2,406 research outputs found

    From Dynamic to Expressionism: An Arts Integration Study

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    The classroom based study “From Dynamic to Expressionism: An Arts Integration Study” was designed to answer the question; Will implementing an interdisciplinary art and music unit affect the level of student confidence in understanding expressionism in art? The researcher implemented an interdisciplinary art unit in two inner-city second grade classes. Throughout the study a survey was used for students to assess their confidence level and a checklist was used to observe student confidence during class time

    Future Interests

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    Operation of Joint Wills in Texas

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    Changing Concepts of Private Property

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    Future Interests

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    I denna rapport utreds olika metoder för att kunna reglera vattennivÄn i vattenkraftverket Avesta Lillfors i Dalarna. TvÄ kraftverk ligger endast 900 m uppströms och detta gör att svarstiderna blir korta och regleringen blir lÀtt nervös. Att anvÀnda sig av vattennivÄreglering i ett kraftverk för-enklar dess styrning dÄ anpassning till inflödet sker automatiskt. En flödestabell har tagits fram genom mÀtningar i turbinen, med hjÀlp av Winter-Kennedy-metoden. Denna tabell anvÀnds för att kunna fram-koppla regulatorn och dÀrmed dÀmpa stora variationer i inflödet. Dessu-tom har en modell av Àlven skapats och testats med en Äterkopplad PID-regulator. Utefter dessa tester har lÀmpliga parametrar tagits fram, som ger önskad stabilitet, noggrannhet och snabbhet. Simuleringar har Àven gjorts med reglermetoden Fuzzy logic.This report evaluates different methods to create a stable regulation of the water level in the hydro power plant Avesta Lillfors, in county Dalar-na. Another pair of plants are located just 900 m up the stream, which is why the regulation has to act fast. If the water level can be regulated and automatically adjust to the incoming flow, it facilitates the control of the plant. A flow chart is created from measurements in the turbine, using the Win-ter-Kennedy method. The results are used for feedforward control. A PID-regulator with feedback is also simulated in a model of the river. This helps finding the parameters that provide a stable, accurate and fast regu-lation. Fuzzy logic control has also been simulated

    Lewis M. Simes as Teacher

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    A Tribute to Lewis M. Sime

    #Socialtagging: Defining its Role in the Academic Library

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    The information environment is rapidly changing, affecting the ways in which information is organized and accessed. User needs and expectations have also changed due to the overwhelming influence of Web 2.0 tools. Conventional information systems no longer support evolving user needs. Based on current research, we explore a method that integrates the structure of controlled languages with the flexibility and adaptability of social tagging. This article discusses the current research and usage of social tagging and Web 2.0 applications within the academic library. Types of tags, the semiotics of tagging and its influence on indexing are covered

    Co-operatives as an Aid to Small Business in Germany

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    Tridiagonal parametrizations of linear state-space models are proposed for multivariable system identification. The parametrizations are surjective, i.e. all systems up to a given order can be described. The parametrization is based on the fact that any real square matrix is similar to a real tridiagonal form as well as a compact tridiagonal form. These parametrizations has significantly fewer parameters compared to a full parametrization of the state-space matrices

    Aprendiendo matemĂĄticas financieras desde la prensa

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    Atendiendo al desinterés y bajos niveles de rendimiento académico en el área de matemática de los estudiantes en la institución educativa Normal Superior de Sincelejo, se puso en marcha este proyecto, que tuvo como propósito principal, interesar a los estudiantes por el estudio de ésta ciencia y abordar conceptos específicos de la matemática financieras (M.E.N, 2013). La estrategia implementada tuvo como soporte la lectura y el uso de la prensa en el aula, tomándola como recurso didáctico e instrumento de comunicación en el área de matemática. Esta experiencia, logró despertar el interés por el estudio de la matemática, a través de la lectura y análisis de artículos provenientes de la realidad del estudiante, además de fortalecer el proceso lecto escritor, el buen uso de la tecnología y los valores humanos
