511 research outputs found

    Study on low-grade galena-barite ore beneficiation in Khuzdar, Balochistan, Pakistan

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    Purpose. Galena and barite are the principal minerals of lead and barium respectively. Both minerals are used extensively in industries because of their distinct properties. In complex poly metallic ores, it is always desirable to produce separate mineral concentrates for subsequent metal extraction. Separation of two or more minerals from complex low-grade multi-metallic ore into commercial grade concentrates requires suitable process. Methods. This research work is centered on development a suitable process for the beneficiation of a low-grade galena-barite ore originating from Khuzdar region (Balochistan Province, Pakistan). Findings. The low-grade ore assaying 39.90% Pb and 24.64% BaSO4 was beneficiated on bench-scale by sequential froth flotation process to recover valuable galena and barite concentrates. The important variables of froth flotation process such as feed size, pulp pH, pulp density, impeller speed, type and quantities of flotation reagents, pulp conditioning time and froth collecting time were optimized to achieve maximum recovery and grade of both concentrates. The rougher galena and barite concentrates were re-ground separately and subjected to one cleaning flotation to obtain better grade final concentrates of respective minerals. Originality. A process flow-sheet was designed in the light of this study. Practical implications. Froth flotation experiments showed that a galena concentrate containing 77.38% Pb with recovery of 90.64% and a barite concentrate assaying 90.23% BaSO4 with recovery of 80.16% could be recovered from this ore. Both the concentrates fall in the category of metallurgical and chemical grades and are suitable for industrial applications.Мета. Підвищення якості низькосортної галеніт-баритової руди, знайденої в Хуздарском районі провінції Белуджистан (Пакистан), до концентрату металургійного якості, що містить більше 70% Pb, із використанням методу пінної флотації. Методика. Масова проба галеніт-баритової руди вагою близько 100 кг була відібрана з шахти Мал-Хор на північному заході від Хуздару та доставлена в лабораторію переробки мінералів MPRC, PCSIR Lahore для проведення досліджень. Зразок підданий первинному подрібненню із використанням щокової дробарки з наступним вторинним подрібненням із використанням валкової дробарки. Зразок до і після флотації піддавався комплексному хімічному і рентгеноструктурному аналізу (XRD). Флотаційні випробування проводилися на лабораторній флотаційній машині D-12. Після визначення оптимального помелу були проведені випробування для оптимізації щільності пульпи, рН пульпи, швидкості перемішування, кількості доданих реагентів, часу флотації й часу кондиціонування. Результати. Встановлено, що вміст свинцю та барію в поліметалічній руді є достатнім для промислового використання. Отримано оптимальну ступінь подрібнення і відновлення при розмірі подачі 80% мінус 200 меш. Виявлено, що збільшення щільності пульпи дещо знижується при збільшенні В/Т з 20 до 35%, але відновлення збільшується, а максимальне відновлення досягнуто при 30%. При використанні для коригування рН пульпи етілксантата калію, а потім бариту з олеатом натрію, виявлено, що при постійних умовах розміру часток і співвідношення твердої речовини та рідини максимально повторне покриття галену досягається при рН 8.5 і бариту при рН 10.0. Було відзначено, що невелика зміна pH значно змінила ступінь і відновлення. Розкрито вплив швидкості перемішування робочого колеса й відзначено, що оптимальною швидкістю на грубій стадії є швидкість 1100 об/хв, а на стадії очищення – 1000 об/хв. Доведено, що методом пінної флотації з даної руди можна отримати концентрат галеніту із вмістом 77.38% Pb і ступенем відновлення 90.64%, а також концентрат бариту із вмістом 90.23% BaSO4 і ступенем відновлення 80.16%. Наукова новизна. Встановлено характер впливу специфічних речовин, що поліпшують показники про-процесу флотації, які сприяють якісному відділенню цінних компонентів руди від порожніх домішок. Практична значимість. Розроблено принципову схему процесу збагачення галеніт-баритової руди на основі пінної флотації в замкнутому циклі. Отримані концентрати галеніту й бариту відповідають необхідним металургійним і хімічним стандартам та можуть знайти промислове застосування.Цель. Повышение качества низкосортной галенит-баритовой руды, найденной в Хуздарском районе провинции Белуджистан (Пакистан), до концентрата металлургического качества, содержащего более 70% Pb, с использованием метода пенной флотации. Методика. Массовая проба галенит-баритовой руды весом около 100 кг была отобрана из шахты Мал-Хор к северо-западу от Хуздара и доставлена в лабораторию переработки минералов MPRC, PCSIR Lahore для проведения исследований. Образец подвергнут первичному дроблению с использованием щековой дробилки, с последующим вторичным дроблением с использованием валковой дробилки. Образец до и после флотации подвергался комплексному химическому и рентгеноструктурному анализу (XRD). Флотационные испытания проводились на лабораторной флотационной машине D-12. После определения оптимального помола были проведены испытания для оптимизации плотности пульпы, рН пульпы, скорости перемешивания, количества добавленных реагентов, времени флотации и времени кондиционирования. Результаты. Установлено, что содержание свинца и бария в полиметаллической руде является достаточным для промышленного использования. Получена оптимальная степень измельчения и восстановления при размере подачи 80% минус 200 меш. Выявлено, что увеличение плотности пульпы несколько снижается при увеличении В/Т с 20 до 35%, но восстановление увеличилось, а максимальное восстановление достигнуто при 30%. При использовании для корректировки рН пульпы этилксантата калия, а затем барита с олеатом натрия, обнаружено, что при постоянных условиях размера частиц и соотношения твердого вещества и жидкости максимальное повторное покрытие галена достигается при рН 8.5 и барита при рН 10.0. Было отмечено, что небольшое изменение pH значительно изменило степень и восстановление. Раскрыто влияние скорости перемешивания рабочего колеса и отмечено, что оптимальной скоростью на грубой стадии является скорость 1100 об/мин, а на стадии очистки – 1000 об/мин. Доказано, что методом пенной флотации из данной руды можно получить концентрат галенита с содержанием 77.38% Pb и степенью восстановления 90.64%, а также концентрат барита с содержанием 90.23% BaSO4 и степенью восстановления 80.16%. Научная новизна. Установлен характер влияния специфических веществ, улучшающих показатели процесса флотации, что способствовало качественному отделению ценных компонентов руды от пустых примесей. Практическая значимость. Разработана принципиальная схема процесса обогащения галенит-баритовой руды на основе пенной флотации в замкнутом цикле. Полученные концентраты галенита и барита соответствуют металлургическим и химическим стандартам и могут найти промышленное применение.The authors are grateful to Associate Professor, Dr. Zulifqar Ali, Department of Mining Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore for his valuable support/ cooperation in X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and mineralogical evaluation of ore

