10 research outputs found
Quelle est la place des inhibiteurs calciques lorsque les bêta-bloquants sont contre-indiqués dans le traitement du post-infarctus du myocarde ?
- Author
- Bertrand
- Boden
- Christophe Bauters
- Effect of verapamil on mortality and major events after acute myocardial infarction (the Danish Verapamil Infarction Trial II-DAVIT II)
- Eric Van Belle
- Freemantle
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Holland Interuniversity Nifedipine/Metoprolol Trial (HINT) Research Group
- Jean-Jacques Bauchart
- Jean-Luc Auffray
- Jean-Marc Aubert
- Julie Darchis
- Madsen
- Maxime Ronsselle
- Melin
- Philippe Asseman
- Pierre-Vladimir Ennezat
- Sonnenblick
- The Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- The Israeli SPRINT study group
- The Multicenter Diltiazem Postinfarction Trial Research Group
- Wilcox
- Xavier Gonin
- Publication venue
- 'EDP Sciences'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Subgroups, treatment effects, and baseline risks: Some lessons from major cardiovascular trials
- Author
- Acute Infarction Ramipril Efficacy AIRE Study Investigators
- AIMS Trial Study Group
- Altman
- Ambrosioni
- Andrea B. Parker
- Anticoagulants in the Secondary Prevention of Events in Coronary Thrombosis ASPECT Research Group
- Anturane Reinfarction Trial Research Group
- Aspirin Myocardial Infarction Study Research Group
- Astra Hässle
- Azzalini
- Breslow
- Bulpitt
- Buyse
- C.David Naylor
- Cairns
- CAPRIE Steering Committee
- Cardiac Study CCS-1 Collaborative Group
- Cohen
- Collins
- Continuous Infusion versus Double-Bolus Administration of Alteplase COBALT Investigators
- Coumadin Aspirin Reinfarction Study CARS Investigators
- Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- Digitalis Investigation Group
- EMERAS Estudio Multicentrico Estreptoquinasa Republicas de America del Sur Collaborative Group
- European Infarction Study EIS
- European Myocardial Infarction Project Group
- Feinstein
- Food and Drug Administration
- Fragmin during Instability in Coronary Artery Disease FRISC study group
- Gail
- Gheorghiade
- Glasziou
- Goldbourt
- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell’Infarto Miocardico
- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza Nell’Infarto Miocardico
- Hampton
- Hjalmarson
- Horowitz
- Horwitz
- Israeli SPRINT Study Group
- Julian
- Julian
- Klein
- Klimt
- Kober
- Latini
- Lewis
- Lubsen
- MIAMI Trial Research Group
- Oxman
- Packer
- Packer
- Packer
- Peto
- Pfeffer
- Rockette
- Rossi
- Rothwell
- Rothwell
- Sacks
- Schneider
- Senn
- Shuster
- Smith
- SOLVD Investigators
- SOLVD Investigators
- Stallones
- Swedberg
- The
- The CAPTURE investigators
- The Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- The Norweigan Multicenter Study Group
- The TIMI IIIB investigators
- Thrombin Inhibition in Myocardial Ischaemia TRIM Study Group
- Waldo
- Wilcox
- Wilcox
- Wilcox
- Woods
- Yusuf
- Zelen
- β-Blocker Heart Attack Trial research group
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Investigation and management of acute myocardial infarction
- Author
- AR Denniss
- AS Maisel
- BE Sobel
- DB Baron
- DB Graboys
- E Braunwald
- EH Schuster
- FM Weld
- GL Laffel
- GO Hartzler
- Gruppo Italiano per lo studio della streptochinasi nelľinfarcto miocardico (GISSI)
- GS May
- GS May
- J Meyer
- JE Brush
- JE Muller
- JE Muller
- JS Alpert
- JW Kennedy
- KP Rentrop
- L Goldman
- M Verstraete
- MA DeWood
- MA Quinones
- ML Simoons
- PF Cohn
- R Roberts
- RE Rude
- RJ Gray
- RJ Gray
- RM Norris
- S Yusuf
- S Yusuf
- SE Epstein
- The Danish Study Group on verapamil in acute myocardial infarction
- The MIAMI trial research group
- Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction Study Group
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1987
- Field of study
Adjunctive Therapies in the Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Author
- Abrams
- Acute Infarction Ramipril Efficacy (AIRE) Study Investigators
- Alexander
- Amiodarone Trials Meta-Analysis Investigators
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Antman
- Antman
- Antman
- Antman
- Antman
- Becker
- Bennett
- Bigger
- Blankenhorn
- Boden
- Brieger
- Burkart
- Cairns
- Cannon
- CAPRIE Steering Committee
- Chinese Cardiac Study Collaborative Group
- Cohen
- Dakik
- Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- Digitalis Investigation Group
- Digitalis Subcommittee of the Multicenter Post-Infarction Research Group
- Domanski
- DÃaz
- Fath-Ordoubadi
- Ferguson
- Ferguson
- First International Study of Infarct Survival Collaborative Group
- Forman
- FRagmin and Fast Revascularisation During InStability in Coronary Artery Disease (FRISC II) Investigators
- Fragmin During Instability in Coronary Artery Disease (FRISC) Study Group
