1,990 research outputs found

    Study on properties of geopolymers for application in transport means

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    Disertační práce je věnovaná studiu alkalicky aktivovaných materiálů na bázi elektrárenského popílku, zejména možnosti jejich využití jako vysokoteplotních tmelů pro aplikace v dopravní technice. Adheze geopolymerů s kovem nebyla dodnes široce studovaná. Tato práce je zaměřena zejména na vyhledávání optimálního složení tmelu, které by odpovídalo požadavkům na vysokoteplotní tmely a kromě toho aby byly cenově srovnatelné podobnými materiály již existujícími na trhu.This doctoral thesis deals with a study of alkali activated materials based on fly ash, above all the possibility of their application as high temperature sealants in transport means. Adhesive bonding of geopolymers with steel haven?t been studied widely till nowadays. This work is mainly concentrated on optimal sealant composition search, which would respond to main requirements to high temperature sealants, besides would have a competitive price in comparison with the similar materials existent in the market.Katedra mechaniky, materiálů a částí strojůPrezentace doktorské dizertační práce Přečtení posudků Odpovědi na připomínky oponentů Rozprava Tajné hlasování Vyhlášení výsledku tajného hlasován

    Tolerances as images of congruences in varieties defined by linear identities

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    An identity s=t is linear if each variable occurs at most once in each of the terms s and t. Let T be a tolerance relation of an algebra A in a variety defined by a set of linear identities. We prove that there exist an algebra B in the same variety and a congruence Theta of B such that a homomorphism from B onto A maps Theta onto T.Comment: 3 page

    Virtual Interactive Walk through Scenery

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou modelování krajiny v OpenGL. Obsahuje teoretický princip vykreslování ve 3D pomocí funkcí OpenGL a popis některých technologií sloužících k modelování realistických objektů a efektů. Tyto technologie jsou demonstrovány na aplikaci modelující interaktivní procházku krajinou, která je nakonec otestována pomocí dotazníků, vyplněných skupinou dobrovolníků.This bachelor's thesis describes the issues of modelling a scenery in OpenGL. It contains theoretical principle of 3D displaying with OpenGL functions and description of some of the technologies made for realistic objects and efects modelling. These technologies are demonstrated on an application modelling an interactive walk through scenery, which is eventually tested with questionnaires, filled by a group of volunteers.

    Comparison of qualitative properties of NURBS interpolation curves

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    Tato práce se zabývá prostými interpolačními křivkami, které jsou ukotvené. Konstrukce těchto křivek je řešena několika tvarovacími metodami. Také je uveden postup jejich výpočtu. Výsledkem je porovnání různých interpolačních metod. Práce je užitečná k porozumění interpolačních NURBS křivek a k výběru vhodných tvarovacích metod.This thesis deals with simple interpolation curves, which are clamped. Construction of the curves is solved by several forming tools. There is also brought procedure of their calculation. Result is comparating different interpolation methods. The thesis is useful to understanding for interpolation NURBS curves and for choosing apposite forming methods.

    Molecular genetic characterization of fungal isolates representing biogeographic diversity in the colletotrichum-bean pathosystem

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    Colletotrichum lindemuthianum is a pathogen of Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) causing anthracnose disease and poses a threat to food security. The aim of the study was to advance understanding of genotype-phenotype-environmental interactions in Colletotrichum spp. through biomolecular approaches including multilocus molecular phylogenetic analysis, AP-PCR and morphological diversity assessment. Following initial screening five loci were selected for further investigation including ribosomal RNA gene block internal transcribed spacer (ITS), tubulin (TUB), glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, and the mating type gene. Study included 18 Colletotrichum isolates representing wide biogeographic diversity. Two isolates were identified as C. gloeosporioides and C. truncatum, which are not commonly known bean pathogens and this needs further research. The TUB marker was the most conserved amongst the C. lindemuthianum isolates. Universal marker ITS distinguished 5 haplotypes; concatenated sequence data provided the highest resolution with 7 haplotypes. AP-PCR differentiated between 5-9 haplotypes and appeared more suitable for local population monitoring purposes. Variability in growth rate, sporulation and colony morphology was observed among the Colletotrichum spp. isolates. The study would serve as a platform for genome sequencing based studies into environmental change adaptation in Colletotrichum spp. particularly C. lindemuthianum using isolates representing historical and contemporary populations

    Caribou migration, subsistence hunting, and user group conflicts in northwest Alaska: a traditional knowledge perspective

