9 research outputs found

    Visuomotor Cerebellum in Human and Nonhuman Primates

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    In this paper, we will review the anatomical components of the visuomotor cerebellum in human and, where possible, in non-human primates and discuss their function in relation to those of extracerebellar visuomotor regions with which they are connected. The floccular lobe, the dorsal paraflocculus, the oculomotor vermis, the uvula–nodulus, and the ansiform lobule are more or less independent components of the visuomotor cerebellum that are involved in different corticocerebellar and/or brain stem olivocerebellar loops. The floccular lobe and the oculomotor vermis share different mossy fiber inputs from the brain stem; the dorsal paraflocculus and the ansiform lobule receive corticopontine mossy fibers from postrolandic visual areas and the frontal eye fields, respectively. Of the visuomotor functions of the cerebellum, the vestibulo-ocular reflex is controlled by the floccular lobe; saccadic eye movements are controlled by the oculomotor vermis and ansiform lobule, while control of smooth pursuit involves all these cerebellar visuomotor regions. Functional imaging studies in humans further emphasize cerebellar involvement in visual reflexive eye movements and are discussed

    Synchrony and covariation of firing rates in the primary visual cortex during contour grouping

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    The visual system imposes structure onto incoming information, by grouping image elements of a single object together, and by segregating them from elements that belong to other objects and the background. One influential theory holds that the code for grouping and segmentation is carried by the synchrony of neuronal discharges on a millisecond time scale. We tested this theory by recording neuronal activity in the primary visual cortex (area VI) of monkeys engaged in a contour-grouping task. We found that synchrony was unrelated to contour grouping. The firing rates of VI neurons are also correlated across trials. We demonstrate that this rate covariation is mainly determined by fluctuations in visual attention. Moreover, we show that rate covariation depends on perceptual grouping, as it is strongest between neurons that respond to features of the same object


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