- Global Use of Strategies to Open Occluded Coronary Arteries (GUSTO) IIa Investigators
- Global Use of Strategies to Open Occluded Coronary Arteries (GUSTO) IIb Investigators
- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell'Infarto Miocardico
- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Supravvivenza nell'Infarto Miocardico
- Gupta
- Gurfinkel
- GUSTO Investigators
- Guy S. Reeder
- Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation Study Investigators
- Hennekens
- Herbaczynska-Cedro
- Herrington
- Hjalmarson
- Hulley
- ISIS-2 (Second International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- ISIS-3 (Third International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- ISIS-4 (Fourth International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- Israeli SPRINT Study Group
- Jugdutt
- Julian
- Klein
- Kong
- Kuo
- Køber
- LaRosa
- Lee
- MacMahon
- Malmberg
- Malmberg
- McCormick
- MIAMI Trial Research Group
- Moss
- Muhlestein
- Multicenter Diltiazem Postinfarction Trial Research Group
- Norwegian Multicenter Study Group
- Oosterga
- Pfeffer
- Phibbs
- Pitt
- Ridker
- Roberts
- Rogers
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Sacks
- Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study Group
- Sharis
- Sidney
- Singh
- SOLVD Investigators
- Soumerai
- SPRINT Study Group
- Stampfer
- Swahn
- Swedberg
- Teo
- Teo
- Virtamo
- Vorchheimer
- Wayne L. Miller
- Wilcox
- Woods
- Yusuf
- β-Blocker Heart Attack Trial Research Group
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Pathophysiologic bases for adjunctive therapies in the treatment and secondary prevention of acute myocardial infarction
- Author
- Ambrosioni
- Anderson
- Antiplatelet Trialists' Collaboration
- Antman
- Arsenian
- Behar
- Borghi
- Brown
- Cairns
- Chesebro
- Chesebro
- Cohen
- Collins
- Danchin
- Dellborg
- Du Toit
- Foy
- Fragmin during Instability in Coronary Artery Disease (FRISC) Study Group
- Fuster
- Fuster
- Gheorghiade
- Gillum
- Goldberg
- Gottlieb
- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell'Infarto Miocardico
- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio Della Sopravvivenza nell'Infarto Miocardico
- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell'Infarto Miocardico
- Held
- Hennekens
- Hirsh
- Hirsh
- Horner
- ISIS (Second International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- ISIS-1 (First International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- ISIS-1 (First International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- ISIS-3 (Third International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- ISIS-4 (Fourth International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- Jugdutt
- Julian
- Kober
- LATE Study Group
- Lau
- MacMahon
- Marino
- Moss
- Nademanee
- Naylor
- Olsson
- Pepine
- Pepine
- Pfeffer
- Poole-Wilson
- Popovic
- Prentice
- Rackley
- Rutherford
- Ryan
- Sacks
- Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study Group
- Shechter
- Shepherd
- Sixty Plus Reinfarction Study Research Group
- Smith
- Steurer
- Swedberg
- Swedberg
- Teo
- The Acute Infarction Ramipril Efficacy (AIRE) Study Investigators
- The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) Investigators
- The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial II Investigators
- The CONSENSUS Trial Group
- The Coumadin Aspirin Reinfarction Study (CARS) Investigators
- The Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- The E.P.S.I.M. Research Group
- The Global Use of Strategies to Open Occluded Coronary Arteries (GUSTO) IIb Investigators
- The GUSTO Investigators
- The International Study Group
- The MIAMI Trial Research Group
- The MIAMI Trial Research Group
- The Multicenter Diltiazem Postinfarction Trial Research Group
- The TIMI Study Group
- Thom
- Waldo
- Waters
- Woods
- Woods
- Yusuf
- Yusuf
- Yusuf
- Zarembski
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A Decade of Clinical Trial Developments in Postmyocardial Infarction, Congestive Heart Failure, and Sustained Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia Patients: From CAST to AVID and Beyond
- Author
- Antman EM
- Bigger JT
- Bocker D
- Brown MJ
- Brunner F
- Burkart F
- Buxton AE
- Ceremuzynski L
- Chinese Cardiac Study Collaborative Group
- CIBIS Investigators and Committees
- Cleland JGF
- Cleland JGF
- Cohn JN
- Cohn JN
- Cohn JR
- Connolly SJ
- Domanski MJ
- Doval HC
- Echt DS
- Figulla HR
- Flaker GC
- Furberg CD
- German and Austrian Xamoterol Study Group
- Gibson RS
- Gilman JK
- Goldman L
- Goldstein S
- Gruppo Italiano per to Studio della Sopravvivenza neirinfarto Miocardico
- Hamer AWJ
- Hjalmarson A
- Ho K
