9 research outputs found
Alternative Fuel Sources for Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 30/06/2015
- Field of study
With Pu-238 in short supply, it is necessary to investigate other potential fuel sources that may
be suitable for powering radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs). This report has
investigated several candidate isotopes based on their power output, decay products, half-lives,
shielding requirements, availability and ability to be isolated. Through manipulation of the
SCALE modeling program, the feasibility of using transuranic radioisotopes found in spent fuel
was thoroughly examined. In addition to examining the use of single isotopes, the possibility of
selecting an isotope that will decay into another feasible isotope will be explored. This report
attempts to identify isotopes that are suitable alternatives to Pu-238 that both fulfill the power
requirements of deep space missions and stay within the economic constraints associated with
such projects
Multiple novel prostate cancer susceptibility signals identified by fine-mapping of known risk loci among Europeans
- Author
- Abbasi Z
- Abdul-Hamid M Akhlil
- Abel Paul D
- Abrams Paul H
- Adab Fawzi A
- Adamson Andrew
- Adeyoju A
- Adolfson Jan
- Afzal Naveed
- Ahiaku Ernest K N
- Ahmed Munir
- Al Sudani Mohammed L
- Al-Samarraie Amir S M
- Al-Samerraie [Unknown]
- Al-Singary Waleed
- Al-Sudani [Unknown]
- Alcock Christopher
- Alexander Kimberly
- Ali Zulfiqar
- Almond David J
- Alonzi Roberto
- Aly Markus
- Amin Al Olama Ali
- Anderson John
- Andrews Henry
- Andrews Steven
- Anjum Iqbal
- Anson Ken
- Anyamene Nicola A
- Apakama Ike
- Aparcia F
- Archbold J A A
- Arndt Volker
- Ash D
- Ashford Richard F U
- Auvinen Anssi
- Azzabi A
- Badenoch David
- Bahl Amit
- Bailey Karen
- Bailey M J
- Ball Andrew J
- Banerjee G
- Barber Jim
- Barber N
- Baria [Unknown]
- Barnes Douglas G
- Barros-Silva Joao
- Barwell Julian
- Bashir J
- Basu Pradip
- Bates Christopher A
- Batra Jyotsna
- Bax N A
- Baxter-Smith D
- Bdesha Amar
- Beacock Christopher J M
- Beaney Ronald P
- Beard Ralph
- Beatty John D
- Beck Rupert
- Beese Gail
- Beesley Sharon
- Bell C Richard W
- Bellringer James
- Benlloch Garcia Sara
- Benson Richard
- Beresford [Unknown]
- Bevis Christopher R A
- Bhana Rajanee
- Bhanot S
- Bhatnagar A
- Bhatt R I
- Birch Brian
- Birtle Alison
- Bishop M
- Biyani C Shekhar
- Blacklock A R E
- Blades Rosemary
- Bliss Peter
- Bloomfield David J
- Boddy S
- Bollina Prasad
- Bonnington Sue
- Booth C M
- Bose Pradeep
- Bott Michael C
- Bottomley David
- Boucher Nigel R
- Bowen J
- Bower Mark
- Bowsher W G
- Boyd P J R
- Bradshaw Lynne
- Bramble F James
- Brenner Hermann
- Brewster Simon F
- Briggs Tim
- Brock Cathryn
- Brock Sue
- Bromage Stephen
- Broms Michael
- Brough Richard
- Brown Andrew A
- Brown Paul
- Brown Paul M
- Brown Richard
- Brown Stephen
- Browning Tony J
- Bryan N
- Burgess Neil A
- Burns-Cox Nicholas
- Butterbach Katja
- Butterworth Paul C
- Cahill D
- Callaghan P S
- Calleary John
- Calleja M
- Calman Frances
- Camilleri Philip
- Campbell Alister
- Cannon Andrea
- Cannon-Albright Lisa
- Carnell Dawn M
- Carr T W
- Carter Adam C
- Carter Charles J M
- Carter Simon
- Castle Bruce M
- Catto James
- Cavalli-Bjoerkman Carin
- Chadwick David
- Chahal Rohit
- Chakraborti P
- Chappell [Unknown]
- Charig C
- Chetiyawardana Anula D
- Chilton Christopher
- Chinegwundoh F I
- Chong Irene
- Choudhury Ananya
- Chow Wai-Man
- Christmas Timothy J
- Christova Svetlana
- Churn Mark J
- Cieza-Borrella Clara
- Clarke Noel W
- Clavijo-Eisele Jorge
- Clements Judith A
- Coe M
- Coetzee Gerhard A
- Cohen N P
- Coker C
- Cole David J
- Cole O
- Cole Trevor
- Collins Angus
- Collins Gerald
- Collinson Matthew
- Conn I
- Connell C
- Conti David V
- Cook Audrey
- Cook Margaret
- Cooke Peter
- Cooksey Graeme
- Coombs L
- Cooper Debbie
- Copland Robert F
- Cornaby Andrew J
- Cornford P A
- Corolis [Unknown]
- Corr John
- Costello C B
- Coull Mrs N
- Cowan Richard
- Cox Angela
- Cox Robert
- Coyle C
- Crew Jeremy
- Crisp John C
- Cross W
- Cruger Dorthe
- Crundwell Malcolm
- Cummings [Unknown]
- Cybulski Cezary
- Dadaev Tokhir
- Dahar Nazeer
- Daniel Francis N
- Darrad J
- Daruwala Pallon
- Das Gautam
- Datta Shibendra
- Davidson S
- Davies Joseph
- Davis Michael
- Davison Owen W
- Dawkins Guy
- Dawson Chris
- De Bolla Alan R
- Dearnaley David
- Desai Ken M
- Deutsch George P
- Dick John
- Dickinson Andrew J
- Dickson Jeanette
- Dikov Tihomir
- Dinneen Michael
- Dixit Sanjay
- Dobbs H Jane
- Doble A
- Doble Andrew
- Dodds David
- Doherty Alan
- Donaldson P
- Donovan Jenny L
- Dooldeniya M
- Douglas S Fiona
- Down Liz
- Drake [Unknown]
- Duchesne Gill M
- Duffy Peter
- Dunn Michael
- Dunsmuir W D
- Durkan Garrett
- Durrani Sajid K
- Easton Douglas
- Eaton Alan C
- Eccles Diane
- Eckert Allison
- Eddy B
- Eden C D
- Edwards J
- Eeles Rosalind A
- El-Modir A
- Elkabir Jeremy
- Elliott Emma
- Elliott P Tony
- Ellis B W
- Ellis R
- Elves Andrew W S
- Elwell Christine
- Emberton Mark
- Emmerson Louise
- England Roland C D
- Errington R D
- Evans D Gareth
- Falconer Alison
- Fawcett Derek
- Featherston C
- Featherstone Carolyn J
- Feggetter Jeremy
- Ferguson C
- Fermont D
- Ferro Michael
- Fisher Cyril
- Fitzgerald Liesel
- Fitzgerlad Liesel M
- Fletcher Matthew
- Folkes A
- Ford Trevor F
- Foster Paul W
- Franks Kevin N
- Freedman Mathew
- Frim Olivera
- Gale Joanna
- Gallegos Christopher
- Gelister James S
- George Anne
- Ghana [Unknown]
- Gibbs Stephanie
- Gilbert Hugh
- Giles Graham G
- Gillatt David
- Glaholm John
- Glass Jonathan M
- Glenister James
- Goode Thomas D
- Gordon E M
- Govindasami Koveela
- Gower Richard L
- Graham John
- Green Damian
- Greenland Jonathan
- Grieve Robert
- Griffiths Thomas R L
- Gronberg Henrik
- Gujral Sandy
- Gupta Nishi
- Gurun Riza Murat
- Gustafsson Sven
- Guy Michelle
- Guy Peter J
- Haiman Christopher A
- Haldar Neil
- Halder N
- Haley James
- Hamdy F C
- Hamdy Freddie
- Hamilton C
- Hammonds John
- Hampson S J
- Hanbury Damien C
- Hardman P D John
- Harland Stephen J
- Harney John M
- Harper Peter
- Harris D
- Harris Sarah
- Harrison G S M
- Harriss D R
- Harvey-Hills N
- Hawkyard Simon
- Hazel Steve
- Hazelett Dennis J
- Heath Catherine M
- Heathcote Peter
- Hehir Michael
- Hellawell Giles O
- Henderson Brian E
- Hendry David
- Henley Mike
- Henrique Rui
- Henry Ann
- Herbert Pippa
- Herkommer Kathleen
- Hetherington John
- Hickish Tamas
- Hicks James A
- Hilman Serena
- Hindley Richard
- Hindmarsh John R
- Hines John
- Hingorani M
- Ho Edwin T S
- Hodgson Shirley
- Hoffman U
- Holden David
- Holding Peter
- Hollingdale A
- Hollins Graham W
- Holmes Simon A V
- Holt Sarah
- Hopper John L
- Horan Gail
- Horwich Alan
- Hoskin Peter
- Howell Graham P
- Howson Joanne
- Hrouda D
- Huddart Robert
- Hudson Liz
- Hughes Michael
- Hughes Owen
- Hughes Rob
- Humber Caroline
- Iacovou John W
- Ibrahim A
- Inglis John A
- Irving Stuart
- Irwin C
- Iversen Peter
- Izatt Louise
- Izegbu Victor
- Jameel Basharat
- James Michael J
- James N
- James R Lester
- Javle Pradip
- Jenkins P
- Jhavar Sameer
- Johansson Jan-Erik
- Jones Chris R
- Jones David A
- Jones Gareth
- Jones Mandy
- Joseph J
- Joss Shelagh
- Jugurnauth-Little Sara
- Kachakova Darina
- Kaisary Amir
- Kaliski Alexandre L
- Kaneva Radka
- Kapur G
- Karim O
- Karlsson Ami
- Karp Stephen J
- Kedda Mary-Anne
- Keeley F X
- Kelkar Anand R
- Kelleher J P
- Kelly John
- Kenwrick Sue
- Kerr Kris
- Key Tim J
- Khan F
- Khaw Kay-Tee
- Khoo Vincent
- Kibel Adam S
- Kierzek Andrzej
- Kimber Rachel M
- Kinder R
- Kirby Roger S
- Kirk David
- Kirkbride Peter
- Kirollos Magdi M
- Klarskov Peter
- Kluzniak Wojciech
- Kockelbergh Roger
- Koenig Philip C W C
- Kooiman Gordon G
- Koreich O
- Kote-Jarai Zsofia
- Koupparis Anthony
- Kourah Mohamed
- Kraus Sigurd
- Kujala Paula
- Kujawa Magda L
- Kulkarni Ravi
- Kumar M
- Kumar Rajeev
- Kunkler Ian H
- Kynaston H
- Kynaston Howard
- Lachlan Katherine L
- Laing Robert
- Lalloo Fiona
- Lancashire M
- Lane Athene
- Langley Stephen E M
- Laniado Marc
- Larner T R
- Lau Maurice W
- Lawrence W T
- Lawson Anne
- Le Roux Pieter J
- Leader Mary
- Lee A
- Lee J O
- Lee L
- Lemburger R John
- Lennon Teresa
- Leone Priscilla
- Leongamornlert Daniel
- Lester Jason
- Leung Hing
- Lewis D Christopher
- Lewis J
- Li Qiuyan
- Lim Hui-Yi
- Lin Hui-Yi
- Liston Thomas
- Livni Naomi
- Livsey Jacqueline
- Lloyd S
- Locke Imogen
- Lodge Richard
- Logue John
- Longmuir Mark
- Lophatananon Artitaya
- Lophatonanon Artitaya
- Lubinski Jan
- Lucas Malcolm G
- Luedeke Manuel
- Luscombe C J
- Lydon Anna
- Lynch Michael
- Lynn Naing N K
- Lyons Norma
- MacDermott James P A
- Macdonagh Ruaraidh P
- Macdonald [Unknown]
- Madaan Sanjeev
- Madhava Kudingila R
- Maeaettaenen Liisa
- Maguire Joseph
- Maher E R
- Mahmood Rana
- Maia Sofia
- Maier Christiane
- Mair Graeme H M
- Malone Greg
- Malone Peter R
- Mangar Stephen A
- Mantle Mark
- Mark I
- Marsden Gemma
- Mason M D
- Mason Malcolm
- Mason Robert
- Matanhelia [Unknown]
- Matenhelia Shyam
- Matthews Philip N
- McAleese J
- McBride Donna
- Mcdonnell Shannon K
- McDonnell Shannon K
- McFarlane Jonathan
- McGrath [Unknown]
- McIlhenny Craig
- McInerney Paul
- McIntosh Gregor
- McKinna F
- McLaren Duncan
- McLarty Esther
- McMenemin Rhona
- McNeill Alan
- McNicholas T A
- Meddings Robert N
- Mee A David
- Melcher Lucinda
- Memon [Unknown]
- Menzes Pravin
- Michael Agnieszka
- Miller Marek
- Mills Robert
- Mitchell S
- Mitev Vanio
- Mithal Natasha
- Mitkova Atanaska
- Mitra Anita
- Mobb Gillian E
- Moffat Leslie E F
- Mokete [Unknown]
- Money-Kyrle Julian
- Montgomery Bruce
- Moody Hilary
- Moody Martin P
- Morgan Angela
- Morley Roland
- Morris Sean B
- Morrison Patrick
- Mort Diana
- Mostafid Amir H
- Motiwala Hanif
- Mufti Gulzar
- Muir Gordon
- Muir Kenneth
- Mumtaz Faiz
- Murphy Michael
- Murray Alexandra
- Murray Keith W
- Murrell Shirley
- Murtola Teemu
- Muthukumar D
- Naerger Harry
- Namasivayam Siva
- Nargund Vinod
- Nawrocki [Unknown]
- Neal David E
- Neilson Donald
- Nethersell A
- Newby Jacqueline C
- Newman Hugh
- Newton R
- Nielsen Sune F
- Nordestgaard Børge G
- O'Boyle P J
- O'Brien J
- O'Brien Tim S
- O'Donnell H
- O'Donoghue E
- O'Donoghue Neil
- O'Reilly P
- O'Rourke J S
- O'Sullivan Joe
- O'Sullivan Patricia
- Oakley Neil
- Ogden Chris
- Ohja Hemant
- Oliver Tim
- Omara Tracy
- Ong Eng K
- Osborn David
- Ostler Peter
- Owen J
- Palfrey Edward
- Panades Miguel
- Panakis Niki
- Pancharatnam M
- Pandha Hardev
- Pantelides Michalakis L
- Panwar U
- Parikh Omi
- Park Hyun
- Park Jong Y
- Parker Chris
- Parker Christopher H
- Parys Bohdan T
- Pascoe Sarah
- Pashayan Nora
- Patel Anup
- Paterson Joan
- Pathack S
- Pati Jhumur
- Patterson Helen
- Pattu [Unknown]
- Paul A
- Paul Alan
- Paulo Paula
- Payne Heather
- Peake David
- Pedersen John
- Pedley I
- Pengelly A
- Peracha Amjad M
- Perry Matthew
- Persad Raj
- Peters John
- Pharoah Paul
- Philp N H
- Philp T
- Pickering Lisa M
- Pigott Katharine
- Pinto Pedro
- Plail R
- Plowman P Nicholas
- Pocock Richard D
- Pope A J
- Popert Rick
- Popov Elenko
- Porter Tim
- Potter John M
- Pow-Sang Julio
- Powell Christopher
- Powell Philip
- Powles Thomas B
- Prasad Krishna
- Prasad Seshadri Sri
- Prejbisz J W
- Prescott Stephen
- Protheroe Andrew
- Qureshi Khaver N
- Raby Nigel
- Radlein Selina
- Ragavan Narasimhan
- Raju Palaniappa G S
- Ramachandra Prakash B
- Raman R
- Rane Abhay
- Rankin Julia
- Rao Y
- Ratan Hari L
- Ravi Ramachandran
- Ravishankar K
- Read [Unknown]
- Reddy Paul J
- Rimington Peter R
- Rinckleb Antje
- Rincon Maria
- Riska Shaun
- Ritchie Peter A
- Roberts J Trevor
- Robertson Andrew
- Robinson Angus
- Robinson Anne C
- Robinson Lee Q
- Rochester Mark A
- Roder Andreas
- Rogers P B
- Rosario Derek
- Rosenbaum Tomas P
