180 research outputs found

    Investigating Spacesuit Mobility in Spaceflight Operations Using Motion Capture Technology

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    The Spacesuit Utilization of Innovative Technology Laboratory (SUIT Lab) research at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University aims to research methods for recording, analyzing and optimizing motion capture data for spacesuit mobility. Understanding how spacesuits restrict astronaut mobility allows the SUIT Lab to gain hands-on experiential learning and support industry with the standardization of procedures for spacesuit operations. Mobility analysis includes upper body motions such as flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction of the arms as well as intravehicular and extravehicular activities. The lab makes use of a professional-grade motion capture system and the David Clark Company U2 Pressure Suit to collect preliminary motion data. Lessons learned will be applied to range of exploration activities including mobility for planetary exploration, emergency capsule egress, and the creation of virtual reality simulations. The lab research will provide future spacesuit manufactures and spaceflight operators with a greater understanding of spacesuit mobility restrictions, and how to improve designs

    Chaotic dynamics and orbit stability in the parabolic oval billiard

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    Chaotic properties of the one-parameter family of oval billiards with parabolic boundaries are investigated. Classical dynamics of such billiard is mixed and depends sensitively on the value of the shape parameter. Deviation matrices of some low period orbits are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the stability of orbits bouncing at the singular joining points of the parabolic arcs, where the boundary curvature is discontinuous. The existence of such orbits is connected with the segmentation of the phase space into two or more chaotic components. The obtained results are illustrated by numerical calculations of the Poincaré sections and compared with the properties of the elliptical stadium billiards

    Confidence and Common Challenges: The Effects of Teaching Computational Thinking to Students Ages 10-16

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    This Action Research Project provides data from three different instructors teaching Computational Thinking (CT) to better understand the effects of CT instruction. The researchers focused on identifying problem-solving strategies used by students, what affect teaching CT has on student confidence and ability to problem solve, and what common challenges can be found at different age levels. The study used student pre and post-reflection to measure understanding and comfort with problem-solving. Researchers taught three common lessons of CT including the following concepts: algorithms, loops, conditional statements, and debugging. For data collection, each student was asked to work on a computer game called Human Resource Machine (HRM) while using video and audio to record themselves. Analysis showed a slight decrease in two categories related to working to find a solution to a difficult problem, and the ability to fix small problems that are part of a larger problem. There was a confidence increase in categories related to the ability to do math, the ability to give directions and the ability to someday build a computer. Two of the research sites were able to further break down the data to analyze the differences in the male vs. the female reflections. While CT is often seen as a separate subject, the analysis also showed that reading comprehension has a strong influence on students’ ability to solve CT problems and should be taught in conjunction with CT to ensure students receive the maximum benefit

    Classical and quantum chaos in the generalized parabolic lemon-shaped billiard

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    Two-dimensional billiards of a generalized parabolic lemonlike shape are investigated classically and quantum mechanically depending on the shape parameter δ. Quantal spectra are analyzed by means of the nearest-neighbor spacing distribution method. Calculated results are well accounted for by the proposed new two-parameter distribution function P(s), which is a generalization of Brody and Berry-Robnik distributions. Classically, Poincaré diagrams are shown and interpreted in terms of the lowest periodic orbits. For δ=2, the billiard has some unique characteristics resulting from the focusing property of the parabolic mirror. Comparison of the classical and quantal results shows an accordance with the Bohigas, Giannoni, and Schmit conjecture and confirms the relevance of the new distribution for the analysis of realistic spectral data

    Research of Leptospira spp. in European forest ecosystems

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    Spiralne bakterije iz roda Leptospira glavni su uzročnici akutne septokemijske zarazne bolesti leptospiroze. Glavni izvori zaraze su bolesne životinje, koje leptospire izlučuju urinom te tako kontaminiraju tlo, vegetaciju i vodu. Zbog različitih potreba serološki tipovi leptospira su svrstane u serološke skupine. Leptospiroza nije problem samo šumskih ekosustava nizinske Hrvatske već je i problematika Europe. Ovaj diplomski rad obuhvatit će areal rasrostiranja leptospiroze na europskom kontinentu, prirodna žarišta pojedinih serotipova leptospira, domaćine, utjecaj klimatskih prilika na pojavu leptospira te također kliničke karakteristike. Za izradu rada koristit će se dostupna znanstvena literatura

