1,354 research outputs found

    The Contributions of John O’Malley, SJ, to the Ongoing Reception of Vatican II

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    The article analyzes the major contributions of John O’Malley, SJ, to the reception of the Second Vatican Council, especially thanks to his book What Happened at Vatican II (2008) but also in the context of his other books on the council of Trent (2013) and on Vatican I (2018). O’Malley’s contributions are particularly important in the context of what can be called a crisis of reception of Vatican II and of an ecclesial disruption. But it is relevant for Catholic theology and Catholic higher education because the current ecclesial and theological crisis has, among its causes, also a lack of sense of history and of historical understanding of the Church and of the theological and magisterial tradition. This article analyzes the major contributions of John O’Malley, SJ, and the reception of the Second Vatican Council, especially in light of his book What Happened at Vatican II (2008) but also in the context of his other books on the council of Trent (2013) and on Vatican I (2018). O’Malley’s contributions are particularly important in the context of what can be called a crisis of reception of Vatican II and of an ecclesial disruption. But it is relevant for Catholic theology and Catholic higher education because the current ecclesial and theological crisis has, among its causes, also a lack of sense of history and of historical understanding of the Church and of the theological and magisterial tradition


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    Abstract: Ecumenism is one of the areas in which the transition from the ‘theologian pope’ Benedict XVI to Francis has made the most dramatic impact. Francis’ ecumenism is not systematic, but contextual and inductive. It is spiritual, not dogmatic. It is post-confessional: it breaks the boundaries of post-Reformation Europe. Francis’ ecumenism is part of his effort to address systemic social challenges, to care for the poor and disenfranchised. Overall, Francis’ ecumenical ecclesiology is non-ecclesiocentric, and in this sense it is a step forward from the mixed ecclesiology(ies) of Vatican II where institutional ecclesiology had the last word over ecumenical ecclesiology. Resumo: O ecumenismo é uma das áreas em que a transição do ‘papa teólogo’ Bento XVI a Francisco teve um dramático impacto. O ecumenismo de Francisco  não é sistemático, mas contextual e indutivo. Ele é espiritual, não dogmático. É pós-confessional: ele quebra as fronteiras da Europa pós-Reforma. O ecumenismo de Francisco é  parte de seu esforço para enfrentar os desafios sociais sistêmicos, para cuidar dos pobres e marginalizados. Em geral, a eclesiologia ecumênica de Francisco  é não-eclesiocêntrica e, nesse sentido, é um passo adiante da(s) eclesiologia mista(s) do Concílio Vaticano II, onde  a eclesiologia institucional teve a última palavra sobre a eclesiologia ecumênica

    Vatican II and Catholic Higher Education: Guest in Its Own House?

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    Introduction: Almost exactly sixty years ago to the day, pope John XXIII opened Vatican II, the greatest religious event in the 20th century and an epoch-changing council like only Trent before, with a speech, Gaudet Mater Ecclesia, which single-handedly redirected the agenda of the council and arguably also the course of Church history. Even though Vatican II deserves to be celebrated, anniversaries often have the unstated purpose to administer symbolic sedation. So, this conference is not a celebratory moment, rather an opportunity to reflect on the state of the reception of the council especially in Catholic colleges and universities. In these remarks, I will try to offer two kinds of reflections, historical andtheological, from the particular point of observation of Catholic higher education in North America, as a contribution to the history and theology of the reception of Vatican II in the Western hemisphere and in the global Catholic Church. I will try to provide, in other words, not just an historical analysis, but also a theological analysis with some constructive proposals about Vatican II and Catholic higher education. The first section will be on Vatican II and Catholic universities from Vatican II to today; a second section on the particular situation of today; a final part will suggest some initial proposals for a new phase for Vatican II in Catholic higher education

    Implementation and study of the BandWidth Inheritance protocol in the Linux kernel

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    The proposed work try to achieve the main objectives of implement and investigate the behaviour of the BandWidth Inheritance protocol in a GNU/Linux system plus the AQuoSA framework. Firstly a modification of the Linux kernel and of the framework, so that they support the BWI protocol, is presented. After that, a deep analysis of performances and behaviour of the modified system is accomplished, in order to investigate both the benefits effectively produced by the protocol and the implementation introduced overhead, thus providing as much quantitative data as we can for future research steps in this area

