2 research outputs found

    Vardenafil improves erectile function in men with erectile dysfunction irrespective of disease severity and disease classification

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    Background. Vardenafil (Levitra\uae) is a potent and selective phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitor used in the management of erectile dysfunction (ED). This retrospective subgroup analysis assessed the effectiveness of vardenafil treatment in men with ED of different baseline severity and disease classification. Methods. Data from two pi votal, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials enrolling men from the general ED population who received placebo or vardenafil 5 mg, 10 mg, or 20 mg during a 12-week treatment period were retrospectively analysed, stratifying by psychogenic, organic, and mixed ED disease classification as determined by the investigator. Efficacy endpoints included the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF)-Erectile Function (EF) domain score, per-patient diary response rates to questions on penile insertion [Sexual Encounter Profile (SEP-2)] and maintenance of erection (SEP-3) and rates of positive response to the Global Assessment Question (GAQ). Results. Data from 1,385 men who received at least one dose of study medication and had pre-and post-baseline measures of efficacy available (intent-to-treat population) are presented. At baseline 37-41% of patients had severe ED, 30-34% moderate, 22% mild-to-moderate and 6-8% mild ED. At baseline, 46-51% of patients were considered to have an organic cause for ED, 13-16% psychogenic ED, and 36-38% mixed classification of ED. For all classifications and for mild-to-moderate to severe ED, men treated with 10 or 20 mg of vardenafil showed statistically and clinically significant improvements (P < 0.001) in IIEF-EF scores, diary response rates to the SEP-2 and SEP-3 questions, and GAQ as compared with those given placebo. The greatest improvements relative to placebo were noted in patients with more severe ED. The most common treatment-emergent adverse events were headache, flushing, rhinitis, dyspepsia, and were dose-related, mostly mild to moderate in intensity and consistent with the class. Conclusions. Vardenafil improv es EF in men with ED irrespective of investigator-determined classification and baseline ED severit

    CMS Physics Technical Design Report: Addendum on High Density QCD with Heavy Ions

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    This report presents the capabilities of the CMS experiment to explore the rich heavy-ion physics programme offered by the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The collisions of lead nuclei at energies sNN=5.5TeV\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 5.5\,{\rm TeV} , will probe quark and gluon matter at unprecedented values of energy density. The prime goal of this research is to study the fundamental theory of the strong interaction \u2014 Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) \u2014 in extreme conditions of temperature, density and parton momentum fraction (low- x ). This report covers in detail the potential of CMS to carry out a series of representative Pb-Pb measurements. These include "bulk" observables, (charged hadron multiplicity, low p T inclusive hadron identified spectra and elliptic flow) which provide information on the collective properties of the system, as well as perturbative probes such as quarkonia, heavy-quarks, jets and high p T hadrons which yield "tomographic" information of the hottest and densest phases of the reaction