Leiden University Scholary Publications
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    Understanding deep meta-learning

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    The invention of neural networks marks a critical milestone in the pursuit of true artificial intelligence. Despite their impressive performance on various tasks, these networks face limitations in learning efficiently as they are often trained from scratch. Deep meta-learning is one approach to improve the learning efficiency by leveraging prior knowledge and experience. Whilst many succesful deep meta-learning techniques have been proposed, our understanding of the performance of these methods remains limited. In this dissertation, we delve deeper into the underlying principles of these algorithms, and aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of why certain algorithms succeed while others fall short. This allows us to design enhanced deep meta-learning algorithms and reason about the impact of specific design choices on the performance of different algorithms. Moreover, we investigate the integration of theoretical principles into meta-learning algorithms to improve their performance. Overall, we make a small step toward a better understanding of deep meta-learning algorithms, paving the way for more robust and principled meta-learning techniques with broader applicability and superior performance. Computer Systems, Imagery and Medi

    Setting the stage for decision-making on nature-based solutions for coastal climate adaptation

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    Nature-based solutions (NbS) are fast becoming the norm for multifunctional coastal climate adaptation to increased sea-level rise. However, informing decision-makers about NbS presents ongoing challenges. This study set out to identify and explore the information requirements at different stages of the decision-making process of coastal NbS. Developing and applying a novel methodological approach, we analysed the values and indicators discussed in four key decision-making stages: the advocacy, political, bureaucratic and provisioning stages. Applied to a mega beach nourishment in the Netherlands, our study identified substantial differences in information requirements across the decision-making stages. Most notably, the values and indicators discussed shifted from being abstract to becoming increasingly specific and concrete as the stages progressed. Our findings emphasize the importance of recognizing the distinct stages of decision-making and tailoring the content and level of abstraction of information accordingly. Additionally, they suggest that future changes in the content and concretisation of the information required for decision-making on coastal NbS can be anticipated and prepared for. By distinguishing and understanding the decision-making stages in NbS, this study bridges a longstanding gap between decision-making and NbS studies, thereby allowing for improving the fairness, implementation, evaluation and comprehension of trade-offs of coastal NbS. This study progresses the understanding of the information required for planning, implementing, evaluating and managing coastal NbS, advancing multifunctional coastal climate adaptation for shores worldwide.NWO17595Environmental Biolog

    Applications of multisource data-based dynamic modeling to cell-cell signaling and infectious disease spreading

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    The emergence of complex diseases resulting from abnormal cell-cell signaling and the spread of infectious diseases caused by pathogens are significant threats to humanity. Unraveling the dynamic mechanisms underlying cell-cell signaling and infectious disease spreading is crucial for effective disease prevention and treatment. As science and technology advance, the availability and diversity of observational and experimental data related to these biological processes continue to grow. In this thesis, we integrate multisource data with dynamic modeling to investigate the biological mechanisms of Notch signaling in biological development and to develop prevention and control strategies for infectious diseases.Analysis and Stochastic

    Thiosugars: reactivity, methodology and applications

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    Carbohydrates, alongside proteins and nucleic acids, constitute a crucial and versatile family of biomolecules present in all life forms. They manifest as monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides, covalently bonded to proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are integral to plant and arthropod cell walls and traditionally viewed as the primary source and storage of energy, but also play a vital role in many fundamental biological processes. To study the structure and biological activity of specific carbohydrates, it is essential to synthesize them in a pure and well-defined form, as current natural extraction techniques are often limiting.The work of this thesis is focused on a specific type of glycomimetics: thiosugars, i.e. sugar analogues which have their endocylic oxygen replaced by a sulfur atom. These analogues are of interest because of their unique stability and stereoelectronic effects, which closely mimick their natural O-counterparts. The glycosidic linkage of thioglycosides (i.e. 4-S-furanosides and 5-S-pyranosides) shows improved resistance towards chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis.Bio-organic Synthesi

    Clinical outcomes and graft survival after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty

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    This thesis focuses on the clinical outcomes after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK). Chapter 2 describes the suitability of septic donor corneas for transplantation and the clinical outcomes after DMEK using septic versus non-septic donor corneas. Chapter 3 aims to analyze the incidence of cataract extraction in eyes that previously underwent DMEK surgery and the effect of the phacoemulsification procedure on the endothelial cell density (ECD) after DMEK. Chapter 4 of the thesis concentrates on the 6-month ECD after DMEK, as it is one of the benchmark parameters for graft performance. In this chapter, the relation between the ECD 6 months after DMEK and its predictive value for 5-year graft survival in FECD eyes are discussed. Chapter 5 evaluates the 10-year graft survival and clinical outcome results of the first 100 eyes that received DMEK. Chapter 6 presents a larger case series of DMEK eyes where the 10-year clinical outcomes and graft survival after DMEK are analyzed based on the surgical indication of the eye and the preoperative severityof FECD.Stichting Leids Oogheelkundig Ondersteuningsfonds, Netherlands Institute for Innovative Ocular Surgery, Landelijke Stichting voor Blinden en Slechtzienden & Visser Contactlenzen.LUMC / Geneeskund

    The effect of fluency training on interpreter trainees’ speech fluency, comprehensibility, and accentedness: an experimental study

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    Fluency, comprehensibility, and accentedness are considered importantparameters of interpreting quality but have rarely been studiedsystematically in training programs of interpreting. Therefore, the presentstudy was set up to investigate the effect of fluency training on speechfluency, comprehensibility, and accentedness of interpreter trainees. Twogroups of interpreter trainees at a university in Iran took part in the study,receiving the same amount of instruction and practice (12 hours over 4weeks). The experimental group (N=30) spent 33% of the time (i.e., 4 of the12 hours in the training program) on dedicated fluency strategy training,encouraging the memorization, repetition, and retelling of audio and videomaterials. The remaining 67% was spent on training general speaking skills.The control group (N=30) were only taught general speaking skills in thetraining program but received no dedicated fluency training. Systematicinterviews were run to assess the interpreter trainees’ speech fluency,comprehensibility and accentedness, which were judged independently bythree expert raters at three moments of testing, i.e., pretest, immediateposttest, and delayed posttest (one month later). The findings revealed thatthe fluency training significantly enhanced the interpreter trainees’ fluency,and to a lesser extent the students’ comprehensibility but had only amarginal effect on accentedness. The pedagogical implication would be thatawareness training on speech fluencyTheoretical and Experimental Linguistic

    Feasability of interpreting blinded pharmacodynamic data: investigating normal variations in healthy subjects

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    This dissertation showed that physicians must be aware of the constraints that allow them to identify or obviate (un)desirable effects most notably if they evaluate these effects in a blinded matter. Unblinding might partially mitigate the limitation, but current measurement methods have gaps that we should remain aware of. Detailed measurements of subintervals with characterization of ion channel profiles, concentration QTc modelling, or machine learning might help physicians in their decision making in the future.Centre for Human Drug ResearchLUMC / Geneeskund


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