1,650 research outputs found

    A Future Data Environment - reusability vs. citability and synchronisation vs. ingestion

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    During the last decades data managers dedicated their work to the pursuit for importable data. In the recent years this chase seams to come to an end while funding organisations assume that the approach of data publications with citable data sets will eliminate denial of scientists to commit their data. But is this true for all problems we are facing at the edge of a data avalanche and data intensive science? The concept of citable data is a logical consequence from the connection of points. Potential data providers in the past complained usually about the missing of a credit assignment for data providers and they still do. The selected way of DOI captured data sets is perfectly fitting into the credit system of publisher driven publications with countable citations. This system is well known by scientists for approximately 400 years now. Unfortunately, there is a double bind situation between citeability and reusability. While cooperation of publishers and data archives are coming into existence, it is necessary to get one question clear: “Is it really worth while in the twenty-first century to force data into the publication process of the seventeenth century?” Data publications enable easy citability, but do not support easy data reusability for future users. Additional problems occur in such an environment while taking into account the chances of collaborative data corrections in the institutional repository. The future with huge amounts of data connected with publications makes reconsideration towards a more integrated approach reasonable. In the past data archives were the only infrastructures taking care of long-term data retrievability and availability. Nevertheless, they were never a part of the scientific process from data creation, analysis, interpretation and publication. Data archives were regarded as isolated islands in the sea of scientific data. Accordingly scientists considered data publications like a stumbling stone in their daily routines and still do. The creation of data set as additional publications is an additional workload a lot of scientists are not yet convinced about. These times are coming to an end now because of the efforts of the funding organisations and the increased awareness of scientific institutions. Right now data archives have their expertise in retrievability and availability, but the new demand of data provenance is not yet included in their systems. So why not taking the chance of the scientific institutes sneaking in and split the workload of retrievability and provenance. Such an integrated data environment will be characterized by increased functionality, creditability and structured data from the creation and everything accompanied by data managers. The Kiel Data Management Infrastructure is creating such an institutional provenance system for the scientific site of Kiel. Having data sets up to date by synchronisation with institutional provenance system capturing all changes and improvements right where they happen. A sophisticated and scalable landscape needs to combine advantages of the existing data centers such as the usability and retrievability functionality with the advantages of decentralised data capturing and provenance. This data environment with synchronisation features and creditability of scientific data to future users would be capable of the future tasks

    Pamięć o II wojnie światowej i wykorzystanie jej do promocji miasta – szansą na szybszy rozwój Wielunia

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    Artykuł pochodzi z książki pt. „Dziedzictwo kulturowe - ochrona i adaptacja jako szansa na rozwój”, red. W. Tołoczko, Łódź 2008Prorektor ds. Nauki Uniwersytetu Łódzkieg


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    : Tobacco use is the leading cause of death in the United States. As of 2016, 23.5% of American 18-25 year olds reported having used cigarettes in the last month compared to 20.2% of adults and only 3.4% of adolescents. Due to the efficacy and widespread general use of mobile technology today, mobile-phone health, or mHealth apps, have become increasingly popular methods of delivering smoking cessation programs. However, there is a lack of evidence in regards to the quality and the effectiveness of using mHealth to deliver smoking cessation interventions to young adults. This study aims to fill this gap to a certain extent by providing evidence for the usability and quality of Quit4Helath, an interactive smoking cessation mobile phone aimed predominantly at young adults. Methods: Participant

    Coleta de dados de localização no processo penal – Parâmetros europeus (EU e Strasbourg)