- Rothwell Neil
- Rowbotham Carl
- Rowe [Unknown]
- Rowley Kathryn
- Ruddy Deborah
- Rundle John
- Russell John M
- Ryan P G
- Sabharwal A
- Saggar Anand K
- Samanci Ali
- Sangar Vijay K
- Santos Joana
- Saunders Edward J
- Saunders Pamela
- Sawyer Emma J
- Saxby M F
- Schaid Daniel J
- Schleutker Johanna
- Schumacher Fredrick
- Schwaibold Hartwig
- Scoble John E
- Scrase Christopher
- Selim [Unknown]
- Sellers Thomas
- Sells Henry
- Sethia Krishna K
- Severi Gianluca
- Shackley David C
- Shaffer [Unknown]
- Shah Nihil
- Shakespeare D
- Shanley Sue
- Sharma Neerah K
- Sheehan Denise J
- Sherwin Elizabeth
- Shum Poh Lin
- Side Lucy
- Sidek Norma
- Signorello Lisa B
- Sikora Karol
- Simcock R
- Sinclair Andrew M
- Singh Pravin
- Siva M
- Slavov Chavdar
- Smith James
- Smith Michael F
- Sokal Michael
- Sole Graham M
- Southey Melissa C
- Speakman Mark J
- Spiers Alexander
- Spurdle Amanda
- Sreenivasan Thiagarajan
- Srihari Narayanan N
- Srinivasan [Unknown]
- Sriram Rajagopalan
- Staffurth John N
- Stanford Janet L
- Stattin Paer
- Stegmaier Christa
- Stephens Sarah
- Stewart D
- Stockdale Andrew
- Stott Mark A
- Stower M J
- Strachan John R
- Stuart Nicholas S A
- Sugden Elaine
- Summerton Duncan
- Sundar Santhanam
- Sundaram S K
- Suresh Gokarakonda
- Susnerwala Shabbir
- Swami Kuchibhotla S
- Symons Stephanie J
- Syndikus Isabel
- Taari Kimmo
- Tahir Saad
- Tammela Teuvo L
- Tammela Teuvo L J
- Tanquay J
- Taylor J W
- Taylor John W
- Teixeira Manuel R
- Terry T
- Thibodeau Stephen N
- Thomas Robert J
- Thomas Stephen A
- Thompson Alan
- Thompson Pauline
- Thomson Alastair H
- Thurston A
- Tidball Sarah
- Tillmans Lori
- Tilsley Owen
- Tindall Stuart F
- Tipples K
- Tong [Unknown]
- Toussi Hamid
- Toy Elizabeth W
- Travis Ruth C
- Trembath Richard C
- Tulloch David N
- Turner Kevin J
- Turner Megan
- Tweedle James
- Tymrakiewicz Malgorzata
- Tyrell C J
- Umez-Eronini N
- Urwin Graeme H
- Vale Justin A
- Van As [Unknown]
- Van As Nicholas
- Vasanthan Subramaniam
- Vesey Sean
- Vilarino-Varela Maria
- Violet John
- Virdi Jaspal
- Viñuela Ana
- Vlahova Aleksandrina
- Vogel Walther
- Wade Robert
- Wahlfors Tiina
- Waite Katherine
- Walker E M
- Walker Roger
- Wallace David M A
- Wallinder Hans
- Wang Liang
- Watkin Nicholas A
- Watson M E
- Waxman J H
- Waymont Brian
- Weaver Andrew
- Webb Ralph J
- Wedderburn Andrew
- Weischer Maren
- Wells Paula
- Wemyss-Holden G D
- Weston P M T
- Wheatley Duncan
- Whelan P
- Whillis D
- Whitmore Ian
- Wiklund Fredrik
- Wilde Adam D
- Wiles Vicki
- Wilkins Marie
- Wilkinson Rosemary
- Williams John H
- Williams Simon
- Willis Michael
- Wills Michael I
- Wilson J R
- Wilson Richard
- Winkler Mathias H
- Wise Marcus
- Wokozorczyk Dominika
- Wokołorczyk Dominika
- Wood Glenn
- Woodhams Simon
- Woodhouse C
- Woodward Cathryn
- Woolf [Unknown]
- Woolfenden K A
- Worlding Jane
- Wright Mark
- Wu Huihai
- WYLIE [Unknown]
- Wylie James P
- Wynne Chris
- Yeadon Trina
- Zachariah Babu
- Zang Angelika
- Zarkar A
- Zheng Wei
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified numerous common prostate cancer (PrCa) susceptibility loci. We have
fine-mapped 64 GWAS regions known at the conclusion of the iCOGS study using large-scale genotyping and imputation in
25 723 PrCa cases and 26 274 controls of European ancestry. We detected evidence for multiple independent signals at 16
regions, 12 of which contained additional newly identified significant associations. A single signal comprising a spectrum of
correlated variation was observed at 39 regions; 35 of which are now described by a novel more significantly associated lead SNP,
while the originally reported variant remained as the lead SNP only in 4 regions. We also confirmed two association signals in
Europeans that had been previously reported only in East-Asian GWAS. Based on statistical evidence and linkage disequilibrium
(LD) structure, we have curated and narrowed down the list of the most likely candidate causal variants for each region.
Functional annotation using data from ENCODE filtered for PrCa cell lines and eQTL analysis demonstrated significant
enrichment for overlap with bio-features within this set. By incorporating the novel risk variants identified here alongside the
refined data for existing association signals, we estimate that these loci now explain ∼38.9% of the familial relative risk of PrCa,
an 8.9% improvement over the previously reported GWAS tag SNPs. This suggests that a significant fraction of the heritability of
PrCa may have been hidden during the discovery phase of GWAS, in particular due to the presence of multiple independent
signals within the same regio
Genetic mechanisms of critical illness in COVID-19.
- Author
- A A Roger Thompson
- A Abraheem
- A Agasou
- A Ahmed
- A Ali
- A Allan
- A Altabaibeh
- A Alvaro
- A Aspinwall
- A Ayers
- A Bamford
- A Barron
- A Bashyal
- A Bellini
- A Bociek
- A Botello
- A Bowes
- A Brady
- A Brayne
- A Brown
- A Brown
- A Butler
- A Campbell
- A Carter
- A Collins
- A Cowley
- A Cowton
- A Cowton
- A Cox
- A Crew
- A Dance
- A Daniel
- A Daniels
- A Dela Rosa
- A Drummond
- A Durie
- A E Heron
- A Easthope
- A Easthope
- A Evans
- A Fofano
- A Gales
- A Ganesan
- A Gardner
- A Garg
- A Gherman
- A Gordon
- A Gratrix
- A Gulati
- A Gupta
- A Haigh
- A Haldeos
- A Harrison
- A Harvey
- A Hayes
- A Higham
- A Higham
- A Hilldrith
- A Holden
- A Hormis
- A Hutcheon
- A Javaid
- A Joseph
- A Kaliappan
- A Katary
- A Kay
- A Kayani
- A Kent
- A Kirkby
- A Knight
- A Kubisz-Pudelko
- A Kuravi
- A Lewis
- A Loveridge
- A Lyle
- A Mayer
- A McAlpine
- A McCarthy
- A McGregor
- A McGregor
- A Meikle
- A Mitchell
- A Mitra
- A Morris
- A Morrison
- A Naranjo
- A Nicholson
- A Nicholson
- A Nilsson
- A Noakes
- A Patel
- A Pickard
- A Poole
- A Price
- A Puxty
- A Quinn
- A Quinn
- A Raithatha
- A Rattray
- A Reddy
- A Reed
- A Reyes
- A Rose
- A Rose
- A Rostron
- A Roy
- A Roynon-Reed
- A S Raj
- A Salberg
- A Sanderson
- A Serrano-Ruiz
- A Solesbury
- A Sukha
- A Swain
- A Tariq
- A Thomas
- A Thomas
- A Todd
- A Tomas
- A Tridente
- A Tucci
- A Turnbull
- A Uriel
- A Ustianowski
- A Vochin
- A Vuylsteke
- A Waite
- A Walden
- A Whileman
- A Wilkinson
- A Williams
- A Williams
- A Wilson
- A Zak
- A Zaki
- Achille Iolascon
- Adam Auton
- Adam Brown
- Agnese Verzuri
- Agostino Ognibene
- Agostino Riva
- Ailsa Golightly
- Alan Maclean
- Alessandra
- Alessandra Stella
- Alessandra Vergori
- Alessia Giorli
- Alexander J Mentzer
- Alice Donati
- Alison M Meynert
- Alistair Nichol
- Ana da Silva Filipe
- Andrea Antinori
- Andrea Cossarizza
- Andrea Ganna
- Andrea Tommasi
- Andrew Rambaut
- Andrew Stenhouse
- Andy Law
- Anjali J Shastri
- Anna Canaccini
- Anna Maria Pinto
- Annarita Giliberti
- Annemarie B Docherty
- Antonella D'Arminio Monforte
- Antonia Ying Wai Ho
- Antonio Di Biagio
- Antony Symons
- Arianna Emiliozzi
- Arianna Gabrieli
- Audrey Coutts
- B Anwar
- B Attwood
- B Baines
- B Blackledge
- B Borislavova
- B Chandler
- B Charles
- B Creagh-Brown
- B David
- B Deacon
- B Deacon
- B Digby
- B Faulkner
- B Fuller
- B Gumbrill
- B Gurung
- B Hadebe
- B Hairsine
- B Hopkins
- B Johnston
- B Lenagh
- B Masunda
- B Ogg
- B Patel
- B Player
- B Purewal
- B Scholefield
- B Shelley
- B Sloan
- B Thomas
- B Wadams
- B Welsh
- B Wilkinson
- B Winter-Goodwin
- B Yates
- Baillie J Kenneth
- Barbara Rossetti
- Beale Rupert
- Beatrice Alex
- Benjamin Bach
- Bretherick Andrew D
- Bruno Frediani
- C Adams
- C Ahmed
- C Almaden-Boyle
- C Ashbrook-Raby
- C Basikolo
- C Battle
- C Beazley
- C Beith
- C Borra
- C Brandwood
- C Brantwood
- C Burnett
- C Castro Delgado
- C Clark
- C Clulow
- C Collins
- C Cruz
- C Davis
- C Demetriou
- C Dennis
- C Dexter
- C Downes
- C Dunmore
- C Eastgate
- C Eckbad
- C Finch
- C Gibson
- C Gorman
- C Hays
- C Hewitt
- C Holl
- C Howcroft
- C Humphrey
- C Jackson
- C Jardine
- C Jennings
- C Jones
- C Kaye
- C Lynch
- C Lyons
- C McCulloch
- C McParland
- C McParland
- C Murphy
- C Parmar
- C Pawley
- C Phillips
- C Phillips
- C Pothecary
- C Pothecary
- C Prendergast
- C Price
- C Rishton
- C Sell
- C Shovelton
- C Sicat
- C Stuart
- C Summers
- C Swan
- C Thompson
- C Thorpe
- C Tibke
- C Tierney
- C Vigurs
- C Wells
- C Whitton
- C Whyte
- C Wrey Brown
- Cameron J Fairfield
- Carmelo Piscopo
- Carmen Marciano
- Caroline Abernathy
- Carrol Gamble
- Caterina Lo Rizzo
- Catherine A Shaw
- Catherine H Weldon
- Caulfield Mark
- Ceilia Boz
- Cesira Nencioni
- Chelsea Ye
- Chiara Fallerini
- Chiara Gabbi
- Chiara Spertilli
- Chloe Donohue
- Chris Ponting
- Christoper A Green
- Cinthia E Jannes
- Clare Jackson
- Clohisey Sara
- Cristina Mussini
- D Antcliffe
- D Bakthavatsalam
- D Banach
- D Baptista
- D Bell
- D Branney
- D Brealey
- D Brealey
- D Butcher
- D Butcher
- D Childs
- D Clarke
- D Collier
- D Collier
- D Cristiano
- D Dawson
- D Donaldson
- D Duffin
- D Fottrell-Gould
- D Golden
- D Griffin
- D Hamilton
- D Hawcutt
- D Hope
- D Horner
- D Kallon
- D Kaye
- D Kelly
- D Loader
- D Lomas
- D Martin
- D McGlynn
- D McLaughlanv
- D Melia
- D Menzies
- D Mullan
- D Pogson
- D Potla
- D Potoczna
- D Purohit
- D Raynard
- D Salutous
- D Salutous
- D Scaletta
- D Shaw
- D Skinner
- D Smyth
- D Strachan
- D Tetla
- D Thornton
- D Trodd
- D Vedage
- D Walker
- D Warren
- D Williams
- D Wood
- D Wright
- Daniela Francisci
- Daniella Coker
- Danilo Tacconi
- David A van Heel
- David Bennet
- David L Robertson
- David Stuart
- Dawn Law
- Debby Bogaert
- Derek Murphy
- Domenico A Coviello
- E Abaleke
- E Allan
- E Anastasescu
- E Andrews
- E Apetri
- E B Jude
- E Beech
- E Beranova
- E Bevan
- E Black
- E Brinkworth
- E Collins
- E Combes
- E Davies
- E Dobson
- E Dooks
- E Fisher
- E Gendall
- E Goff
- E Goodwin
- E Gordon
- E Heeney
- E Horsley
- E Hughes
- E Johnson
- E Knights
- E Lee
- E London
- E Maccacari
- E Massey
- E McKenna
- E Meadows
- E Moncur
- E Morino
- E Mwaura
- E Peasgood
- E Perkins
- E Radford
- E Raith
- E Raith
- E Salciute
- E Smith
- E Smithson
- E Stoddard
- E Stones
- E Thomas
- E Tilney
- E Timlick
- E Treus Gude
- E Virgilio
- E Watson
- E Wilby
- Edoardo Conticini
- Egle Saviciute
- Elena Bargagli
- Elena Desanctis
- Elisa Benetti
- Elisa Frullanti
- Elisabetta Menatti
- Elisabetta Schiaroli
- Ellie Mcmaster
- Emma C Thomson
- Emmanuelle Marques
- Enrico Martinelli
- Esther Duncan
- Esther Merlini
- Ewen M Harrison
- F Anderson
- F Auld
- F Bibi
- F Davies
- F Farquhar
- F Fisher
- F Hurford
- F Kibutu
- F McNeela
- F Moore
- F Nasir
- F Trim
- F Wakinshaw
- F Williams
- Fabio Lena
- Fawkes Angie
- Federico Anedda
- Federico Franchi
- Ferdinando Giannattasio
- Filip Taneski
- Filippo Aucella
- Filippo Biscarini
- Floriana Valentino
- Fourman Max Head
- Francesca Andretta
- Francesca Fava
- Francesca Gatti
- Francesca Mari
- Francesca Montagnani
- Francesco Castelli
- Francesco Raimondi
- Furniss James
- G Andrew
- G Arbane
- G Bell
- G Bercades
- G Croston
- G Debreceni
- G Durrant
- G Hambrook
- G Hobden
- G Houston
- G Hughes
- G Jones
- G Lubimbi
- G Maloney
- G Martir
- G Millen
- G Mills
- G O'Connor
- G Padden
- G Randell
- G Sadera
- G Seddon
- G Sera Howe
- G Sloane
- G Subramanian
- G Tsinaslanidis
- G Turner
- G Watson
- G Wray
- Gabriella Coiro
- Gabriella Doddato
- Gail Carson
- Gardar Sveinbjornsson
- Gary Leeming
- Genni Spargi
- Georgios Pollakis
- Giacomo Zanelli
- Gian Piero Caldarelli
- Giancarlo Bosio
- Giuseppe Fiorentino
- Giuseppe Merla
- Gountouna Elvina
- Graham S Cooke
- Griffiths Fiona
- Grimes Graeme
- H Bancroft
- H Bates
- H Belfield
- H Blackman
- H Blakemore
- H Brooke
- H Button
- H Coles
- H Curgenven
- H Filipe
- H Fox
- H Golding
- H Hill
- H Holcombe
- H Houlden
- H Jeffrey
- H Kent
- H Langton
- H McGuinness
- H Meghari
- H Millward
- H Moore
- H Parker
- H Pearson