- ISIS-1 (First International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- ISIS-2 (Second International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- Kendall MJ
- Kingma JH
- Latini R
- Lau J
- Lie KI
- Lie Kl
- Maggioni AP
- Mitchell LB
- Naccarelli GV
- Naccarelli GV
- Olsson G
- Packer M
- Packer M
- Pfeffer MA
- Pfisterer ME
- Roberts R
- Rogers WJ
- Sims I
- Smith GD
- Steinbeck G
- Swedberg K
- Teo KK
- The Acute Infarction Ramipril Efficacy (AIRE) Study Investigators
- The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial II Investigators
- The CONSENSUS Trial Study Group
- The Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- The DEFIANT-II Research Group
- The DIAMOND Study Group
- The ESVEM Investigators
- The Israeli SPRINT Study Group
- The MIAMI Trial Research Group
- The Multicenter Diltiazem Postinfarction Trial Research Group
- The Multicenter Postinfarction Research Group
- The Norwegian Multicenter Study Group
- The SOLVD Investigators
- The SOLVD Investigators
- Uretsky BF
- VanVelduisen DJ
- Viscoli CM
- Wilber DJ
- Wilcox RG
- Zipes DP
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Management of non–ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
- Author
- Alexander
- American Heart Association
- Anand
- Antman
- Antman
- Antman
- Armstrong
- Bach
- Bhatt
- Blazing
- Boden
- Boden
- Boersma
- Briel
- Calin V. Maniu
- Cannon
- Cannon
- CAPRIE Steering Committee
- Cohen
- Cohen
- de Lemos
- De Servi
- de Winter
- Fergusson
- Fleming
- Fox
- Fox
- FRagmin and Fast Revascularisation during InStability in Coronary artery disease Investigators
- Fragmin during Instability in Coronary Artery Disease (FRISC) study group
- Freedman
- Furberg
- Gibson
- Halon
- Hasdai
- Hirsh
- Hochman
- Hochman
- Holdright
- Kastrati
- Lewis
- Lubsen
- Mehta
- Mehta
- Morrow
- Morrow
- Neumann
- Ohman
- Oler
- Organization to Assess Strategies for Ischemic Syndromes (OASIS-2) investigators
- Pepine
- Petersen
- Rosengren
- Schwartz
- Second SYMPHONY Investigators
- Steinhubl
- Stephen E. Van Horn
- The CAPTURE investigators
- The Clopidogrel in Unstable Angina to Prevent Recurrent Events Trial Investigators
- The Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- The EURopean trial On reduction of cardiac events with Perindopril in stable coronary Artery disease Investigators
- The Fifth Organization to Assess Strategies in Acute Ischemic Syndromes investigators
- The Global Use of Strategies to Open Occluded Coronary Arteries (GUSTO) IIb investigators
- The GUSTO IV-ACS Investigators
- The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation Study Investigators
- The Platelet Receptor Inhibition in Ischemic Syndrome Management in Patients Limited by Unstable Signs and Symptoms (PRISM-PLUS) Study Investigators
- The PURSUIT Trial Investigators
- The Risk Group
- The SYMPHONY Investigators
- The TIMI IIIB Investigators
- Theroux
- Theroux
- Topol
- Yusuf
- Yusuf
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Management of the patient following coronary thrombolysis
- Author
- Ahnve
- AIMS Trial Study Group
- AIMS Trial Study Group
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anticoagulants in acute myocardial infarction
- Antiplatelet Trialists' Collaboration
- Armstrong
- Arnott
- Arvan
- Asinger
- Baim
- Bassand
- Bastian
- Bates
- Beta-blocker Heart Attack Trial Research Group
- Bigger
- Blanke
- Bode
- Bonnet
- Bosch
- Bourdillon
- Breddin
- Breithardt
- Caims
- Caims
- Califf
- CASS Principal Investigators and Their Associates
- Chalmers
- Chamberlain
- Chesebro
- Chesebro
- Collen
- Collen
- Coller
- Coronary Drug Project (CDP) Research Group
- Dalen
- Davis
- DeBusk
- deFeyter
- Denniss
- Dodge
- Drapkin
- Eaton
- Eigler
- Ellis
- Emerson
- Epstein
- Erbel
- Erbel
- Erlebacher
- European Cooperative Surgery Study Group
- Falk
- Fitzgerald
- Force
- Forman
- Fox
- Frishman
- Fung
- Fung
- Furberg
- Fuster
- Gang
- Ganz
- Gibson
- Gold
- Gold
- Goldman
- Goldman
- Gottlieb
- Gottlieb
- Gottlieb
- Gottlieb
- Grace
- Greenland
- Grines
- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Streptochinasi nell Infarcto Miocardio (GISSI)
- Guerci
- Gueret
- Hale
- Hamer
- Hamm
- Handley
- Harrison
- Held
- Henrikkson
- Herlitz
- Higginson
- Hjalmarson
- Hochman
- Hochman
- Hutchins
- ISIS (International Study of Infarct Survival) Pilot Study Investigators
- ISIS-1 (First International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- ISIS-1 (First International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- ISIS-2 (2nd International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Study Group
- Jennings
- Jeremy
- Johannessen
- Johannessen
- Johns
- Jugdutt
- Kannel
- Kaplan
- Kasper
- Kay
- Keating
- Kennedy
- Kennedy
- Kereiakes
- Kersschot
- Klein
- Knabb
- Krone
- Langfrom
- Lavallee
- Lee
- Lewis
