1,540 research outputs found

    Exact low-temperature properties of a class of highly frustrated Hubbard models

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    We study the repulsive Hubbard model both analytically and numerically on a family of highly frustrated lattices which have one-electron states localized on isolated trapping cells. We construct and count exact many-electron ground states for a wide range of electron densities and obtain closed-form expressions for the low-temperature thermodynamic quantities. Furthermore, we find that saturated ferromagnetism is obtained only for sufficiently high electron densities and large Hubbard repulsion UU while there is no finite average moment in the ground states at lower densities.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Lanczos Study of the S=1/2 Frustrated Square-Lattice Antiferromagnet in a Magnetic Field

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    We study the zero-temperature phase diagram of the frustrated square-lattice S=1/2 antiferromagnet in an external magnetic field numerically with the Lanczos algorithm. For strong frustration, we find disordered phases at high (and low) magnetic fields. Between these two disordered phases we find a plateau in the magnetization curve at half of the saturation magnetization which corresponds to a state with up-up-up-down (uuud) spin order. This and other considerations [cond-mat/0003343] suggest an unusual ordering scenario: There are an ordered phase with a spin gap (the plateau) and disordered magnetically gapless phases above and below. The transition to saturation is studied in further detail and problematic conclusions in earlier investigations of this region are pointed out.Comment: 4 pages REVTeX, 5 PostScript figures included using psfig.sty; submitted to the proceedings of the conference Highly Frustrated Magnetism 2000, Waterloo, June 11-15, 2000 (to appear in Canadian Journal of Physics

    Orbifolds versus smooth heterotic compactifications

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    Following the recent exploration of smooth heterotic compactifications with unitary bundles, orbifold compactifications in six dimensions can be shown to correspond in the blow-up to compactifications with U(1) gauge backgrounds. A powerful tool is the comparison of anomaly polynomials. The presentation here focuses on heterotic SO(32) compactifications in six dimensions including five-branes. Four dimensional and E8 x E8 models are briefly commented on.Comment: Submitted for the SUSY07 proceedings, 4 pages, LaTe

    Towards exact field theory results for the Standard Model on fractional D6-branes

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    Fractional D6-branes on toroidal orbifold backgrounds are known to be able to accommodate the particle spectrum and gauge group of the Standard Model, but up to now exact results for their low-energy effective action are missing. Here we discuss how the conceptual ansatz of matching the string theoretic gauge couplings at one-loop with the supergravity expressions is generalised from the six-torus to orbifold backgrounds on which the Standard Model spectrum can be realised on fractional D6-branes. The Kaehler metrics and perturbatively exact holomorphic gauge kinetic functions can be classified in terms of the vanishing of some intersection angle and the related beta function coefficients, which potentially opens the possibility to extrapolate to smooth Calabi-Yau backgrounds.Comment: 1+3 pages, 2 tables; proceedings of the EPS-HEP 2011 conference in Grenoble 21-27 July 2011; v2: introduction and conclusion extended, published versio

    Magnetocaloric effect in two-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnets

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    The magnetocaloric effect is studied at the transition to saturation in the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on the simplest two-dimensional lattices, namely the square and the triangular lattice. Numerical results are presented for the entropy which are consistent with identical universal properties. However, the absolute values of the entropy are bigger on the geometrically frustrated triangular lattice than on the non-frustrated square lattice, indicating that frustration improves the magnetocaloric properties.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures included, to appear in Physica B (proceedings of SCES'05

    Planar pyrochlore: a strong-coupling analysis

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    Recent investigations of the two-dimensional spin-1/2 checkerboard lattice favor a valence bond crystal with long range quadrumer order [J.-B. Fouet et al., preprint cond-mat/0108070]. Starting from the limit of isolated quadrumers, we perform a complementary analysis of the evolution of the spectrum as a function of the inter quadrumer coupling j using both, exact diagonalization (ED) and series expansion (SE) by continuous unitary transformation. We compute (i) the ground state energy, (ii) the elementary triplet excitations, (iii) singlet excitations on finite systems and find very good agreement between SE and ED. In the thermodynamic limit we find a ground state energy substantially lower than documented in the literature. The elementary triplet excitation is shown to be gapped and almost dispersionless, whereas the singlet sector contains strongly dispersive modes. Evidence is presented for the low energy singlet excitations in the spin gap in the vicinity of j=1 to result from a large downward renormalization of local high-energy states.Comment: 4 pages REVTeX4 including 3 figures: published version (minor changes
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