3,369 research outputs found

    Integration of multimodal data based on surface registration

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    The paper proposes and evaluates a strategy for the alignment of anatomical and functional data of the brain. The method takes as an input two different sets of images of a same patient: MR data and SPECT. It proceeds in four steps: first, it constructs two voxel models from the two image sets; next, it extracts from the two voxel models the surfaces of regions of interest; in the third step, the surfaces are interactively aligned by corresponding pairs; finally a unique volume model is constructed by selectively applying the geometrical transformations associated to the regions and weighting their contributions. The main advantages of this strategy are (i) that it can be applied retrospectively, (ii) that it is tri-dimensional, and (iii) that it is local. Its main disadvantage with regard to previously published methods it that it requires the extraction of surfaces. However, this step is often required for other stages of the multimodal analysis such as the visualization and therefore its cost can be accounted in the global cost of the process.Postprint (published version

    Influence of developer factors on code quality: a data study

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Automatic source-code inspection tools help to assess, monitor and improve code quality. Since these tools only examine the software project’s codebase, they overlook other possible factors that may impact code quality and the assessment of the technical debt (TD). Our initial hypothesis is that human factors associated with the software developers, like coding expertise, communication skills, and experience in the project have some measurable impact on the code quality. In this exploratory study, we test this hypothesis on two large open source repositories, using TD as a code quality metric and the data that may be inferred from the version control systems. The preliminary results of our statistical analysis suggest that the level of participation of the developers and their experience in the project have a positive correlation with the amount of TD that they introduce. On the contrary, communication skills have barely any impact on TD.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The Constructive method for query containment checking (extended version)

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    We present a new method that checks Query Containment for queries with negated derived atoms and/or integrity constraints. Existing methods for Query Containment checking that deal with these cases do not check actually containment but another related property called uniform containment, which is a sufficient but not necessary condition for containment. Our method can be seen as an extension of the canonical databases approach beyond the class of conjunctive queries.Postprint (published version

    Speeding up rendering of hybrid surface and volume models

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    Hybrid rendering of volume and polygonal model is an interesting feature of visualization systems, since it helps users to better understand the relationships between internal structures of the volume and fitted surfaces as well as external surfaces. Most of the existing bibliography focuses at the problem of correctly integrating in depth both types of information. The rendering method proposed in this paper is built on these previous results. It is aimed at solving a different problem: how to efficiently access to selected information of a hybrid model. We propose to construct a decision tree (the Rendering Decision Tree), which together with an auxiliary run-length representation of the model avoids visiting unselected surfaces and internal regions during a traversal of the model.Postprint (published version

    A Fast hierarchical traversal strategy for multimodal visualization

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    In the last years there is a growing demand of multimodal medical rendering systems able to visualize simultaneously data coming from different sources. This paper addresses the Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) of aligned multimodal data in medical applications. Specifically, it proposes a hierarchical representation of the multimodal data set based on the construction of a Fusion Decision Tree (FDT) that, together with a run-length encoding of the non-empty data, provides means of efficiently accessing to the data. Three different implementations of these structures are proposed. The simulations results show that the traversal of the data is fast and that the method is suitable when interactive modifications of the fusion parameters are required.Postprint (published version

    Can 3D gamified simulations be valid vocational training tools for persons with intellectual disability? A pilot based on a real-life situation

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    Objective: To investigate if 3D gamified simulations can be valid vocational training tools for persons with intellectual disability. Methods: A 3D gamified simulation composed by a set of training tasks for cleaning in hostelry was developed in collaboration with professionals of a real hostel and pedagogues of a special needs school. The learning objectives focus on the acquisition of vocabulary skills, work procedures, social abilities and risk prevention. Several accessibility features were developed to make the tasks easy to do from a technological point-of-view. A pilot experiment was conducted to test the pedagogical efficacy of this tool on intellectually disabled workers and students. Results: User scores in the gamified simulation follow a curve of increasing progression. When confronted with reality, they recognized the scenario and tried to reproduce what they had learned in the simulation. Finally, they were interested in the tool, they showed a strong feeling of immersion and engagement, and they reported having fun. Conclusions: On the basis of this experiment we believe that 3D gamified simulations can be efficient tools to train social and professional skills of persons with intellectual disabilities contributing thus to foster their social inclusion through work.Postprint (author's final draft

    Rendering techniques for multimodal data

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    Many different direct volume rendering methods have been developed to visualize 3D scalar fields on uniform rectilinear grids. However, little work has been done on rendering simultaneously various properties of the same 3D region measured with different registration devices or at different instants of time. The demand for this type of visualization is rapidly increasing in scientific applications such as medicine in which the visual integration of multiple modalities allows a better comprehension of the anatomy and a perception of its relationships with activity. This paper presents different strategies of Direct Multimodal Volume Rendering (DMVR). It is restricted to voxel models with a known 3D rigid alignment transformation. The paper evaluates at which steps of the render-ing pipeline must the data fusion be realized in order to accomplish the desired visual integration and to provide fast re-renders when some fusion parameters are modified. In addition, it analyzes how existing monomodal visualization al-gorithms can be extended to multiple datasets and it compares their efficiency and their computational cost.Postprint (published version

    Design of a multimodal rendering system

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    This paper addresses the rendering of aligned regular multimodal datasets. It presents a general framework of multimodal data fusion that includes several data merging methods. We also analyze the requirements of a rendering system able to provide these different fusion methods. On the basis of these requirements, we propose a novel design for a multimodal rendering system. The design has been implemented and proved showing to be efficient and flexible.Postprint (published version

    Schrift und Schreiben in der Schule

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    Für den polygrafischen Facharbeiter ist die Schrift in Form der gegossenen Lettern oder des belichteten Films neben dem Bild der wichtigste Arbeitsgegenstand bei den täglichen Verrichtungen. Nicht jedem wird dabei bewußt, daß die Schrift zu unseren ältesten und bedeutendsten Kulturgütern gehört. Als sprachliches Zeichensystem ist sie unmittelbar mit der geistigen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung der Menschheit verbunden. Der folgende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Handschrift, der Urform aller schriftlichen Informationsspeicherung, und beleuchtet die Bedeutung der Schrift im Zusammenhang mit Bildung und Erziehung. Es wird die Schulausgangsschrift 1968 vorgestellt und in Einzelheiten erläutert. (DIPF/Orig.
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