- Lipid Research Clinics Program
- Lo
- Lo
- Loscalzo
- MacMahon
- MacMahon
- Malacoff
- Martin
- Massel
- McComb
- McCord
- McKay
- Meizlich
- Melin
- Meyer
- MIAMI Trial Research Group
- Miller
- Mueller
- Mukharji
- Muller
- Muller
- Myears
- National Cholesterol Education Program
- National Heart Foundation of Australia Collaborative Thrombolysis Group
- Nolan
- Nordrehaug
- Norris
- O'Connor
- O'Neill
- O'Rourke
- Oldridge
- Olsson
- Olsson
- Ong
- Pederson TR for the Norwegian Multicenter Study Group
- Petrovich
- Petrovich
- Pfeffer
- Pfeffer
- Rado
- Rao
- Reimer
- Report of the 60+ Reinfarction Study Research Group
- Report of the collaborative study in coronary artery surgery (CASS)
- Resnekov
- Richards
- Rogers
- Roldan
- Roy
- Ryden
- Sager
- Saunamaki
- Schmidt
- Schroder
- Schroder
- Schuster
- Schuster
- Schuster
- Second Report of the Working Party on Anticoagulant Therapy in Coronary Thrombosis to the Medical Research Council
- Serneri
- Serruys
- Serruys
- Sharma
- Sharpe
- Sheehan
- Sheehan
- Shen
- Sherry
- Simoons
- Simoons
- Simoons
- Sirnes
- Smith
- Spann
- Stack
- Stratton
- Swan
- Takaro
- Terres
- The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) Investigators
- The Coronary Drug Project Research Group
- The Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- The I. S. A. M. Study Group
- The Israeli Sprint Study Group
- The Multicenter Diltiazem Postinfarction Trial Research Group
- The Multicenter Postinfarction Research Group
- The Norwegian Multicenter Study Group
- The SCATI (Studio sulla Calciparina nell‘ Angina e nella Thrombosi Ventricolare nell’ Infarto) Group
- The Sprint Study Group
- The TIMI Research Group
- The TIMI Study Group
- The Veterans Administration Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Cooperative Study Group
- Theroux
- Theroux
- Theroux
- TIMI Operations Committee
- Timmis
- Timmis
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Topol
- Turpie
- Tzivoni
- United States Veterans Administration
- Van de Werf
- Van de Werf
- Vaughan
- Verstraete
- Verstraete
- Verstraete
- Vlay
- Volpi
- Warlow
- Warren
- Waters
- Weinrich
- Weisman
- Weld
- White
- White
- White
- White
- Wilcox
- Wilcox
- Wilhelmsen
- Wray
- Yusuf
- Yusuf
- Yusuf
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Sekundärprävention der koronaren Herzkrankheit in der Praxis
- Author
- A Meijer
- A Schomig
- AH Glossmann
- AJ Moss
- American Heart Association
- Anticoagulants in the Secondary Prevention of Events in Coronary Thrombosis (ASPECT) Research Group
- Antiplatelet Trialist Collaboration
- Antiplatelet Trials Collaboration
- B Hedback
- BM Psaty
- CD Furberg
- CJ Bjerkelund
- CJ Pepine
- CM Viscoli
- D Becker
- D Breddin
- D Grady
- D Ornish
- Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- DM Gilligan
- DS Echt
- E Ambrosioni
- EM Sellers
- EO Kraseman
- EPSIM Research Group
- F Burkhart
- F Goldstein
- F Rengo
- FM Sacks
- for the Trandolapril Cardiac Evaluation (TRACE) Study Group
- GA Colditz
- Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Soprawivenza nelP Infarto Miocardico GISSI–3
- GT O’Connor
- H Hamalainen
- HG Langford
- HJC Swan
- International Anticoagulant Review Group
- ISIS–4 Collaborative Group
- J Henningfield
- J Pekkanen
- J Siegrist
- JA Cairns
- JB Cavender
- JGF Cleland
- JM Cruickshank
- KO Fagerstrom
- KO Fagerstrom
- L Bergkvist
- L Ceremuzynski
- L Tavazzi
- M Friedmann
- M Gerhard
- M Halhuber
- M Kunze
- M Unverdorben
- MA Pfeffer
- MA Pfeffer
- MJ Halhuber
- MJ Stampfer
- N Frasure-Smith
- N Frasure-Smith
- NB Oldridge
- ND Wong
- NK Wenger
- P Smith
- P Tonnesen
- PE Belchetz
- PH Held
- PK Ronnevik
- RD Hurt
- RH Gifford
- RW Peters
- S Madhavan
- S Yusuf
- SC Smith
- SP Camp Van
- TE Kottke
- The Acute Infarction Ramipril Efficacy (AIRE) Study Investigators
- The Cardiac Arrhythmias Suppression Trial II Investigators
- The Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial Results
- The Sixty - Plus Reinfarction Study Research Group
- The Writing Group for the PEPI Trial
- TL Bush
- TR Pedersen
- V Fuster
- V Kallio
- W Ruberman
- WB Kannel
- WC Roberts
- WL Haskell
- Working Group for the Study of Transdermal Nicotine in patients with coronary artery disease
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1998
- Field of study
Drugs Used to Treat Hypertension, Heart Failure, and Angina Pectoris
- Author
- Aarons
- Abadie
- Abadin
- Abbosh
- Abdelmalek
- Abdi
- Abo-Zena
- Abraham
- Abrams
- Abrams
- Abrams
- Abrams
- Abrams
- Abu-Osba
- Acker
- Acker
- Adsan
- Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee (ADRAC)
- Aellig
- Aellig
- Aellig
- Afridi
- Afridi
- Agner
- Agostoni
- Agostoni
- Ah-Weng
- Ahlmark
- Ahmad
- Ahmad
- Ahmad
- Ahmad
- Ahmad
- Ahmed
- Ahonen
- Ajayi
- Ajayi
