52 research outputs found

    Caractérisation physico-chimique et évaluation du risque d’eutrophisation du lac Nokoué (Bénin)

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    L’ étude, menée sur deux (2) ans (2006 et 2007) , a permis de faire le bilan hydrologique du lac Nokoué et de connaitre la qualité physico-chimique des eaux du lac en vue d’offrir les éléments de base pour une modélisation écologique future du système. Les données historiques observées au niveau des stations de Bonou et de Sô – Ava, de même que des mesures ponctuelles des débits à l’ADCP des tributaires à leurs entrées dans le lac, ont été exploitées pour réaliser ce bilan hydrologique. Les saisons (saison sèche et période de hautes eaux) ont été prises en compte dans cette évaluation. Les résultats du bilan hydrologique montrent que le débit moyen d’eau douce reçu par le lac en période de hautes eaux (Août à Octobre) est de 216 m3/s essentiellement apporté par le fleuve Ouémé, le plus long fleuve du Bénin qui traverse le pays du nord au sud. Cette valeur tombe à 49m3/s en saison sèche avec 86% du débit apporté par la Sô. En saison sèche, la Sô à Ganvié a le taux le plus important de charge organique (53% de DBO). Pour le phosphore en saison sèche le plus fort taux est obtenu au niveau du fleuve Ouémé à Totchè (42%). En période de hautes eaux (Août à Octobre) il est observé un effet de dilution des apports. En terme de charges nutritives apportées par les systèmes d’assainissement, les résultats obtenus sont pour Cotonou et Calavi 360 kg/j –P et 840 kg/j – N et pour Ganvié 150 kg/j - P et 700 kg/j –N; les apports des « Acadjas » donnent 2,3 – 2,9 kg/j P et 29 – 36 kg/j N. Les principaux résultats obtenus pour la caractérisation physico – chimique se présentent comme suit :- une intrusion saline est très remarquable en saison sèche, ainsi à Ganvié on passe de 0 g/L en période de hautes eaux à 2,5 g/L en saison sèche ; le pH moyen varie ente 6,6 et 7,5 pour les eaux du fond du lac et entre 6,9 et 7,8 pour les eaux de surface du lac. Le pH varie très peu entre le fond du lac et la surface du lac ; l’évaluation du risque d’eutrophisation à partir de l’outil de diagnostic d’Ifremer, classe la quasi-totalité des eaux dans la zone rouge (i.e mauvaise). Les valeurs des nutriments azotés et phosphorés sont largement supérieures aux valeurs limites indiquées par le système de classification de l’Organisation de Coopération et Développement Economique (OCDE). Les eaux du lac sont eutrophes. Cette eutrophisation se manifeste par la prolifération des jacinthes d’eau. On note une évolution saisonnière du système. Du point de vue des facteurs de contrôle des jacinthes d’eau, il ressort que les nutriments contrôlent le développement des jacinthes lorsque la salinité n’inhibe plus la croissance des jacinthes, c’est-à-dire de juillet à janvier.Mots clés: Bilan hydrologique, lac Nokoué, charges polluantes, eutrophisation, jacinthe d’eau, intrusion salin

    The Influence of Reproductive Experience on Milk Energy Output and Lactation Performance in the Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)

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    Although evidence from domestic and laboratory species suggests that reproductive experience plays a critical role in the development of aspects of lactation performance, whether reproductive experience may have a significant influence on milk energy transfer to neonates in wild populations has not been directly investigated. We compared maternal energy expenditures and pup growth and energy deposition over the course of lactation between primiparous and fully-grown, multiparous grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) females to test whether reproductive experience has a significant influence on lactation performance. Although there was no difference between primiparous females in milk composition and, thus, milk energy content at either early or peak lactation primiparous females had a significantly lower daily milk energy output than multiparous females indicating a reduced physiological capacity for milk secretion