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    This article deals with the problem of collecting, retaining and processing location data for use in criminal proceedings. The collection of location data is an interference with the right to privacy (the Article 8 of the ECHR, the Article 7 of the Charter). However, such interference is permissible if it pursues the aims indicated in Article 8(2) of the ECHR (prevention of and fight against serious crime, protection of general security, national security). Therefore, the question arises as to when the procedural authorities may obtain location data (what offences may justify interference with the right to privacy) and what conditions should be met by national law with regard to this issue.  The ECtHR and the CJEU are increasingly dealing with cases that concern the collection of location data in real time and data retention by telecommunications service providers. This requires an assessment of whether a European standard has now been developed and, if so, what is the standard?Este artigo analisa o problema da coleta, custódia e processamento de dados de localização para uso em processos penais. A coleta de dados de localização é uma restrição ao direito à privacidade (art. 8, CEDH; art. 8, Carta de Direitos Fundamentais da UE). Contudo, isso é permitido se almejar o objetivo indicado no art. 8(2) da CEDH (prevenção e combate a crimes graves, proteção da segurança pública e nacional). Assim, a questão surge sobre quando as autoridades podem obter os dados de localização (quais crimes podem justificar essa restrição à privacidade) e em que condições devem ser respeitadas pelas legislações nacionais sobre o tema. O TEDH e o Tribunal de Justiça da UE estão lidando cada vez mais com casos relacionados à coleta de dados de localização em tempo real e a sua custódia pelos provedores de serviços de telecomunicações. Isso a verificação de se os parâmetros europeus foram desenvolvidos e, em caso positivo, quais são eles

    Kiel Data Management Infrastructure for Marine Sciences

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    Author identities an interoperability problem solved by a collaborative solution

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    The identity of authors and data providers is crucial for personalized interoperability. The marketplace of available identifiers is packed and the right choice is getting more and more complicated. Even though there are more then 15 different systems available there are still some under development and proposed to come up by the end of 2012 ('PubMed Central Author ID' and ORCID). Data Management on a scale beyond the size of a single research institute but on the scale of a scientific site including a university with student education program needs to tackle this problem and so did the Kiel Data Management an Infrastructure. The main problem with the identities of researchers is the quite high frequency changes in positions during a scientist life. The required system needed to be a system that already contained the potential of preregistered people with their scientific publications from other countries, institutions and organizations. Scanning the author ID marketplace brought up, that there us a high risk of additional workload to the researcher itself or the administration due to the fact that individuals need to register an ID for themselves or the chosen register is not yet big enough to simply find the right entry. On the other hand libraries deal with authors and their publications now for centuries and they have high quality catalogs with person identities already available. Millions of records internationally mapped are available by collaboration with libraries and can be used in exactly the same scope. The international collaboration between libraries (VIAF) provides a mapping between libraries from the US, CA, UK, FR, GER and many more. The international library author identification system made it possible to actually reach at the first matching a success of 60% of all scientists. The additional advantage is that librarians can finalize the Identity system in a kind of background process. The Kiel Data Management Infrastructure initiated a web service at Kiel for mapping from one ID to another. This web service supports the scientific workflows for automation of the data archiving process at world data archive PANGAEA. The long-lasting concept of the library identifier enables the use of these identifiers beyond the employment period, while it has nothing to do with the institutional IDM. The access rights and ownership of data can be assured for very long time since the national library with its national scope hosts the basic system. Making use of this existing system released resourced planed for this task and enabled the chance of interoperability on an international scale for a regional data management infrastructure

    HowTo - Easy use of global unique identifier

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    Czerniak A, Schirnick C, Fleischer D, Mehrtens H, Springer P. HowTo - Easy use of global unique identifier. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, US.First Step We use our scientifi c workfl ow system to defi ne the research workfl ow step by step. In every workstep metadata information is used to prebind to the proper identifi er system (eg. ports from geographic places and not people) which can then propose adequate suggestions upon user input leading to the correct assignment of the port in question. Sometimes a mapping between identifi er resources such as the german " Gemeinsame Normdatei " (GND) for people , institutions or geographic places and another like ISNI or OrcID for people only may be necessary for legacy reasons. For example our handwriting recognition system in conjunction with " digital enabled " paper uses names and maps to relate those to the respective systems in order to retrieve a global unique identifi er which is then used to reliably relate and store information (Figure 2). Identifi er system are ubiquitous but commonly they are not global(ly known) nor are they unique (national vs. international). Usage of global identifi ers in marine research greatly enhances search and retrieval of samples, data and related information and enbales scientists all over the world to reliably share and reuse research data. For many scientifi c disciplines numerous identifi er systems exists on a national and international level allowing non-ambiguous refernce to people, institutions and geosamples (Figure 1). Our goal is to reliably integrate these unique references in our virtual research environment, the Kiel Data Management Infrastructure (KDMI), supporting scientists in national and international projects and collaborative research centers

    Equal and fair employment treatment for those on replacement employment contracts?