- H Prady
- H Quinn
- H Rangarajan
- H Rehman
- H Reschreiter
- H Riley
- H Sainsbury
- H Savill
- H Sturgeon
- H T-Michael
- H Tench
- H Tiveran
- H Turner
- H Whittle
- H Willis
- H Wood
- Haley Chris
- Hanning Mal
- Harrison David
- Hayley Hardwick
- Hayward Caroline
- Helen Szoor-McElhinney
- Hinds Charles
- Ho Antonia
- Horby Peter
- I Ali Mohamed Ali
- I Balagosa
- I Birkinshaw
- I Burn
- I Chadbourn
- I D Clement
- I Edmond
- I Frost
- I Hass
- I Hussain
- I Lancoma-Malcolm
- I Leadbitter
- I Nagra
- I Otahal
- I Otahal
- I Turner-Bone
- I Welters
- I White
- I Wynter
- Ilaria Meloni
- Immacolata Andolfo
- Isabella Zanella
- J Allan
- J Barker
- J Bewley
- J Biddle
- J Birch
- J Birch
- J Bradley-Potts
- J Brown
- J Bryant
- J Butler
- J Camsooksai
- J Carter
- J Caterson
- J Cebrian Suarez
- J Cockerill-Taylor
- J Cole
- J Colley
- J Cooper
- J Cupitt
- J Cuttler
- J Daglish
- J Dasgin
- J Dawson
- J Dearden
- J Deery
- J Donnachie
- J Dykes
- J Easton
- J Egan
- J Fernandez Roman
- J Finn
- J Fletcher
- J Frankham
- J Gaylard
- J Gill
- J Godden
- J Goodsell
- J Gregory
- J Greig
- J Gurasashvili
- J Hardy
- J Harris
- J Hatton
- J Hawes
- J Highgate
- J Hornsby
- J Hulme
- J Hunt
- J Hutter
- J Ingham
- J Jones
- J Jones
- J K Baillie
- J Kassam
- J Kenneth Baillie
- J Kenneth Baillie
- J Keshet-Price
- J Liew
- J Little
- J Mallinson
- J Martin
- J Matthews
- J McCormick
- J Medhora
- J Melville
- J Moreno Cuesta
- J Morgan
- J Naisbitt
- J Norris
- J North
- J Parkin
- J Pendlebury
- J Perez
- J Perry
- J Pheby
- J Philbin
- J Pinnell
- J Queiroz
- J Radhakrishnan
- J Reid
- J Rhodes
- J Riches
- J Ritzema
- J Ruddy
- J Ryan-Smith
- J Scriven
- J Scriven
- J Scriven
- J Shiel
- J Singh
- J Singleton
- J Smith
- J Sowter
- J Strickley
- J Summers
- J Taylor
- J Tebbutt
- J Texeira
- J Thomas
- J Thrush
- J Tomlinson
- J Valentine
- J Whiteside
- J Wilkins
- J Willson
- J Zamikula
- Jake Dunning
- Jane Weaver
- Janet Harrison
- Janet T Scott
- Janie F Shelton
- Jen Meikle
- Jo Dalton
- Johnny Millar
- Jorge Esparza-Gordillo
- Jose E Krieger
- Julian A Hiscox
- K Archer
- K Austin
- K Baines
- K Bauchmuller
- K Beaumont
- K Beesley
- K Black
- K Burns
- K Burt
- K Cawley
- K Cawthron
- K Connolly
- K Convery
- K Criste
- K Dale
- K Darlington
- K Davies
- K Dent
- K Douglas
- K Duffy
- K Elliott
- K Elston
- K English
- K Fernandes
- K Fletcher
- K Gilbert
- K Golder
- K Hammerton
- K Hanson
- K Hanson
- K Hard
- K Harrington
- K Hayes
- K Holding
- K Holdroyd
- K Howard
- K Hugill
- K Inweregbu
- K Jackson-Lawrence
- K Karthik
- K King
- K Knowles
- K Lang
- K Liyanage
- K Manso
- K Netherton
- K Postlethwaite
- K Potts
- K Prager
- K Praman
- K Priestley
- K Pritchard
- K Puxty
- K Reid
- K Riches
- K Rooney
- K Sellick
- K Shuker
- K Simpson
- K Simpson
- K Slevin
- K Smith
- K Sollesta
- K Stammers
- K Stroud
- K Sweet
- K Tatham
- K Turner
- K Webster
- K White
- K Williams
- K Xavier
- Katarzyna Hafezi
- Keating Sean
- Kenneth A Mclean
- Kirstie Morrice
- Klaric Lucija
- Klenerman Paul
- Knight Julian
- Kousathanas Athanasios
- L Abel
- L Akeroyd
- L Allen
- L Armstrong
- L Barclay
- L Benham
- L Botfield
- L Bough
- L Brimfield
- L Bunni
- L Cabrelli
- L Cagova
- L Catlow
- L Ding
- L Ferguson
- L Folkes
- L Foster
- L Garner
- L Gemmell
- L George
- L Glass
- L Glass
- L Gledhill
- L Grauslyte
- L Grimmer
- L Gurr
- L Harrison
- L Hodgson
- L Hudig
- L Keating
- L Kittridge
- L Lankester
- L Lennon
- L Lim
- L Ma
- L Marshall
- L Matupe
- L McMorrow
- L McQuillan
- L Mew
- L Mostoles
- L Mwaura
- L Newey
- L O'Brien
- L O'Malley
- L O'Neill
- L Ortiz-Ruiz de Gordoa
- L Ortiz-Ruiz de Gordoa
- L Park
- L Pippard
- L Prentice
- L Rad
- L Ramos
- L Riddles
- L Roche
- L Roche
- L Rooney
- L Rosaroso
- L Shaw
- L Smith
- L Stevenson
- L Symon
- L Thomis
- L Thornton
- L Thrasyvoulou
- L Ting
- L Tonks
- L Turner
- L van Koutrik
- L Wilcox
- L Wild
- L Wilding
- L Woods
- L Wren
- L Zitter
- Lance C W Turtle
- Laura Bergantini
- Laura Di Sarno
- Laura Marsh
- Laura Merson
- Law Andrew
- Leonardo Croci
- Lia Crotti
- Ling Lowell
- Lisa Norman
- Lorenzo Salerni
- Lorna Donnelly
- Louise Cullum
- Louise Macgillivray
- Louise Sigfrid
- Luca Cantarini
- Luca Guidelli
- Luca Masucci
- Luisa Tavecchia
- M Abdelrazik
- M Al-Moasseb
- M Balasubramaniam
- M Bates
- M Bellamy
- M Birt
- M Blunt
- M Bokhari
- M Bolton
- M Brady
- M Breekes
- M Brett
- M Bromley
- M Bruce
- M Brunton
- M Burton
- M Callaghan
- M Carmody
- M Carnahan
- M Casey
- M Caswell
- M Chablani
- M Clapham
- M Clark
- M Clark
- M Coulding
- M Croft
- M Cunningham
- M Davey
- M Davies
- M Davies
- M Edward
- M Elhassan
- M Elsaadany
- M Faulkner
- M Forsey
- M Frise
- M Gellamucho
- M Gill
- M Gummadi
- M Halkes
- M Harkins
- M Hill
- M Hobrok
- M Holland
- M Home
- M Hussain
- M Jackson
- M K Phull
- M Kent
- M Khan
- M Latif
- M Leigh
- M Lopez Martinez
- M Lyons
- M MacMahon
- M Male
- M Marani
- M Margarson
- M Marotti
- M Matharu
- M McLaughlin
- M McPhail
- M Meredith
- M Mpelembue
- M Msiska
- M Mulcahy
- M Mupudzi
- M Nauman Akhtar
- M Newton
- M Oblak
- M Odam
- M Ostermann
- M Patel
- M Peiu
- M Penacerrada
- M Peters
- M Popescu
- M Poulaka
- M Purewal
- M Raj
- M Robinson
- M Sangombe
- M Shankar-Hari
- M Sim
- M Slaughter
- M Smith
- M Smith
- M Spivey
- M T Hijazi
- M Taylor
- M Taylor
- M Taylor
- M Taylor
- M Taylor
- M Templeton
- M Thankachen
- M Thirumaran
- M Thomas
- M Tolson
- M Usher
- M Varghese
- M Verlander
- M Vertue
- M Watters
- M White
- M Wiles
- M Williams
- M Wills
- M Woodruff
- M Young
- Maaike Swets
- Mahdad Noursadeghi
- Manu Shankar-Hari
- Marco Castori
- Marco Feri
- Marco Gori
- Marco Mandalà
- Marco Sita
- Margherita Baldassarri
- Mari E K Niemi
- Mari Ward
- Maria Antonietta Mazzei
- Maria Antonietta Mencarelli
- Maria Bandini
- Maria Eugenia Quiros-Roldan
- Maria Palmieri
- Maria Zambon
- Marie Connor
- Mario Capasso
- Mario U Mondelli
- Marta Corridi
- Maslove David
- Massimiliano Fabbiani
- Massimo Carella
- Massimo Girardis
- Massimo Palmarini
- Massimo Vaghi
- Matteo Bassetti
- Matteo Della Monica
- Matteo Siano
- Mattia Cordioli
- Maurizio Sanarico
- Maurizio Sanguinetti
- Maurizio Spagnesi
- McAuley Danny
- Meera Chand
- Meynert Alison
- Michelle Girvan
- Millar Jonathan
- Mirella Bruttini
- Miriana D'Alessandro
- Montgomery Hugh
- Moore Shona C
- Moutsianas Loukas
- Murphy Lee
- Murray Wham
- N Ahmad
- N Bandla
- N Baxter
- N Boyle
- N Capps
- N Clarke
- N Crisp
- N Davidson
- N Dormand
- N Grau
- N Harris
- N Jacques
- N Keenan
- N Lancaster
- N Love
- N MacCallum
- N Michalak-Glinska
- N Motherwell
- N Muchenje
- N Nikitas
- N Pathan
- N Pattison
- N Proudfoot
- N Rea
- N Richardson
- N Rodden
- N Roe
- N Rogers
- N Runciman
- N Schumacher
- N Schunki
- N Slawson
- N Staines
- N Thomson
- N Truman
- N White
- Nichol Alistair
- Nicholas Parkinson
- Nicholas Price
- Nicky Day
- Nicola Picchiotti
- O Adanini
- O Akinkugbe
- O Ezeobu
- O Jones
- O Kelsall
- O Mercer
- O Mitchelmore
- O Olufuwa
- O Prysyazhna
- O Zongo
- Oosthuyzen Wilna
- Openshaw Peter J M
- P Alexander
- P Anderson
- P Bamford
- P Barry
- P Boyle
- P Clark
- P Coghlan
- P Doble
- P Donnison
- P Ebano
- P Gondo
- P Grant
- P Harding
- P Henderson
- P Hutton
- P Jackson
- P MacGoey
- P May
- P McConnell
- P Mercer
- P O'Brien
- P O'Neil
- P Parkinson
- P Parsons
- P Paul
- P Polgarova
- P Ranga
- P Rice
- P Rogers
- P Saunderson
- P Shanmugasundaram
- P Springle
- P Szedlak
- P Turner
- P Williams
- Pairo-Castineira Erola
- Pamela Raggi
- Paola Magro
- Paolo Cameli
- Paolo Piacentini
- Parkinson Nick
- Pasko Dorota
- Patrick Sulem
- Patrizia Zucchi
- Paul Finernan
- Paul Klenerman
- Pereira Alexandre C
- Peter W Horby
- Pier Giorgio Scotton
- Pierpaolo Parravicini
- Pietro Pinoli
- Ponting Chris P
- Porteous David J
- R Astin-Chamberlain
- R Barber
- R Baruah
- R Bi
- R Bolton
- R Bowles
- R Boyle
- R Bradley
- R Campbell
- R Campbell
- R Chan
- R Charlesworth
- R Clark
- R Crawley
- R Crowe
- R Cusack
- R Davies
- R Doonan
- R Flanagan
- R Gascoyne
- R Girach
- R Gomez
- R Griffiths
- R Hall
- R Hamill
- R Haq
- R Harford
- R Harper
- R Herdman-Grant
- R Howle
- R Jacob
- R Jha
- R Johnson
- R Jones
- R Joy
- R Kanu
- R Kapoor
- R Kausar
- R Khade
- R Kitson
- R Kumar
- R Lean
- R Lim
- R Loosley
- R Lorusso
- R M Genetu
- R Marshall
- R O'Leary
- R Paramsothy
- R Parker
- R Partridge
- R Penn
- R Pepermans Saluzzio
- R Pollard
- R Price
- R Prout
- R Pugh
- R Raobaikady
- R Reece-Anthony
- R Rikunenko
- R Rojo
- R Saha
- R Sandhu
- R Shaw
- R Shokkar
- R Simms
- R Stead
- R Stewart
- R Sundaram
- R Tully
- R Tutton
- R Vincent
- R Walker
- R Wilcox
- R Wolf-Roberts
- R Worner
- R Wulandari
- Rachel Law
- Raffaele Scala
- Rawlik Konrad
- Renieri
- Renzo Scaggiante
- Richard Clark
- Richard S Tedder
- Richmond Anne
- Riinu Pius
- Rita Perna
- Roberta Russo
- Ross Hendry
- Rossella Tita
- Rowan Kathy
- Russell Clark D
- Ruth Armstrong
- Ruth Lyons
- Ryan S Thwaites
- S Agrawal
- S Allen
- S Allibone
- S Anderson
- S Archer
- S Bano
- S Bean
- S Beavis
- S Bell
- S Bennett
- S Benyon
- S Bird
- S Blowes
- S Board
- S Bonner
- S Brett
- S Buckley
- S Campos
- S Cathcart
- S Chapman
- S Charlton
- S Cherian
- S Chukkambotla
- S Clamp
- S Clark
- S Clements
- S Coetzee
- S Cole
- S Cornell
- S Cutler
- S Dale
- S Donlon
- S Farnell-Ward
- S Fowler
- S Garrioch
- S Gibson
- S Gopal
- S Greer
- S Gurung Rai
- S Henderson
- S Hierons
- S Hope
- S Humphreys
- S Hussain
- S Jenkins
- S Jhanji
- S Jones
- S Jose
- S Joseph
- S Kaul
- S Keenan
- S Keith
- S Kennedy-Hay
- S Kimber
- S Kumar
- S Laha
- S Latham
- S Leaver
- S Lee
- S Leggett
- S MacFadyen
- S Manna
- S Marriott
- S Masuko
- S McIvor
- S McKechnie
- S Melling
- S Mellor
- S Mepham
- S Metherell
- S Mitchard
- S Mohamed Ally
- S Monnery
- S Moore
- S Morrison
- S Moultrie
- S Mtuwa
- S Mulla
- S Munt
- S Murdoch
- S O'Sullivan
- S Packham
- S Patch
- S Pearson
- S Pitts
- S Preston
- S Purvis
- S Quaid
- S Ray
- S Roche
- S Rose
- S Rundell
- S Salmi
- S Sathe
- S Selvanayagam
- S Shelton
- S Shepardson
- S Siddiqui
- S Smuts
- S Sousa Arias
- S Spencer
- S Srikaran
- S Stone
- S Swann
- S Tilbey
- S Turki
- S Turney
- S Twiss
- S Wadd
- S Whiteley
- S Williams
- S Wood
- S Yussuf
- Sabino Scolletta
- Samreen Ijaz
- Sandro Mancarella
- Sandro Panese
- Sara Amitrano
- Sara McDonald
- Sarah Law
- Sarah McCafferty
- Saverio Giuseppe Parisi
- Saye Khoo
- Scott Richard
- Semple Malcolm G
- Serafina Valente
- Serena Ludovisi
- Sergio Daga
- Seán Keating
- Shankar-Hari Manu
- Shen Xia
- Shih Barbara
- Shiranee Sriskandan
- Shona C Moore
- Silvia Cappelli
- Simona Marcantonio
- Simone Furini
- Sophie Halpin
- Sophie Venturelli
- Stefania Mantovani
- Stefano Baratti
- Stefano Ceri
- Stefano Rusconi
- Stella Aslibekyan
- Stephanie Roberts
- Stephen R Knight
- Summers Charlotte
- Susanna Croci
- Susanna Guerrini
- T Anderson
- T Arden
- T Baird
- T Behan
- T Bemand
- T Cosier
- T Coventry
- T Duncan
- T Felton
- T Geary
- T Hazleton
- T Joefield
- T Kannan
- T Lawton
- T Marsden
- T Martin
- T McHugh
- T Newman
- T Nortcliffe
- T O Jones
- T Pogreban
- T Rees
- T Samakomva
- T Smith
- T Smith
- T Szakmany
- T Varghes
- T Williams
- T Wood
- Tammy Gilchrist
- Tenesa Albert
- Teresa Filshtein-Sonmez
- Thomas M Drake
- Thushan de Silva
- Tim Walsh
- Tom Fletcher
- Tom Solomon
- Tony Wackett
- Trevor Paterson
- Tullio Trotta
- Turtle Lance
- U Poultney
- V Amin
- V Anumakonda
- V Bastion
- V Cannons
- V Crickmore
- V Gopal
- V Irvine
- V Kasipandian
- V Krishnamurthy
- V Lake
- V Linnett
- V Martinson
- V Nagarajan
- V Page
- V Parris
- V Parris
- V Pristopan
- V Ratnam
- V Rivers
- V Sarathy
- V Thomas
- V Thwaites
- V Tuckey
- V Turner
- V Wagstaff
- V Waugh