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2015Alaska Natives of northwest Alaska are highly dependent on barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus) for meeting their nutritional and cultural needs. The Alaska Native village of Noatak borders the Noatak National Preserve (NNP), an area historically and presently used by Iñupiaq for subsistence caribou hunting and other traditional activities. Interactions between local and non-local caribou hunters were analyzed through the lens of common pool resource theory, which I linked to traditional Iñupiaq management of access and use of resources. This study examined changes in caribou migration and its effect on local caribou hunting success, which have been perceived to be the result of the interaction with non-local hunters and commercial aircraft operators transporting non-locals. Past research, decades old at this point, was undertaken prior to some regulations in place today, such as zoned use areas. To understand the implications of these changes, I documented the perceptions of local hunters by drawing on their traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), using a mixed methods approach to capture information on caribou ecology and human-caribou interactions. Mixed methods included a survey of active hunters, semi-structured participatory mapping interviews with local caribou experts of Noatak, key informant interviews, and participatory observation. Local hunters reported that caribou migration has changed, and there has been a decrease in the population of the region's caribou herd, the Western Arctic Herd (WAH). Hunters also reported that caribou hunting has changed substantially in the last five years, with fewer caribou harvested and hunters adapting to accommodate caribou migration shifts. Local hunters ranked aircraft and non-locals hunters as having the greatest negative impact to caribou migration and local hunting, followed by predation, climate change and habitat change. Noatak hunters perceived that their harvest of caribou is most impacted by non-local activity in the Noatak region. As well, local hunters reported that aircraft are a greater disturbance than on-the-ground non-local hunters. Participatory mapping revealed that use-areas are shared by local and non-local users along the Noatak River corridor, including both inside and outside zoned use areas. Suggestions by respondents for improved caribou management and conflicts with non-locals ranged from reducing non-local activity, working together with non-locals and aircraft operators, improving economic development for Noatak, and teaching youth of the village traditional hunting practices. Findings of this research demonstrate that local hunters have a rich, localized knowledge of human-caribou systems, which can contribute further to understanding of caribou-human interactions and in turn help to inform wildlife management decision-making

    Development of a control circuit for a radial active magnetic bearing

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    The electromagnetic bearings are the result of the modern control technique. Utilizing this principle frictionless bearing is reachable, but an appropriate control circuit is needed. In this report a development of an analogue PID controller will be demonstrated

    The Application of the prototype theory in lexicographic practice: A proposal of a model for lexicographic treatment of polysemy

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    The aim of this paper is to point to fundamental implications of the prototype theory for lexicographic practice using them as a solid foundation for developing and proposing a model for systematic, consistent, precise and, above all, reliable treatment of polysemy in dictionaries. The main requirement of such a model is to make transparent the main features of a polysemous structure including its hierarchical organization, mutual relatedness of senses based on family resemblance and motivated derivation of senses. The proposed model includes three most chal-lenging but key aspects of lexicographic treatment of polysemy: sense discrimination, sense defin-ing and structure and organization of a dictionary entry. The prototype-based view of a polyse-mous structure is illustrated with a diagram representing a proposed upgrade of the radial set model introduced by Brugman and Lakoff (1988) and providing a pattern for tailoring a dictionary entry for a polysemous word. After practical aspects of the proposed model are explained in detail, an illustration follows setting forth a sample entry for a highly polysemous verb formed according to the proposed model. A solid theoretical foundation of the model is expected to ensure its practi-cal efficiency primarily concerning quick and easy detection and understanding of senses.Keywords: Lexicology, lexicography, cognitive linguistics, prototype theory, polysemy, dictionary entry, model, sense discrimination, sense defining, entry structure 

    Metódy dedukcie a indukcie v spoločenskovednej metodológii

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    Článok porovnáva chápanie metód dedukcie a indukcie, s ktorým pracujú vybrané texty zo spoločenskovednej metodológie, s poňatím týchto metód, o ktoré sa opiera moderná logika. Ukazuje, že viaceré príručky spoločenskovedného výskumu vychádzajú zo zastaranej koncepcie, podľa ktorej dedukcia predstavuje „postup od všeobecného k jednotlivému" a indukcia „postup od jednotlivého k všeobecnému". V niektorých prípadoch sa tiež obe metódy chybne stotožňujú s metódami výstavby teórie, prípadne sa dvojica dedukcia - indukcia mylne spája s dvojicou kvantitatívny - kvalitatívny výskum. Článok upozorňuje na niektoré problematické dôsledky takého postupu a navrhuje jednoduché riešenia