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    Employment contracts for replacement purposes are not legally clearly defined under the current Polish Labour Code. It is a contractual arrangement that allows employers to solve personnel issues associated with temporarily unavailable workers for given periods of time. The core elements associated with an employment contract for a replacement, as compared to those of a fixed term employment contract, warrant the assertion that this is an agreement incompatible with the principleof equality in employment and social justice. There are controversies also associated as to how such replacement agreements can be terminated. The legislator intends to change the governing rules of terminating fixed term contracts as well as replacement agreements. Those employees who are in fact replacing workers who are absent for justifiable reasons, remain the weakest employee group as far as employment law protection is concerned.Umowa na zastępstwo, której charakter prawny nie jest definitywnie przesądzony w aktualnym brzmieniu Kodeksu pracy, to udogodnienie dla pracodawców umożliwiające im rozwiązywanie problemów natury kadrowej w sytuacji okresowej niezdolności do pracy nieobecnego pracownika. Modyfikacje, które dotyczą umowy na zastępstwo w porównaniu z innymi umowami o pracę na czas określony uzasadniają twierdzenie, iż jest to umowa niezgodna z zasadą równości w zatrudnieniu i sprawiedliwości społecznej. Istnieją kontrowersje, co do możliwości wypowiadania tego rodzaju umów. Ustawodawca zamierza zmienić zasady wypowiadania umów na czas określony, w tym umowy na zastępstwo. Pracownicy zatrudniani w celu zastępstwa innego pracownika w czasie jego usprawiedliwionej nieobecności pozostają bez wątpienia grupą pod najsłabszą ochroną prawa pracy.  

    ADHD-200 Patient Characterization and Classification using Resting State Networks: A Dissertation

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    Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common psychiatric disorder of childhood that is characterized by symptoms of inattention, impulsivity/hyperactivity, or a combination of both. Intrinsic brain dysfunction in ADHD can be examined through various methods including resting state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI), which investigates patients’ functional brain connections in the absence of an explicit task. To date, studies of group differences in resting brain connectivity between patients with ADHD and typically developing controls (TDCs) have revealed reduced connectivity within the Default Mode Network (DMN), a resting state network implicated in introspection, mind-wandering, and day-dreaming. However, few studies have addressed the use of resting state connectivity measures as a diagnostic aide for ADHD on the individual patient level. In the current work, we attempted first to characterize the differences in resting state networks, including the DMN and three attention networks (the salience network, the left executive network, and the right executive network), between a group of youth with ADHD and a group of TDCs matched for age, IQ, gender, and handedness. Significant over- and under-connections were found in the ADHD group in all of these networks compared with TDCs. We then attempted to use a support vector machine (SVM) based on the information extracted from resting state network connectivity to classify participants as “ADHD” or “TDC.” The IFGmiddle temporal network (66.8% accuracy), the parietal association network (86.6% specificity and 48.5% PPV), and a physiological noise component (sensitivity 39.7% and NPV 69.6%) performed the best classifications. Finally, we attempted to combine and utilize information from all the resting state networks that we identified to improve classification accuracy. Contrary to our hypothesis, classification accuracy decreased to 54-55% when this information was combined. Overall, the work presented here supports the theory that the ADHD brain is differently connected at rest than that of TDCs, and that this information may be useful for developing a diagnostic aid. However, because ADHD is such a heterogeneous disorder, each ADHD patient’s underlying brain deficits may be unique making it difficult to determine what connectivity information is diagnostically useful