    Scholarly publishing depends on peer reviewers

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    The peer-review crisis is posing a risk to the scholarly peer-reviewed journal system. Journals have to ask many potential peer reviewers to obtain a minimum acceptable number of peers accepting reviewing a manuscript. Several solutions have been suggested to overcome this shortage. From reimbursing for the job, to eliminating pre- publication reviews, one cannot predict which is more dangerous for the future of scholarly publishing. And, why not acknowledging their contribution to the final version of the article published? PubMed created two categories of contributors: authors [AU] and collaborators [IR]. Why not a third category for the peer-reviewer

    Fatores influenciando a estrutura e distribuição espacial dos peixes nos Igarapés de cabeceira do Parque Nacional do Jaú, Amazônia Central

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of spatial variation in river channels and habitats on the distribution of fish communities in the headwater streams of the Jaú River System, a blackwater tributary of the Negro River. Collections and measurements were made in 34 headwater streams during the period of November-December, 1998. Fish were captured with fish traps and hand nets along standard reaches of two meanders. Data on benthic habitat structure, stream depth and width were collected along lateral transects in each sample reach. A total of 66 fish species from 24 families were collected and classified into seven trophic guilds: allocthonous insectivore, autochthonous insectivore, general insectivore, piscivore, detritivorous planktivore, detritivorous insectivore and insectivorous piscivore. Variations in the distribution and diversity of bottom substrates were important factors influencing fish community structures in these systems. Also, variation in stream size explained the observed variability in fish communities. © 2014, Instituto Internacional de Ecologia. All right reserved

    Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes

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    Cancer is driven by genetic change, and the advent of massively parallel sequencing has enabled systematic documentation of this variation at the whole-genome scale(1-3). Here we report the integrative analysis of 2,658 whole-cancer genomes and their matching normal tissues across 38 tumour types from the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). We describe the generation of the PCAWG resource, facilitated by international data sharing using compute clouds. On average, cancer genomes contained 4-5 driver mutations when combining coding and non-coding genomic elements; however, in around 5% of cases no drivers were identified, suggesting that cancer driver discovery is not yet complete. Chromothripsis, in which many clustered structural variants arise in a single catastrophic event, is frequently an early event in tumour evolution; in acral melanoma, for example, these events precede most somatic point mutations and affect several cancer-associated genes simultaneously. Cancers with abnormal telomere maintenance often originate from tissues with low replicative activity and show several mechanisms of preventing telomere attrition to critical levels. Common and rare germline variants affect patterns of somatic mutation, including point mutations, structural variants and somatic retrotransposition. A collection of papers from the PCAWG Consortium describes non-coding mutations that drive cancer beyond those in the TERT promoter(4); identifies new signatures of mutational processes that cause base substitutions, small insertions and deletions and structural variation(5,6); analyses timings and patterns of tumour evolution(7); describes the diverse transcriptional consequences of somatic mutation on splicing, expression levels, fusion genes and promoter activity(8,9); and evaluates a range of more-specialized features of cancer genomes(8,10-18).Peer reviewe

    Mental Health and Education Staff Perspectives of Occupational Functioning of Court-Involved Youth with a History of Substance Use

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    This mixed-methods descriptive survey study investigated the occupational functioning of court-involved youth with a history or risk of substance use, from the perspectives of mental health and education staff, within a rural, Mid-western county. Millions of Americans suffer from some form of substance use disorder (The National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2017). According to The National Survey on Drug and Health, 23% of the youth population have reportedly tried and illicit drug (SAMHSA, 2016) and as little as 10% of the youth population are receiving treatment (NIDA, 2014). The purpose of this study was to implement a mixed-methods design that aimed to understand the extent of occupational dysfunction among court involved youth with a history or risk of a substance use disorder as well as identify potential barriers as perceived by educational and mental health staff. The survey participants represented a convenience sample of eight education staff members (n=8) and five mental health staff members (n=5) with experience working with the targeted population. The results indicated trauma and a lack of parent or guardian supervision as common life stressors among youth with a history or risk of substance use and reported barriers to occupational functioning as a lack of parental support and lack of appropriate social engagement. Findings from the survey were consistent with established literature and provide insights into program development targeting the population of interest with regional specificity. Keywords: occupational therapy, adjudicated youth, adolescents, adverse childhood experience, substance us