71,097 research outputs found

    Determinants of Selected Agricultural Export Crops in Nigeria: An Ecm Approach

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    This study examines the factors that determine the export performance of three major agricultural exportable commodities of cocoa, rubber and palm-kernel in the context of liberalization. Using time series data covering thirty three years and to avoid spurious result, error correction model was applied in the analysis. The unit root test is in line with the a priori expectation that macroeconomic variables are not stationary at their level. Virtually all the variables tested were differenced once before attaining stationarity. Each of the three equations indicated that the dependent variables cointegrated with their arguments at 1 percent level. There is the existence of short term and long term equilibrium relationships between the dependent variables and their determinants. The results of the parsimonious error correction specifications showed that the previous year’s output and the net value of world trade negatively affect cocoa exports at 1 percent level while the previous year’s GDP positively contributes to cocoa exports at 5 percent. The lagged price ratio reduces rubber exports significantly at 5 percent but the real exchange rate significantly increases the export performance of rubber at 10 percent level. The previous year’s exports of palm kernel and the real GDP contributed positively to palm-kernel exports at 5 percent level while the lagged premium and palm kernel output negatively contributed to its export at 5 percent and 10 percent respectively. Promotion of agricultural exports is essential to reduce the burden of dependence on oil exportsAgricultural exports, Cointegration, ECM, Nigeria, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, Industrial Organization, International Relations/Trade, Marketing, Productivity Analysis, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Critical behavior and universality properties of uniaxial ferromagnetic thin films in the presence of random magnetic fields

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    Critical phenomena in uniaxial ferromagnetic thin films in the presence of random magnetic fields have been studied within the framework of effective field theory. When the type of the random field distribution is bimodal, the system exhibits tricritical behavior. Furthermore, the critical value of surface to bulk ratio of exchange interactions at which the transition temperature becomes independent of film thickness is insensitive to the presence of disorder whether the distribution is bimodal or trimodal. Regarding the universality properties, neither pp, nor hh variations in the system can affect the value of the shift exponent λ\lambda. In this regard, it can be concluded that pure ferromagnetic thin films are in the same universality class with those under the influence of random discrete magnetic fields.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1304.725

    On-Chip Photonic Transistor based on the Spike Synchronization in Circuit QED

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    We consider the single photon transistor in coupled cavity system of resonators interacting with multilevel superconducting artificial atom simultaneously. Effective single mode transformation is used for the diagonalization of the the hamiltonian and impedance matching in terms of the normal modes. Storage and transmission of the incident field are described by the interactions between the cavities controlling the atomic transitions of lowest lying states. Rabi splitting of vacuum induced multiphoton transitions is considered in input/output relations by the quadrature operators in the absence of the input field. Second order coherence functions are employed to investigate the photon blockade and localization-delocalization transitions of cavity fields in oscillating regime of photon states described by the the population imbalance. Refection and transmission of cavity output fields are investigated in the presence of the multilevel transitions. Accumulation and firing of the reflected and transmitted fields are used to investigate the synchronization of the bunching spike train of transmitted field and population imbalance of cavity fields. In the presence of single photon gate field, gain enhancement is explained for transmitted regime.Comment: 8 pages,10 figure


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    In 2008, Android was introduced as a popular open source project due to its customizability and low hardware requirements. Mid-2021 statistics from GlobalStat Counter shows that Android dominates the mobile operating system market with 72.74%. Despite its popularity, Android is becoming a target for malware attacks in the context of cyber crime. This problem prompted this research to be carried out with the aim of identifying and classifying Android malware which is continuously developing by applying machine learning logic, especially using the methodCatBoost. This method was chosen based on its effectiveness in previous research which has been proven to provide high accuracy. Performance evaluation involves comparisons betweenCatBoost and several previous researchers' methods, inclKNN (K-Nearest Neighbors), SVM (Support Vector Machine), LR (Logistic Regression), RF (Random Forest), ET (Extra Trees), XG (XGBoost), AB (Adaboost), and BG (Bagging), using common metrics such asValidation Accuracy, Detection Accuracy, and F1-Score. The research results show thatCatBoost managed to achieveValidation Accuracy amounting to 96.66%,Detection Accuracy 96,87%, andF1-Score of 96.81% puts it in a competitive position with most other methods, exceptRF (Random Forest). CatBoost's consistent superiority in this comparison shows its potential as an effective and consistent solution in Android malware detection and classification

    Teleparallel dark energy model with a fermionic field via Noether symmetry

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    In the present work, we consider a model with a fermionic field that is non-minimally coupled to gravity in the framework of teleparallel gravity. In order to determine forms of the coupling and potential function of fermionic field for the considered model, we use Noether symmetry approach. By applying this approach, for the Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric, we obtain respective potential and coupling function as a linear and power-law form of the bilinear Ψ\Psi. Further we search the exact cosmological solution of the model. It is shown that the fermionic field plays role of the dark energy.Comment: 7 pages, no figure, the version accepted for publication in The European Physical Journal

    Voting and Information Aggregation in Parliamentary and Semi-Presidential Democracies

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    This paper investigates legislation in parliamentary and semi-presidential democracies where the legislature and the president have formal role in legislation. A proposed law is first voted in the legislature and if it passes, comes to the consideration of the president. I study two prevalent legislative procedures: (i) Single-round legislation where the president's action is final, (ii) Two-round legislation the president's approval enacts the law but after his veto proposal returns to the legislature for rediscussion. In this setup I examine power balance and the efficiency of information aggregation. For this I build a model of strategic voting with incomplete information and analyze different ideological profiles of the president and the homogenous legislature. The president seems powerless in two-round legislation but in equilibrium there are instances he can change the legislation result. Power struggle arises only when the legislature is modernist and the president is conservative. If the legislature is conservative and the president is modernist, the president has no impact on the outcome, but adversely affects informational efficiency. If they have the same ideological bias, the presidential institution is beneficial and the president's existence provides full information aggregation with finite legislature size in single-round legislation. Above results can be generalized to heterogeneous legislature with two types, except full information aggregation is never achieved
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