capacity to boost the consolidation of declarative and procedural memories, nor sleep's quality. However, high energy intake was followed by an improved procedural but not declarative memory consolidation under conditions of SD. This suggests that the formation of procedural memory is not only triggered by sleep but is also sensitive to the fluctuations in the energy state of the body

    A Divided Community: The Effects of State Fiscal Crises on Nonprofits Providing Health and Social Assistance

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    This paper examines the current state revenue crisis, demand for social services, the distribution of social assistance nonprofits, and both long-run and short-run changes in state expenditures to estimate the effects of state fiscal crises on the nonprofit sector associated with human service programs. This study finds divisions among nonprofits that affect the severity of these effects.

    Welfare Reform, Management Systems, and Their Implications for Children

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    Educational Background as a Factor of National Welfare Boosting

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    The article presents the identifying the relationship between the level of education and the level of income in the national economy. As the title implies the article describes the education as a factor of accelerating economic growth: the concept of human capital. Data are given about the educational factor in the economy of developed countries. The article gives the analysis of educational markets in Russia and its impact on the welfare of the population. It is dealt with the state system of higher education in Russia. The main problems of higher education were identified. Recommendations are given for solving the main problems of the higher education system. This article presents such data as indexes of the educational level of the world countries (20 countries), a ranking of countries and territories according to the size of GNI per capita, the relationship between the level of education and the level of income across regions, the relationship between the level of education and socio-economic development of the region (correlation of indicators of socio-economic development of the region and the proportion of people who have vocational education)

    Overnight consolidation aids the transfer of statistical knowledge from the medial temporal lobe to the striatum

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    Sleep is important for abstraction of the underlying principles (or gist) which bind together conceptually related stimuli, but little is known about the neural correlates of this process. Here, we investigate this issue using overnight sleep monitoring and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants were exposed to a statistically structured sequence of auditory tones then tested immediately for recognition of short sequences which conformed to the learned statistical pattern. Subsequently, after consolidation over either 30min or 24h, they performed a delayed test session in which brain activity was monitored with fMRI. Behaviorally, there was greater improvement across 24h than across 30min, and this was predicted by the amount of slow wave sleep (SWS) obtained. Functionally, we observed weaker parahippocampal responses and stronger striatal responses after sleep. Like the behavioral result, these differences in functional response were predicted by the amount of SWS obtained. Furthermore, connectivity between striatum and parahippocampus was weaker after sleep, whereas connectivity between putamen and planum temporale was stronger. Taken together, these findings suggest that abstraction is associated with a gradual shift from the hippocampal to the striatal memory system and that this may be mediated by SWS