- Valentina Anemoli
- Vanessa Sancho-Shimizu
- Victoria Shaw
- Vitart Veronique
- W Harrison
- W Khaliq
- W Khaliq
- W McCormick
- W Woodyatt
- Walker Susan
- Walsh Timothy
- Wang Bo
- Wei Shen Lim
- Wendy S Barclay
- William A Paxton
- William Greenhalf
- Wilson James F
- Wrobel Nicola
- Wu Yang
- X Qiu
- Y Baird
- Y Choudhury
- Y Hussain
- Y Jackson
- Y Thirlwall
- Yang Jian
- Yang Zhijian
- Z Alldis
- Z Belagodu
- Z Bradshaw
- Z Coton
- Z Daly
- Z Farzad
- Z Fernandez
- Z Garland
- Z Maqsood
- Z Omar
- Z Prime
- Z Scott
- Zechner Marie
- Zhai Ranran
- Zheng Chenqing
- Publication venue
- Nature
- Publication date
- 01/01/2020
- Field of study
Host-mediated lung inflammation is present1, and drives mortality2, in the critical illness caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Host genetic variants associated with critical illness may identify mechanistic targets for therapeutic development3. Here we report the results of the GenOMICC (Genetics Of Mortality In Critical Care) genome-wide association study in 2,244 critically ill patients with COVID-19 from 208 UK intensive care units. We have identified and replicated the following new genome-wide significant associations: on chromosome 12q24.13 (rs10735079, P = 1.65 × 10-8) in a gene cluster that encodes antiviral restriction enzyme activators (OAS1, OAS2 and OAS3); on chromosome 19p13.2 (rs74956615, P = 2.3 × 10-8) near the gene that encodes tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2); on chromosome 19p13.3 (rs2109069, P = 3.98 × 10-12) within the gene that encodes dipeptidyl peptidase 9 (DPP9); and on chromosome 21q22.1 (rs2236757, P = 4.99 × 10-8) in the interferon receptor gene IFNAR2. We identified potential targets for repurposing of licensed medications: using Mendelian randomization, we found evidence that low expression of IFNAR2, or high expression of TYK2, are associated with life-threatening disease; and transcriptome-wide association in lung tissue revealed that high expression of the monocyte-macrophage chemotactic receptor CCR2 is associated with severe COVID-19. Our results identify robust genetic signals relating to key host antiviral defence mechanisms and mediators of inflammatory organ damage in COVID-19. Both mechanisms may be amenable to targeted treatment with existing drugs. However, large-scale randomized clinical trials will be essential before any change to clinical practice
Late Transition Metals (Groups 8-10)
- Author
- Akhmedov
- Allen
- Andrews
- Baetzold
- Ball
- Ball
- Ball
- Bandy
- Bandy
- Barrett
- Beard
- Benfield
- Berry
- Bier
- Bierschenk
- Billups
- Billups
- Blackborow
- Blomberg
- Blomberg
- Blomberg
- Blomberg
- Bradley
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- Brezinski
- Brezinski
- Brezinski
- Briguglio
- Brom
- Brown
- Bruguglio
- Bucher
- Cardenas
- Cardenas-Trivino
- Cardenas-Trivino
- Carroll
- Chang
- Chang
- Chang
- Chang
- Chang
- Chang
- Chenier
- Choe
- Cornish
- Cox
- Cox
- Das
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- Davis
- DeHeer
- DeHeer
- Drake
- Drake
- Dya
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- Fayet
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- Kang
- Kang
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- Klabunde
- Klabunde
- Klabunde
- Klabunde
- Klabunde
- Klabunde
- Klabunde
- Klabunde
- Klabunde
- Klabunde
- Klabunde
- Klabunde
- Klabunde
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- Knight
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- Micciche
- Micciche
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- Mitchell
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- Nazar
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- Novikov
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- Ozin
- Ozin
- Ozin
- Ozin
- Ozin
- Ozin
- Ozin
- Papefthymion
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- Parker
- Parker
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- Parks
- Parks
- Parks
- Parks
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- Riley
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- Rohlfing
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- Schneider
- Schneider
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- Shim
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- Tan
- Tan
- Tan
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- Taylor
- Theopold
- Thoelen
- Tomonari
- Trevor
- Trevor
- Vala
- Vala
- Van Zee
- Van Zee
- Van Zee
- Vergand
- Vitulli
- Vitulli
- Wang
- Wang
- Whetten
- Whetten
- Woo
- Woo
- Woollins
- Wu
- Yardley
- Yoshida
- Zakin
- Zenneck
- Zenneck
- Zimmerman
- Zimmerman
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1994
- Field of study
Multiple loci on 8q24 associated with prostate cancer susceptibility
- Author
- Abrams Paul H
- Adamson Andrew
- Adeyoju A
- Afzal N
- Ahiaku Ernest K. N
- Ahmed Munir
- Al Olama Ali Amin
- Al-Samerraie
- Alcock Christopher
- Anderson John
- Andrews Henry
- Andrews Steven
- Anjum Iqbal
- Anson Ken
- Apakama Ike
- Aparcia F
- Archbold J. A. A
- Ardern-Jones Audrey T
- Ash D
- Ashford Richard F. U
- Badenoch David
- Bahl Amit
- Bailey Karen
- Bailey M. J
- Ball Andrew J
- Bancroft E
- Banerjee G
- Barber Jim
- Barber N
- Baria
- Barnes Douglas G
- Barwell Julian
- Basu Pradip
- Bates Christopher A
- Bax N. A
- Baxter-Smith D
- Beacock Christopher
- Beaney Ronald P
- Beard Ralph
- Beck Rupert
- Beese Gail
- Beesley Sharon
- Bellringer James
- Benson Richard
- Bhatt R. I
- Birch Brian
- Birtle Alison
- Bishop M
- Biyani C. Shekhar
- Blacklock A. R. E
- Blades Rosemary
- Bloomfield David J
- Bollina Prasad
- Bonnington Sue
- Booth C. M
- Bose Pradeep
- Bottomley David
- Boucher Nigel R
- Bower Mark
- Bowsher W. G
- Boyd P. J. R
- Bramble F. James
- Brewster Simon F
- Briggs Tim
- Brock Cathryn
- Brock Sue
- Brough Richard
- Brown Paul M
- Brown Richard
- Brown Stephen
- Browning Tony J
- Butterworth Paul C
- Cahill D
- Callaghan P. S
- Calman Frances
- Campbell Alister
- Carnell Dawn M
- Carr T. W
- Carter Adam
- Carter Charles J. M
- Carter Simon
- Castle Bruce M
- Chadwick David
- Chakraborti P
- Charig C
- Chetiyawardana Anula D
- Chilton Christopher
- Chinegwundoh Francis I
- Chong Irene
- Chow Wai-Man
- Christmas Timothy J
- Churn Mark J
- Clarke Noel W
- Coe M
- Cohen N. P
- Coker C
- Cole David J
- Cole O
- Cole Trevor
- Collins Gerald
- Collinson Matthew
- Conn I
- Connell C
- Cooke Peter
- Coombs L
- Cooper Colin
- Cooper Debbie
- Copland Robert F
- Cornaby Andrew J
- Cornford P. A
- Corolis
- Corr John
- Costello C. B
- Cowan Richard
- Cox Robert
- Coyle C
- Crisp John C
- Cruger Dorthe
- Crundwell Malcolm
- Cummings
- Dahar Nazeer
- Daruwala Pallon
- Datta Shibendra
- Davidson S
- Davies Joseph
- Davis Michael
- Davison Owen W
- Dawkins Guy
- Dawson Chris
- De Bolla Alan R
- Dearnaley David P
- Desai Ken M
- Deutsch George P
- Dick John
- Dickinson Andrew J
- Dickson Jeanette
- Dinneen Michael
- Dixit Sanjay
- Dobbs H. Jane
- Doble Andrew
- Dodds David
- Doherty Alan
- Donaldson P
- Donovan Jenny L
- Douglas S. Fiona
- Drake
- Duchesne Gill M
- Duffy Peter
- Dunn Michael
- Dunsmuir W. D
- Durkan Garrett
- Easton Douglas F
- Eccles Diana
- Eden C. D
- Eeles Rosalind A
- El-Modir A
- Elkabir Jeremy
- Elliott Emma
- Ellis B. W
- Ellis R
- Elves Andrew W. S
- Elwell Christine
- Emberton Mark
- Emmerson Louise
- English Dallas R
- Errington R. D
- Evans D. Gareth
- Falconer Alison
- Fawcett Derek
- Featherston C
- Feggetter Jeremy
- Ferguson C
- Fermont D
- Ferro Michael
- Fletcher Matthew
- Folkes A
- Ford Trevor F
- Frim Olivera
- Gallegos Christopher
- Gelister James S
- George Anne
- Gibbs Stephanie
- Gilbert Hugh
- Giles Graham G
- Gillatt David
- Glaholm John
- Glass Jonathan M
- Glenister James
- Goode Thomas D
- Gordon E. M
- Gower Richard L
- Graham John
- Green Damian
- Greenland Jonathan
- Grieve Robert
- Griffiths Thomas R. L
- Gurun Riza Murat
- Guy Michelle
- Guy Peter J
- Hall Amanda L
- Hamdy F. C
- Hamilton C
- Hammonds John
- Hampson S. J
- Hanbury Damien C
- Hardman P. D. John
- Harland Stephen J
- Harney John M
- Harper Peter
- Harrison G. S. M
- Harriss D. R
- Harvey-Hills N
- Hawkyard Simon
- Heath Catherine M
- Hehir Michael
- Hendry David
- Henley Mike
- Herbert Pippa
- Hickish Tamas
- Hindmarsh John R
- Ho Edwin T. S
- Hodgson Shirley
- Holden David
- Holding Peter
- Hollins Graham W
- Holmes Simon A. V
- Hopper John L
- Horwich Alan
- Hoskin Peter
- Howell Graham P
- Howson Joanne
- Hrouda D
- Huddart Robert
- Hudson Liz
- Hughes Michael
- Hughes Owen
- Hughes Rob
- Humber Caroline
- Iacovou John W
- Ibrahim A
- Inglis John A
- Irving Stuart
- Irwin C
- Izatt Louise
- Izegbu Victor
- James Michael J
- James Michael J
- James R. Lester
- Javle Pradip
- Jenkins P
- Jhavar Sameer
- Jones Chris R
- Jones David A
- Jones Gareth
- Jones Mandy
- Joss Shelagh
- Kaisary Amir
- Karim O
- Karp Stephen J
- Keeley F. X
- Kelkar Anand R
- Kelleher J. P
- Kenwrick Sue
- Khan F
- Khoo Vincent
- Kirby Roger S
- Kirk David
- Kirkbride Peter
- Kirollos Magdi M
- Kockelbergh Roger
- Koreich O
- Kote-Jarai Zsofia
- Kourah Mohamed
- Kulkarni Ravi
- Kumar M
- Kunkler Ian H
- Kynaston Howard
- Laing Robert
- Lalloo Fiona
- Lancashire M
- Langley Stephen E. M
- Laniado Marc
- Larner T. R
- Lau Maurice W
- Lawrence W. T
- Lawson Anne
- Le Roux Pieter J
- Leader Mary
- Lee A
- Lee J. O
- Lee L
- Lemburger R. John
- Lennon Teresa
- Leone Priscilla
- Leongamornlert Daniel A
- Lester Jason
- Leung Hing
- Lewis D. Christopher
- Lewis J
- Liston Thomas
- Livsey Jacqueline
- Lloyd S
- Locke Imogen
- Lodge Richard
- Logue John
- Longmuir Mark
- Lophatananon Artitaya
- Lucas Malcolm G
- Luscombe C. J
- Lydon Anna
- Lynch Michael
- Lyons Norma
- MacDermott James P. A
- Macdonagh Ruaraidh P
- Maher E. R
- Mahmood Rana
- Mair Graeme H. M
- Malone Peter R
- Mark I
- Marsden Gemma
- Mason M. D
- Mason Robert
- Matenhelia Shyam
- Matthews Philip N
- McBride Donna
- McFarlane Jonathan
- McGrath John
- McInerney Paul
- McIntosh Gregor
- McKinna F
- McLaren Duncan
- McMenemin Rhona
- McNicholas T. A
- Meddings Robert N
- Mee A. David
- Memon
- Menzes Pravin
- Mills Robert
- Mitchell S
- Mithal Natasha
- Mitra Anita
- Mobb Gillian E
- Moffat Leslie E. F
- Mokete Moeketsi
- Money-Kyrle Julian
- Montgomery Bruce
- Moody Hilary
- Morley Roland
- Morris Sean B
- Morrison Jonathan
- Morrison Patrick
- Mort Diana
- Mostafid Amir H
- Motiwala Hanif
- Mufti Gulzar
- Muir Gordon
- Muir Kenneth R
- Mumtaz Faiz
- Murphy Michael
- Murray Alexandra
- Murray Keith W
- Murrell Shirley
- Muthukumar D
- Naerger Harry
- Namasivayam Siva
- Nargund Vinod
- Nawrocki Jan
- Neal David E
- Neilson Donald
- Nethersell A
- Newman Hugh
- Newton R
- O'Boyle P. J
- O'Brien J
- O'Brien Tim S
- O'Donoghue E
- O'Donoghue Neil
- O'Reilly P
- O'Rourke J. S
- O'Sullivan Joe
- Oakley Neil
- Ogden Chris
- Ohja Hemant
- Oliver Tim
- Osborn David
- Ostler Peter
- O’Brien Lynne T
- Palfrey Edward
- Panades Miguel
- Pancharatnam M
- Pantelides Michalakis L
- Parikh Omi
- Parker Chris
- Parker Christopher C
- Parker Christopher H
- Parys Bohdan T
- Pascoe Sarah
- Patel Anup
- Patterson Helen
- Payne Heather
- Peake David
- Pedley I
- Pengelly A
- Peracha A. M
- Perry Matthew
- Persad Raj
- Philp N. H
- Philp T
- Pigott Katharine
- Plail R
- Plowman P. Nicholas
- Pocock Richard D
- Pope A. J
- Popert Rick
- Porter Tim
- Powell Christopher
- Powell Philip
- Prasad Krishna
- Prejbisz J. W
- Prescott Stephen
- Protheroe Andrew
- Qureshi Khaver N
- Ragavan Narasimhan
- Rankin Julia
- Rao Y
- Ravi Ramachandran
- Read Graham
- Reddy Paul J
- Rimington Peter R
- Roberts J. Trevor
- Robertson Andrew
- Robinson Angus
- Robinson Anne C
- Robinson Lee Q
- Rogers P. B
- Rowbotham Carl
- Rowe Edward
- Rowley Kathryn
- Rundle John
