21,033 research outputs found

    Eternal Inflation with alpha'-Corrections

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    Higher-order alpha'-corrections are a generic feature of type IIB string compactifications. In KKLT-like models of moduli stabilization they provide a mechanism of breaking the no-scale structure of the volume modulus. We present a model of inflation driven by the volume modulus of flux compactifications of the type IIB superstring. Using the effects of gaugino condensation on D7-branes and perturbative alpha'-corrections the volume modulus can be stabilized in a scalar potential which simultaneously contains saddle points providing slow-roll inflation with about 130 e-foldings. We can accommodate the 3-year WMAP data with a spectral index of density fluctuations n_s=0.93. Our model allows for eternal inflation providing the initial conditions of slow-roll inflation.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX, v4: includes comparison with 3-year WMAP data and values for the tensor ratio r and the running of n_

    A Stable Fountain Code Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution

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    Most peer-to-peer content distribution systems require the peers to privilege the welfare of the overall system over greedily maximizing their own utility. When downloading a file broken up into multiple pieces, peers are often asked to pass on some possible download opportunities of common pieces in order to favor rare pieces. This is to avoid the missing piece syndrome, which throttles the download rate of the peer-to-peer system to that of downloading the file straight from the server. In other situations, peers are asked to stay in the system even though they have collected all the file's pieces and have an incentive to leave right away. We propose a mechanism which allows peers to act greedily and yet stabilizes the peer-to-peer content sharing system. Our mechanism combines a fountain code at the server to generate innovative new pieces, and a prioritization for the server to deliver pieces only to new peers. While by itself, neither the fountain code nor the prioritization of new peers alone stabilizes the system, we demonstrate that their combination does, through both analytical and numerical evaluation.Comment: accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2014, 9 page

    String Cosmology - Large-Field Inflation in String Theory

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    This is a short review of string cosmology. We wish to connect string-scale physics as closely as possible to observables accessible to current or near-future experiments. Our possible best hope to do so is a description of inflation in string theory. The energy scale of inflation can be as high as that of Grand Unification (GUT). If this is the case, this is the closest we can possibly get in energy scales to string-scale physics. Hence, GUT-scale inflation may be our best candidate phenomenon to preserve traces of string-scale dynamics. Our chance to look for such traces is the primordial gravitational wave, or tensor mode signal produced during inflation. For GUT-scale inflation this is strong enough to be potentially visible as a B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). Moreover, a GUT-scale inflation model has a trans-Planckian excursion of the inflaton scalar field during the observable amount of inflation. Such large-field models of inflation have a clear need for symmetry protection against quantum corrections. This makes them ideal candidates for a description in a candidate fundamental theory like string theory. At the same time the need of large-field inflation models for UV completion makes them particularly susceptible to preserve imprints of their string-scale dynamics in the inflationary observables, the spectral index nsn_s and the fractional tensor mode power rr. Hence, we will focus this review on axion monodromy inflation as a mechanism of large-field inflation in string theory.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, v2: typos fixed, 3 references added, agrees with published version in "Perspectives in String Phenomenology" and "International Journal of Modern Physics A

    Philanthropic Foundations: Growing Funders of the News

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    Updates April 2008 discussions on the role of foundations in supporting journalism, including creating journalism units within NGOs, collaborations with for-profit news organizations, and investment in local news sites and news and information nonprofits

    Review Of Sources Of Economic-Growth In Korea: 1963-1982 By K.-S. Kim and J.-K. Park

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    Review Of Asia Next Giant: South Korea And Late Industrialization By A. H. Amsden

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    Review Of The Political Economy Of Tax Reform By T. Ito and A. O. Krueger

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    On the Benefit of Information Centric Networks for Traffic Engineering

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    Current Internet performs traffic engineering (TE) by estimating traffic matrices on a regular schedule, and allocating flows based upon weights computed from these matrices. This means the allocation is based upon a guess of the traffic in the network based on its history. Information-Centric Networks on the other hand provide a finer-grained description of the traffic: a content between a client and a server is uniquely identified by its name, and the network can therefore learn the size of different content items, and perform traffic engineering and resource allocation accordingly. We claim that Information-Centric Networks can therefore provide a better handle to perform traffic engineering, resulting in significant performance gain. We present a mechanism to perform such resource allocation. We see that our traffic engineering method only requires knowledge of the flow size (which, in ICN, can be learned from previous data transfers) and outperforms a min-MLU allocation in terms of response time. We also see that our method identifies the traffic allocation patterns similar to that of min-MLU without having access to the traffic matrix ahead of time. We show a very significant gain in response time where min MLU is almost 50% slower than our ICN-based TE method

    Moduli Stabilization in Meta-Stable Heterotic Supergravity Vacua

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    We revisit the issue of moduli stabilization in a class of N=1 four dimensional supergravity theories which are low energy descriptions of standard perturbative heterotic string vacua compactified on Calabi-Yau spaces. In particular, we show how it is possible to stabilize the universal dilaton and Kahler moduli in a de Sitter/Minkowski vacuum with low energy supersymmetry breaking by means of non-perturbative gauge dynamics, including recent results by Intriligator, Seiberg and Shih. The non-SUSY vacua are meta-stable but sufficiently long-lived.Comment: 1+31 pages, LaTeX, uses JHEP3 class, v2: references corrected and added, version published in JHE

    Molecular genetics of development studied in the transgenic mouse.

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