8 research outputs found

    Advantages of Nanosensors in the Development of Interfaces for Bioelectric Prostheses

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    The present research aims to explore the bioelectric activity of muscles using a high-resolution electromyograph and to analyze the prospects of the electromyograph to develop bioelectric patterns for the prosthesis control method based on the data recognition system. The activity of the healthy forearm muscles was investigated during the cyclic activity of fingers in different modes. In addition, the impact of filters on the quality and informativity of myoelectric signals, as well as on the development of bioelectric activity patterns was analyzed. The virtually developed bandpass filters were utilized as experimental filters. The filter impact analysis included the comparison of the signal recorded in the frequency band from 0 to 10000 Hz with the signal filtered in the frequency band from 20 to 500 Hz. The research revealed the advantages of a high-resolution electromyogram for the pattern recognition-based myocontrol

    Advantages of Nanosensors in the Development of Interfaces for Bioelectric Prostheses

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    The present research aims to explore the bioelectric activity of muscles using a high-resolution electromyograph and to analyze the prospects of the electromyograph to develop bioelectric patterns for the prosthesis control method based on the data recognition system. The activity of the healthy forearm muscles was investigated during the cyclic activity of fingers in different modes. In addition, the impact of filters on the quality and informativity of myoelectric signals, as well as on the development of bioelectric activity patterns was analyzed. The virtually developed bandpass filters were utilized as experimental filters. The filter impact analysis included the comparison of the signal recorded in the frequency band from 0 to 10000 Hz with the signal filtered in the frequency band from 20 to 500 Hz. The research revealed the advantages of a high-resolution electromyogram for the pattern recognition-based myocontrol

    Features of Physical Training of Football Players of 14-16 Years in The Conditions of Section Employment

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    В статті визначено особливості фізичної підготовки футболістів 14–16 років в умовах секційних занять закладу загальної середньої освіти. Внесені корективи у навчально-тренувальний процес футболістів позитивно вплинули на показники як загальної, так і спеціальної підготовленості спортсменів.The article identifies the features of physical training of football players aged 14–16 in the conditions of sectional classes of general secondary education. The adjustments made to the training process of football players had a positive effect on the indicators of both general and special training of athletes

    Efficiency of Application of Fitness Means in Physical Training of Football Players of 16-19 Years

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    У межах дослідження розроблено комплекс вправ із застосуванням сучасних напрямів фітнесу для удосконалення фізичної підготовки футболістів 16–19 років. Визначено ефективність впливу розробленого комплексу вправ у підготовчому періоді річного тренувального циклу на показники фізичної підготовленості футболістів 16–19 років.Within the framework of the research, a set of exercises with the use of modern fitness trends was developed to improve the physical training of football players aged 16–19. The effectiveness of the influence of the developed set of exercises in the preparatory period of the annual training cycle on the indicators of physical fitness of football players aged 16–19 is determined

    Advantages of Nanosensors in the Development of Interfaces for Bioelectric Prostheses

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    The present research aims to explore the bioelectric activity of muscles using a high-resolution electromyograph and to analyze the prospects of the electromyograph to develop bioelectric patterns for the prosthesis control method based on the data recognition system. The activity of the healthy forearm muscles was investigated during the cyclic activity of fingers in different modes. In addition, the impact of filters on the quality and informativity of myoelectric signals, as well as on the development of bioelectric activity patterns was analyzed. The virtually developed bandpass filters were utilized as experimental filters. The filter impact analysis included the comparison of the signal recorded in the frequency band from 0 to 10000 Hz with the signal filtered in the frequency band from 20 to 500 Hz. The research revealed the advantages of a high-resolution electromyogram for the pattern recognition-based myocontrol

    Reactive sintering of highly-doped YAG/Nd3+ :YAG/YAG composite ceramics

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    Multilayer YAG/Nd3+:YAG/YAG composite laser ceramics were obtained by the reactive sintering in vacuum. The effect of the neodymium ion concentration (1–4 at.%) on the formation of defects and optical quality of composite ceramics was studied. It was found that neodymium ions modify densification kinetics during solid-state reactive sintering of the highly-doped Nd3+:YAG ceramics by decreasing shrinkage rate in the temperature range 1320–1350 °C. Differences in phase transformation kinetics during reactive sintering lead to generation of pores at the interface of adjacent layers which decrease the optical homogeneity of fabricated YAG/Nd3+:YAG/YAG composite ceramics. The influence of layered structure on the laser performance of optical ceramics was investigated. It was shown that the ceramics with multilayer composite architecture have slope efficiency almost twice as the single-layer ceramics with the same composition (22% and 12.5%, respectively)

    Energy levels of A = 21–44 nuclei (VI)

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