- Akduman
- Akinci
- Ako
- Akoun
- Akoun
- Al Shohaib
- Al-Khadra
- Albitar
- Alcalay
- Alderman
- Alhashemi
- Almeyda
- Alpert
- Altomare
- Alvan
- Alwan
- Ameen
- Amin
- Anagnostopoulus
- Anand
- Anastasiou-Nana
- Anastassiades
- Anastassiades
- Andersen
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Andersson
- Andreassi
- Andrien
- Anegon
- Angaran
- Anglada Pintado
- Ankier
- Annicchiarico
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Antonelli
- Aouate
- Arakawa
- Araujo
- Arber
- Arima
- Arjomand
- Arkinstall
- Arnold
- Arnoult
- Arola
- Aronow
- Arranto
- Arthur
- Arze
- Asberg
- Asberg
- Askmark
- Assaykeen
- Assimes
- Astrup
- Atzori
- Aubran
- Aura
- Australian Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee
- Ayd
- Azie
- Azuma
- Babany
- Baber
- Backo
- Badesch
- Baffoni
- Baggott
- Bahls
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bakris
- Bakris
- Bal
- Bar-Or
- Barak
- Baral
- Barbarash
- Bardwell
- Bargout
- Barker
- Barletta
- Barnett
- Barnett
- Barnett
- Barnett
- Barr
- Barst
- Barst
- Bartecchi
- Bartoli
- Basile
- Bassan
- Bassotti
- Batra
- Batra
- Bauer
- Bax
- Bax
- Bayram
- Beau
- Bechtold
- Becker
- Beduschi
- Beevers
- Belton
- Belton
- Belz
- Ben-Noun
- Benard
- Benfield
- Bengtsson
- Benitah
- Bennett
- Benza
- Berge
- Berglund
- Berisso
- Berkane
- Berkenboom
- Berlowitz
- Berman
- Bertel
- Bertolet
- Beta-Blocker Heart Attack Study Group
- Beta-blocker Heart Attack Trial Research Group
- Betts
- Betts
- Bevan
- Bhalerao
- Bhalla
- Bhatnagar
- Bichel
- Bielmann
- Bigot
- Bikhazi
- Billups
- Birck
- Birkenhager
- Birkenhäger
- Bischoff
- Bitar
- Blanche
- Blohme
- Blomberg
- Boehringer Ingelheim
- Boger
- Bokenkamp
- Bonde
- Bonnet
- Booth
- Booth
- Borazan
- Borazan
- Borghi
- Borgia
- Borhani
- Bork
- Borkje
- Bortolus
- Bos-Thompson
- Bosch
- Bosch
- Bottiger
- Boujnah
- Boulet
- Bourbigot
- Boushey
- Boutroy
- Bowman
- Boxer
- Boyd
- Boydak
- Boyden
- Boyer
- Brandes
- Brantley
- Brass
- Bratel
- Braun
- Braun
- Braun
- Breckenridge
- Brennan
- Brenner
- Brilla
- Brilla
- Brink
- Brisinda
- Britman
- Britton
- Broadhurst
- Brodie
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brunkhorst
- Brunner-La Rocca
- Bruno
- Bruun
- Bruun
- Bryan
- Bucca
- Buchhorn
- Buckley
- Buenger
- Buhl
- Buiumsohn
- Bullimore
- Bullock
- Burden
- Burdese
- Burkhart
- Burnakis
- Burnakis
- Burnett
- Burnier
- Burnier
- Burri
- Bushe
- Buss
- Busst
- Butler
- Butt
- Buzon
- Byington
- Byrne
- Byrne
- Caballero
- Cachat
- Cachat
- Camm
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Camus
- Candell
- Cannon
- Cantrell
- Caponas
- Carlborg
- Carmichael
- Carnovale
- Carraway
- Carreno
- Carskadon
- Casato
- CASS Principal Investigators and their Associates
- Castaneda
- Castrillon
- Caviet
- Centre de Pharmacovigilance
- Cesario
- Cha
- Cha
- Chagas
- Chang
- Chang
- Channick
- Chapuis
- Chase
- Chavez
- Cheer
- Cheitlin
- Cheitlin
- Chen
- Cheng
- Cheng
- Chierchia
- Chiffoleau
- Chinoy
- Chiu
- Chiu
- Chobanian
- Chockalingam
- Choi
- Cholez
- Choo
- Chow
- Chung
- Cicardi
- Citterio
- Clark
- Clarkson
- Cleland
- Cleland
- Clerens
- Clyne
- Cocco
- Cody
- Cody
- Cogan
- Cohen
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Cohn
- Colamarino
- Coleman
- Colhoun
- Collin
- Collings
- Coltart
- Coltart
- Colucci
- Colucci
- Committee on Safety of Medicines
- Committee on Safety of Medicines
- Committee on Safety of Medicines
- Committee on Safety of Medicines
- Conigliaro
- Conn
- Connacher
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Coppeto
- Cornaille
- Cosano
- Costagliola
- Coulter
- Cowan
- Cowan
- Cowan
- Craig
- Crivellaro
- Croog
- Croog
- Crooks
- Crowson
- Cruickshank
- Cruickshank
- Cruickshank
- Cruickshank
- Csako
- Cucchi
- Cuffe
- Cugno
- Curel
- Currie
- Curry
- Curtis
- Cutler
- Cuxart
- D'Arcy
- Dahlof
- Dahlof
- Dahlof
- Dahlop
- Dalla Vestra
- Danahy
- Daneshmend
- Daniel
- Dantzig
- Dantzig
- Das
- David
- Davidson
- Davidson
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Dawber
- Dawson
- De Caterina
- de Mey
- de Mey
- de Paola
- De Vito
- Deacon
- Deanfield
- Deanfield
- Deget
- Deira
- Delva
- Demey
- Desachy
- Descombes
- Deslandes
- Desoutter
- Detre
- Devlin
- DeWood
- DeWood
- Diamond
- Dias
- DiBianco
- Dickstein
- Dieterle
- Dieterle
- Diggory
- Diggory
- Dillon
- Dimsdale
- Ding
- Dingemanse
- Dingemanse
- Dingemanse
- Dingemanse
- Dixit
- Dobrydnjov
- Dodds
- Doggrell
- Doggrell
- Dollery
- Dombrowski
- Dominic
- Dompmartin
- Donadio
- Donckier
- Donnelly
- Donovan
- Dorfman
- Doring
- Doucet
- Dougherty
- Douste-Blazy
- Downs
- Droste
- Dubois
- Dubovsky
- Ducloux
- Ducroix
- Duncan
- Dunn
- Dupasquier
- Dupasquier
- Dupont
- Durant
- Dutta
- Dutta
- Duverne
- Dykewicz
- Dylewicz
- D′Agostino
- Ebo