- Russell John M
- Ryan P. G
- Saggar Anand K
- Samanci Ali
- Saunders Ed
- Sawyer Emma
- Saxby M. F
- Schwaibold Hartwig
- Scoble John E
- Scrase Christopher
- Sells Henry
- Sethia Krishna K
- Severi Gianluca
- Shah Nihil
- Shanley Sue
- Sharma Neerah K
- Sheehan Denise J
- Sherwin Elizabeth
- Shum L
- Simcock R
- Singh Pravin
- Siva M
- Smith James
- Smith Michael F
- Sokal Michael
- Sole Graham M
- Southey Melissa C
- Speakman Mark J
- Sreenivasan Thiagarajan
- Srihari Narayana N
- Srinivasan
- Sriram Rajagopalan
- Stewart D
- Stockdale Andrew
- Stott Mark A
- Stower M. J
- Strachan John R
- Subramonian K
- Sugden Elaine
- Sundar Santhanam
- Sundaram S. K
- Suresh Gokarakonda
- Susnerwala Shabbir
- Swami Kuchibhotla S
- Syndikus Isabel
- Tahir Saad
- Taylor John W
- Terry T
- Thomas Robert J
- Thomas Stephen A
- Thompson Alan
- Thompson Pauline
- Thomson Alastair H
- Thurston A
- Tilsley Owen
- Tindall Stuart F
- Tong
- Trembath Richard C
- Tulloch David N
- Tweedle James
- Tymrakiewicz Malgorzata
- Tyrell C. J
- Urwin Graeme H
- Van As Nicholas
- Vesey Sean
- Violet John
- Virdi Jaspal
- Waite Katherine
- Walker E. M
- Walker Roger
- Wallace David M. A
- Watkin Nicholas A
- Watson M. E
- Waxman J. H
- Waymont Brian
- Weaver Andrew
- Webb Ralph, J
- Wedderburn Andrew
- Wells Paula
- Wemyss-Holden G. D
- Weston P. M. T
- Wheatley Duncan
- Whelan P
- Whillis D
- Wiles Vicki
- Wilkins Marie
- Wilkinson Rosemary A
- Williams John H
- Williams Simon
- Willis Michael
- Wilson J. R
- Wilson Richard
- Wise Marcus
- Woodhams Simon
- Woodhouse C
- Woolfenden K. A
- Worlding Jane
- Wright Mark
- Wylie James P
- Wynne Chris
- Zang Angelika
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study
Previous studies have identified multiple loci on 8q24 associated with prostate cancer risk. We performed a comprehensive analysis of SNP associations across 8q24 by genotyping tag SNPs in 5,504 prostate cancer cases and 5,834 controls. We confirmed associations at three previously reported loci and identified additional loci in two other linkage disequilibrium blocks (rs1006908: per-allele OR = 0.87, P = 7.9 x 10(-8); rs620861: OR = 0.90, P = 4.8 x 10(-8)). Eight SNPs in five linkage disequilibrium blocks were independently associated with prostate cancer susceptibility
Book of Abstracts: 2019 Health Equity Summer Research Summit Organized by the Center of Excellence in Health Equity, Training and Research, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030, USA on June 18th, 2019
- Author
- A Uribe-Gomez
- Abraham A. Salinas-Miranda MD, PhD
- Acara E. Turner BS
- Adriana M. Strutt PhD, ABPP
- Adrienne Joseph BS
- Alex Wright BS
- Alexander C. Martin BS
- Alexis N. Milton BS
- Amelia Khoei BS
- Amritha Kanakamedala BA
- Angie Iyinbor BA
- Anna O’Neal BS
- Asha Morrow MD
- Ashley M. Butler PhD
- Ashley Young BS
- Asim Shah MD
- Asna Matin MD
- Audrey E. Christiansen PhD
- Boubakari Ibrahimou PhD
- Breanna Alonzo
- Carli O’Neal BS
- Charles Ikeanyionwu BS
- Charlotte Rivas BS
- Chase Ossenkop BS
- Chih-Wei Hsu PhD
- Chinwe Anyanwu MPH
- Chioma A. Ikedionwu BS
- Chioma Anugwom BS
- Christopher R. Broda MD
- Claire Bocchini MD
- Claire Cummins MD
- Cliona M. Rooney PhD
- Colton L. Keo-Meier PhD
- Connor Johnson BS
- Courtney Miller-Chism MD
- Courtney Titus MEd
- Crystal L. Parker MPH
- Cylaina Bird BA
- Daniel Mauck MPH
- David Persse MD, FACEP
- Deborah A. Austin PhD
- Deepa Dongarwar MS
- Deepa V. Cherla MD
- Dwayne Wolf MD, Ph.D
- Eleanor Bimla Schwartz MD, MS
- Elena Petrova PhD
- Elias Perli BS
- Elisabeth Shell PhD, PA-C
- Elizabeth U. Tran MD
- Elsa Baena PhD
- Elyse Lopez BS
- Estrellita “Lo” Berry MPA
- Evadne Rodriguez BA
- Fabrizia Faustinella MD, PhD, FACP
- Faith D. Ihekweazu MD, MS
- Faiz Jiwani MD, MS
- Gabriella P. Chmaitelli BS
- Galant Chan MD
- Haijun Wang PhD, MPH
- Hamisu M. Salihu MD, PhD
- Hannah L. Combs PhD
- Hayley Rogers BS
- Heather Haq MD, MHS
- Iberia Romina Sosa MD, PhD
- Irene E. Jose BS
- Isabel Griffin MPH
- J. Cao
- Jane Montealegre PhD
- Jason L. Salemi PhD, MPH
- Jennifer Chang PhD
- Jennifer M. Stinson PhD
- JL Mills
- Joann Schulte DO, MPH
- Joel Thomas
- John Prochaska PhD
- John Saunders MD, MS
- Jonathan Go BBA
- Jonathan Lim MD
- Jordan Salley BS
- Josue Estiven Pineda BS
- Jules Tabilona MD
- Julie L. Holihan MD, MS
- Kanika Bowen-Jallow MD, MMS
- Karla Bernardi MD
- Karla Fredricks MD, MPH
- Katherine B. Salciccioli MD
- Keila N. Lopez MD,MPH
- Kenneth Barning MD
- Kevin Dat Vuong MA
- Korede K. Yusuf MBBS, PhD
- Kristopher Myers MPH
- Kyle Wilson
- Larry E. Laufman EdD
- Latanya J. Love MD
- Lauren Nolan BA
- Lauren Schoen
- Lillian Huang MD
- Lindsey M. King PhD, MPH
- Lisa F. Nunez BS
- Louis Brown PhD
- Luna Hernandez
- Lynn Hydod
- M. Agustina Rossetti PhD
- Madeleine Allman MPH
- Mahmood Khan MD
- Makenna Marty MAS
- MaKenzie D. Lee BS
- Maria A. Jaramillo BS
- Maria Vigil BS
- Mariaelena Boyle
- Marina Masciale MD
- Marisa Hilliard PhD
- Marisela Munoz
- Mary E. Dickinson PhD
- Meishon Bell MS
- Michele K. York PhD
- Michelle Loor MD
- Michelle Lopez MD, MPH
- Mike K. Liang MD
- Moez Karim Aziz MSECE
- Moriel Karla BS
- Nancy Osazuma
- Natalya Ramirez BS
- Natasha Navejar BS
- Nicole B. Lyons BS
- Nicolás Cortés-Penfield MD
- Norma Perez MD, DrPH
- NR Barshes
- Olivia A. Barron BA
- Oscar A. Olavarria MD
- Petra Constable BA
- Phyllis Nwokolo BS
- Precious Omokaro BS
- Premal Patel MD
- Prithvi Vallabh BS
- Puja Shah BA
- Rafeek A. Yusuf MD, MS, MPH
- Rebecca A. Rosero BA
- Rebecca Lunstroth JD, MA
- Renice Obure MPH
- Robert Beach MD
- Robin Goin-Kochel PhD
- Robin Parihar MD, PhD
- Roger Zoorob MD, MPH
- Ronee E. Wilson PhD
- Rosa Michelle Schmidt MD, MPH
- Rowland Pettit BS
- Sade C. Udoetuk MD
- Sadia Tasnim
- Sara Khan BA
- Sareema Adnan BS
- Sean Rodriguez BA
- Sharmila Anandasabapathy MD
- Shawna Nesbitt MD
- Sheena Bhushan MD
- Sherene Sharath
- SO Rogers
- Son Dinh BSA
- Sophia Banu MD
- Stacey Rose MD, FACP
- Stacy Drake Ph.D, MPH, RN, AFN-BC, D-AB
- Stephanie Morain PhD, MPH
- Stephen R. McCauley PhD
- Sue Abdelaziz BS
- Tahir Malik BS
- Tara L. Rasmussen PhD
- Thomas Shum
- Tiana Raphel BA
- Tien C. Ko MD
- Toi Harris MD
- Trevor Hadley BS
- Uchechukwu Akoma BS
- Uwem Bridgette Eduok BSA
- Victoria Armendariz MS
- Yasmin C. Cole-Lewis PhD, MPH
- Zaina Al-Mohtaseb MD
- Zenab Yusuf MD, MPH
- Publication venue
- 'Global Health and Education Projects, Inc. (GHEP)'
- Publication date
- 01/03/2020
- Field of study
Copyright © 2020 Harris. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Identification of seven new prostate cancer susceptibility loci through a genome-wide association study
- Author
- Abrams Paul H
- Adamson Andrew
- Adeyoju A
- Afzal N
- Ahiaku Ernest K. N
- Ahmed Munir
- Aitken Joanne
- Al Olama Ali Amin
- Al-Samerraie Dr
- Alcock Christopher
- Anderson John
- Andrews Henry
- Andrews Steven
- Anjum Iqbal
- Anson Ken
- Apakama Ike
- Aparcia F
- Archbold J. A. A
- Ardern-Jones Audrey T
- Arrand John
- Ash D
- Ashford Richard F. U
- Auvinen Anssi
- Badenoch David
- Bagnato Melisa
- Bahl Amit
- Bailey Karen
- Bailey M. J
- Ball Andrew J
- Bancroft E
- Banerjee G
- Banks Annette
- Barber Jim
- Barber N
- Baria Dr
- Barnes Douglas G
- Barrett Sandra
- Barwell Julian
- Basu Pradip
- Bates Christopher A
- Batra Jyotsna
- Bax N. A
- Baxter-Smith D
- Beacock Christopher
- Beaney Ronald P
- Beard Ralph
- Beck Rupert
- Beese Gail
- Beesley Sharon
- Belcheva Olga
- Bellringer James
- Benson Richard
- Bhatt R. I
- Biedermann Cédric
- Bieri Sabine
- Birch Brian
- Birtle Alison
- Bishop M
- Biyani C. Shekhar
- Blacklock A. R. E
- Blades Rosemary
- Blizzard Leigh
- Bloomfield David J
- Bollina Prasad
- Bonnington Sue
- Booth C. M
- Bose Pradeep
- Bottomley David
- Boucher Nigel R
- Bower Mark
- Bowsher W. G
- Boyd P. J. R
- Bradley Sita Ann
- Bramble F. James
- Bremer Michael
- Brewster Simon F
- Briggs Tim
- Brock Cathryn
- Brock Sue
- Brough Richard
- Brown Paul M
- Brown Richard
- Brown Stephen
- Browning Tony J
- Brugger Margot
- Butorac Kate
- Butterworth Paul C
- Cahill D
- Callaghan P. S
- Calman Frances
- Campbell Alister
- Cannon-Albright Lisa
- Cao Guangwen
- Carnell Dawn M
- Carr T. W
- Carter Adam C
- Carter Charles J. M
- Carter Simon
- Castle Bruce M
- Chadwick David
- Chakraborti P
- Challis David
- Chambers Suzanne
- Chang Wen-Jun
- Chappuis Pierre O
- Charig C
- Chetiyawardana Anula D
- Chilton Christopher
- Chinegwundoh F. I
- Chong Irene
- Chow Wai-Man
- Christmas Tim
- Christova Svetlana
- Churn Mark J
- Clarke Noel W
- Clements Judith
- Coe M
- Cohen N. P
- Coker C
- Cole David J
- Cole O
- Cole Trevor
- Collins Gerald
- Collinson Matthew
- Conn I
- Connell C
- Cooke Peter
- Coombs L
- Coomes Margerie
- Cooney Kathleen A
- Cooper Colin S
- Cooper Debbie
- Copland Robert F
- Cornaby Andrew J
- Cornford P. A
- Corolis Mr
- Corr John
- Corral Roman
- Costello C. B
- Cowan Richard
- Cox Angela
- Cox Robert
- Coyle C
- Crisp John C
- Cruger Dorthe
- Crundwell Malcolm
- Cummings Mr
- Cunningham Julie
- Dahar Nazeer
- Daruwala Pallon
- Datta Shibendra
- Davidson S
- Davies Joseph
- Davis Michael
- Davison Owen W
- Dawkins Guy
- Dawson Chris
- De Bolla Alan R
- Dearnaley David P
- Defabiani Nicolas
- Desai Ken M
- Deutsch George P
- Dick John
- Dickinson Andrew J
- Dickinson Joanne L
- Dickson Jeanette
- Dikov Tihomir
- Dinneen Michael
- Dixit Sanjay
- Dobbs H. Jane
- Doble Andrew
- Dodds David
- Dodova Rumjana
- Doherty Alan
- Donaldson P
- Donovan Jenny L
- Dork Thilo
- Douglas S. Fiona
- Drake Mr
- Dubrowinskaja Natalia
- Duchesne Gill M
- Duffy Peter
- Dunn Michael
- Dunsmuir W. D
- Durkan Garrett
- Easton Douglas F
- Eccles Diana
- Eden C. D
- Edwards Stephen M
- Eeles Rosalind A
- El-Modir A
- Elkabir Jeremy
- Elliott Emma
- Ellis B. W
- Ellis R
- Elves Andrew W. S
- Elwell Christine
- Emberton Mark
- Emmerson Louise
- English Dallas R
- Errington R. D
- Evans D. Gareth
- Falconer Alison
- Farnham Jim
- Fawcett Derek
- Featherston C
- Feggetter Jeremy
- Ferguson C
- Ferguson Megan
- Fermont D
- Ferro Michael
- Fisher Cyril
- Fitzgerald Liesel M
- Flanagan Louise
- Fletcher Matthew
- Folkes A
- Foote Simon
- Ford Trevor F
- Foulkes William D
- Frim Olivera
- Gallagher Stephen
- Gallegos Christopher
- Gardiner R. A. (Frank)
- Gelister James S
- George Anne
- Gibbs Stephanie
- Gilbert Hugh
- Giles Graham G
- Gillatt David
- Girardet Christophe
- Glaholm John
- Glass Jonathan M
- Glenister James
- Goode Thomas D
- Gordon E. M
- Gower Richard L
- Graham John
- Green Damian
- Greenland Jonathan
- Grieve Robert
- Griffiths Thomas R. L
- Gurun Riza Murat
- Guy Michelle
- Guy Peter J
- Haiman Christopher A
- Hall Amanda L
- Hamdy Freddie C
- Hamel Nancy
- Hamilton C
- Hammonds John
- Hampson S. J
- Hanbury Damien C
- Hardman P. D. John
- Harland Stephen J
- Harney John M
- Harper Peter
- Harrison G. S. M
- Harriss D. R
- Harvey-Hills N
- Hawkyard Simon
- Heath Catherine M
- Hehir Michael
- Henderson Brian E
- Hendry David
- Henley Mike
- Herbert Pippa
- Herkommer Kathleen
- Hickish Tamas
- Hillemanns Peter
- Hindmarsh John R
- Hinze Kimberly
- Ho Edwin T. S
- Hodgson Shirley
- Holden David
- Holding Peter
- Hollins Graham W
- Holmes Simon A. V
- Hopper John L
- Horwich Alan
- Hoskin Peter
- Hou Jian-Guo
- Howell Graham P
- Howson Joanne
- Hrouda D
- Huddart Robert A
- Hudson Liz
- Hughes Michael
- Hughes Owen
- Hughes Rob
- Humber Caroline
- Hutter Pierre
- Iacovou John W
- Ibrahim A
- Ingles Sue A
- Inglis John A
- Irving Stuart
- Irwin C
- Isotalo Jarkko
- Izatt Louise
- Izegbu Victor
- James Michael J
- James N
- James R. Lester
- Jameson Charles
- Javle Pradip
- Jenkins P
- Jhavar Sameer
- John Esther M
- Johnson Emilie K
- Jones Chris R
- Jones David A
- Jones Gareth
- Jones Mandy
- Joshi Amit D
- Joss Shelagh
- Kachakova Darina
