11 research outputs found

    Peso vivo final, ganho de peso, características de carcaça e concentrações plasmáticas de IGF-I e hormônios tireoideanos de bezerros mestiços Angus-Nelore recebendo somatotropina bovina recombinante (rbST) até a desmama Effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on production, carcass traits, and plasmatic concentrations of IGF-I and thyroid hormones on pre-weaning crossbred Angus-Nellore calves

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    Objetivando estudar o efeito da somatotropina bovina recombinante (rbST) sobre o desempenho, as características de carcaça e as concentrações plasmáticas de IGF-I e hormônios tireoideanos, 36 bezerros mestiços &frac12; Angus-Nelore com idade de 63 &plusmn; 17 dias e pesando 76,8 &plusmn; 14,7 kg, criados em pastagens de Brachiaria decumbens e suplementados em creep feeding, foram submetidos a dois tratamentos até a desmama (217 dias): I) 18 bezerros receberam 1,4 mg/kg de rbST (Boostin®) a cada 14 dias; II) 18 bezerros controle receberam solução salina. As pesagens e colheitas de sangue foram realizadas a cada 28 dias e, à desmama, foram abatidos cinco animais de cada tratamento, para avaliação das características de carcaça. Os animais tratados apresentaram maior ganho de peso médio diário e peso vivo final, maiores concentrações plasmáticas de IGF-I e T4 que os bezerros controle. Os parâmetros peso de carcaça quente, rendimento de carcaça, pesos de traseiro e dianteiro, gordura peri-renal, peso de fígado, área de olho de lombo, espessura de gordura subcutânea, pesos dos músculos do quarto do traseiro e concentração plasmática de T3 não diferiram entre os tratamentos. A utilização de rbST proporcionou aumento de 7,9% no ganho de peso vivo e alterou o perfil hormonal de bezerros suplementados em creep feeding durante a fase de cria, não refletindo, entretanto, em maior peso ou rendimento de carcaça.<br>The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on production, carcass traits, and plasmatic concentrations of IGF-I and thyroid hormones on crossbred Angus-Nellore male calves. Thirty-six calves averaging 63 &plusmn; 17 days old and 76.8 &plusmn; 14.7 kg of body weight (BW) grazing Brachiaria decumbens and creep fed were randomly assigned (18 calves per treatment) to one of two treatments until weaning (217 days) as follows: I) 1.4 mg of rbST (Boostin®)/kg of BW every 14 days or II) similar dosage of saline solution. Every 28 days calves were weighed and blood samples collected; at weaning, five animals from each treatment were slaughtered for carcass evaluation. The rbST-treated calves had greater average daily weight gain, final weight, and plasmatic concentrations of both IGF-I and T4 than those receiving saline solution. Weights of hot carcass, forequarter, hindquarter, hindquarter muscles, and liver as well as dressing percentage, kidney and pelvic fat, rib eye area, backfat thickness, and plasmatic concentrations of T3 were all not affected by rbST. Use of rbST increased body weight gain (7.9%) and changed the hormonal status of pre-weaning creep-fed calves compared to the use of saline solution but did not improve carcass weight or dressing percentage

    From the LHC to Future Colliders

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    Discoveries at the LHC will soon set the physics agenda for future colliders. This report of a CERN Theory Institute includes the summaries of Working Groups that reviewed the physics goals and prospects of LHC running with 10 to 300/fb of integrated luminosity, of the proposed sLHC luminosity upgrade, of the ILC, of CLIC, of the LHeC and of a muon collider. The four Working Groups considered possible scenarios for the first 10/fb of data at the LHC in which (i) a state with properties that are compatible with a Higgs boson is discovered, (ii) no such state is discovered either because the Higgs properties are such that it is difficult to detect or because no Higgs boson exists, (iii) a missing-energy signal beyond the Standard Model is discovered as in some supersymmetric models, and (iv) some other exotic signature of new physics is discovered. In the contexts of these scenarios, the Working Groups reviewed the capabilities of the future colliders to study in more detail whatever new physics may be discovered by the LHC. Their reports provide the particle physics community with some tools for reviewing the scientific priorities for future colliders after the LHC produces its first harvest of new physics from multi-TeV collisions.Comment: 98 pages, CERN Theory Institute Summary Repor