    Molecular Characterization of Antibiotic Resistance in Poultry Gut Origin Enterococci and Horizontal Gene Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance to Staphylococcus aureus

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    Enterococci, the normal inhabitant of gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals, have emerged as significant antibiotic resistant nosocomial pathogens. The current study was designed to determine the antibiotic resistance profile and genes harbored by isolated strains of Enterococci along with study of antibiotic resistance transfer potential from resistant Enterococci to susceptible pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus in vitro. The PCR based prevalence of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium from 118 broiler cloacal swabs was 60.46 and 30.23%, respectively, indicating that E. faecalis is the predominant species in broilers followed by E. faecium. Enterococci (n=86) were examined for the phenotypic resistance against eleven antibiotics which showed higher level of resistance to lincomycin (96.51%), erythromycin (90.69%), tetracycline (86.04%) and streptomycin (75.58%), intermediate level of resistance to ciprofloxacin (54.65%) and doxycycline (48.83%), and low resistance level to penicillin (26.74%), chloramphenicol (26.74%), amoxicillin (17.44%), augmentin (11.62%) and vancomycin (10.46%). Over 80% Enterococcal isolates were found multidrug resistant (MDR). On the basis of PCR analysis, erm (B) and tet (M) genes were identified in all phenotypically erythromycin and tetracycline resistant strains while van (B) was identified in only 4/9 (44.4%) of vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) with no detection of van (A) gene in any VRE. One strain E. faecalis (FME-41) was able to transfer the erythromycin resistance to pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus (M-11) in broth mating assay.  MDR Enterococci pose therapeutic threat to human community and control on the spread of such MDR Enterococci from poultry to human food chain is crucial

