14,397 research outputs found

    Mural Painting and The Spirit of The Place Versus Graffiti and Street Art

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    Since 1978, Cité Création has created worldwide more than 650 mural paintings, frescoes, decorations, stage sets in public and private spaces for inhabitants, visitors and tourists. These monumental creations display cultural, social and economic identities. Their aim is to reveal, mark and embellish places, districts, urban spaces and the sites of industrial and service companies regionally, nationally and internationally. Author explains both the role of murals and the difference between them and graffiti, as well as street art

    Menentusahkan faktor tekanan kerja guru sekolah menengah Gred A Daerah Batu Pahat

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    Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tekanan kerja guru yang mengajar di kawasan bandar dan sekolah tersebut dikategorikan sebagai sekolah gred A. Kajian ini dijalankan di tiga buah sekolah yang terletak di bandar dalam Daerah Batu Pahat iaitu Sekolah Menengah Datin Onn, Sekolah Menengah Dato’ Bentara Luar dan Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Munshi Sulaiman. Kajian ini mengesahkan sama ada konstruk yang dihasilkan merupakan faktor tekanan kerja guru sekolah berkenaan. Selain itu, kajian ini juga mengenal pasti apakah faktor paling dominan yang menyebabkan tekanan kerja guru dan , seterusnya melihat impak dimensi terhadap responden berdasarkan faktor yang dikaji. Dalam menentukan konstruk, Classic Theory Test (CTT) dengan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif melalui analisis dokumen dengan membuat kupasan kajian literatur. Analisis faktor model Rasch dengan menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama pada residual digunakan dalam kajian ini bagi memastikan dan mengesahkan konstruk atau faktor. Berdasarkan dapatan analisis dokumen, konstruk bagi faktor tekanan kerja yang dikenal pasti adalah (i) Beban kerja (ii) Kekangan Masa dan Sumber (iii) Disiplin pelajar (iv) Perhubungan Interpersonel dan (v) Keperluan Penghargaan. Melalui analisis faktor yang dijalankan pula, mendapati kesemua faktor yang dihasilkan telah menepati kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh model Rasch iaitu peratusan varians mentah dijelaskan oleh pengukuran (raw variance explained by measure) melebihi daripada 40%, peratus varians tidak dijelaskan dalam kontras pertama (first contrast unexplained variance) adalah kurang daripada 10%, dan nilai eigen kontras pertama (first contrast eigenvalue) juga kurang daripada 3.0. Hal ini membuktikan dan mengesahkan bahawa keseluruhan konstruk adalah bersifat unidimensi dan mampu mengukur apa yang hendak diukur. Faktor yang paling dominan adalah faktor disiplin pelajar dan terdapat perbezaan persepsi responden dari aspek jantina, umur dan tempoh bekerja terhadap konstruk atau faktor yang dikaji

    Development of a computer software for the monitoring of subsidence

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    A computer software has been developed at the Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Engineering, UTM for the purpose of detecting subsidence of ground surface or manmade structure by using Visual Basic 6.0 and FORTRAN computer languages. This software can be used for processing data from GPS and precise levelling methods. The software requires GPS baseline vectors (∆X, ∆Y, ∆Z). Relative ellipsoidal heights based on the WGS84 ellipsoidal surface must be derived from these baseline vectors. The derived relative ellipsoidal heights are then adjusted using least square estimation method. The adjusted heights will be used for further subsidence analysis. Stransformation is used to transform results from least square estimation using minimum constraints to a selected datum. This paper examines the method of subsidence using the iterative weighted transformation. In this method, the stability of reference points must be checked through a single point test. Stable points will then be adjusted again together with object points. Lastly, the stability of object points will be determined. User of this software requires little knowledge on deformation monitoring processing, as the user needs to follow the procedure of inputting data required by the software. The output from the software will give the stability of the all control points whether they have moved or otherwise

    HetHetNets: Heterogeneous Traffic Distribution in Heterogeneous Wireless Cellular Networks

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    A recent approach in modeling and analysis of the supply and demand in heterogeneous wireless cellular networks has been the use of two independent Poisson point processes (PPPs) for the locations of base stations (BSs) and user equipments (UEs). This popular approach has two major shortcomings. First, although the PPP model may be a fitting one for the BS locations, it is less adequate for the UE locations mainly due to the fact that the model is not adjustable (tunable) to represent the severity of the heterogeneity (non-uniformity) in the UE locations. Besides, the independence assumption between the two PPPs does not capture the often-observed correlation between the UE and BS locations. This paper presents a novel heterogeneous spatial traffic modeling which allows statistical adjustment. Simple and non-parameterized, yet sufficiently accurate, measures for capturing the traffic characteristics in space are introduced. Only two statistical parameters related to the UE distribution, namely, the coefficient of variation (the normalized second-moment), of an appropriately defined inter-UE distance measure, and correlation coefficient (the normalized cross-moment) between UE and BS locations, are adjusted to control the degree of heterogeneity and the bias towards the BS locations, respectively. This model is used in heterogeneous wireless cellular networks (HetNets) to demonstrate the impact of heterogeneous and BS-correlated traffic on the network performance. This network is called HetHetNet since it has two types of heterogeneity: heterogeneity in the infrastructure (supply), and heterogeneity in the spatial traffic distribution (demand).Comment: JSA

    Canopy height estimation from lidar data using open source software compared with commercial software

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    The goal of this study is to analyze the performance of Open Source Software (OSS) towards the generation of Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM), further on estimates the canopy height by using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data. Generation of DTM and DSM are very important in this research to ensure that better canopy height can be modeled. DTM and DSM commonly known as a digital representation of earth surface topography where DTM only represent the ground surface while DSM represent all the features including buildings and trees. Many software that have a function to generate DTM and DSM were developed recently. However, most software has been commercialized; therefore it requires a high expenditure to own the software. Advanced technology has lead to the emergence of the growing OSS. OSS is software that can be downloaded for free via the internet. By taking the forestry area of Pekan, Pahang for this research, LIDAR data for that particular area is processed by using the OSS Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS). To determine the effectiveness and capability of GRASS in the DTM and DSM generation, the same data were processed using commercial software which is TerraScan so that the result can be compared, further on better canopy height can be modele

    Perkembangan Rumah Tradisional Muna

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur tata ruang rumah (unsur spasial), dan bentuk bangunan (unsur formal) yang mengalami Perubahan dalam perkembangan rumah tradisional Muna, (2) menjelaskan faktor-faktor penyebab perkembangan rumah tradisional Muna. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kecamatan Tongkuno, kecamatan Lawa, kecamatan Kabawo, dan kecamatan Lohia Kabupaten Muna. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei lapangan dengan mewawancarai lima narasumber/informan terdiri dari antropolog, tokoh adat dan budaya Muna, ahli rumah tradisional Muna, serta tiga puluh enam responden yang rumahnya ditetapkan sebagai kasus penelitian. Penentuan kasus dilakukan secara sengaja terdiri dari rumah golongan kaomu (bangsawan), golongan walaka (dewan sara), dan golongan maradika (rakyat biasa) berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa unsur tata ruang rumah yang paling berubah adalah jenis dan jumlah ruang serta orientasi ruang, dan yang paling sedikit berubah adalah pola sirkulasi. Sementara unsur-unsur bentuk yang paling berubah terjadi pada dimensi dan wujud, paling sedikit berubah adalah pada ornamen. Faktor pengaruh Perubahan yang paling kuat adalah kemampuan ekonomi, teknologi bahan bangunan, serta budaya akar lemah. Kata Kunci: Perubahan tata ruang dan bentuk, rumah tradisiona