748 research outputs found

    Cooperative Competitiveness and Capital Structure in the Greek Dairy Industry

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    There has been an increasing interest in cooperative capital structure and its association with the cooperative competitiveness, but the relevant hypotheses have not been tested by using a comprehensive analysis. This paper examines the effects of financial ratios on net profit margins using panel data for the period 1990-981 and explains differences between the cooperative and the investor owned firms (IOFs) operating in the Greek dairy industry. The relevant descriptive statistics show that IOFs are more profitable, while fixed effect results suggest that profitability differences between the two groups can be mainly attributed to the greater effectiveness of IOF capital structure determinants. These results provide a clear message to the cooperative management that if cooperatives’ aim is to improve their competitiveness against IOFs, then Greek dairy cooperatives should increase the contribution of retained profits to capital along with a better exploitation of capital intensity and economies of scale. The paper, however, suggests that a study of non-economic aspects is also required for a complete evaluation of the Greek dairy cooperative performance.Agribusiness,

    The effect of marketing expenses on car sales – an empirical analysis

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    Effect of stretch and release on myofascial stem cell function in vitro: A putative model to understand the molecular benefits of the myofascial release (MFR) technique

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    Despite the beneficial effects of osteopathic manipulative techniques (OMT), there is a lack of in vitro models to understand the molecular mechanisms associated with these time-tested therapies. The Myofascial Release (MFR) technique is a non-invasive approach that involves passive stretching, hold and release, of the soft tissue to achieve myofascial homeostasis. Tissue-resident mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) can regulate the myofascial microenvironment by altering their secreted factors following stretch and release. Therefore, we initiated studies to develop an in vitro model to investigate the possible effects of stretch and release on MSC function, i.e. proliferation and differentiation capabilities, and changes in secreted factors. Preliminary optimization of protocols towards MSC culturing on a stretchable silicone membrane and their mechanical manipulation using the MechanoCulture FX (MCFX) machine, a programmable stretch and release device

    El precio de la tierra en pradera pampeana y su relación con los commodities agropecuarios : periodo 1988 - 2008

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    El presente trabajo se focaliza en el estudio del valor de la tierra en pradera pampeana y su relación con los commodities agropecuarios para el período comprendido entre los años 1988 y 2008. En la década de 1990 se ha producido un nuevo escenario en el mercado inmobiliario rural argentino, principalmente en la zona conocida como Pradera Pampeana. Los motivos principales que lo han desencadenado fueron la adaptación de la siembra directa y el uso de variedades transgénicas, acompañado por todo un paquete tecnológico hasta entonces desconocido en el país. El valor de la tierra está determinado por la productividad de los factores y el instrumento que se utilizó para cuantificar el mismo fue el método de flujo de fondos y del valor residual descontado por la tasa de corte imperante en cada período bajo análisis. En el presente trabajo se buscó verificar el comportamiento del valor de equilibrio (técnico)de la tierra en la pampa húmeda y su relación con el valor de mercado. El valor de la tierra en las distintas zonas de la pampa húmeda constituye un sistema de vasos comunicantes que se expresa a través de la correlación que existe entre los valores de las distintas zonas. Se produce una revalorización de los campos por arbitraje o arrastre al variar los precios de algunos commodities más que otros. Finalmente se demostró que el precio relativo de los granos a nivel internacional, la tecnología aplicada, las políticas públicas vigentes y la tasa de corte son determinantes del valor técnico de la tierra; el cual, sumado a las expectativas de valoración genera el valor de mercado. Las encuestas realizadas a expertos en el mercado inmobiliario rural reflejan que el valor de la tierra se debe a lo dicho, además de ser un factor escaso y un refugio contra la desvalorización del dólar y el peso

    A computational approach to design new tests for viscoplasticity characterization at high strain-rates

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    International audienceRate-dependent behaviour characterization of metals at high strain rate remains challenging mainly because of the strong hypotheses when tests are processed with statically determinate approaches. As a non-standard methodology, Image-Based Inertial Impact (IBII) test has been proposed to take advantage of the dynamic Virtual Fields Method (VFM) which enables the identification of constitutive parameters with strain and acceleration fields. However, most of the test parameters (e.g. projectile velocity, specimen geometry) are not constrained. Therefore, an FE-based approach is addressed to optimize the identification over a wide range of strain and strain-rate, according to two design criteria: (1)-the characterized viscoplastic spectra (2)-the identifiability of the parameters. Whereas the first criterion is assessed by processing the FEA simulations, the second is rated extracting material parameters using synthetic images to input the VFM. Finally, uncertainties regarding the identification of material constants are quantified for each IBII test configuration and different camera performances

