4,928 research outputs found

    Decentralized Exploration in Multi-Armed Bandits

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    We consider the decentralized exploration problem: a set of players collaborate to identify the best arm by asynchronously interacting with the same stochastic environment. The objective is to insure privacy in the best arm identification problem between asynchronous, collaborative, and thrifty players. In the context of a digital service, we advocate that this decentralized approach allows a good balance between the interests of users and those of service providers: the providers optimize their services, while protecting the privacy of the users and saving resources. We define the privacy level as the amount of information an adversary could infer by intercepting the messages concerning a single user. We provide a generic algorithm Decentralized Elimination, which uses any best arm identification algorithm as a subroutine. We prove that this algorithm insures privacy, with a low communication cost, and that in comparison to the lower bound of the best arm identification problem, its sample complexity suffers from a penalty depending on the inverse of the probability of the most frequent players. Then, thanks to the genericity of the approach, we extend the proposed algorithm to the non-stationary bandits. Finally, experiments illustrate and complete the analysis

    Bases of inorganic and organic chemistry

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    Stated fundamental theoretical principles of general, inorganic and organic chemistry and analyzed the reactivity of the most important classes of inorganic and organic substances. A multivariate tasks and exercises for classroom and independent work are proposed. For university students full-time and distance learning areas "Chemical Technology and Engineering" "Oil and gas engineering and technology" and others


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    The purpose of this research is to describe the effectiveness of the implementation of faculty policy about wearing uniform for prospective teachers in FKIP UNS in terms of context, input, process, and product. This research is a qualitative descriptive study which evaluates a policy in the field of education by using the evaluation model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product). Based of the research, it can be concluded: seen from the context side, the background wearing uniform policy is a condition of prospective teachers in FKIP UNS appearance which do not reflect the character of prospective educators. The purpose of wearing uniform policy is to build the students’ character as aspiring teachers who are discipline, obedient, and compliant to the rules, and authority, reduce economic inequality, form sense of belonging of FKIP, establish sense of unity, and differentiate with other faculties’ students (identity), so that prospective teachers in FKIP UNS look neat, and avoid bahaviors that do not reflect prospective teachers. Seen from the input side, involvement of the stake holders of the policy making to the report submission of the condition the students’ way in dressing in MKPF presented to the senate meeting. There are various reactions to the emergence of SE such as happy, happy but still feel less satisfied bacause the legal basis is only SE, shocked, and neutral. There is no refusal reaction to the policy. Seen from the process side, so far, means used each year are warnings posted in Building F, attachment of SE in each majors’ announcement board, manual which is distributed to new students during orientation, sticking banners in Building D and SMS Gateway. Obstacles that occur during the implementation process is still not strong legal basis of policy, lack of lectures’ caring and utilization of facilities and infrastructure to disseminate policy. Seen from the product side, the purpose of the policy has been achieved quite effectively such as the students become more orderly, discipline, proud of being prospective teachers in FKIP UNS(sense of belonging), better controlled behavior, feeling credible and being good model. Keywords: uniform, prospective teachers, character education, CIP


