1,590 research outputs found

    'An idealist touched by practicality’: the work and influence of Richard Runciman Terry (1864–1938)

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    Richard Runciman Terry resigned from Westminster Cathedral in 1924 after twenty threeyears as Director of Music. During his tenure, and for the previous four years at Downside Abbey, a substantial corpus of fifteenth and sixteenth-century music was recovered by Terry from a range of manuscripts, bringing a previously forbidden and neglected repertoire back to use and public notice. The consequences of this work were far-reaching, directly influencing the compositions of his contemporaries and simultaneously contributing to the reception of Latin into Anglican liturgy. This thesis examines Terry’s significant contribution to music in the early twentieth-century and more broadly the shift in national cultural attitudes to the use of Latin in worship. The manuscripts which were the subject of Terry’s palaeography are examined, with his work on the only surviving polyphonic Mass by John Merbecke presented as a case study. Terry’s own compositional cycle is assessed and his work with carols, hymns and sea shanties has been considered. His relevance today is assessed in addition to the lost opportunities during his lifetime to secure a lasting legacy. The often justified criticism of Terry’s working practices is examined, as well as the outright hostility to him personally from a small group of musicologists of the Anglican establishment. The present study has been achieved with extensive research of the Westminster Cathedral archives, Terry’s own numerous writings and those of others shaping the reception of his work. The early twentieth century was a period of substantial interest in the music of the past. This study seeks to identify Terry’s contribution to the fledgeling early-music movement and contextualise his work within the conflicted history of English church music

    Jeux évolutionnaires et paradoxe de l’induction rétrograde (backward induction)

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    La théorie des jeux évolutionnaires s'oppose à la théorie des jeux classique en ce qu 'elle élimine les raisonnements des joueurs. Peut-elle dépasser les apories (impossibilités de coopérations) de la théorie classique ? Mais en reconsidérant le raisonnement classique d'induction rétrograde, en y introduisant des possibilités de révision, on évite son aspect paradoxal. L'intérêt de la théorie des jeux évolutionnaires est donc surtout de simuler l'évolution d'interactions dans des populations.Evolutionary game theory does not take into account reasoning players, in contrast with classical game theory. Can it overcome some drawbacks of classical theory (impossibility of cooperation)? If we reconsider the backward induction reasoning, and if introduce the possibility of revising, paradoxes and drawbacks disappear. So the main interest of evolutionary game theoiy consists in the simulation of evolution of interactions among populations

    Structure noématique et transcendance du Dasein

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    Volition, ajustements moteurs et exploration des valeurs

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    La simulation : des déplacements de notre épistémologie

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    En sciences sociales, seules des simulations peuvent nous donner une idée de la manière dont des formes collectives résultent d’interactions complexes. Mais plus elles sont complexes – en particulier en intégrant les effets des représentations des formes collectives par les acteurs – plus les simulations peuvent diverger, d’où une indétermination. Or nous sommes plus sensibles à ce qui est pour nous reconnaissable (formes plus stables, mieux différenciées). Combiner ces deux tendances nous amène à privilégier non pas une correspondance avec une réalité elle aussi complexe, mais la capacité des simulations à permettre entre elles des comparaisons qui puissent nous offrir des moyens de les critiquer les unes par les autres. Nous conservons à l’esprit, en parallèle, les scénarios divergents qui restent les plus différentiables tout en restant attentif à des divergences d’abord négligées.In social sciences, we need simulations in order to know how collective forms can result from complex interactions. The more complex they are – for example when integrating the effect of actors’ representations of collective forms on collective phenomena- the more divergent they can be, leading to indeterminacy. Moreover we are more sensitive to more stable, more differentiated forms, the recognition of which is easier. Combining these two trends leads us to substitute to the ideal of correspondence with social reality the comparability of simulations, in order to get means of criticizing and revising one simulation by the others. We keep in mind together the divergent scenarios that are the easier ones to be distinguished while paying attention to possible divergences that were neglected at first

    Diffraction with a coherent X-ray beam: dynamics and imaging

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    Techniques for coherent X-ray scattering measurements are detailed. Applications in the study of the dynamics of fluctuations and in lensless high-resolution imaging are described

    Web Ontologies as Renewal of Classical Philosophical Ontology

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    International audienceDo Web devices (addresses, tags, networks, and the rest) have counterparts in classical ontology? Yes, but they allow us also to introduce more refined distinctions. In addition, their dynamic use could inspire a dynamic reconception of classical ontology. In the process of making explicit ontological types, different types can be undistinguished as first steps (considered as "floating types") to be defined only in a further step, one in which their function as distinguishers of other kinds of entities has to be made explicit. The fact that the ontological import of some node in a network of tags and addresses could evolve with the transformation of the network can most easily find an interpretation in this dynamic conception of ontology

    Sainte-Anne – Cimetière communal

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    Le projet d’agrandissement du cimetière communal de Sainte-Anne (Loir-et-Cher) a entraîné la prescription de deux diagnostics aux abords directs de l’aire sépulcrale : d’abord en 2017, contre son mur occidental ; puis l’année suivante, sur la frange méridionale de la parcelle la bordant au nord. Malgré une faible emprise d’intervention (49 m2), la seconde opération a révélé l’existence d’un fossé lié à l’église. Ce fossé se développe à une dizaine de mètres au sud du bâtiment de culte, vestig..

    Argenton-sur-Creuse – Rue Jean-Jacques-Rousseau

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    La commune d’Argenton-sur-Creuse est établie au sud du département de l’Indre, à 30 km de Châteauroux. Le quartier Saint-Étienne se situe à l’ouest de la ville, sur un replat de la rive droite de la Creuse, à une soixantaine de mètres du cours d’eau. Le diagnostic à l’intérieur de l’ancienne église saint Étienne s’est déroulé en septembre 2016. Elle a été limitée aux futurs aménagements, c’est-à-dire l’emprise des huit IPN de la structure porteuse, d’1 m2 environ chacune, et celle de l’ascens..

    Using RFID to realize Human Computer Interaction

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    [[abstract]]This paper proposes a human computer inteiface which is based on Radio frequency identification (RPID) technique to let human communicate with computer by analyzing the signal from tags. For retrieving those signals from tags, how to decreasing the noises created by surrounding environment and detecting useful information from variant signals are the most important. In our proposed method, we adopt a train procedure as pre-processing to categorize all of signals into two categories: noise and real data. After the real data is retrieved, we use "music director" as an application to let user play with computer. The experimental results show the proposed method can analyze the signals from tags success folly with high detection rate.[[sponsorship]]IEEE Taipei Section; National Science Council; Ministry of Education; Tamkang University; Asia University; Providence University; The University of Aizu; Lanzhou University[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]20091203~20091205[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwa
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