- Ebright
- Eccleston
- Echemann
- Edgar
- Effects of Pimobendan on Chronic Heart Failure Study (EPOCH Study)
- Egbert
- Ejaz
- Eldor
- Eliasson
- Elis
- Elkayam
- Elkayam
- Elliott
- Elliott
- Elliott
- Ellis
- Ellis
- Ellrodt
- Eltringham
- Emanueli
- Emara
- Emorine
- Engelman
- Epeldo Gonzalo
- Epstein
- Erbagci
- Ersoy
- Erwteman
- Estacio
- Estacio
- European Coronary Surgery Study Group
- European Society of Hypertension-European Society of Cardiology Guidelines Committee
- Evans
- Evans
- Ewing
- Falch
- Faldt
- Famularo
- Famularo
- Farrell
- Farringer
- Fattinger
- Fattore
- Faure
- Fay
- Feder
- Feely
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feldman
- Feleke
- Fenakel
- Feneck
- Fenici
- Fenniche
- Fenton
- Fernandez Fernandez
- Fernandez Seara
- Feroze
- Ferrari
- Fetsch
- Fidler
- Fiege
- Fiege
- Fillastre
- Filler
- Finsterer
- Fiore
- Fischell
- Fitton
- Fitzpatrick
- Fitzpatrick
- Flather
- Fleminger
- Fletcher
- Flynn
- Flynn
- Flórez
- Fogari
- Fogari
- Fogari
- Fogari
- Fogelholm
- Fogoros
- Fomin
- Formgrein
- Forster
- Fouassier
- Frais
- Fraley
- Frampton
- Franciosa
- Francis
- Franssen
- Franz
- Fraser
- Fraunfelder
- Fraunfelder
- Freestone
- Freestone
- Freestone
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Frielingsdorf
- Frishman
- Frishman
- Frishman
- Frishman
- Frisk-Holmberg
- Frydman
- Frydman
- Frye
- Frye
- Fuchs
- Fuchs
- Fujii
- Fujimoto
- Fulton
- Furberg
- Furness
- Gabriel
- Gaginella
- Galie
- Galié
- Gambini
- Ganapathy
- Gandolfi
- Garbe
- Garcia Rodriguez
- Garcia-Ruiz
- Garcia-Velasco
- Garratt
- Garrino
- Gasic
- Gasic
- Gasser
- Gauthier-Rahman
- Gavalas
- Gazzolo
- Genes
- Gentili
- Gershon
- Gershon
- Gerstein
- Gerònimo-Pardo
- Gibson
- Gilbert
- Gill
- Gill
- Gilleaudeau
- Gillmer
- Girardin
- Girkin
- Gislon Da Silva
- Giugliano
- Glaister
- Glasser
- Glazer
- Gloth
- Goa
- Goa
- Goglin
- Gohlke
- Goiti
- Gokal
- Gokel
- Gokel
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Gold
- Goldbourt
- Goldschmidt
- Gomita
- Goncalves
- Gonzalez
- Gonzalo Garijo
- Gordon
- Gori
- Gossmann
- Gottlieb
- Gottlieb
- Gottlieb
- Gournay
- Grabczynska
- Gradman
- Graeber
- Graham
- Granger
- Grassi
- Gray
- Grayson
- Green
- Greenblatt
- Greenblatt
- Greendyke
- Greendyke
- Greil
- Greminger
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Grimm
- Grosbois
- Gross
- Gross
- Grossman
- Grossman
- Groth
- Groth
- Gruer
- Grunwald
- Guarascio
- Guay
- Guazzi
- Guazzi
- Gubinelli
- Guermonprez
- Guillet
- Gunduz
- Gurm
- Habbab
- Hagemann
- Hagemeijer
- Hagemeijer
- Hagley
- Halawa
- Halawa
- Halevy
- Hall
- Hall-Craggs
- Hamad
- Hamilton
- Hamilton
- Hannaway
- Hansson
- Hansson
- Hansson
- Hansson
- Hansson
- Hansson
- Hansteen
- Harada
- Haraldsson
- Harders
- Hardy
- Hare
- Hargreaves
- Hariraj
- Harper
- Harries
- Harris
- Harrison
- Harrower
- Hartshorn
- Harvengt
- Hasebe
- Hashimoto
- Hatorp
- Hawk
- Hayashi
- Hayes
- Hayreh
- He
- Hearing
- Hebert
- Hebert
- Hedback
- Hedlund
- Hedner
- Hedner
- Hedner
- Hedner
- Heel
- Heeringa
- Heidbreder
- Heinig
- Heinig
- Heininger
- Heinz
- Held
- Held
- Held
- Helson
- Hendricks
- Henger
- Henrikson
- Henry
- Henson
- Herings
- Hernandez-Cano
- Herrmann
- Hery
- Herzig
- Heyma
- Hicks
- Hilder
- Hjalmarson
- Hod
- Hod
- Hodges
- Hoffbrand
- Hoffman
- Hoffman
- Hogstedt
- Hohnloser
- Hoit
- Hole
- Holm
- Holmes
- Holtzman
- Holzbach
- Holzer
- Holzgreve
- Homocysteine Lowering Trialists’ Collaboration
- Hood
- Hopf
- Horii
- Horiuchi
- Horn
- Horn
- Horowitz
- Hossack
- Hourdebaigt-Larrusse
- Houston
- Howard
- Howarth
- Howes
- Howes
- Howes
- Hsi
- Hu
- Hua
- Huggins
- Humbert
- Humbert
- Hurst
- Hussar
- Huynh-Do
- Hyldstrup
- Hyman
- Ikai
- Ikram
- Iliopoulou
- Imai
- Imhof
- Inman
- Inui
- IONA Study group
- Iribarren
- Irons
- Ishibashi
- ISIS-4 (Fourth International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- Israili
- Israili
- Itoh
- Itoh
- Iversen
- Izzedine
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jacob
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobsen
- Jacobsen
- Jacques
- Jae Joo Cho
- Jae Joo Cho
- Jaffe
- Jain
- Jan
- Janssen
- Jaraki
- Jaski
- Jee
- Jee
- Jeserich
- Jiang
- Jick
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jonas
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Jones
- Juhlin
- Julian
- Jungbluth
- Juul-Moller
- Kaabachi
- Kaeser
- Kaeser
- Kaijser
- Kaiser
- Kalra
- Kambara
- Kammerl
- Kanbay
- Kanbay
- Kandysamy
- Kanto
- Kantola
- Kao
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Kaplan-Machlis
- Karaaslan
- Karagiannis
- Karonen
- Kastalli
- Kato
- Katz
- Kauffmann
- Kaufman
- Kaukonen
- Kawamata
- Kawano
- Kay
- Kazierad
- Keane
- Keidar
- Kellaway
- Kellner
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kelly