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    Mengembangkanbahan ajar untukmeminimalkanmiskonsepsiwujudzatsiswa SMP merupakantujuandaripenelitianini.Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalahpenelitianpengembanganatauresearch and development.Penelitianinimeliputitahapstudipendahuluan, pengumpulan data, desainproduk, ujicobaproduk, danrevisiproduk.Penelitianinimenggunakandesainnonequivalent control group designpadatahapujicobaproduk.Padadesaininisubjekdipilihsecaraacak.Sampeldalampenelitianiniadalahsiswa-siswikelas VII A dan VII B di salahsatu SMP di kota Bandung denganjumlahmasing-masingsiswa 23 dan 21 orang. Hasilvalidasibahan ajar olehahlimemperolehnilai 4,00 kriteriabaikuntukkomponenkelayakanisi, nilai 3,50 kriteriacukuppadakomponensajian, nilai 4,12 kriteriabaikpadakomponengrafisdan 3,50 kategoricukuppadakomponenkebahasaan.Bahan ajar yang dikembangkandandiujicobakanpadakelaseksperimentemasukkriteriabaik. Miskonsepsisiswadiukurdengantespilihanganda yang dikombinasikandengan CRI (Certainty of Responses Index). Hasilujicobaprodukmenunjukkanbahwabahan ajar dapatmeminimalkanmiskonsepsimiskonsepsiwujudzatpadasiswa SMP dengan rata-rata miskonsepsisiswasetiapkonseppadakelaseksperimenpadakonsepwujudzatsebesar 14%, konsepmembekusebesar 18%, konsepmelebursebesar20%, konsepmenguapsebesar 35%,konsepmengembunsebesar 41%, konsepmenyublimsebesar 13%. Sedangkanpadakelaskontroluntukkonsepwujudzatsebesar 23%, konsepmembekusebesar 27%, konsepmelebursebesar 34%, konsepmenguapsebesar 42%, konsepmengembunsebesar 49%, konsepmenyublimsebesar 33%. Persentasekeduakelasterlihatmiskonsepsisiswakelaseksperimenlebihkecildibandingkanmiskonsepsisiswakelaskontrol. Hasil yang diperoleh, bahan ajar yang dikembangkandapatmeminimalkanmiskonsepsiwujudzatpadasiswa SMP. The purpose of this research is to develop teaching materials to minimize misconceptions physics junior high school students. The method of research is the development of research or research and development. Phase of the study include the preliminary study phase, data collection phase, the stage of product design, product testing stage, and the stage of product revision. This study used a nonequivalent control group design. In this design subjects were randomly selected. The samples in this study were students of class VII A and VII B in one of the junior high school in the city with a number of individual students 23 and 21 persons. Teaching materials developed and tested on an experimental class including both criteria. Student misconceptions measured by multiple-choice tests combined with CRI (Certainty of Responses Index). The trial results showed that the product can minimize misconceptions teaching materials physics junior high school students with an average of misconceptions students in the experimental class each concept in the concept of states of matter by 14%. In concept freezes at 18%.The concept of merging by 20%.On the concept of yawning by 35% including the medium category. On the concept of condensed by 41%. On the concept of sublimation of 13%.While in the control class to the concept of states of matter by 23%.On the concept of freezing by 27%.On the concept of merging by 34%.On the concept of yawning by 42%. On the concept of condensed by 49%. On the concept of sublimation of 33%. From the percentage of second grade students look misconceptions experimental class is smaller than the control class student misconceptions. From the results obtained, the teaching materials to minimize misconceptions physics junior high school student


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui seberapa tinggi daya serap siswa SMK Negeri di kota Yogyakarta pada mata pelajaran Rencana Anggaran Biaya; (2) mengetahui minat belajar siswa SMK Negeri di kota Yogyakarta pada mata pelajaran Rencana Anggaran Biaya; (3) mengetahui kinerja guru dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran Rencana Anggaran Biaya di SMK Negeri Kota Yogyakarta; dan (4) mengetahui pengaruh minat belajar siswa dan kinerja guru dalam pembelajaran terhadap daya serap siswa SMK Negeri di kota Yogyakarta pada mata pelajaran Rencana Anggaran Biaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penilitian Ex Post Facto dengan populasi siswa kelas XI dan kelas XII SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta kompetensi keahlian Gambar Bangunan, serta siswa kelas XI kompetensi keahlian Konstruksi Kayu dan kompetensi keahlian Gambar Bangunan SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 149 orang. Pengumpulan data daya serap siswa dilakukan dengan dokumentasi nilai ujian semester genap dari guru pengampu, sedangkan untuk mengetahui minat belajar siswa dan kinerja guru dalam pembelajaran dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner/angket. Uji validitas instrumen faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi daya serap melalui uji validitas logis, yakni melalui Expert Judgement (penelaahan isi oleh pakar) dan uji validitas empiris yakni analisis butir. Uji reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach. Indeks reliabilitas minat belajar siswa dan kinerja guru dalam pembelajaran sebesar 0,913. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daya serap siswa SMK Negeri di Kota Yogyakarta pada mata pelajaran Rencana Anggaran Biaya berada pada tingkat keberhasilan kurang, yaitu sebesar 74,36. Untuk minat belajar siswa dan kinerja guru dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran Rencana Anggaran Biaya di SMK Negeri Kota Yogyakarta, sama-sama berada pada kategori kuat. Meskipun demikian kinerja guru dalam pembelajaran lebih kuat dibanding dengan minat belajar siswa, yaitu sebesar 69,33%. Sedangkan minat belajar siswa sebesar 68,78%. Sumbangan efektif yang diperoleh dari minat belajar siswa sebesar 6,4%, kinerja guru dalam pembelajaran 5,8%, dan 87,8% yang dipengaruhi oleh variabel-variabel lain yang tidak dibahas dan tidak diteliti pada penelitian ini