- Kaisary Amir
- Kaneva Radka
- Karim O
- Karp Stephen J
- Karstens Johann H
- Karyadi Danielle M
- Kedda Mary Anne
- Keeley F. X
- Kelham Penelope
- Kelkar Anand R
- Kelleher J. P
- Kenwrick Sue
- Khan F
- Khan Humera
- Khoo Vincent S
- Kirby Roger S
- Kirk David
- Kirkbride Peter
- Kirollos Magdi M
- Kockelbergh Roger
- Kolonel Laurence N
- Konzelmann Isabelle
- Koopmeiners Joseph S
- Koreich O
- Kotar Kimberley
- Kote-Jarai Zsofia
- Kourah Mohamed
- Kuczyk Markus
- Kuefer Rainer
- Kulkarni Ravi
- Kumar M
- Kunkler Ian H
- Kwon Erika M
- Kynaston Howard
- Laing Robert
- Lalloo Fiona
- Lancashire M
- Lange Ethan M
- Langley Stephen E. M
- Laniado Marc
- Larner T. R
- Lau Maurice W
- Lawrence W. T
- Lawson Anne
- Le Marchand Loic
- Le Roux Pieter J
- Leader Mary
- Lee A
- Lee J. O
- Lee L
- Lemburger R .John
- Lennon Teresa
- Leone Priscilla
- Leongamornlert Daniel A
- Lester Jason
- Leung Hing
- Lewis D. Christopher
- Lewis J
- Lewis Sarah J
- Liston Thomas
- Liu Jo-Fen
- Livsey Jacqueline
- Lloyd S
- Locke Imogen
- Lodge Richard
- Logue John
- Longmuir Mark
- Lophatananon Artitaya
- Lose Felicity
- Lu Yong-Jie
- Lucas Malcolm G
- Luedeke Manuel
- Luscombe C. J
- Lydon Anna
- Lynch Michael
- Lyons Norma
- MacDermott James P. A
- Macdonagh Ruaraidh P
- Machtens Stefan
- Maher E. R
- Mahmood Rana
- Maier Christiane
- Mair Graeme H. M
- Malone Peter R
- Mark I
- Marsden Gemma
- Mason M. D
- Mason Robert
- Matenhelia Shyam
- Matikainen Mika
- Matthews Philip N
- Mattila Henna
- McArdle John
- McBride Donna
- McDonnell Shannon K
- McFarlane Jonathan
- McGrath John
- McInerney Paul
- McIntosh Gregor
- McKay James
- McKinna F
- McLaren Duncan
- McMenemin Rhona
- McNicholas T. A
- McWhirter Rebekah
- Meddings Robert N
- Mee A. David
- Meier Marie-Mathilde
- Memon Mr
- Menzes Pravin
- Meyer Andreas
- Mills Robert
- Mitchell S
- Mitev Vanio
- Mithal Natasha
- Mitkova Atanaska
- Mitra Anita
- Mobb Gillian E
- Moffat Leslie E. F
- Mokete Moeketsi
- Money-Kyrle Julian
- Montgomery Bruce
- Montie James E
- Moody Hilary
- Morley Roland
- Morris Sean B
- Morrison Jonathan
- Morrison Patrick
- Mort Diana
- Mostafid Amir H
- Motiwala Hanif
- Mufti Gulzar
- Muir Gordon
- Muir Kenneth
- Mumtaz Faiz
- Murphy Michael
- Murray Alexandra
- Murray Keith W
- Murrell Shirley
- Muthukumar D
- Naerger Harry
- Namasivayam Siva
- Nargund Vinod
- Nawrocki Jan
- Neal David E
- Neilson Donald
- Nelson Colleen
- Nethersell A
- Newman Beth
- Newman Hugh
- Newton R
- Nicol David
- Nikolov Momchil
- O'Boyle P. J
- O'Brien J
- O'Brien Lynne T
- O'Brien Tim S
- O'Donoghue E
- O'Donoghue Neil
- O'Mara Tracy
- O'Reilly P
- O'Rourke J. S
- O'Sullivan Joe
- Oakley Neil
- Ogden Chris
- Ohja Hemant
- Oliver Tim
- Osborn David
- Ostler Peter
- Ostrander Elaine A
- Page Elizabeth C
- Paiss Thomas
- Pakkanen Sanna
- Palfrey Edward
- Panades Miguel
- Pancharatnam M
- Pantelides Michalakis L
- Parikh Omi
- Park Hyun Y
- Park Jong Y
- Parker Christopher C
- Parker Christopher H
- Parys Bohdan T
- Pascoe Sarah
- Patel Anup
- Patterson Briony
- Patterson Helen
- Payne Heather
- Peake David
- Pedersen John
- Pedley I
- Pengelly A
- Peracha A. M
- Perry Matthew
- Persad Raj
- Peter Hans-Ulrich
- Philp N. H
- Philp T
- Pigott Katharine
- Plail R
- Plowman P. Nicholas
- Pocock Richard D
- Polanowski Andrea
- Pope A. J
- Popert Rick
- Popov Elenko
- Porter Tim
- Pow-Sang Julio
- Powell Christopher
- Powell Philip
- Prasad Krishna
- Prejbisz J. W
- Prescott Stephen
- Protheroe Andrew
- Qureshi Khaver N
- Radein Selina
- Ragavan Narasimhan
- Rankin Julia
- Rao Y
- Ravi Ramachandran
- Ray Anna M
- Read Graham
- Rebbeck Timothy R
- Reddy Paul J
- Rimington Peter R
- Rincon Maria
- Roberts J. Trevor
- Robertson Andrew
- Robinson Angus
- Robinson Anne C
- Robinson Lee Q
- Rogers P. B
- Rowbotham Carl
- Rowe Edward
- Rowley Kathryn
- Rundle John
- Russell John M
- Ryan P. G
- Saggar Anand K
- Samanci Ali
- Saunders Edward J
- Sawyer Emma J
- Saxby M. F
- Schaid Daniel
- Schleutker Johanna
- Schwaibold Hartwig
- Scoble John E
- Scrase Christopher
- Sellers Thomas A
- Sells Henry
- Serth Jürgen
- Sethia Krishna K
- Severi Gianluca
- Shah Nihil
- Shahabi Ahva
- Shanley Sue
- Sharma Neerah K
- Sheehan Denise J
- Sherwin Elizabeth
- Shum L
- Siltanen Sanna
- Simcock R
- Singh Pravin
- Siva M
- Slavov Chavdar
- Smark Heidi
- Smith Charmaine
- Smith James
- Smith Michael F
- Sokal Michael
- Sole Graham M
- Southey Melissa C
- Spangler Elaine
- Speakman Mark J
- Spurdle Amanda
- Sreenivasan Thiagarajan
- Srihari Narayanan N
- Srinivasan Mr
- Sriram Rajagopalan
- Stalder Michèle
- Stanford Janet L
- Stankovich James
- Stefflova Klara
- Stenman Ulf-Håkan
- Stern Mariana C
- Stewart D
- Stockdale Andrew
- Stott Mark A
- Stower M. J
- Strachan John R
- Subramonian K
- Sugden Elaine
- Sundar Santhanam
- Sundaram S. K
- Suresh Gokarakonda
- Surowy Harald
- Susnerwala Shabbir
- Swami Kuchibhotla S
- Syndikus Isabel
- Tahir Saad
- Tammela Teuvo L
- Taylor John W
- Terry T
- Thibodeau Stephen N
- Thomas Robert J
- Thomas Stephen A
- Thompson Alan
- Thompson Pauline
- Thomson Alastair H
- Thomson Russell
- Thurston A
- Tilsley Owen
- Tindall Stuart F
- Tong Dr
- Trembath Richard C
- Tulloch David N
- Tweedle James
- Tymrakiewicz Malgorzata
- Tyrell C. J
- Urwin Graeme H
- Van As Nicholas
- VandenBergh Patrica
- Vesey Sean
- Violet John
- Virdi Jaspal
- Vlahova Aleksandrina
- Vogel Walther
- von Klot Christoph
- Wahlfors Tiina
- Waite Katherine
- Walker Amy
- Walker E. M
- Walker Roger
- Wallace David M. A
- Wang Liang
- Watkin Nicholas A
- Watson M. E
- Waxman J. H
- Waymont Brian
- Weaver Andrew
- Webb Ralph J
- Weber Bärbel
- Wedderburn Andrew
- Wells Paula
- Wemyss-Holden G. D
- Weston P. M. T
- Wheatley Duncan
- Whelan P
- Whillis D
- Wiest Irina
- Wiles Vicki
- Wilkins Marie
- Wilkinson Rosemary A
- Williams John H
- Williams Simon
- Willis Michael
- Wilson J. R
- Wilson Richard
- Wise Marcus
- Woodhams Simon
- Woodhouse Christopher J
- Woolfenden K. A
- Worlding Jane
- Wright Mark
- Wylie James P
- Wynne Chris
- Xu Dan-Feng
- Xu Xing-Xing
- Yaxley John
- Zachariah Babu
- Zakariah Babu
- Zang Angelika
- Zeegers Maurice
- Zeigler-Johnson Charnita
- Zhang Hong-Wei
- Zuhlke Kimberly A
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study
Prostate cancer (PrCa) is the most frequently diagnosed male cancer in developed countries. To identify common PrCa susceptibility alleles, we have previously conducted a genome-wide association study in which 541, 129 SNPs were genotyped in 1,854 PrCa cases with clinically detected disease and 1,894 controls. We have now evaluated promising associations in a second stage, in which we genotyped 43,671 SNPs in 3,650 PrCa cases and 3,940 controls, and a third stage, involving an additional 16,229 cases and 14,821 controls from 21 studies. In addition to previously identified loci, we identified a further seven new prostate cancer susceptibility loci on chromosomes 2, 4, 8, 11, and 22 (P=1.6×10−8 to P=2.7×10−33)
- Author
- Abbe
- Achard
- Achert
- Acland
- Adami
- Adelheim
- Adler
- Affleck
- Akiba
- Albert
- Albrecht
- Albrecht
- Aldous
- Allen
- Amlinger
- Anardi
- Arnold
- Arnould
- Ascoli
- Atkinson
- Aufrecht
- Aus-Silloux
- Axtell
- B Fischer
- B Fischer
- B Smith
- Babes
- Babes
- Babinsky
- Bagot
- Bale
- Ball
- Ball
- Ballet
- Bamberg
- Bandelier
- Banks
- Baraduc
- Barbacci
- Bardeleben v.
- Barile
- Barraud
- Bartel
- Bartholow
- Bary v.
- Bascho
- Bascho
- Bashford-Murray
- Bates
- Battino
- Baumann
- Baumann
- Bayer
- Beale
- Beckmann
- Beer
- Beestein v.
- Bejach
- Beneke
- Beneke
- Berblinger
- Berg
- Berghinz
- Bergmann v.
- Berner
- Bersch
- Bert
- Bertelli
- Biermann
- Birch-Hirschfeld
- Blackburn
- Bland-Sutton
- Block
- Blocq
- Blumberg
- Bobrow
- Bollinger
- Bollinger
- Bondy
- Bong
- Bonome
- Borrmann
- Borst
- Borst
- Bossowski
- Bostroem
- Bouchacourt
- Bouchat
- Boyd
- Boye
- Bramwell
- Bramwell
- Brandtzaeg
- Brauet
- Brault
- Brault
- Bressler
- Bressler
- Briese
- Brigidi
- Brinkmann
- Brissaud
- Bristowe
- Brodowski
- Brooks
- Brunero
- Brüchanow
- Brück
- Bullock
- Bullock
- Bunon
- Burckhard
- Burger
- Burnet
- Böttcher
- C Cornil
- C Derselbe
- C Ranvier
- Callum
- Caresme
- Carmichael
- Casper
- Castelli
- Cavaccini
- Cesaris-Demel
- Chajutin
- Chantreuil
- Chartier
- Chavasse
- Chervinsky
- Chiari
- Chiari
- Chomel
- Chotinsky
- Christeller
- Christian
- Chrobak
- Ciechanowski
- Claude
- Cleaver
- Clement
- Cloin
- Cloin
- Coenen
- Collinet
- Concetti
- Conforti
- Conti
- Coplin
- Coplin
- Corazza
- Corner
- Cornil
- Costantini
- Cottrmont
- Coupland
- Courbis
- Cousins
- Couvelaire
- Couvelaire
- Crequy
- Criselli
- Crispell
- Crouse
- Cruikshank
- Cruveilhier
- D Ahna
- D Bair
- D Erselbe
- D Vecchia
- D Vigi
- Dahmen
- Dallemagne
- Dammann
- Danielsen
- Danielsen
- Dansie
- Darier
- Darier
- Dassel
- Davaine
- Davidsohn
- Davidsohn
- Delaunay
- Delaunay
- Delfpine
- Delkeskamp
- Demantké
- Demel
- Depage
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
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- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
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- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
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- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Derselbe
- Deschamps
- Dibbelt
- Dibbelt
- Dickinson
- Dieselben
- Dietrich
- Dieulaeoy
- Dijkstra
- Diontsi
- Diwawin
- Dmochowski
- Dolbeau
- Domagk
- Dominici
- Dominici
- Donati
- Dopter
- Doran
- Drake
- Dreemann
- Drescheeld
- Dreschfeld
- Dubar
- Dubar
- Dubrac
- Dubrel
- Dubs
- Dufournier
- Duplay
- Durr
- Dusaussay
- Duschl
- Duzan
- Duzan
- Dérignac
- Dérignac
- D’Alloco
- D’Urso
- E Derselb
- Earl
- Eberth
- Eggel
- Eggeling
- Eichhorn
- Eiselsberg v.
- Engelhardt
- Engelhardt
- Engelmann
- Ernons
- Ernons
- Ernst
- Ewald
- Ewald
- Ewart
- Ewing
- F Hilton
- F Rühmekor
- Fabozzi
- Fabozzi
- Fabris
- Fabris
- Fabris
- Fabyan
- Fadyan
- Fagge
- Falkowski v.
- Ferraud
- Fetzer
- FG Meyer
- Firükowa
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Fischer
- Fitzgerald
- Fitzpatrick
- Fleischmann
- Flinzer
- Foot
- Foote
- Ford
- Forin
- Forsyth
- Fourestié
- Fowler
- FP Weber
- Franqué v.
- Frarier
- Freemann
- Frerichs
- Frerichs
- Frerichs
- Frieben
- Fried
- Friedenwald
- Friedheim
- Friedreich
- Friedreich
- Frohmann
- Frohmann
- Fräser
- Fuhrhans
- Fuhrhans
- Fuji
- Fulci
- Fussell
- Fölger
- Förster
- G Derselbe
- G Hayem
- G Rénon
- Gallard
- Gallico
- Galvagni
- Garbarini
- Gatewood
- Gayrand
- Gee
- Gee
- Geiger
- Gemelli
- Gendre
- Genersich v.
- Gerlach
- Gestring
- Giesbers
- Giesbers
- Gilbert
- Girard
- Girode
- Girondeau
- Gloy
- Gloz
- Glynn
- Goedel
- Goldschmid
- Goldstein
- Goldzieher
- Gordon
- Gouchet
- Gould
- Grabowski
- Grawitz
- Greenfield
- Greenish
- Greenwood
- Griffith
- Gross
- Grünberg
- Grünberg
- Gtténiot
- Gubler
- Gurewitsch
- Gänsbauer
- Géraudel
- Görig
- H Fagge
- H Meyer
- H Potocki
- H Siegenbeek van
- H Siegenbeek van
- Haan
- Haberer v.
- Hachfeld
- Hachfeld
- Hachfeld
- Hadden
- Hailes
- Hale-White
- Hamann
- Hammer
- Hannemann
- Hanot
- Hanot
- Hansemann
- Hansemann v.
- Hantz
- Harley
- Harris
- Hauff v.
- Hawkins
- Heaton
- Hebb
- Hecht
- Hedinger
- Hedrén
- Hedrén
- Hedrén
- Heitzmann
- Hektoen
- Heller
- Helvestine
- Henke
- Henke
- Hennecart
- Hennichs
- Henoch
- Henschen
- Henschen
- Herbst
- Hertig
- Herxheimer
- Herxheimer
- Herzog
- Heschl
- Hess
- Hess
- Hesseling
- Heter
- Hetzel
- Heussi
- Hewlett
- Hickson
- Hippel
- Hippel
- Hippel v.
- Hirschler
- Hobday
- Hodgson
- Hoefnagel
- Hoerup
- Hoffmann
- Hoffmann
- Hofmann
- Hogg
- Holm
- Holt
- Homann
- Hommerich
- Honecker
- Hopeler
- Hoppe-Seyler
- Horn
- Howard
- Huger
- Huguenin
- Humann
- Hunt
- Hutyra
- Häfen v.
