39,965 research outputs found

    Invariant hypersurfaces for derivations in positive characteristic

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    Let AA be an integral kk-algebra of finite type over an algebraically closed field kk of characteristic p>0p>0. Given a collection D{\cal{D}} of kk-derivations on AA, that we interpret as algebraic vector fields on X=Spec(A)X=Spec(A), we study the group spanned by the hypersurfaces V(f)V(f) of XX invariant for D{\cal{D}} modulo the rational first integrals of D{\cal{D}}. We prove that this group is always a finite Z/p\mathbb{Z}/p-vector space, and we give an estimate for its dimension. This is to be related to the results of Jouanolou and others on the number of hypersurfaces invariant for a foliation of codimension 1. As an application, given a kk-algebra BB between ApA^p and AA, we show that the kernel of the pull-back morphism Pic(B)Pic(A)Pic(B)\rightarrow Pic(A) is a finite Z/p\mathbb{Z}/p-vector space. In particular, if AA is a UFD, then the Picard group of BB is finite.Comment: 16 page

    A Pontryagin Maximum Principle in Wasserstein Spaces for Constrained Optimal Control Problems

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    In this paper, we prove a Pontryagin Maximum Principle for constrained optimal control problems in the Wasserstein space of probability measures. The dynamics, is described by a transport equation with non-local velocities and is subject to end-point and running state constraints. Building on our previous work, we combine the classical method of needle-variations from geometric control theory and the metric differential structure of the Wasserstein spaces to obtain a maximum principle stated in the so-called Gamkrelidze form.Comment: 35 page

    Cohomology of regular differential forms for affine curves

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    Let CC be a complex affine reduced curve, and denote by H1(C)H^1(C) its first truncated cohomology group, i.e. the quotient of all regular differential 1-forms by exact 1-forms. First we introduce a nonnegative invariant μ(C,x)\mu'(C,x) that measures the complexity of the singularity of CC at the point xx. Then, if H1(C)H_1(C) denotes the first singular homology group of CC with complex coefficients, we establish the following formula: dimH1(C)=dimH1(C)+xCμ(C,x) dim H^1(C)=dim H_1(C) + \sum_{x\in C} \mu'(C,x) Second we consider a family of curves given by the fibres of a dominant morphism f:XCf:X\to \mathbb{C}, where XX is an irreducible complex affine surface. We analyze the behaviour of the function ydimH1(f1(y))y\mapsto dim H^1(f^{-1}(y)). More precisely, we show that it is constant on a Zariski open set, and that it is lower semi-continuous in general.Comment: 16 page

    Discussion of "Second order topological sensitivity analysis" by J. Rocha de Faria et al

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    The article by J. Rocha de Faria et al. under discussion is concerned with the evaluation of the perturbation undergone by the potential energy of a domain Ω\Omega (in a 2-D, scalar Laplace equation setting) when a disk BϵB_{\epsilon} of small radius ϵ\epsilon centered at a given location \hat{\boldsymbol{x}\in\Omega is removed from Ω\Omega, assuming either Neumann or Dirichlet conditions on the boundary of the small `hole' thus created. In each case, the potential energy ψ(Ωϵ)\psi(\Omega_{\epsilon}) of the punctured domain \Omega_{\epsilon}=\Omega\setminus\B_{\epsilon} is expanded about ϵ=0\epsilon=0 so that the first two terms of the perturbation are given. The first (leading) term is the well-documented topological derivative of ψ\psi. The article under discussion places, logically, its main focus on the next term of the expansion. However, it contains incorrrect results, as shown in this discussion. In what follows, equations referenced with Arabic numbers refer to those of the article under discussion.Comment: International Journal of Solids and Structures (2007) to appea