7,524 research outputs found

    Resistance due to vortex motion in the ν=1\nu=1 bilayer quantum Hall superfluid

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    The longitudinal and Hall resistances have recently been measured for quantum Hall bilayers at total filling ν=1\nu=1 in the superfluid state with interlayer pairing, both for currents flowing parallel to one another and for "counterflowing" currents in the two layers. Here I examine the contribution to these resistances from the motion of unpaired vortices in these systems, developing some possible explanations of various qualitative features of these data.Comment: 4 pages, slightly revised, accepted to PR

    Comparing Nonparametric Regression Quantiles

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    This paper investigates how conditional quantiles of a given distribution relate to each other. Given two conditional quantiles estimated nonparametrically, we investigate their relation by linking them through a parametric transformation. Asymptotic normality of the associated parameter vector is established, and the method is illustrated with data from the Family Expenditure Survey (FES) of UK households. The FES records expenditures of households on six broad categories of goods (alcohol, clothing, food, fuel, transport, and "other goods"), and the methodology is applied by estimating and comparing the conditional quantiles of the Engel relation. The only category for which expenditure can explain the shift in the quantile curves is for "other goods" relationship, indicating an increase in heterogeneity for better off households, suggesting a "taste for variety" effect as the expenditure level increases. For the remaining categories one cannot reject the null of a parallel shift of the quantile curvesQuantile Regression, Semiparametric Estimation, Specification Testing, Engel Curve, Household Expenditure, Budget Shares.

    Localization of interacting fermions at high temperature

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    We suggest that if a localized phase at nonzero temperature T>0T>0 exists for strongly disordered and weakly interacting electrons, as recently argued, it will also occur when both disorder and interactions are strong and TT is very high. We show that in this high-TT regime the localization transition may be studied numerically through exact diagonalization of small systems. We obtain spectra for one-dimensional lattice models of interacting spinless fermions in a random potential. As expected, the spectral statistics of finite-size samples cross over from those of orthogonal random matrices in the diffusive regime at weak random potential to Poisson statistics in the localized regime at strong randomness. However, these data show deviations from simple one-parameter finite-size scaling: the apparent mobility edge ``drifts'' as the system's size is increased. Based on spectral statistics alone, we have thus been unable to make a strong numerical case for the presence of a many-body localized phase at nonzero TT

    Superdiffusive nonequilibrium motion of an impurity in a Fermi sea

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    We treat the nonequilibrium motion of a single impurity atom in a low-temperature single-species Fermi sea, interacting via a contact interaction. In the nonequilibrium regime, the impurity does a superdiffusive geometric random walk where the typical distance traveled grows with time as td/(d+1)\sim t^{d/(d+1)} for the dd-dimensional system with d2d\geq 2. For nonzero temperature TT, this crosses over to diffusive motion at long times with diffusivity DT(d1)/2D\sim T^{-(d-1)/2}. These results apply also to a nonzero concentration of impurity atoms as long as they remain dilute and nondegenerate.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Instability of many-body localized systems as a phase transition in a nonstandard thermodynamic limit

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    The many-body localization (MBL) phase transition is not a conventional thermodynamic phase transition. Thus to define the phase transition one should allow the possibility of taking the limit of an infinite system in a way that is not the conventional thermodynamic limit. We explore this for the so-called "avalanche" instability due to rare thermalizing regions in the MBL phase for quenched-random systems in more than one spatial dimension, finding an unconventional way of scaling the systems so that they do have a type of phase transition. These arguments suggest that the MBL phase transition in systems with short-range interactions in more than one dimension is a transition where entanglement in the eigenstates begins to spread in to some typical regions: the transition is set by when the avalanches start. Once this entanglement gets started, the system does thermalize. From this point of view, the much-studied case of one-dimensional MBL with short-range interactions is a special case with a different, and in some ways more conventional, type of phase transition.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Many body localization and thermalization in quantum statistical mechanics

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    We review some recent developments in the statistical mechanics of isolated quantum systems. We provide a brief introduction to quantum thermalization, paying particular attention to the `Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis' (ETH), and the resulting `single-eigenstate statistical mechanics'. We then focus on a class of systems which fail to quantum thermalize and whose eigenstates violate the ETH: These are the many-body Anderson localized systems; their long-time properties are not captured by the conventional ensembles of quantum statistical mechanics. These systems can locally remember forever information about their local initial conditions, and are thus of interest for possibilities of storing quantum information. We discuss key features of many-body localization (MBL), and review a phenomenology of the MBL phase. Single-eigenstate statistical mechanics within the MBL phase reveals dynamically-stable ordered phases, and phase transitions among them, that are invisible to equilibrium statistical mechanics and can occur at high energy and low spatial dimensionality where equilibrium ordering is forbidden.Comment: Updated to reflect recent development

    Ballistic spreading of entanglement in a diffusive nonintegrable system

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    We study the time evolution of the entanglement entropy of a one-dimensional nonintegrable spin chain, starting from random nonentangled initial pure states. We use exact diagonalization of a nonintegrable quantum Ising chain with transverse and longitudinal fields to obtain the exact quantum dynamics. We show that the entanglement entropy increases linearly with time before finite-size saturation begins, demonstrating a ballistic spreading of the entanglement, while the energy transport in the same system is diffusive. Thus we explicitly demonstrate that the spreading of entanglement is much faster than the energy diffusion in this nonintegrable system.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Published version. Supplementary material adde

    Dissipation peak as an indicator of sample inhomogeneity in solid 4^4He oscillator experiments

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    A simple phenomenological model is developed for the recent torsional oscillator experiments on solid 4^4He. Within this model, for a homogeneous sample there is a specific quantitative relation between the change in the oscillator's frequency and its maximum damping at the apparent supersolid transition. Much of the published data do not satisfy this relation, indicating that the dissipation peaks in those samples are strongly inhomogeneously broadened.Comment: 2 page

    Institutional complementarities and gender diversity on boards: a configurational approach

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    Manuscript Type: Empirical Research Question/Issue: To address the lack of a complementarities-based approach in studies of board diversity, this paper seeks to understandwhether and howcertain country-level factors are causally and jointly related towomen on boards and the nature of their complementarities (are they synergic or substitutes?). Moreover, we intend to learn more about the adoption/diffusion of board gender quotas, by taking into account their role in the existing national configurations (whether they are necessary and/or sufficient conditions). Research Findings/Insights: Using fs/QCA, our findings reveal a particular configuration of country-level conditions that supports the existence of a joint causal relation between given institutional arrangements. Furthermore, we find that board gender quota legislation is not a sufficient condition on its own to achieve a higher number of women on boards. Such evidence suggests that its diffusion across countries could be the result of institutional isomorphismor social legitimacy more than to rational reasons. Theoretical/Academic Implications: For scholars, our paper refines and expands insights from the extant comparative corporate governance literature. By finding support for the “bundled” or jointly causal nature of given institutional factors,we open a window for further research that investigates board-level phenomena in a complementarities-based perspective. Practitioner/Policy Implications: For policymakers, this study provides some insights that could better drive their choice about which mix of policies is necessary to improve female representation on boards, and especially in which institutional areas they should be implemented. It is particularly relevant, because once gender quotas are endorsed at board level, they could have ambiguous effects on firm performance and corporate governance