- Härtel
- Hölker
- Hörne
- Idzumi
- Idzumi
- Ikonikow
- Israel
- Israel
- Jacob
- Jacobson
- Jaffé
- Jaffé
- Jaffé
- Jasnogradsky
- Jasnogrodsky
- Jaster
- Jevers
- Joest
- Joest
- Joferoy
- Johan
- Johne
- Johne
- Johne
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jona
- Jona
- Jorissen
- Jost
- JT Tsching
- Juhel-Michel
- Juhel-Renoy
- Jump
- Jungmann
- Jäger
- K Jones
- K Kelsch
- Kahlden v.
- Kahlden v.
- Kahle
- Kahle
- Kakuda
- Kanthack
- Kanthack
- Kappeler
- Karsner
- Kasai
- Kasparek
- Katz
- Kaufmann
- Kaufmann
- Kaufmann
- Kaufmann
- Kaufmann
- Kauschmann
- KEE Mc
- Keen
- Kelemen
- Keller
- Kelsch
- Kelsch
- Kempf
- Kennedy
- Kestner
- Key
- KEY Axel
- Kielletjthner
- Kiensberger
- Kieser
- Kika
- Kilvington
- Kindt
- Kisicato
- Kitt
- Kitt
- Klebs
- Klee
- Klemm
- Klob
- Knoch
- Knott
- Kolb
- Koltmann
- Koltmann
- Konjetzny
- Kothny
- Kothny
- Krassnobajew
- Kretz
- Kretz
- Krische
- Kudlich
- Kuipers
- König
- Königer
- Körte
- Küchler
- Kümmel
- L Derselbe
- L Garcia
- L Pick
- L Tourette
- Laache
- Laboulbène
- Lambert
- Lance- Reaux
- Lancereaux
- Lancereaux
- Landouzy
- Landrieux
- Landsteiner
- Langenbuch
- Langer
- Langier
- Langley
- Langmead
- Lapage
- Lataste
- Laveran
- Laveran
- Layman
- Leboucher
- Leduc
- Leflaive
- Leichtenstern
- Lejars
- Lendrop
- Lepidi-Chioti
- Leppmann
- Lesser
- Letterer
- Letulle
- Letulle
- Leuf
- Levaditi
- Lewis
- Lewiss
- Leyden
- Lichty
- Liebl
- Lilienfeld
- Lindner
- Lisjanski
- Lissauer
- Litile
- Litten
- Litten
- Ljunggren
- Longuet
- Lorentz
- Lormand
- Lubarsch
- Lubarsch
- Lubarsch
- Ludwig
- Ludwig
- Lunghetti
- LW Smith
- Lépine
- Lòhlein
- Löhlein
- Löhlein
- Lücke
- M Dominici
- M Fadyean
- M Grass
- M Indoe
- M Mum
- M Pry
- M Yean
- Maeftjcci
- Maffucci
- Mahomed
- Mahomed
- Mahomed
- Mair
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- Marckwald
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- Martque
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- Marx
- Marx
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- Mau
- May
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- Memmo
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- Merkel
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- Merklen
- Meyenburg v.
- Meyenbürg v.
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyer
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- Mieremet
- Milian
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- Miller
- Milne
- Minkowski
- Mirolubow
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- Mjsick
- Mo
- Moll
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- Monti
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- Morton
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- MossÉ
- Moxon
- Muir
- Muir
- Munk
- Murchison
- Musser
- Ménétrier
- Müller
- N Gross
- N Mario
- N Nisse
- Nagayo
- Nakamura
- Nakamura
- Natjnyn
- Naunyn
- Naunyn
- Nazari
- Nazari
- Nazari
- Nebykow
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- Newton
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- Nicotra
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- Nobiling
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- Ollive
- Ong
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- Orth
- Orth
- Orth
- Orzechowski
- Osler
- Ottendorf
- P Smith
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- Payne
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- Peck
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- Pennato
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- Pepere
- Pepere
- Pepere
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- Pepper
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- Perls
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- Petit
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- Peugniez
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- Pfannenstill
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- Philipp
- Philipp
- Philipp
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- Pick
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- Picot
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- Pilliet
- Pilliet
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- Pirie
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- Pisenti
- Pitt
- Plaut
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- Plehn
- Pleitner
- Plenk
- Podrotjzek
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- Ponjatowsky
- Porrak
- Port
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- Porter
- Porter
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- Prus
- Prus
- Puritz
- Pye-Smith
- Quincke
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- Quéré
- R Weiss
- Ralfe
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- Raud
- Raupp
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- Ravenna
- Ravenna
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- Recklinghausen v.
- Redlich
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- Rendu
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- Ria
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- Ribbert
- Ribbert
- Ribbert
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- Rindfleisch
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- Roberts
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- Roesch
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- Rolleston
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- Rollet
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- Rosenthal v.
- Rossi
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- Ruczinski
- Rudolf
- Rumpelt
- Runte
- Russ
- Russell
- Ruyter
- Ryan
- Rühlemann
- Rütz v.
- S Bellingham
- S Germain
- S Hommes
- S Polak-Daniel
- Saake
- Sabourin
- Sabourin
- Saboürin
- Salinger
- Salter
- Saltykow
- Saltykow
- Saltykow
- Saltykow
- Saltykow
- Salvini
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- Sato
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- Savard
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- Schlesinger
- Schlesinger
- Schlesinger
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- Schmidt
- Schmidt
- Schmieden
- Schmieden
- Schmieden
- Schmincke
- Schmincke
- Schmitz
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- Schmorl
- Schneider
- Schrohe
- Schrötter
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- Schwalbe
- Schwarz
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- Schweninger
- Schwieger
- Schwink
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- Schüppel
- Sckeedat
- Segotjd
- Senfft
- Senna
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- Sevestre
- Sevestre
- Shabkey
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- Shaw
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- Siegrist
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- Simmonds
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- Sklifassowski
- Skorna
- Sluys van
- Smith
- Smith
- Snon
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- Sokoloff
- Sokolow
- Sonntag
- Sotti
- Squadrini
- Staats
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- Stamm
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- Starr
- Steffen
- Steffen
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- Steinhaus
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- Stephan
- Stephan
- Still
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- Stroh
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- Stõeger
- Stölzel
- Sutton
- Swenson
- Swetschnikow
- Sänger
- Tate
- Tavignot
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- Terplan
- Testi
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- Tetjtschländer
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- Theodorow
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- Thoele
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- Thompson
- Thompson
- Thomson
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- Tivy
- Tollemer
- Tomson
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- Torland
- Touche
- Travis
- Trene
- Trittelvitz
- Trotter
- Tschistowitsch
- Tuffier
- Turnauer
- TY Tsching
- U Derselbe V
- UG Derselbe
- Ugriumow
- UH-S Quincke
- UP Harbitz
- UZ Graupner
- V Ferro
- V Glahn
- V Hippel
- V Meyenbtjrg
- V Miliecki
- Vallillo
- Varshavski
- Vebsé
- Vecchi
- Vecchi
- Veeder
- Veeder
- Venulet
- Vidal
- Vincentiis
- Vogel
- Vogelsang
- Voisin
- Vorpahl
- Vorpahl
- Vulpian
- W Hall
- W Müller
- W Powell
- W Schultz
- Wackerle
- Waetzold
- Wagner
- Wagner
- Wagner
- Wagner
- Walch
- Waldeyer
- Walter
- Walter
- Warren
- Watanabe
- Weber
- Wegelin
- Wegelin
- Weigert
- Weishaupt
- Wendel
- West
- West
- West
- Westphalen
- Wheeler
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- White
- White
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- Williamson
- Willige
- Willigk
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- Witwicky
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- Wood
- Wooldridge
- Wulff
- Wyssmann
- Wördehoff
- Yamagiwa
- Yamagiwa
- Yamagiwa
- Yamare
- Yeomans
- Yokoyama
- Zahn
- Zahn
- Zalka
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- Ziegler
- Zinno
- Zniniewicz
- Zuber
- Zuppinger
- Öhlecker
- Örtel
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1930
- Field of study
Deductive reasoning
- Author
- [Rodis-]Lewis
- [Rodis-]Lewis
- Aaron
- Abel
- Abercrombie
- Abra de Raconis
- Abraham
- Adams
- Adams
- Adams
- Adams
- Aegidius Romanus
- Agrippa
- Agrippa
- Aidius
- Aiton
- Aiton
- al-Ghazālī
- Alberti
- Alberti
- Aldrich
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alhazen
- Alhazen
- Allard
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allison
- Alquié
- Alquié
- Alquié
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alsted
- Alvarez
- Amerio
- Ames
- Ames
- Ames
- Andersen
- Andrews
- Andrés Martin
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- Angelelli
- Annas
- Anon
- Anon
- Appleton
- Arckenholtz
- Aricò
- Ariew
- Ariew
- Ariew
- Aristode
- Aristotle
- Aristotle
- Aristotle
- Aristotle
- Aristotle
- Aristotle
- Armogathe
- Armogathe
- Armogathe
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnauld
- Arnold
- Arnold
- Arrais
- Arriaga
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- Ashcraft
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- Ashworth
- Ashworth
- Aspelin
- Assenmacher
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- Atherton
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- Aubenque
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- Aubignac
- Aubrey
- Auger
- Augustine
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- Averroes
- Averroes
- Ayer
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Ayers
- Azevedo
- Bachelard
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Bacon
- Badaloni
- Baillet
- Baillie
- Balfour
- Ballard
- Balz
- Barbay
- Barbay
- Barber
- Barbeyrac
- Barbour
- Barker
- Barnard
- Barnard
- Barnoum
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
- Barrow
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- Bartha
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- Barzilay
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- Basso
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- Battail
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- Baumgold
- Bausola
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- Baxter
- Baxter
- Bayes
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- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bayle
- Bazzoli
- Beaude
- Becco
- Becconsall
- Bechler
- Beck
- Beck
- Beck
- Bedini
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- Beeckman
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- Belaval
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- Benn
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- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
- Bennett
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- Bentley
- Bentley
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- Berkel
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- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
- Berkeley
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- Bernier
- Bernier
- Bernier
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- Bernoulli
- Bernoulli
- Bernoulli
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- Berr
- Berr
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- Bertoloni Meli
- Berts
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- Beyssade
- Beyssade
- Beyssade
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- Bianchi
- Bianchi
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- Biermann
- Biermann
- Birch
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- Blanchet
- Blanché
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- Bloch
- Bloch
- Bloch
- Bloch
- Blom
- Blount
- Blount
- Blumenfeld
- Blumenfeld
- Blüher
- Boas
- Boas Hall
- Boas Hall
- Boas Hall
- Boas Hall
- Bobbio
- Bobik
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- Bodin
- Bodin
- Boehm
- Boehm
- Boethius
- Bohatec
- Bold
- Bolton
- Bolton
- Bolton
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- Bonansea
- Bonno
- Bordo
- Borkowski
- Borst
- Bos
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- Bossuet
- Bossuet
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- Bouju
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- Bourne
- Boutroux
- Bouvet
- Boyce Gibson
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
- Boyle
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- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
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- Brunet
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- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Bruno
- Brunschvicg
- Brush
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- Bréhier
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- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Buridan
- Buridan
- Burke
- Burkhardt
- Burkhardt
- Burkhardt
- Burkhardt
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnet
- Burnyeat
- Burnyeat
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burthogge
- Burton
- Burtt
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- Butler
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- Byrne
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- Bérulle
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- Cajetan
- Calvin
- Calvin
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Campanella
- Camus
- Canfeld
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- Canziani
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- Capp
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- Cardano
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- Carraud
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- Casaubon
- Casaubon
- Casaubon
- Casaubon
- Casaubon
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- Cassirer
- Cassirer
- Cassirer
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- Caussin
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- Cavalieri
- Cavalieri
- Cavalieri
- Cavalieri
- Cavalieri
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- Cavendish
- Cavendish
- Cavendish
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- Ceñal
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- Chadwick
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- Chappell
- Chappell
- Chappell
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- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charleton
- Charleton
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- Charron
- Charron
- Charron
- Charron
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- Chasteigner de la Rochepozay
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- Chillingworth
- Chillingworth
- Chillingworth
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- Cicero
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- Clagett
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- Clair
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- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clatterbaugh
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- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
- Clauberg
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- Clerselier
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- Cocceji
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- Cockburn
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- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
- Cohen
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- Collins
- Collins
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- Comenius
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- Connolly
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- Conway
- Conway
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- Copenhaver
- Copenhaver
- Copenhaver
- Copenhaver
- Copenhaver
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- Cordemoy
- Cordemoy
- Cordemoy
- Cordemoy
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- Cornwallis
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- Costabel
- Costabel
- Costabel
- Costabel
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- Courtine
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- Cudworth
- Cudworth
- Cudworth
- Cudworth
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- Cumberland
- Cumberland
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- Cummins
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- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Cureau de la Chambre
- Curley
- Curley
- Curley
- Curley
- Curley
- Curry
- Curry
- Cuvillier
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- Daniel
- Daniel
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- De Dijn
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- De Witt
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- Debus
- Debus
- Debus
- Debus
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- Della Rocca