- Kendall
- Kendall
- Kenney
- Kenny
- Kent
- Kereiakes
- Kettenmann
- Khedun
- Khemissa-Akouz
- Kholeif
- Khoury
- Khoury
- Kidney
- Kikura
- Kincaid
- Kincaid-Smith
- Kirch
- Kirch
- Kirch
- Kirch
- Kirch
- Kirimli
- Kishino
- Kishore
- Kiykim
- Kjekshus
- Kjeldsen
- Kjeldsen
- Klarr
- Klein
- Klein
- Klein-Schwartz
- Kleinbloesem
- Klepzig
- Klieman
- Klieman
- Kloner
- Kloner
- Kloner
- Kloner
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Kobayacawa
- Kober
- Koch
- Kocher
- Koks
- Komar
- Komine
- Kon
- Koontz
- Kopiman
- Koren-Michowitz
- Korn
- Korte
- Kosten
- Kostis
- Kostis
- Kostis
- Kostis
- Kothari
- Kounis
- Kowalski
- Krahenbuhl
- Krahenbuhl
- Kranke
- Kremens
- Kremens
- Krendel
- Krikler
- Kristensen
- Krukemyer
- Krum
- Krum
- Krum
- Krum
- Krum
- Krumenacker
- Krumholz
- Krysiak
- Kuechle
- Kuhlmann
- Kuhlmann
- Kuhr
- Kumana
- Kumbasar
- Kurata
- Kurland
- Kurtis
- Kuypers
- Kyrmizakis
- Kyrmizakis
- Köksal
- Laakso
- Labadie
- Labbate
- Lacourciere
- Lacourciere
- Lacourciere
- Lacueva
- Lafuente
- Lagerfelt
- Lakka
- Lamaud
- Lamberg
- Lambert
- Lampman
- Lanas
- Lancaster
- Lancaster
- Landauer
- Lanford
- Lang
- Lang
- Lange
- Langleben
- Lankhaar
- Laporte
- Lapostolle
- Lapostolle
- Larmon
- Larrey
- Latini
- Lauretti
- Lauretti
- Lavy
- Lawson-Matthew
- Le Borgne
- Leak
- Lederballe Pedersen
- Ledger
- Ledingham
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Leeman
- Leemann
- Lees
- Lefebvre
- Leier
- Leier
- Lennard
- Leon
- Leon
- Lepantalo
- Lepor
- Letendre
- Lette
- Leung
- Levenson
- Levine
- Lewin
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Leys
- Li
- Lifshitz
- Lim
- Lindenberg
- Lindgren
- Lindgren
- Lindholm
- Link
- lnove
- Lo
- Lo Schiavo
- Lodeiro
- Loh
- Lokken
- Lombard
- Lombardi
- Lorente
- Louis
- Love
- Love
- Love
- Low
- Lowe
- Lowenthal
- Lowes
- Lu
- Lubsen
- Lubsen
- Lukacs
- Lukacs
- Lund-Johansen
- Lunde
- Lusardi
- Luscher
- Luscher
- Luther
- MacDonald
- MacDonald
- MacDonald
- Macdonald
- Macdonald
- MacFadyen
- Mackay
- Maclean
- MacNab
- Macphee
- MacÃas
- Maestre
- Magelli
- Magnusson
- Mahgoub
- Mahgoub
- Mahgoub
- Mahgoub
- Mahieux
- Maillard
- Maiteh
- Malaisse
- Malakar
- Malhotra
- Maliekal
- Malik
- Maling
- Malmberg
- Mann
- Mann
- Mansoor
- Margolin
- Marill
- Marinella
- Maringhini
- Marini
- Marino
- Markham
- Markou
- Markowitz
- Markowitz
- Markowitz
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin-Gago
- Marzano
- Maschio
- Maseri
- Masica
- Massie
- Massie
- Massie
- Matharu
- Matsumoto
- Matsumoto
- Maxwell
- Mayo
- Mazzali
- McAinsh
- McAinsh
- McCaffrey
- McCauley
- McClellan
- McClusky
- McDevitt
- McDevitt
- McDevitt
- McDevitt
- McDevitt
- McDonald
- McFadden
- McGahan
- McGraw
- McGuigan
- Mchaourab
- McHaourab
- McKeage
- McKelvie
- McKibbin
- McLean
- McMahon
- McMahon
- McMillan
- McMurray
- McMurray
- McNeil
- McNeill
- McNeill
- Medical Research Council Working Party on Mild to Moderate Hypertension
- Menard
- Merit-HF Study Group
- Messerli
- Messerli
- Messin
- Messin
- Mets
- Meyer
- Michael
- Michel
- Michelucci
- Milfred-LaForest
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miranda
- Miranda
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mitrovic
- Miyakawa
- Mizushige
- Mlynarek
- Moazemi
- Molinaro
- Molinaro
- Montanaro
- Montoliu
- Mooradian
- Moore
- Moore
- Morales
- Morales-Olivas
- Moreau
- Morganroth
- Morgensen
- Morimoto
- Morimoto
- Morris
- Morris
- Morton
- Moss
- Mosterd
- Mota
- Mousa
- Muchnick
- Mue
- Muiesan
- Mukae
- Mulcahy
- Mullen
- Mullins
- Murakami
- Murki
- Murphy
- Murray
- Musk
- Mustchin
- Muto
- Myers
- Myers
- Myou
- Mysliwiec
- Nadar
- Nagai
- Nagle
- Naguib
- Naito
- Nakajima
- Nakamura
- Nanda
- Nanni
- Narayan
- Narayan
- Nattel
- Nawabi
- Ndifor
- Neaton
- Neaton
- Neaton
- Neaton
- Needleman
- Needleman
- Negri
- Neil-Dwyer
- Neil-Dwyer
- Nelson
- Nemerovski
- Neumann
- Neunteufl
- Neutel
- Neuvonen
- Newby
- Newman
- Nguyen
- Nicholls
- Nicholson
- Nicolas
- Nicolas
- Nielsen
- Niezabitowski
- Nillson
- Nino
- Nishikawa
- Nishina
- Nissan
- Nobile-Orazio
- Nony
- Nordstrom
- Nordstrom
- Norris
- North
- North
- Northcote
- Norwegian Multicentre Study Group
- Nul
- Nunes
- Nurmenniemi
- Nurnberger
- Nussberger
- Nussberger
- Nykamp
- Nyska
- O'Connor
- O'Connor
- O'Hare
- O'Regan
- O'Rourke
- Oakley
- Obel
- Ochs
- Ochs
- Ochs
- Odugbesan
- Oei
- Oei
- Offerhaus
- Ogimoto
- Ogle
- Oh
- Ohkoshi
- Ohya
- Ojetti
- Ojetti
- Okada
- Olger
- Olivari
- Olivari
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Olsson
- Onder
- Onesti
- Ong
- Ong
- Oosterga
- Oparil
- Oparil
- Oparil
- Opie
- Opie
- Opie
- Orion
- Orme
- Orr
- Ortega
- Ortega
- Os
- Osborne
- Osterloh
- Ostermann
- Ota
- Oyama
- Ozturk
- O′Brien
- O′Mara