    Handling timing constraints violations in soft real-time applications as exceptions

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    In this paper, an exception-based programming paradigm is envisioned to deal with timing constraints violations occurring in soft real-time and multimedia applications written in the C language. In order to prove viability of the approach, a mechanism allowing to use such paradigm has been designed and implemented as an open-source library of C macros making use of the standard POSIX API (a few Linux-specific optimizations are also briefly discussed). The proposed approach has been validated by modifying mplayer, one of the most widely used multimedia player for Linux, so as to use the introduced library. An extensive experimental evaluation has been made, both when running the player alone and when mixing it with a workload of other synthetic real-time applications. In the latter case, different scheduling policies have been used, including both standard priority-based ones as available on the mainline Linux, and an experimental deadline-based one available as a separate patch. The shown results demonstrate how the exception-based paradigm is effective in improving the audio/video delay exhibited by the player achieving a superior performance and a dramatically better quality of experience as compared to the original heuristic frame-dropping mechanism of the player

    Servicios eco-sistémicos provistos por hongos formadores de micorrizas y efecto de las prácticas de manejo en cultivos de base agroecológica

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    Los hongos formadores de micorrizas están ampliamente distribuidos tanto en ambientes naturales como antrópicos. Son un conjunto de especies que establecen simbiosis con la mayoría de los cultivos de importancia económica y se mantienen vivos en el suelo sólo si hay una cubierta vegetal en activo crecimiento. A cambio de fotoasimilados, las micorrizas proveen innumerables beneficios para la planta y para el funcionamiento del ecosistema. Está demostrado que contribuyen en la nutrición, sanidad y balance hídrico vegetal, y que generan una red de micelio en el suelo a través del cual las raíces se comunican entre sí y comparten información, agua y nutrientes. Esta red es una valiosa forma de conservar el carbono y nutrientes del suelo. Además, las micorrizas están implicadas en la producción de una sustancia aglutinante de las partículas del suelo que favorece la formación de agregados y disminuye el riesgo de erosión. Sin embargo, de modo desapercibido, el hombre puede atentar contra los hongos micorrícicos. En este capítulo se presenta información sobre el impacto de prácticas de manejo sobre parámetros relacionados a los hongos formadores de micorrizas. En algunos casos, con resultados obtenidos de experimentación en sistemas de producción agroecológicos de Argentina y una breve reseña basada en experiencias europeas. En la producción agroecológica, las relaciones entre sus componentes deben priorizar los beneficos que la naturaleza brinda. Entonces, esperamos acercarles información concreta y práctica para ser tenida en cuenta al momento de diseñar estrategias que contemplen la biodiversidad

    Micorrizas en soja y su relación con la densidad de esporas e infectividad en suelos de diferentes ambientes agrícolas

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    Fil: Faggioli, Valeria Soledad. Biología de Suelos. INTA EEA Marcos Juárez; ArgentinaFil: Cabello, Marta Noemí. División Instituto Spegazzini. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Analysis and implementation of the multiprocessor bandwidth inheritance protocol

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    The Multiprocessor Bandwidth Inheritance (M-BWI) protocol is an extension of the Bandwidth Inheritance (BWI) protocol for symmetric multiprocessor systems. Similar to Priority Inheritance, M-BWI lets a task that has locked a resource execute in the resource reservations of the blocked tasks, thus reducing their blocking time. The protocol is particularly suitable for open systems where different kinds of tasks dynamically arrive and leave, because it guarantees temporal isolation among independent subsets of tasks without requiring any information on their temporal parameters. Additionally, if the temporal parameters of the interacting tasks are known, it is possible to compute an upper bound to the interference suffered by a task due to other interacting tasks. Thus, it is possible to provide timing guarantees for a subset of interacting hard real-time tasks. Finally, the M-BWI protocol is neutral to the underlying scheduling policy: it can be implemented in global, clustered and semi-partitioned scheduling. After introducing the M-BWI protocol, in this paper we formally prove its isolation properties, and propose an algorithm to compute an upper bound to the interference suffered by a task. Then, we describe our implementation of the protocol for the LITMUS RT real-time testbed, and measure its overhead. Finally, we compare M-BWI against FMLP and OMLP, two other protocols for resource sharing in multiprocessor systems
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