180 research outputs found

    New Perspectives on Mathematics Pedagogy

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    “New Perspectives on Mathematics Pedagogy” represents a serious attempt to understand pedagogy within mathematics classrooms. To that end, this symposium will address the key questions and issues surrounding mathematics pedagogy presently confronting vast numbers of researchers, as well as educators, and policy makers. Organised around presentations, responses, discussion and debate, the symposium is intended not only to enhance understanding but also to stimulate fresh thinking and initiate ongoing critical dialogue about the practice of mathematics pedagogy within teaching and learning settings

    Cold Nuclear Matter In Holographic QCD

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    We study the Sakai-Sugimoto model of holographic QCD at zero temperature and finite chemical potential. We find that as the baryon chemical potential is increased above a critical value, there is a phase transition to a nuclear matter phase characterized by a condensate of instantons on the probe D-branes in the string theory dual. As a result of electrostatic interactions between the instantons, this condensate expands towards the UV when the chemical potential is increased, giving a holographic version of the expansion of the Fermi surface. We argue based on properties of instantons that the nuclear matter phase is necessarily inhomogeneous to arbitrarily high density. This suggests an explanation of the "chiral density wave" instability of the quark Fermi surface in large N_c QCD at asymptotically large chemical potential. We study properties of the nuclear matter phase as a function of chemical potential beyond the transition and argue in particular that the model can be used to make a semi-quantitative prediction of the binding energy per nucleon for nuclear matter in ordinary QCD.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure, v2: some formulae corrected, qualitative results unchange

    Random Matrix Theories in Quantum Physics: Common Concepts

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    We review the development of random-matrix theory (RMT) during the last decade. We emphasize both the theoretical aspects, and the application of the theory to a number of fields. These comprise chaotic and disordered systems, the localization problem, many-body quantum systems, the Calogero-Sutherland model, chiral symmetry breaking in QCD, and quantum gravity in two dimensions. The review is preceded by a brief historical survey of the developments of RMT and of localization theory since their inception. We emphasize the concepts common to the above-mentioned fields as well as the great diversity of RMT. In view of the universality of RMT, we suggest that the current development signals the emergence of a new "statistical mechanics": Stochasticity and general symmetry requirements lead to universal laws not based on dynamical principles.Comment: 178 pages, Revtex, 45 figures, submitted to Physics Report

    Consensus Recommendations for the Use of Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) Technologies in Clinical Practice

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    International audienceThe significant and growing global prevalence of diabetes continues to challenge people with diabetes (PwD), healthcare providers and payers. While maintaining near-normal glucose levels has been shown to prevent or delay the progression of the long-term complications of diabetes, a significant proportion of PwD are not attaining their glycemic goals. During the past six years, we have seen tremendous advances in automated insulin delivery (AID) technologies. Numerous randomized controlled trials and real-world studies have shown that the use of AID systems is safe and effective in helping PwD achieve their long-term glycemic goals while reducing hypoglycemia risk. Thus, AID systems have recently become an integral part of diabetes management. However, recommendations for using AID systems in clinical settings have been lacking. Such guided recommendations are critical for AID success and acceptance. All clinicians working with PwD need to become familiar with the available systems in order to eliminate disparities in diabetes quality of care. This report provides much-needed guidance for clinicians who are interested in utilizing AIDs and presents a comprehensive listing of the evidence payers should consider when determining eligibility criteria for AID insurance coverage

    Colonial lives of the carceral archipelago: rethinking the neoliberal security state

