461 research outputs found

    A Simple Method For Estimating Conditional Probabilities For SVMs

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    Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have become a popular learning algorithm, in particular for large, high-dimensional classification problems. SVMs have been shown to give most accurate classification results in a variety of applications. Several methods have been proposed to obtain not only a classification, but also an estimate of the SVMs confidence in the correctness of the predicted label. In this paper, several algorithms are compared which scale the SVM decision function to obtain an estimate of the conditional class probability. A new simple and fast method is derived from theoretical arguments and empirically compared to the existing approaches. --

    Kernelized design of experiments

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    This paper describes an approach for selecting instances in regression problems in the cases where observations x are readily available, but obtaining labels y is hard. Given a database of observations, an algorithm inspired by statistical design of experiments and kernel methods is presented that selects a set of k instances to be chosen in order to maximize the prediction performance of a support vector machine. It is shown that the algorithm significantly outperforms related approaches on a number of real-world datasets. --

    Support vector machines and learning about time

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    The analysis of temporal data is an important issue of current research, because most real-world data either explicitly or implicitly contains some information about time. The key to successfully solving temporal learning tasks is to analyze the assumptions that can be made and prior knowledge one has about the temporal process of the learning problem and find a representation of the data and a learning algorithm that makes effective use of this knowledge. This paper will present a concise overview of the application Support Vector Machines to different temporal learning tasks and the corresponding temporal representations. --

    D-optimal plans in observational studies

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    This paper investigates the use of Design of Experiments in observational studies in order to select informative observations and features for classification. D-optimal plans are searched for in existing data and based on these plans the variables most relevant for classification are determined. The adapted models are then compared with respect to their predictive accuracy on an independent test sample. Eight different data sets are investigated by this method. --D-optimality,Genetic Algorithm,Prototypes,Feature Selection


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    На матеріалі науково-публіцистичних праць О.І. Герцена розглядається його діяльність як першого історика російської суспільно-політичної думки та її консервативного напрямку зокрема.The article describes the Herzen’s activity as the first historian of the Russian conservatism and the Russifn social thought as the whole on the materials of his treatise “About the development of the revolutionary ideas in Russia” and the smaller historical publicistic works

    Denunziation im 20. Jahrhundert als Phänomen der Rechtsgeschichte

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    Der Beitrag präsentiert einen Überblick der nationalsozialistischen Strafrechtsgesetzgebung, mit der zum einen durch 'Sondergerichte' wie durch die Einführung von Gesetzen für bestimmte Tätertypen ('Sondergesetze') der rechtsstaatliche Grundsatz der Gleichheit außer Kraft gesetzt wurde. Die NS-Justiz war dabei daraufhin angelegt, 'Informationen' von 'Volksgenossen' zu sammeln, um so überhaupt Tatbestände wie 'Rassenschande' verfolgen zu können. Das 'Blutschutzgesetz' verbot den 'außerehelichen Verkehr' zwischen Juden und Ariern; das Reichsgericht zum 'Schutz der deutschen Ehre' ahndete jedoch schon Vorbereitungshandlungen oder die bloße Aufforderung zum Verkehr. Dadurch wurden Schnüffeleien und Denunziationen aus Sexualneid, Rache oder Geschäftskonkurrenz nicht nur provoziert, sondern als Beitrag zur 'Sicherung der Deutschen Nation für alle Zukunft' glorifiziert. Der Beitrag geht in diesem Zusammenhang auf den im Zeichen des Kalten Krieges in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland eingeführten Tatbestand der 'Verfolgung durch Verdächtigung' ein, um so 'Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit in der SBZ' ahnden zu können. (ICA)'Although wrong accusations became increasingly criminalised, denunciations played an essential role during the 'Third Reich', especially to bring political opponents charged with 'Heimtücke' before the bars of the 'Sondergerichte'. After 1945, the attempt to construct and judge denunciations as crimes against humanity soon reaches legal barriers concerning both its post festum character in general and the crucial question whether the denouncers were able to anticipate the consequences of their acts. Much the same is true with regard to deal with denunciations in the GDR: the demands of the constitutional state might conflict with the desire to punish.' (author's abstract

    Analysis of correlation between indicators of financial activities

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    The article presents the results of the study between the indicators of the financial activity of the enterprise, which fully reflect the entire financial and economic activity of the enterprise. Based on Student's t-criterion, the existence of more significant correlations between the indicators of the financial activity of the enterprise is proved. To date, this study continues in the direction of assessing the performance of indicators