2,106 research outputs found

    The Extended Fock Basis of Clifford Algebra

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    We investigate the properties of the Extended Fock Basis (EFB) of Clifford algebras introduced in [1]. We show that a Clifford algebra can be seen as a direct sum of multiple spinor subspaces that are characterized as being left eigenvectors of \Gamma. We also show that a simple spinor, expressed in Fock basis, can have a maximum number of non zero coordinates that equals the size of the maximal totally null plane (with the notable exception of vectorial spaces with 6 dimensions).Comment: Minimal corrections to the published versio

    Complex structures and the Elie Cartan approach to the theory of spinors

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    Each isometric complex structure on a 2ℓ\ell-dimensional euclidean space EE corresponds to an identification of the Clifford algebra of EE with the canonical anticommutation relation algebra for ℓ\ell ( fermionic) degrees of freedom. The simple spinors in the terminology of E.~Cartan or the pure spinors in the one of C. Chevalley are the associated vacua. The corresponding states are the Fock states (i.e. pure free states), therefore, none of the above terminologies is very good.Comment: 10

    The Tannakian Formalism and the Langlands Conjectures

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    Let H be a connected reductive group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let G be an abstract group. In this note we show that every homomorphism from the Grothendieck semiring of H to that of G which maps irreducible representations to irreducibles, comes from a group homomorphism from G to H. We also connect this result with the Langlands conjectures.Comment: 15 page

    TBFM IDAC Procedure to Disable NASA Connection with CLT STBO Electronic Requests for Release Times

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    This document defines the procedure to disconnect TBFM IDAC's connection with ATD-2's STBO System at the Washington Air Route Traffic Center. This is part of the ATD-2 ZDC training package that was presented in September 2017

    FĂ­sica cuĂĄntica y filosofĂ­a.

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    Primitive filtrations of the modules of invariant logarithmic forms of Coxeter arrangements

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    We define {\bf primitive derivations} for Coxeter arrangements which may not be irreducible. Using those derivations, we introduce the {\bf primitive filtrations} of the module of invariant logarithmic differential forms for an arbitrary Coxeter arrangement with an arbitrary multiplicity. In particular, when the Coxeter arrangement is irreducible with a constant multiplicity, the primitive filtration has already been studied, which generalizes the Hodge filtration introduced by K. Saito

