3,778 research outputs found

    Measurements of muon multiple scattering in MICE

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    Neutrino factories have been identified as the best facility for making precision measurements of neutrino oscillation physics. To fully realize this technology, a demonstration of the reduction of the phase space of a muon beam must be presented. The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) is tasked with providing such a demonstration. Ionization cooling uses the energy loss in a low Z material followed by acceleration in RF cavities to reduce the phase space of a beam on a time scale many times less than the time scale of muon decay. Multiple coulomb scattering (MCS) simultaneously inflates the muon beam and so the interplay between energy loss and MCS must be well understood. Unfortunately MCS is not well simulated in the materials of interest in the GEANT Monte Carlo program. A programme has commenced for MICE to measure MCS in several materials of interest including lithium hydride, liquid hydrogen, and gaseous xenon. The experimental methods and early results will be presented

    The Probability Density of the Higgs Boson Mass

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    The LEP Collaborations have reported a small excess of events in their combined Higgs boson analysis at center of mass energies up to about 208 GeV. In this communication, I present the result of a calculation of the probability distribution function of the Higgs boson mass which can be rigorously obtained if the validity of the Standard Model is assumed. It arises from the combination of the most recent set of precision electroweak data and the current results of the Higgs searches at LEP 2.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Without You

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    Gateway to College: Lessons from Implementing a Rigorous Academic Program for At-Risk Young People

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    Despite efforts to improve the high school graduation rate in the United States, an estimated 7,200 students drop out of high school every day -- a staggering 1.3 million every year. Further, a recent report by the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University projects that by 2020, nearly 65 percent of U.S. jobs will require at least some college education, out of reach for those who are unable to earn a high school diploma. Much more comprehensive alternative education programs are needed that put dropouts and students at risk of dropping out on a path to earn high school diplomas while also providing them with the academic skills and support necessary to be successful in their postsecondary pursuits

    Interleukin-17 is required for control of chronic lung infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Chronic pulmonary infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a feature of cystic fibrosis (CF) and other chronic lung diseases. Cytokines of the IL-17 family have been proposed as important in the host response to P. aeruginosa infection through augmenting antibacterial immune responses, although their pro-inflammatory effect may contribute to lung damage that occurs as a result of chronic infection. We set out to explore the role of IL-17 in the host response to chronic P. aeruginosa infection. We used a murine model of chronic pulmonary infection with CF-related strains of P. aeruginosa. We demonstrate that IL-17 cytokine signaling is essential for survival and prevention of chronic infection at 2 weeks post-inoculation using two different P. aeruginosa strains. Following infection, there was a marked expansion of cells within mediastinal lymph nodes, comprised mainly of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs); ∼90% of IL-17 producing cells had markers consistent with Group 3 ILCs. A smaller percentage of IL-17+ cells had markers consistent with a B1 phenotype. In lung homogenates 14 days following infection, there was a significant expansion of IL-17+ cells – about 50% of these were CD3+, split equally between CD4+ Th17 cells and γδ T cells, while the CD3- IL-17+ cells were almost exclusively Group 3 ILCs. Further experiments with B cell deficient mice showed that B cell production of IL-17 or natural antibodies did not provide any defence against chronic P. aeruginosa infection. Thus, IL-17 rather than antibody is a key element in host defence against chronic pulmonary infection with P. aeruginosa

