7 research outputs found

    AVIRIS ground data processing system

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    During the last year and a half, Feb. 1991 to Jun. 1992, a major upgrade of the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometers (AVIRIS) ground data processing system took place. Both the hardware and software components were changed significantly to improve the processing capacity and performance and to structure a data facility capable of handling the projected work load into the near future. A summary report of these changes and some projections for the future are provided. The objectives of the AVIRIS data facility are to decommutate and archive AVIRIS data and to provide raw or radiometrically calibrated data products to the science investigator. These primary objectives have not changed from the initial concepts. The upgrade effort has greatly improved the processing system. These objectives can now be accomplished in a more timely fashion at a reasonable cost and there is sufficient capacity to manage the current processing load and provide for future growth. The method of implementation added the flexibility to provide better service to the investigator and allow for future changes

    The data facility of the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)

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    AVIRIS operations at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory include a significant data task. The AVIRIS data facility is responsible for data archiving, data calibration, quality monitoring and distribution. Since 1987, the data facility has archived over one terabyte of AVIRIS data and distributed these data to science investigators as requested. In this paper we describe recent improvements in the AVIRIS data facility

    New calibration techniques for the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)

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    Recent laboratory calibrations of the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) include new methods for the characterization of the geometric, spectral, temporal and radiometric properties of the sensor. New techniques are desired in order to: (1) increase measurement accuracy and precision, (2) minimize measurement time and expense, (3) prototype new field and inflight calibration systems, (4) resolve measurement ambiguities, and (5) add new measurement dimensions. One of the common features of these new methods is the use of the full data collection and processing power of the AVIRIS instrument and data facility. This allows the collection of large amounts of calibration data in a short period of time and is well suited to modular data analysis routines

    Gender and Sexuality in the Polska: Swedish Couple Dancing and the Challenge of Egalitarian Flirtation

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    In the world of Swedish polska dancing, the move toward gender-neutral pedagogy has challenged the established gender hierarchies of the social dance scene. The best dancers are now trained in all possible couple configurations, and serve as models for the rest of the floor. Traditional gender relations tend to reassert themselves, however, when people use the dance to flirt. Men remain the overt agents of seduction, and women accept or reject their advances. I argue that for an egalitarian vision of the dance to become reality, everyone must have equal access to all techniques of flirtation and rejection. Gender-neutral pedagogy has given people the necessary tools, but progress has been slowed by broader social taboos on female sexual desire

    The Social Sciences and Logistics: Some Suggestions for Future Exploration

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    Science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems

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    We present the science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems, targeting an evolution in technology, that might lead to impacts and benefits reaching into most areas of society. This roadmap was developed within the framework of the European Graphene Flagship and outlines the main targets and research areas as best understood at the start of this ambitious project. We provide an overview of the key aspects of graphene and related materials (GRMs), ranging from fundamental research challenges to a variety of applications in a large number of sectors, highlighting the steps necessary to take GRMs from a state of raw potential to a point where they might revolutionize multiple industries. We also define an extensive list of acronyms in an effort to standardize the nomenclature in this emerging field