    An epidemic of Dengue fever in Karachi--associated clinical manifestations

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    Dengue is a mosquito borne disease with worldwide distribution. Depending on virulence factors and host immune status, infection can manifest as a severe but non fatal viral syndrome or a rapidly progressive and a frequently fatal haemorrhagic fever. During the course of an outbreak of viral fever in Karachi, Pakistan from June, 1994 to September, 1995, we studied 145 cases admitted at the Aga Khan University Hospital. 43% of the cases were between the age group of 20-30 years, majority of these being male (75%). Amongst the clinical signs and symptoms, the most frequent findings were fever, vomiting and abdominal pain. Spontaneous hemorrhagic manifestations occurred in 66 patients and of these petechiae and mucosal bleed were the commonest, that is, 42% and 38% respectively. At presentation thrombocytopenia (platelet count \u3c or = 50,000) per cubic millimeter) was present in 78%, leucopenia (white cell count \u3c 4,000 per cubic millimeter) in 34%. Apart from one patient who died from hemorrhagic shock on the 5th day of admission, the remaining patients recovered and their platelet counts normalized on an average in 9 days. This is the first reported epidemic in Karachi of dengue infection

    Juegos teatrales y ejercicios psicodramáticos. La interdisciplina como estrategia para operar en ámbitos educativos, laborales y comunitarios

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    El presente trabajo consiste en la sistematización de una propuesta de servicios a la comunidad, que está dirigida a fomentar espacios de mirada crítica sobre las prácticas cotidianas y la construcción de formas alternativas de abordaje de situaciones problemáticas. De esta manera, se parte del reconocimiento de la importancia que conlleva el fortalecimiento de los vínculos entre la universidad y la sociedad, tendiendo a la articulación de los saberes populares y académicos para dar respuesta a las inquietudes sociales.Específicamente, para aportar a dicha articulación, se intenta dar cuenta de la necesidad de la creación de herramientas para operar y resolver conflictos a través de juegos teatrales y ejercicios psicodramáticos, generando un espacio de aprendizaje y entrenamiento en contextos grupales. Creemos que el abordaje es posible por medio de la dramatización porque permite recuperar la capacidad elaborativa del juego a través de la representación. Aunque sea de un modo ficticio, son nuevas experiencias vivenciadas por el sujeto que pueden incorporarse como estrategias alternativas de acción para la vida cotidiana

    Développement de compositions polymères biosourcées sur base PLA pour des applications automobiles

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    National audiencePLA is a bio-based and biodegradable polymer with high tensile strength and rigidity. Nevertheless, its low impact toughness and its brittleness are obstacles for a use in highly loaded parts. To overcome these drawbacks, the influence of several additives is studied. First of all, PLA plasticization by TBC leads to a marked increase of ductility, however counterbalanced by a drop of tensile strength and rigidity. The formation of copolymers PLA-impact modifier (BS) allows to increase impact toughness but not ductility. Finally, quaternary compositions PLA-BS-TBC-clay nano-reinforcements have interesting tensile and impact properties compared to a mineral filled PP frequently used for automotive applications.Le PLA est un polymère biosourcé, biodégradable et à hautes rigidité et résistance en traction. Toutefois, sa faible résilience et sa fragilité sont des obstacles à son utilisation pour des pièces fortement sollicitées. Pour y remédier, cette étude s'intéresse à l'enrichissement progressif de compositions à base de PLA. Dans un premier temps, l'ajout de plastifiant (TBC) permet une nette augmentation de la ductilité du matériau, mais dégrade les autres propriétés en traction. La formation de copolymères PLA-modificateur d'impact (BS) permet un fort accroissement de la résilience, mais pas de la ductilité. Enfin, les compositions quaternaires PLA-BS-TBC-nanocharges d'argile constituent une piste viable pour une utilisation sous fortes sollicitations, grâce à des propriétés mécaniques en traction et à l'impact prometteuses, comparées à celles d'un PP chargé, classiquement utilisé dans l'automobile

    Somatic Mutations Reveal Lineage Relationships and Age-Related Mutagenesis in Human Hematopoiesis

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    Mutation accumulation during life can contribute to hematopoietic dysfunction; however, the underlying dynamics are unknown. Somatic mutations in blood progenitors can provide insight into the rate and processes underlying this accumulation, as well as the developmental lineage tree and stem cell division numbers. Here,we catalog mutations in the genomes of human-bone-marrow-derived and umbilical-cordblood- derived hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs). We find that mutations accumulate gradually during life with approximately 14 base substitutions per year. The majority of mutations were acquired after birth and could be explained by the constant activity of various endogenous mutagenic processes, which also explains the mutation load in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Using these mutations, we construct a developmental lineage tree of human hematopoiesis, revealing a polyclonal architecture and providing evidence that developmental clones exhibit multipotency. Our approach highlights features of human native hematopoiesis and its implications for leukemogenesis.The authors would like to thank the Hartwig Medical Foundation (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) for facilitating low-input whole-genome sequencing, P.J. Coffer for providing umbilical cord blood samples, and P.J. Campbell and D.C. Wedge for sharing scripts. This study was financially supported by an EMBO long-term fellowship to F.G.O. (ALTF 655-2016), an ERC starting grant (ERC2014-STG637904) to I.V., a VIDI grant of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) (no. 016.Vidi.171.023) to R.v.B., funding from Worldwide Cancer Research (WCR) (no. 16-0193) to R.v.B., and NIH grants HL128850-01A1 and P01HL13147 to F.D.C. F.D.C. is a scholar of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society