    TF07 Snowmass Report: Theory of Collider Phenomena

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    11+11 pages, 343 contributors, 1 key formula; contribution to Snowmass 2021, draft report of the Theory Frontier topical group for Collider Phenomenology (TF07), comments and suggestions welcome ; v2: updated contributor listTheoretical research has long played an essential role in interpreting data from high-energy particle colliders and motivating new accelerators to advance the energy and precision frontiers. Collider phenomenology is an essential interface between theoretical models and experimental observations, since theoretical studies inspire experimental analyses while experimental results sharpen theoretical ideas. This report -- from the Snowmass 2021 Theory Frontier topical group for Collider Phenomenology (TF07) -- showcases the dynamism, engagement, and motivations of collider phenomenologists by exposing selected exciting new directions and establishing key connections between cutting-edge theoretical advances and current and future experimental opportunities. By investing in collider phenomenology, the high-energy physics community can help ensure that theoretical advances are translated into concrete tools that enable and enhance current and future experiments, and in turn, experimental results feed into a more complete theoretical understanding and motivate new questions and explorations

    CMS Physics Technical Design Report: Addendum on High Density QCD with Heavy Ions

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    This report presents the capabilities of the CMS experiment to explore the rich heavy-ion physics programme offered by the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The collisions of lead nuclei at energies sNN=5.5TeV\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 5.5\,{\rm TeV} , will probe quark and gluon matter at unprecedented values of energy density. The prime goal of this research is to study the fundamental theory of the strong interaction \u2014 Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) \u2014 in extreme conditions of temperature, density and parton momentum fraction (low- x ). This report covers in detail the potential of CMS to carry out a series of representative Pb-Pb measurements. These include "bulk" observables, (charged hadron multiplicity, low p T inclusive hadron identified spectra and elliptic flow) which provide information on the collective properties of the system, as well as perturbative probes such as quarkonia, heavy-quarks, jets and high p T hadrons which yield "tomographic" information of the hottest and densest phases of the reaction

    Measurement of single-diffractive dijet production in proton–proton collisions at √s=8Te with the CMS and TOTEM experiments

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    Measurements are presented of the single-diffractive dijet cross section and the diffractive cross section as a function of the proton fractional momentum loss ξ and the four-momentum transfer squared t. Both processes pp→pX and pp→Xp, i.e. with the proton scattering to either side of the interaction point, are measured, where X includes at least two jets; the results of the two processes are averaged. The analyses are based on data collected simultaneously with the CMS and TOTEM detectors at the LHC in proton–proton collisions at s=8Te during a dedicated run with β∗=90m at low instantaneous luminosity and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 37.5nb-1. The single-diffractive dijet cross section σjjpX, in the kinematic region ξ&amp;lt; 0.1 , 0.03&amp;lt;|t|&amp;lt;1Ge2, with at least two jets with transverse momentum pT&amp;gt;40Ge, and pseudorapidity | η| &amp;lt; 4.4 , is 21.7±0.9(stat)-3.3+3.0(syst)±0.9(lumi)nb. The ratio of the single-diffractive to inclusive dijet yields, normalised per unit of ξ, is presented as a function of x, the longitudinal momentum fraction of the proton carried by the struck parton. The ratio in the kinematic region defined above, for x values in the range - 2.9 ≤ log 10x≤ - 1.6 , is R=(σjjpX/Δξ)/σjj=0.025±0.001(stat)±0.003(syst), where σjjpX and σjj are the single-diffractive and inclusive dijet cross sections, respectively. The results are compared with predictions from models of diffractive and nondiffractive interactions. Monte Carlo predictions based on the HERA diffractive parton distribution functions agree well with the data when corrected for the effect of soft rescattering between the spectator partons. © 2020, CERN for the benefit of the CMS and TOTEM collaborations

    Measurements with silicon photomultipliers of dose-rate effects in the radiation damage of plastic scintillator tiles in the CMS hadron endcap calorimeter

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    Measurements are presented of the reduction of signal output due to radiation damage for two types of plastic scintillator tiles used in the hadron endcap (HE) calorimeter of the CMS detector. The tiles were exposed to particles produced in proton-proton (pp) collisions at the CERN LHC with a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to a delivered luminosity of 50 fb-1. The measurements are based on readout channels of the HE that were instrumented with silicon photomultipliers, and are derived using data from several sources: A laser calibration system, a movable radioactive source, as well as hadrons and muons produced in pp collisions. Results from several irradiation campaigns using 60Co sources are also discussed. The damage is presented as a function of dose rate. Within the range of these measurements, for a fixed dose the damage increases with decreasing dose rate