- O′Ryan
- Packard
- Packer
- Packer
- Packer
- Packer
- Packer
- Packer
- Packer
- Packer
- Padilla
- Padoin
- Pahor
- Pahor
- Pahor
- Palat
- Palmer
- Palmer
- Palomar
- Palomeras
- Panizza
- Papatsonis
- Papatsonis
- Paran
- Parish
- Parisi
- Parker
- Parodi
- Parrillo
- Parrillo
- Pasanisi
- Pasanisi
- Patel
- Pathy
- Patnaik
- Patnode
- Patten
- Patterson
- Pearigen
- Pearson
- Peces
- Peces
- Pecha
- Pedersen
- Pedersen
- Pedersen
- Pedersen
- Pedersen
- Pedersen-Bjergaard
- Pedro-Botet
- Peet
- Peet
- Peluso
- Pepke-Zaba
- Perez-Stable
- Perkins
- Perlman
- Pernu
- Peron
- Peters
- Peters
- Petersen
- Peterson
- Petru
- Pfammatter
- Pfister
- Phillips
- Picaud
- Pieper
- Pierce
- Pieterement
- Pietroletti
- Piller
- Pine
- Pinkofsky
- Pitlik
- Pitlik
- Pitt
- Pitt
- Pliakos
- Plosker
- Plotkin
- Po
- Po
- Pochet
- Poole-Wilson
- Poole-Wilson
- Poole-Wilson
- Porchet
- Pouleur
- Prendes
- Price
- Price
- Price
- Prichard
- Prichard
- Pringle
- Pringle
- Prisant
- Pryde
- Pryor
- Pryor
- Prys-Roberts
- Psaty
- Psaty
- Psaty
- Puig
- Pujol
- Punzi
- Purvin
- Pye
- Pylypchuk
- Quail
- Quigley
- Quigley
- Quilez
- Quispel
- Qureshi
- Raebel
- Rafii
- Rahim
- Rahn
- Rai
- Rai
- Raine
- Ramamoorthy
- Ramamoorthy
- Ramanathan
- Ramon
- Ramoska
- Ramsay
- Ranchoff
- Rangno
- Rangno
- Raskin
- Ratliff
- Rayner
- Reed
- Rees
- Reichert
- Reid
- Reidenberg
- Remblier
- Renard
- Renard
- Reznik
- Ricciardi
- Riccioni
- Richard
- Richards
- Riddiough
- Riess
- Riley
- Riley
- Riley
- Rimmer
- Rinaldi
- Rivera
- Rivera
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robin
- Robin
- Robins
- Robinson
- Robles
- Robson
- Rocci
- Rocco
- Rocha
- Rocha
- Rochford
- Roden
- Rodger
- Rodger
- Rodrigues
- Rodriguez Granados
- Rodvold
- Rojansky
- Roland
- Romano
- Rosbotham
- Rosen
- Rosen
- Rosenberg
- Rosenblum
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenhek
- Rosenthal
- Ross
- Ross
- Rossi
- Rotmensch
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubio-Guerra
- Rucinska
- Rucinska
- RuDusky
- Ruggenenti
- Ruggenenti
- Rush
- Russell
- Rustmann
- Ryden
- Rygnestad
- Sackey
- Sacks
- Sadeghi
- Sadick
- Saini
- Saini
- Saji
- Sakai
- Sakai
- Sala
- Salem
- Salloum
- Saltzman
- Samarasinghe
- Sami Karti
- Samuels
- Samuelsson
- Sanchez-Chapado
- Sanchez-Perez
- Sandstrom
- Sandstrom
- Santoso
- Santoso
- Sarachek
- Saracho
- Saruta
- Sasayama
- Satar
- Satchithananda
- Sauder
- Saunders
- Saunders
- Savola
- Sax
- Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study Group
- Scardi
- Schadlu
- Schaefer
- Schallreuter
- Scharf
- Schatz
- Schepis
- Scherschun
- Schick
- Schier
- Schiffl
- Schlienger
- Schlienger
- Schmassmann-Suhijar
- Schmidt
- Schmidt
- Schmidt
- Schmieder
- Schmitt
- Schmutz
- Schmutz
- Schmutz
- Schneider
- Schrama
- Schroeder
- Schug
- Schug
- Schulte
- Schultz
- Schuman
- Schwab
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwartz
- Schwarzbeck
- Schweitzer
- Scolnick
- Scott
- Scowen
- Sedman
- Seelig
- Segal
- Seifeldin
- Sein Anand
- Sener
- Sever
- Shah
- Shah
- Shahinfar
- Shaikh
- Shaivitz
- Shapiro
- Sharif
- Sharifi
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharma
- Sharpe
- Sharpe
- Sheehan-Dare
- SHEP Cooperative Research Group
- Shepherd
- Shepherd
- Shergy
- Sherlock
- Shettigar
- Shimoni
- Shionoiri
- Shiroff
- Shirwany
- Shook
- Shorey
- Shum
- Sica
- Sica
- Siddiqi
- Sieber
- Siepmann
- Silas
- Silfvast
- Silfvast
- Sills
- Silva
- Silvani
- Silverstone
- Silvestre
- Silvestri
- Simic
- Simonton
- Simpson
- Simpson
- Sinclair
- Sinclair
- Siragy
- Sitbon
- Skehan
- Sketris
- Sladden
- Sluiter
- Smalley
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smits
- Smorlesi
- Snook
- Snyder
- Sogaard
- Solal
- Solomon
- Solomon
- Solomon
- Solomon
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- ter Wee
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- The Acute Infarction Ramipril Efficacy (AIRE) Study Investigators
- The Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction
- The Long-Term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischaemic Disease (LIPID) Study Group
- The Multicenter Diltiazem Postinfarction Trial Research Group
- Thiessen
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- Thomas
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- Thomason
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- UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group
- UKPDS 39. UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group
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- Uretsky
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- Young
- Young
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- Zurick
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2009
- Field of study