8 research outputs found

    Valores interpersonales y conductas antisociales en personas con semi libertad y libertad condicional de un centro penitenciario

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    El objetivo del trabajo que se informa fue determinar la relaciĂłn entre los valores interpersonales y conductasantisociales en personas con semi libertad y libertad condicional de un centro penitenciario de la ciudad de Huaraz. La investigaciĂłn fue de tipo bĂĄsica de nivel descriptivo correlacional, el diseño fue no experimental de corte transversal. El mĂ©todo empleado fue el hipotĂ©tico deductivo. La muestra estuvo conformada por 80 personas con semi libertad y libertad condicional de un centro penitenciario de la ciudad de Huaraz, el muestreo utilizado fue el no probabilĂ­stico intencional. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: Escala de valores de Gordon y el inventario de conductas antisociales adaptado por Bringas, Herrero, Cuestas y RodrĂ­guez. Los resultados indicaron que a mayor prĂĄctica de valores interpersonales menores conductas antisociales, existiendo una correlaciĂłn significativa inversa.     *****    Interpersonal values and antisocial behaviors in people with semi freedom and probation of a prison   Abstract   The objective of the work reported was to determine the relationship  between  interpersonal  values and  antisocial behaviors  in  people  with  semi  freedom  and  conditional freedom of a penitentiary center of the city of Huaraz. The investigation was of a basic type of correlational descriptive level, the design was non-experimental of cross-section. The method used was the hypothetical deductive. The sample was  conformed  by  80  people  with  semi  freedom  and conditional freedom of a penitentiary center of the city of Huaraz,  the  sampling  used  was  the  intentional  non-probabilistic one. The instruments used were: Scale of values of Gordon and the inventory of antisocial behaviors adapted by  Bringas,  Herrero,  Cuestas  and  Rodriguez.  The  results indicated that the higher the practice of interpersonal values, the  less  antisocial  behaviors  there  is  a  significant  inverse correlation.   Keywords: Interpersonal values,  antisocial  behaviors, support, conformity, recognition

    Exploring the potential of conventional and flash pyrolysis methods for the valorisation of grape seed and chestnut shell biomass from agri-food industry waste

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    Residual biomass is a valuable and growing by-product, but often underutilized. This research aims to investigate the possible strategies for the energetic valorisation of agri-food industry wastes: grape seed and chestnut shell. Pyrolysis thermal process was the selected for this work. Applied to biomass, pyrolysis is a promising method for the simultaneous production of biochar, bio-oil, and gas. Two different pyrolysis processes were conducted: conventional pyrolysis at 750 °C and flash pyrolysis at 750 °C and 850 °C. Flash pyrolysis yielded superior product properties compared to conventional pyrolysis. The gas obtained through flash pyrolysis presented a four-fold higher high heating value due to increased CH4 and H2 content. Bio-oil contains over 90% of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and calorific value reached up to 32 MJ kg−1 for grape seed, which is 7% more than bioethanol HHV. Biochar can be used both as fuel or as activated carbon precursor due to its high carbon content (91%). Calorific value of chestnut shell biochar (32.7 MJ kg−1), comparable to mineral coals, increased by 72% with respect to the value of this untreated raw material. This work approved the potential of flash pyrolysis as a method to process biomass wastes in a renewable energy scenario.SIThe authors thank the industry Palacio de Canedo, El Bierzo-León, Spain, for providing the chestnut shell industrial waste and to AIICA, Igualada-Catalonia, Spain, for providing the defatted grape seeds industrial waste. This study was financially supported by the FICYT - Fundación Fomento Asturias Investigación (AYUD/2021/51379) and the European Regional Development Fund in Asturias (FEDER). In the same way, S. Paniagua thanks the Spanish research agency for the granting of the projects PDC2022-133394-I00 and PID2021-124347OB-I00, co-financed by the European Union

    Employment of conventional and flash pyrolysis for biomass wastes from the textile industry with sustainable prospects

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    The textile industry generates millions of tons of waste annually, making this sector one of the most polluting in the world. The objective of this research was to study the energy potential of three industrial textile wastes of vegetable and animal origin: CW (card waste), SFW (short fibre waste) and W (wool), using conventional and flash pyrolysis at 500 °C and 750 °C. CW and SFW thermogravimetric profiles were very different from W. In general, the bio-oil yield was higher in the conventional and in the low-temperature flash pyrolysis (up to 55 %). The gas obtained by flash pyrolysis at 750 °C has higher flue gas content and lower CO2 content so their high heating value (HHV) is higher (up to 15.34 MJ/kg). Bio-oils obtained by flash pyrolysis at high temperature stood out for their higher HHV (>30 MJ/kg), with the highest value (34.15 MJ/kg) obtained from SFW waste. Both low temperature flash pyrolysis and conventional pyrolysis produce bio-oils that contain aromatic (35–48 %) and non-aromatic (18–34 %) organic compounds. Additionally, they have high levels of phenols and benzenes. High-temperature flash pyrolysis bio-oils are mainly composed of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The textile samples are suitable for an energetic valorisation, highlighting the best SWF behaviour.SIAlejandro PĂ©rez thanks to Spanish Research Council (CSIC) the JAE INTRO ICU SCHOLARSHIP 2019 [Ref. JAEICU-19-INCAR-15]. The authors thanks to the industry “Textil Santanderina, S.A.” for providing the textile industrial wastes used in this research. In the same way, Sergio Paniagua thanks the Spanish research agency for the granting of the projects PDC2022-133394-I00 and PID2021-124347OB-I00, co-financed by the European Union


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