    Balancing international trade and local production for food and nutrition security: animal-sourced foods’ contribution to human welfare

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    Animal-sourced foods make a valuable contribution to the diets of consumers from countries across the economic development spectrum. They provide essential micronutrients including iron, vitamin A, vitamin B12, iodine, and zinc, to balance diets which, apart from vitamin B12, are more bioavailable than in plant-sourced foods. This is important for consumers with high needs including young children, pregnant and lactating women, and malnourished people. Although international trade has great potential to distribute animal products to satisfy global food demand, current trade flows are not achieving this goal in many low and lower middle-income countries. Multilateral efforts, supported by high-income countries, are needed to orientate international trade systems to provide better food and nutrition security. The continuity of trade in filling nutrient deficiencies is often disrupted in times of economic depression, conflict, or natural disaster. Suppliers can retain food resources for their own consumers, while in low-income countries most consumers can ill-afford expensive imports. Stability in most countries’ supply of animal-sourced foods must rely on the resourcefulness of domestic family-based farmers, who produce up to 80% of the world’s food. While encouraging the international trade of animal-sourced foods, governments need to ensure that they develop policies that support these local production units to remain profitable to meet domestic consumption needs. These policies must be developed in the context of the UN’s doctrine of a Right to Food designed to ensure individual countries provide good governance and resources to minimize hunger and poverty

    Obesity is associated with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease in acute optic neuritis

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    Optic neuritis (ON) is a frequent presentation at onset of multiple sclerosis (MS), neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD), and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease (MOGAD). The pathophysiology underlying these diseases, especially MOGAD, is still being elucidated. While obesity has been reported to potentially be a risk factor for MS, this has not been explored in NMOSD or MOGAD. We aimed to investigate a possible association between obesity (body mass index [BMI] > 30 kg/m(2)) in patients with MOGAD, aquaporin 4-IgG positive NMOSD (AQP4-IgG+ NMOSD) or MS. In this multicenter non-interventional retrospective study, data was collected from patients with a first ever demyelinating attack of ON subsequently diagnosed with MOGAD (n = 44), AQP4-IgG+ NMOSD (n = 49) or MS (n = 90) between 2005 and 2020. The following data was collected: age, sex, ethnicity, BMI (documented before corticosteroid treatment), and the ON etiology after diagnostic work-up. A mixed model analysis was performed to assess the potential of obesity or BMI to predict MOGAD-ON, and to distinguish MOGAD-ON from AQP4-IgG+ NMOSD-ON and MS-ON. Main outcome measures included BMI in patients with acute ON and subsequent diagnosis of MOGAD, AQP4-IgG+ NMOSD or MS. A higher BMI was significantly associated with a diagnosis of MOGAD-ON (p < 0.001); in MOGAD patients the mean BMI was 31.6 kg/m(2) (standard deviation (SD) 7.2), while the mean BMI was 24.7 kg/m(2) (SD 5.3) in AQP4-IgG+ NMOSD patients, and 26.9 kg/m(2) (SD 6.2) in MS patients. Mixed-effects multinomial logistic regression, adjusted for age and sex, with obesity as a binary variable, revealed that obesity was associated with a higher odds ratio (OR) of a subsequent MOGAD diagnosis (OR 5.466, 95% CI [2.039, 14.650], p = 0.001) in contradistinction with AQP4-IgG+ NMOSD. This study suggests an association between obesity and MOGAD. Our findings require further exploration, but could have significant pathophysiologic implications if confirmed in larger prospective studies