    Potential of the LNG fuel market and the role of the Krk terminal as a supply point

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    Rad prezentira potencijal tržišta UPP-a kao goriva u svim granama prometa Republike Hrvatske i regije koja gravitira terminalu za UPP, regulatorni okvir kao i tehnološke mogućnosti otpreme UPP-a s terminala prema mjestima potrošnje prometnih sektora putem opskrbnih UPP brodova i opskrbnih UPP cisterni.The paper presents the potential of the LNG market as a fuel in all transport sectors of the Republic of Croatia and the region that gravitates to the LNG Terminal, regulatory framework and technological possibilities of LNG transport from the Terminal to transport sector consumption point with LNG supply ships and trucks

    Chaotic behavior in lemon-shaped billiards with elliptical and hyperbolic boundary arcs

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    Chaotic properties of a new family, ellipse hyperbola billiards (EHB), of lemon-shaped two-dimensional billiards, interpolating between the square and the circle, whose boundaries consist of hyperbolic, parabolic, or elliptical segments, depending on the shape parameter δ, are investigated classically and quantally. Classical chaotic fraction is calculated and compared with the quantal level density fluctuation measures obtained by fitting the calculated level spacing sequences with the Brody, Berry-Robnik, and Berry-Robnik-Brody distributions. Stability of selected classical orbits is investigated, and for some special hyperbolic points in the Poincaré sections, the “blinking island” phenomenon is observed. Results for the EHB billiards are compared with the properties of the family of generalized power-law lemon-shaped billiards

    Analiza ozljeda na radu u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    U ovom diplomskom radu napravljena je analiza ozljeda na radu u Republici Hrvatskoj za razdoblje od 2013. do 2017. godine. Obrađene su ozljede koje su se dogodile na mjestu rada i na putu do mjesta rada, te je obrađena zaštita pri radu u Republici Hrvatskoj.In this final work, analysis of injuries at work in Republic of Croatia was made for the period from 2013 to 2017. The study concerned injuries that occured both in the workplace and on the way to it and has discussed the work safety in the Republic of Croatia

    Role of self-confidence in social development

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    U radu je prikazana analiza o aktualnim problemima samopouzdanja u socijalnom razvoju djece i mladih koji se odnosi naročito na socijalni razvoj a obuhvaća područje istraživanja provedeno među djecom da bi uvidjeli koliko su oni svjesni sebe i drugih koji ih okružuju te koliko oni sami imaju samopouzdanja, koliko vjeruju svojoj prosudbi, dali su povodljivi, dali obraćaju pažnju kad drugi govore te koliko su aktivni. Samopouzdanje čovjeka dovodi do njegove sposobnosti razmišljanja, učenja, donošenja odluka i rješavanja problema koji se pojave na njegovom životnom putu. Samopouzdanje se zapravo odnosi na vjerovanje da smo sposobni izvesti određene postupke koji će dovesti do željenih ishoda. Djeca koja samouvjereno vladaju svojim emocijama, savladavaju poteškoće prilikom rješavanja zadataka i izražavaju svoja mišljenja možemo reći da su visokog samopouzdanja. Međutim, djeca koja se povlače iz aktivnosti prilikom nailaska na prepeku, ne izražavaju svoje mišljenje, povučena su te se izoliraju iz skupine, možemo reći da imaju nisko samopouzdanje. Ova ponašanja ne možemo predvidjeti na temelju općeg osjećaja ponašanja i kontrole, nego na temelju toga vjeruje li dijete da može izvesti zadane aktivnosti o kojima se radi.In this paper is presented analysis about current problems of Self-confidence in the social development of children and young people witch refers to social development and includes research area conducted among children to see how much are they aware of themselves and other around them and how much they have self-confidence, how much they believe in their judgment, are they contagious , are they paying attention when others speak and how active they are. Self – confidence of man leads to his ability to think, learn, making decisions and solving problems witch appear in his life path. Self – confidence is refers to belief that we are capable to perform certain procedures that will lead to desired outcomes. For children who confidently rule they own emotions, overcome the difficulties during solving tasks and express their opinions we can say that they are of high self - confidence. But children who are withdrawn from activities encountering obstacle, not expressing their opinion, who are withdrawn and isolated from the group, we can say they are low self – confidence. This behaviors can not be predicted on the basis on general feeling of behavior and control, but on the basis that children believes that he/she can perform the default activities that are being performed