    Réinventer la sexualité: Remarques sur les derniers écrits de Michel Foucault

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    In this paper I wish to comment on the way we conceive of sexual life today, in connection with Michel Foucault’s characterization of “Sex” as something that is part of a “device for sexuality”. The paper is divided into three parts. In the first part, I attempt to analyze and criticize some major components of our conceptions of sex, namely (a) our belief that sex is a private matter, (b) the view that erotism succeeds to be a philosophical clue to the Subject-Object predicament (G. Bataille), and (c) the thesis that a new civilization based on Eros might be born (H. Marcuse). In the second part, I focus on Foucault’s position, which has been widely misunderstood. Foucault’s general argument was that the mechanics of power in our contemporary societies required a well organized device for sexual practice, theory, medical care and so on, since power required close control over the private life of individuals and the disciplinary training of bodies. He opposed the (c) thesis, which he called the “repressive hypothesis”. He also opposed the (b) view, substituting a “genealogy of the man of desire” for Bataille’s conception of erotism. Finally he opposed the (a) belief, by bringing in debate the spectacular counter-example of Ancient Greek and Latin conceptions of sexuality, to the understanding of which he devoted the last years of his life. The third part of this paper then develops Foucault’s basic assumption that in our present time, to resist power will be possible only if we become able to constitute ourselves as individuals in a new way. I argue that the enigma of sex in our lives essentially exhibits our political, philosophical and ethical weakness. With respect to politics we are deprived of the “power to act”, since every confrontation between individuals and the City has become delu- sive, thus making the art of Greek tragedy barely impossible. With respect to philosophy, we meet the major challenge of a new characterization of the Subject. With respect to ethics, we face the reality of violence everywhere. Our “private tragedies” demonstrate that we recoil into private life mainly because we feel that we have lost the world.L’objet de l’article est d’analyser notre conception contemporaine de la sexualitĂ©, en liaison avec la caractĂ©risation qu’en proposait Foucault et qui fait du “Sexe” l’élĂ©ment central d’un “dispositif de sexualitĂ©â€. Dans la premiĂšre partie de l’article, je propose d’abord une description critique de certaines des composantes principales de notre conception de la sexualitĂ©, qui sont (a) la conviction que le sexe est une affaire privĂ©e; (b) l’idĂ©e que l’érotisme pourrait ĂȘtre une solution philosophique providentielle Ă  l’opposition du Sujet et de l’Objet (G. Bataille); et (c) la thĂšse qu’une civilisation nonrĂ©pressive est possible (H. Marcuse). Dans la seconde partie je commente les positions de Foucault, qui ont Ă©tĂ© souvent mal comprises. La thĂšse gĂ©nĂ©rale de Foucault Ă©tait que les mĂ©canismes du pouvoir, dans les sociĂ©tĂ©s contemporaines, exigent un contrĂŽle Ă©troit de la vie privĂ©e des individus et par lĂ  mĂȘme la mise en oeuvre d’un “dispositif” bien organisĂ© susceptible de rĂ©gir la pratique sexuelle, de mĂȘme que sa thĂ©orisation et sa mĂ©dicalisation. Foucault s’opposait Ă  la thĂšse (c), qu’il appelait “l’hypothĂšse rĂ©pressive”. Il s’opposait Ă©galement Ă  (b), en proposant Ă  la place de l’érotisme de Bataille une “gĂ©nĂ©alogie de l’homme de dĂ©sir”. Enfin, il s’opposait Ă  la conviction (a) en arguant du spectaculaire contre-exemple des conceptions grĂ©co-latines de la sexualitĂ© dans l’AntiquitĂ©, auxquelles il avait consacrĂ© les derniĂšres annĂ©es de sa vie. La troisiĂšme partie de l’article dĂ©veloppe Ă  partir de lĂ  la prĂ©supposition fondamentale de Foucault selon laquelle la rĂ©sistance au pouvoir n’est possible Ă  notre Ă©poque que si nous parvenons Ă  nous constituir nousmĂȘmes en tant qu’individus d’une maniĂšre nouvelle. En accord avec cette prĂ©supposition, je propose de dire que l’énigme du sexe dans nos vies exhibe avant tout notre faiblesse politique, philosophique et Ă©thique. En politique nous sommes privĂ©s de la “puissance d’agir” parce que toute confrontation effective entre l’individu et la CitĂ© est devenue illusoire, ce qui scelle l’im- possibilitĂ© de la tragĂ©die grecque. En philosophie nous rencontrons le dĂ©fi majeur de savoir comment dĂ©finir aujourd’hui le concept de Sujet. Du point de vue Ă©thique, nous avons affaire partout Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© de la violence. Nos “tragĂ©dies privĂ©es” dĂ©montrent que nous ne nous rĂ©fugions dans la vie privĂ©e que parce que nous avons le sentiment d’avoir perdu le monde

    L'approche centrée sur le développement du pouvoir d'agir des personnes et des collectivités: un soutien pour la résilience ?

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    Tout au long de notre existence nous sommes tous confrontĂ©s Ă  des difficultĂ©s plus au moins importantes. Et certains d’entre nous se retrouvent Ă  faire face Ă  des conditions particuliĂšrement dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres. Parfois issues d’ennuis financiers ou judiciaires, parfois issues de souffrances familiales ou personnelles, parfois issues d’inĂ©galitĂ©s, la nature et la complexitĂ© de ces conditions varient autant qu’il existe d’individus. C’est donc dans cette grande diversitĂ© que le travailleur social est amenĂ© Ă  travailler, devenant temporairement un point d’appui pour que l’individu puisse composer avec le contexte dans lequel s’inscrit sa situation et transformer cette derniĂšre. Ce travail de recherche s’intĂ©resse Ă  la façon dont l’approche centrĂ©e sur le dĂ©veloppement du pouvoir d’agir des personnes et des collectivitĂ©s (DPA-PC) favorise cette transformation que l’on appelle parfois rĂ©silience