- Della Rocca
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- Deprun
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- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
- Descartes
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- Dewhurst
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- Digby
- Digby
- Digby
- Digby
- Digby
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- Diogenes
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- Dobbs
- Dobbs
- Dobbs
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- Du Hamel
- Du Hamel
- Du Hamel
- Du Hamel
- Du Hamel
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- Duchesneau
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- Dufour
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- Duhem
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- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Duns Scotus
- Dupaquier
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- Dupleix
- Dupleix
- Dupleix
- Dupleix
- Dupleix
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- Dury
- Dury
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- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
- Edwards
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- Ficino
- Ficino
- Ficino
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- Fitzpatrick
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- Fletcher
- Fletcher
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- Fludd
- Fludd
- Fludd
- Fludd
- Fludd
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- Fontenelle
- Fontenelle
- Fontenelle
- Fontenelle
- Fontenelle
- Fontenelle
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- Forbes
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- Frankfurt
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- François de Sales
- François de Sales
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- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Fénelon
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gabbey
- Gale
- Galen
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Galilei
- Gallie
- Galluzzi
- Galluzzi
- Galluzzi
- Garasse
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Garber
- Gardeil
- Gargani
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garrett
- Garrett
- Garrigou-LaGrange
- Gaskell
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gassendi
- Gaukroger
- Gaukroger
- Gaukroger
- Gaukroger
- Gaukroger
- Gaultruche
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Geier
- Gerdil
- Gerrish
- Geulincx
- Geulincx
- Geulincx
- Geulincx
- Geulincx
- Gibieuf
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gierke
- Gigante
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilen
- Gilissen
- Gill
- Gillispie
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Giusberti
- Gjertsen
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glanvill
- Glisson
- Glover
- Goclenius
- Goclenius
- Godoy
- Godwin
- Goldsmith
- Gonzalez
- Goorle
- Goorle
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gorland
- Goshen-Gottstein
- Goudin
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Gouhier
- Goyard-Fabre
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Gracia
- Gracia
- Gracia
- Gracia
- Graff
- Grant
- Graunt
- Gravelle
- Grayling
- Green
- Greene
- Greenwood
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Gresh
- Greshake
- Griffin
- Grimaldi
- Grisard
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Grunwald
- Guareschi
- Guerlac
- Guerlac
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Gueroult
- Guy
- Gysi
- Haakonssen
- Haakonssen
- Hacking
- Hacking
- Haggenmacher
- Hahm
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hall
- Hamelin
- Hamilton
- Hammerstein
- Hammerstein
- Hampshire
- Hampton
- Hankins
- Hannaway
- Hannequin
- Hannequin
- Hardin
- Hardouin
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harrison
- Harth
- Hartley
- Hatfield
- Hatfield
- Hatfield
- Hatfield
- Hatfield
- Hatfield
- Hazard
- Hearne
- Heereboord
- Heereboord
- Heereboord
- Heereboord
- Heereboord
- Heereboord
- Hegel
- Hegel
- Heidegger
- Heidegger
- Heider
- Heilbron
- Heilbron
- Heilbron
- Heimsoeth
- Heinekamp
- Heinekamp
- Helbing
- Hemmingsen
- Henderson
- Henninger
- Henrich
- Henricides
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Hepburn
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herbert
- Herivel
- Hermes Trismegistus
- Hermes Trismegistus
- Hesse
- Hesse
- Hick
- Hildesheimer
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Hillenaar
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hippocrates
- Hirsch
- Hirschman
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hobbes
- Hochstrasser
- Hody
- Hoeres
- Hont
- Hood
- Hooke
- Hooke
- Hooke
- Hooker
- Hooper
- Hooper
- Hooykaas
- Hooykaas
- Hooykaas
- Hooykaas
- Horne
- Hostler
- Houston
- Howell
- Howell
- Howells
- Hruschka
- Hruschka
- Huet
- Huet
- Huet
- Huffman
- Hume
- Hume
- Hungerland
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Huonder
- Hussey
- Hutcheson
- Hutin
- Hutton
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Huygens
- Hyman
- Hyman
- Hägerström
- Höltgen
- Höpfl
- Hübener
- Hübner
- Idel
- Ignatius
- Ignatius
- Ignatius
- Ilting
- Iltis
- Ingegno
- Inwood
- Ishiguro
- Jacob
- Jacquot
- Jaeger
- Jaki
- Jalabert
- James
- Jansenius
- Jardine
- Jardine
- Jardine
- Jardine
- Jardine
- Jardine
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnston
- Jolley
- Jolley
- Jolley
- Jolley
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jonsen
- Jordan
- Joseph
- Joy
- Judovitz
- Judovitz
- Julien Eymard d'Angers
- Julien Eymard d'Angers
- Jungius
- Jungius
- Jungius
- Jungius
- Jungst
- Jurieu
- Kabitz
- Kabitz
- Kagan
- Kalinowski
- Kalinowski
- Kangro
- Kant
- Kant
- Kaplan
- Kargon
- Kargon
- Kassler
- Katz
- Katz
- Kaufmann
- Kavka
- Kearney
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Keckermann
- Kelly
- Kelpius
- Kemp Smith
- Kendall
- Kendall
- Kendall
- Kenny
- Kenny
- Kenny
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kepler
- Kern
- Kessler
- Keynes
- Kilcullen
- King
- King
- Kircher
- Kircher
- Kircher
- Kirk
- Kirk
- Klaaren
- Kline
- Kneale
- Knecht
- Knight
- Knorr
- Knorr von Rosenroth
- Koester
- Kolakowski
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Koyré
- Krailsheimer
- Krailsheimer
- Kraus
- Kraye
- Kremer
- Krieger
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Krook
- La Bruyère
- La Bruyère
- La Forge
- La Forge
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Mothe le Vayer
- La Peyrère
- La Peyrère
- La Peyrère
- La Rochefoucauld
- La Rochefoucauld
- Labrousse
- Labrousse
- Lach
- Lach
- Lagarde
- Lagrée
- Laird
- Laird
- Laird
- Lalande
- Lambert
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Lamy
- Landucci
- Langbein
- Lanion
- Laporte
- Larmore
- Larmore
- Larmore
- Lasswitz
- Lattre
- Laurent
- Law
- Law
- Layton
- Le Brun
- Le Clerc
- Le Clerc
- Le Clerc
- Le Clerc
- Le Clerc
- Le Clerc
- Le Comte
- Le Coq
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Grand
- Le Moyne
- Le Moyne
- Le Rees
- Leclerc
- Lee
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Leibniz
- Lejeune
- Lelevel
- Lemaire
- Lenders
- Lennon
- Lennon
- Lennon
- Lennon
- Lennon
- Lenoble
- Lerner
- Leslie
- Lessius
- Letwin
- Levi
- Lewalter
- Leyden
- Leyden
- Leyden
- Lezius
- Liddell
- Lieberwirth
- Limborch
- Lindberg
- Lindberg
- Lindberg
- Lindberg
- Lindeboom
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Lipsius
- Livet
- Livi-Bacci
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Lloyd
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Locke
- Loeb
- Loeb
- Lohr
- Lohr
- Long
- Long
- Lounela
- Lovejoy
- Lovejoy
- Lovejoy
- Lovejoy
- Luce
- Luce
- Lucretius
- Lucretius
- Lucretius
- Luig
- Lukács
- Luther
- Lévinas
- Lévy
- Macdonald
- Machiavelli
- Machiavelli
- MacIntyre
- Maclean
- Maclean
- Maclean
- Macpherson
- Madden
- Maddison
- Madeira
- Magaillans
- Magaillans
- Magirus
- Magnen
- Mahnerus
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Maier
- Maier
- Maistrov
- Malagola
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malebranche
- Malherbe
- Mallet
- Malvezzi
- Malvezzi
- Malvezzi
- Mandonnet
- Mandrou
- Manlove
- Manuel
- Manuel
- Marana
- Marandé
- Marci
- Marci
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Marion
- Markie
- Markus
- Marlin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martini
- Marías-Aguilera
- Mas
- Massault
- Maséres
- Mates
- Mates
- Matheron
- Matheron
- Mauss
- Mauss
- Mautner
- Mayo
- McCann
- McCracken
- McCullough
- McCullough
- McEvoy
- McGrath
- McGrath
- McGuire
- McKeon
- McLachlan
- McMullin
- McMullin
- McMullin
- McMullin
- McMurrich
- McNeilly
- McRae
- McRae
- McRae
- Mede
- Medick
- Mehta
- Meinel
- Meinel
- Melanchthon
- Melles
- Menasseh
- Menasseh
- Menasseh
- Mendoza
- Menjot-d'Elbenne
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Mercer
- Merchant
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Mersenne
- Meslier
- Mesnard
- Metzger
- Metzger
- Meuvret
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meyer
- Meylan
- Michael
- Michel
- Micraelius
- Micraelius
- Mijuskovic
- Milano
- Millen
- Milton
- Milton
- Milton
- Milton
- Mintz
- Mittelstrass
- Modèer
- Molina
- Molina
- Molinos
- Moll
- Monod
- Monsarrat
- Montagnes
- Montaigne
- Montaigne
- Montaigne
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- More
- Moreau
- Morford
- Moriconi
- Morin
- Morisanus
- Mormino
- Mormino
- Morpurgo-Tagliabue
- Moscato
- Mossner
- Moulin
- Mouy
- Mugnai
- Mugnai
- Mugnai
- Mugnai
- Muirhead
- Multhauf
- Mungello
- Mungello
- Mungello
- Munitz
- Munz
- Murdoch
- Muñoz
- Mèchoulan
- Mèchoulan
- Mènage
- Müller-Jahncke
- Nadler
- Nadler
- Nadler
- Nadler
- Nadler
- Nagel
- Namer
- Napoli
- Nardi
- Naudé
- Naudé
- Naudé
- Naudé
- Naudé
- Naudé
- Nauert
- Needham
- Needham
- Newman
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Newton
- Nicholas
- Nicolaus
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicolson
- Nicolson
- Niderst
- Nielsen
- Niewöhner
- Nizolio
- Noonan
- Normore
- Norris
- Norris
- Novotný
- Nuchelmans
- Nuchelmans
- Nuchelmans
- Nuchelmans
- O'Daly
- O'Neill
- Oakeshott
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oberman
- Ockham
- Ockham
- Odonis
- Oldenburg
- Oldrini
- Oldrini
- Olivecrona
- Olivecrona
- Olivecrona
- Ong
- Orcibal
- Orcibal
- Oresme
- Orobio de Castro
- Orr
- Osler
- Osler
- Osler
- Osterhorn
- Overton
- Pacchi
- Pacchi
- Pace
- Pachder
- Pacho
- Pagden
- Pagden
- Pagel
- Pagel
- Palladini
- Palladini
- Palladini
- Palladini
- Pallavicino
- Pardies
- Pardies
- Pardies
- Parfit
- Parinetto
- Park
- Park
- Park
- Parker
- Parker
- Parkinson
- Parkinson
- Parr
- Parrain
- Partington
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Pascal
- Passmore
- Patrides
- Patrizi
- Patrizi
- Paulinus
- Pavone
- Pearson
- Pearson
- Pearson
- Pecham
- Pedersen
- Peers
- Pegis
- Perkins
- Peter
- Peters
- Peters
- Peters
- Petersen
- Petersson
- Petrarca
- Petrik
- Petty
- Petty
- Peucer
- Phillips
- Pico
- Pico
- Pico
- Pico
- Pico
- Pico
- Pine
- Pinot
- Pintard
- Pithoys
- Placette
- Plantinga
- Plethon
- Plutarch
- Plutarch
- Pocock
- Poiret
- Poiret
- Poiret
- Poiret
- Poiret
- Poisson
- Polin
- Polin
- Pomponazzi
- Pomponazzi
- Pomponazzi
- Pomponazzi
- Pomponazzi
- Pomponazzi
- Pona
- Poncius
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popkin
- Popper
- Poppi
- Poser
- Postel
- Postel
- Postel
- Poulain de la Barre
- Pousseur
- Pousseur
- Pousseur
- Powell
- Powicke
- Pozzi
- Prior
- Prost
- Pseudo-Dionysius
- Ptolemy
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Pufendorf
- Purchotius
- Pérez-Ramos
- Quevedo
- Quevedo
- Rabbe
- Rabe
- Rabinovitch
- Rademaker
- Radner
- Raey
- Raey
- Raey
- Ramsay
- Ramus
- Randall
- Raphael
- Rashdall
- Rashed
- Rathery
- Rattansi
- Raymond
- Real
- Redwood
- Reeb
- Rees
- Rees
- Rees
- Reesink
- Reeves
- Regius
- Regius
- Regius
- Regius
- Regius
- Regius
- Regnerus
- Reibstein
- Reid
- Reid
- Reiter
- Rescher
- Rescher
- Rescher
- Rescher
- Reventlow
- Revius
- Reynolds
- Reynolds
- Rheinfelder
- Rhigini Bonelli
- Ricci
- Ricci
- Rice
- Rice
- Richardson
- Richardson
- Riley
- Risse
- Risse
- Risse
- Ritter
- Roberval
- Roberval
- Robinet
- Robinet
- Robinet
- Robinet
- Robinet
- Robinet
- Robinson
- Robles
- Rochemonteix
- Rochot
- Rochot
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodis-Lewis
- Rodriguez-San
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rogers
- Rohan
- Rohault
- Rohault
- Rohault
- Rohault
- Rohault
- Rolf
- Rome
- Rorty
- Rorty
- Rorty
- Rorty
- Rorty
- Rosenfield
- Rosenfield
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Ross
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Roth
- Roth
- Rovane
- Rozemond
- Rubius
- Rubius
- Ruestow
- Russell
- Rutherford
- Rutherford
- Régis
- Régis
- Régis
- Régis
- Régis
- Rétat
- Röd
- Röhr
- Røstvig
- Rüping
- Rüping
- Sablé
- Sabra
- Saccherius
- Saint-Evremond
- Sainte-Beuve
- Sams
- Sanchez
- Sanchez
- Sanchez
- Sanchez
- Sanderson
- Sandys
- Santillana
- Santinello
- Saraiva
- Sarasohn
- Sargentich
- Savonarola
- Schaffer
- Scharf
- Scheffler
- Scheibler
- Schepers
- Schepers
- Schepers
- Schmaltz
- Schmaus
- Schmidt-Biggemann
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt-Lermann
- Schneewind
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schneider
- Schneiders
- Schneiders
- Schneiders
- Schofield
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Scholem
- Schouls
- Schouls
- Schubart-Fikentscher
- Schuhmann
- Schuster
- Schuster
- Schüling
- Schüling
- Scott
- Scott
- Screech
- Scudéry
- Sebba
- Sedgwick
- Seiler
- Selden
- Selden
- Selden
- Sellier
- Semedo
- Senault
- Senault
- Seneca
- Senlis
- Senlis
- Senlis
- Sennert
- Sennert
- Sennert
- Sennert
- Sennert
- Sepich
- Serene
- Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Serveto
- Serveto
- Sextus
- Sextus
- Sextus
- Sextus
- Shaftesbury
- Shapin
- Shapiro
- Shapiro
- Sharrock
- Shea
- Shea
- Sherlock
- Sherlock
- Sheynin
- Sheynin
- Shirley
- Shirley
- Silhon
- Silhon
- Silhon
- Sillem
- Simon
- Simon
- Simon
- Simon
- Sinapius
- Sirven
- Skinner
- Skinner
- Slaughter
- Sleigh
- Sleigh
- Smiglecius
- Smiglecius
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Snow
- Snowdon
- Solomon
- Sommerville
- Sommervogel
- Sophie
- Sorabji
- Sorabji
- Sorbière
- Sorell
- Sorell
- Sortais
- South
- South
- Southgate
- Spanneut
- Specht
- Spellman
- Spence
- Sperling
- Spiller
- Spink
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spinoza
- Spragens
- Sprat
- Stahl
- Stahl
- Standaert
- Stanley
- Stanley
- Starobinski
- Starobinski
- Stein
- Steneck
- Stephens
- Stevin
- Stewart
- Stierius
- Stigler
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stillingfleet
- Stolleis
- Stolpe
- Stone
- Strauss
- Strauss
- Strier
- Suchon
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Suárez
- Sylvius
- Sáenz de Aguirre
- Sáenz de Aguirre
- Sève
- Süssmilch
- Tachau
- Tack
- Talmor
- Tamm
- Tatakis
- Taton
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Telesio
- Temple
- Temple
- Temple
- ter Meulen
- Tesauro
- Testu
- Thackray
- Thiel
- Thiel
- Thiel
- Thiel
- Thijssen-Schoute
- Thijssen-Schoute
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomasius
- Thomasius
- Thomasius
- Thomasius
- Thorndike
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tillotson
- Tillotson
- Timpler
- Timpler
- Timpler
- Tipton
- Tipton
- Todhunter
- Toland
- Toletus
- Toletus
- Toletus
- Toletus
- Tonelli
- Tonelli
- Tonnies
- Topliss
- Torricelli
- Torricelli
- Torricelli
- Tournemine
- Traherne
- Traherne
- Traherne
- Trentman
- Trevor-Roper
- Trevor-Roper
- Trevor-Roper
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tuck
- Tulloch
- Tully
- Turbayne
- Turnbull
- Turner
- Turrettini
- Tuveson
- Tyrrell
- Urbach
- Urmson
- Ussher
- Uzgalis
- Vailati
- Vailati
- Valente
- Valla
- van den Berg
- van der Wall
- van der Wall
- Van Edmond
- Van Helmont
- Van Helmont
- Van Helmont
- van Melsen
- van Schurman
- van Schurman
- van Schurman
- van Schurman
- Vanini
- Vanini
- Vanini
- Vasoli
- Vasoli
- Vasquez
- Vasquez
- Vasquez
- Vasquez
- Vaughan
- Velsten
- Verbeek
- Verbeek
- Verbeek
- Verbeek
- Verga
- Vernière
- Vickers
- Vickers
- Vidgrain
- Vilain
- Villey
- Villey
- Villey
- Vincent
- Vincent
- Viret
- Viret
- Vives
- Vives
- Viète
- Viète
- Viète
- Vlastos
- Vleeschauwer
- Vleeschauwer
- Vleeschauwer
- Voet
- Vogel
- Vogelsang
- Vollrath
- Voltaire
- Vossius
- Vossius
- Waard
- Waard
- Wachter
- Wade
- Waithe
- Waithe
- Walaeus
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Walkington
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Wallis
- Wallis
- Wallis
- Walther
- Ward
- Ward
- Warren
- Warrender
- Watkins
- Watson
- Watson
- Watson
- Watson
- Watt
- Watts
- Wear
- Webb
- Weber
- Weber
- Webster
- Webster
- Webster
- Webster
- Weeks
- Weier
- Weimann
- Weinberg
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Wells
- Welzel
- Wenn
- Werner
- Wernham
- Wertz
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westfall
- Westman
- Westman
- Whewell
- Whichcote
- Whitby
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- White
- Whiteside
- Widmaier
- Wiggins
- Wilenius
- Wilkins
- Wilkins
- Willems
- William
- William
- William
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williamson
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winkler
- Winter
- Wisan
- Witelo
- Wolf
- Wolff
- Wolff
- Wolff
- Wolfson
- Wolfson
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wood
- Woodhouse
- Woodruff
- Woolhouse
- Woolhouse
- Woolhouse
- Woolhouse
- Woolhouse
- Wootton
- Worthington
- Wren
- Wright
- Wright
- Wright
- Wrigley
- Wundt
- Yates
- Yates
- Yates
- Yates
- Yates
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yolton
- Yost
- Young
- Yovel
- Zabarella
- Zabarella
- Zabarella
- Zabarella
- Zagorin
- Zambelli
- Zambelli
- Zambelli
- Zambelli
- Zambelli
- Zanier
- Zanier
- Zarka
- Zeisold
- Zimara
- Zurbuchen
- Åkerman
- Åkerman
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study