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    Mass incarceration, police brutality, and border controls are part and parcel of the everyday experiences of marginalized and racialized communities across the world. Recent scholarship in international relations, sociology, and geography has examined the prevalence of these coercive practices through the prism of “disciplinary,” “penal,” or “authoritarian” neoliberalism. In this collective discussion, we argue that although this literature has brought to the fore neoliberalism's reliance on state violence, it has yet to interrogate how these carceral measures are linked to previous forms of global racial ordering. To rectify this moment of “colonial unknowing,” the collective discussion draws on decolonial approaches, Indigenous studies, and theories of racial capitalism. It demonstrates that “new” and “neoliberal” forms of domestic control must be situated within the global longue durĂ©e of racialized and colonial accumulation by dispossession. By mapping contemporary modes of policing, incarceration, migration control, and surveillance onto earlier forms of racial–colonial subjugation, we argue that countering the violence of neoliberalism requires more than nostalgic appeals for a return to Keynesianism. What is needed is abolition—not just of the carceral archipelago, but of the very system of racial capitalism that produces and depends on these global vectors of organized violence and abandonment. L'incarcĂ©ration de masse, la brutalitĂ© policiĂšre et les contrĂŽles aux frontiĂšres constituent une partie intĂ©grante des expĂ©riences quotidiennes des communautĂ©s marginalisĂ©es et racialisĂ©es du monde entier. Des Ă©tudes rĂ©centes en relations internationales, en sociologie et en gĂ©ographie ont examinĂ© la prĂ©valence de ces pratiques coercitives par le prisme du nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme « disciplinaire », « pĂ©nal » ou « autoritaire ». Dans cet article, nous soutenons que bien que cette littĂ©rature ait mis en Ă©vidence la dĂ©pendance du nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme Ă  la violence Ă©tatique, elle ne s'est pas encore interrogĂ©e sur le lien entre ces mesures carcĂ©rales et les formes prĂ©cĂ©dentes d'ordre racial mondial. Cet article s'appuie sur le fĂ©minisme noir, les approches dĂ©coloniales, les Ă©tudes indigĂšnes et les thĂ©ories de capitalisme racial pour rectifier cette « ignorance coloniale » marquante. Il dĂ©montre que les formes « nouvelles » et « nĂ©olibĂ©rales » de contrĂŽle national doivent se situer dans la longue durĂ©e globale de l'accumulation racialisĂ©e et coloniale par dĂ©possession. Nous associons les modes contemporains de maintien de l'ordre, d'incarcĂ©ration, de contrĂŽle migratoire et de surveillance Ă  des formes antĂ©rieures d'assujettissement racial/colonial pour soutenir que contrer la violence du nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme exige davantage que des appels nostalgiques au retour du keynĂ©sianisme. Ce qu'il faut, c'est une abolition : non seulement de l'archipel carcĂ©ral, mais aussi du systĂšme de capitalisme racial en lui-mĂȘme qui produit et dĂ©pend de ces vecteurs globaux de violence organisĂ©e et d'abandon. El encarcelamiento masivo, la brutalidad policial y los controles fronterizos forman parte de las experiencias cotidianas de las comunidades marginadas y racializadas de todo el mundo. Estudios recientes en RI, SociologĂ­a y GeografĂ­a han examinado la prevalencia de estas prĂĄcticas coercitivas a travĂ©s del prisma del neoliberalismo “disciplinario,” “penal” o “autoritario.” En este artĂ­culo, sostenemos que, si bien esta literatura puso en primer plano la dependencia del neoliberalismo de la violencia estatal, aĂșn tiene que cuestionar la manera en que estas medidas carcelarias se vinculan a formas anteriores de ordenamiento racial global. Para rectificar este momento de “desconocimiento colonial,” el artĂ­culo recurre al feminismo negro, a los abordajes descoloniales, a los estudios indĂ­genas y a las teorĂ­as del capitalismo racial. Demuestra que las formas “nuevas” y “neoliberales” de control interno se deben situar dentro de la longue durĂ©e global de la acumulaciĂłn por desposesiĂłn racializada y colonial. Al trazar un mapa de los modos contemporĂĄneos de vigilancia policial, encarcelamiento, control de la migraciĂłn y vigilancia sobre las formas anteriores de subyugaciĂłn racial-colonial, sostenemos que contrarrestar la violencia del neoliberalismo requiere algo mĂĄs que apelaciones nostĂĄlgicas de retorno al keynesianismo. Lo que se necesita es la aboliciĂłn, no solo del archipiĂ©lago carcelario, sino tambiĂ©n del propio sistema de capitalismo racial que produce y depende de estos vectores globales de violencia y abandono organizados

    Nanobio Silver: Its Interactions with Peptides and Bacteria, and Its Uses in Medicine

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    Half a century of amyloids: past, present and future

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    Amyloid diseases are global epidemics with profound health, social and economic implications and yet remain without a cure. This dire situation calls for research into the origin and pathological manifestations of amyloidosis to stimulate continued development of new therapeutics. In basic science and engineering, the cross-ß architecture has been a constant thread underlying the structural characteristics of pathological and functional amyloids, and realizing that amyloid structures can be both pathological and functional in nature has fuelled innovations in artificial amyloids, whose use today ranges from water purification to 3D printing. At the conclusion of a half century since Eanes and Glenner's seminal study of amyloids in humans, this review commemorates the occasion by documenting the major milestones in amyloid research to date, from the perspectives of structural biology, biophysics, medicine, microbiology, engineering and nanotechnology. We also discuss new challenges and opportunities to drive this interdisciplinary field moving forward. This journal i

    The math teachers know : profound understanding of emergent mathematics

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    vi, 141 hlm.: 23 c

    Moshe Davis collected writings undated, 1935-1992

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    Contains articles and books (primarily photocopies) written or edited by Prof. Moshe Davis from 1935 to 1993. All items, in Hebrew and/or English, are arranged in chronological order, and a detailed bibliography is prepared accordinglyGift of Prof. Moshe Davi