    To the City of Murky Dreams

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    This letter is addressed to the quintessential city, an urban imaginary that encompasses the hopes of planners, writers, and those entangled nature-cultures who populate them. From Ebenezer Howard’s Garden Cities of Tomorrow that set off the garden cities movement, to fiction such as Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities, and Antoni Jach’s Layers of the City that explore the socio-historical construction of urban imaginaries and more recently Alexis Wright’s The Swan Book set in a climate changed future, cities can be seen as places of abundant resources or destructive development. A swell of these voices build throughout the letter as the many idealistic versions of the city entangle and prevent any one vision from solidifying. This letter will explore these contested imaginaries, particularly the way these imaginaries impact those who are welcomed, fed and allowed to prosper and those who are chased out, excluded, and destroyed. But this letter is also about particular cities: Jach’s Paris, Calvino’s Venice and Wright’s Southern Australian City but also the Kombumerri country (Gold Coast), the city I live in and onto which I inevitably read these imaginaries. How might cities such as those built on Kombumerri country and Naarm be reimagined through critical posthumanism? Drawing on the work of Karen Barad, Astrida Neimanis, Donna Haraway and Val Plumwood, this letter meanders through the murky waters, entangled buildings and constructed garden spaces of literary urban imaginaries as I unsettle the quintessential city

    Pursued by the law: the victimisation of children who offend

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    "Development work in this field has barely started. Relevant international standards and guidelines are available but remain poorly applied by many nations. Hundreds of thousands of children suffer daily as a result of outdated law, absence of children's legal advocacy services, lack of children's courts and detention centres, poorly trained and resourced policing and inadequate prevention and reintegration programmes. Overseas aid programmes must place these needs within their basket of priorities. It is not, however, simply a matter of law reform and infrastructure. Most basic of all is the urgent need to change community attitudes towards children so that they can urgently receive the social support and reintegration they need in order to enjoy their fundamental human right to live out their childhood protected by the law rather than victimised by it ..." - page

    Higher Aspirations, Brighter Futures : Overview of the National Residential Child Care Initiative

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    There are some very real challenges facing residential child care if we are to meet the needs of some the most vulnerable children and young people in our communities – needs which the Initiative confirmed have become increasingly complex and demanding, often due to severe neglect, abuse and trauma in their earlier life. The Initiative has demonstrated that in key areas we know what needs to be done but have found if harder to make sure it happens. Stakeholders involved in the Initiative firmly believe, however, that with the commitment from all those with responsibility for the well-being of children and young people, we can bring about a more positive, valued and strategic role for residential child care. We have to be able to meet the immediate and long-term needs of children and young people who are placed in our care in order to ensure their best possible life chances

    Urban land cover change detection analysis and modeling spatio-temporal Growth dynamics using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A case study of Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, has undergone radical changes in its physical form, not only in its vast territorial expansion, but also through internal physical transformations over the last decades. In the process of urbanization, the physical characteristic of Dhaka is gradually changing as open spaces have been transformed into building areas, low land and water bodies into reclaimed builtup lands etc. This new urban fabric should be analyzed to understand the changes that have led to its creation. The primary objective of this research is to predict and analyze the future urban growth of Dhaka City. Another objective is to quantify and investigate the characteristics of urban land cover changes (1989-2009) using the Landsat satellite images of 1989, 1999 and 2009. Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) and its surrounding impact areas have been selected as the study area. A fisher supervised classification method has been applied to prepare the base maps with five land cover classes. To observe the change detection, different spatial metrics have been used for quantitative analysis. Moreover, some postclassification change detection techniques have also been implemented. Then it is found that the ‘builtup area’ land cover type is increasing in high rate over the years. The major contributors to this change are ‘fallow land’ and ‘water body’ land cover types. In the next stage, three different models have been implemented to simulate the land cover map of Dhaka city of 2009. These are named as ‘Stochastic Markov (St_Markov)’ Model, ‘Cellular Automata Markov (CA_Markov)’ Model and ‘Multi Layer Perceptron Markov (MLP_Markov)’ Model. Then the best-fitted model has been selected based on various Kappa statistics values and also by implementing other model validation techniques. This is how the ‘Multi Layer Perceptron Markov (MLP_Markov)’ Model has been qualified as the most suitable model for this research. Later, using the MLP_Markov model, the land cover map of 2019 has been predicted. The MLP_Markov model shows that 58% of the total study area will be converted into builtup area cover type in 2019. The interpretation of depicting the future scenario in quantitative accounts, as demonstrated in this research, will be of great value to the urban planners and decision makers, for the future planning of modern Dhaka City
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