    Global Search for New Physics with 2.0/fb at CDF

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    Data collected in Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron are searched for indications of new electroweak-scale physics. Rather than focusing on particular new physics scenarios, CDF data are analyzed for discrepancies with the standard model prediction. A model-independent approach (Vista) considers gross features of the data, and is sensitive to new large cross-section physics. Further sensitivity to new physics is provided by two additional algorithms: a Bump Hunter searches invariant mass distributions for "bumps" that could indicate resonant production of new particles; and the Sleuth procedure scans for data excesses at large summed transverse momentum. This combined global search for new physics in 2.0/fb of ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV reveals no indication of physics beyond the standard model.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Final version which appeared in Physical Review D Rapid Communication

    Observation of Orbitally Excited B_s Mesons

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    We report the first observation of two narrow resonances consistent with states of orbitally excited (L=1) B_s mesons using 1 fb^{-1} of ppbar collisions at sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. We use two-body decays into K^- and B^+ mesons reconstructed as B^+ \to J/\psi K^+, J/\psi \to \mu^+ \mu^- or B^+ \to \bar{D}^0 \pi^+, \bar{D}^0 \to K^+ \pi^-. We deduce the masses of the two states to be m(B_{s1}) = 5829.4 +- 0.7 MeV/c^2 and m(B_{s2}^*) = 5839.7 +- 0.7 MeV/c^2.Comment: Version accepted and published by Phys. Rev. Let

    Search for a W' boson decaying to a bottom quark and a top quark in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

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    Results are presented from a search for a W' boson using a dataset corresponding to 5.0 inverse femtobarns of integrated luminosity collected during 2011 by the CMS experiment at the LHC in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV. The W' boson is modeled as a heavy W boson, but different scenarios for the couplings to fermions are considered, involving both left-handed and right-handed chiral projections of the fermions, as well as an arbitrary mixture of the two. The search is performed in the decay channel W' to t b, leading to a final state signature with a single lepton (e, mu), missing transverse energy, and jets, at least one of which is tagged as a b-jet. A W' boson that couples to fermions with the same coupling constant as the W, but to the right-handed rather than left-handed chiral projections, is excluded for masses below 1.85 TeV at the 95% confidence level. For the first time using LHC data, constraints on the W' gauge coupling for a set of left- and right-handed coupling combinations have been placed. These results represent a significant improvement over previously published limits.Comment: Submitted to Physics Letters B. Replaced with version publishe

    Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to a bbˉb\bar{b} pair in events with no charged leptons and large missing transverse energy using the full CDF data set

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    We report on a search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a vector boson in the full data set of proton-antiproton collisions at s=1.96\sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV recorded by the CDF II detector at the Tevatron, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9.45 fb1^{-1}. We consider events having no identified charged lepton, a transverse energy imbalance, and two or three jets, of which at least one is consistent with originating from the decay of a bb quark. We place 95% credibility level upper limits on the production cross section times standard model branching fraction for several mass hypotheses between 90 and 150GeV/c2150 \mathrm{GeV}/c^2. For a Higgs boson mass of 125GeV/c2125 \mathrm{GeV}/c^2, the observed (expected) limit is 6.7 (3.6) times the standard model prediction.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Measurement of the Bottom-Strange Meson Mixing Phase in the Full CDF Data Set

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    We report a measurement of the bottom-strange meson mixing phase \beta_s using the time evolution of B0_s -> J/\psi (->\mu+\mu-) \phi (-> K+ K-) decays in which the quark-flavor content of the bottom-strange meson is identified at production. This measurement uses the full data set of proton-antiproton collisions at sqrt(s)= 1.96 TeV collected by the Collider Detector experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron, corresponding to 9.6 fb-1 of integrated luminosity. We report confidence regions in the two-dimensional space of \beta_s and the B0_s decay-width difference \Delta\Gamma_s, and measure \beta_s in [-\pi/2, -1.51] U [-0.06, 0.30] U [1.26, \pi/2] at the 68% confidence level, in agreement with the standard model expectation. Assuming the standard model value of \beta_s, we also determine \Delta\Gamma_s = 0.068 +- 0.026 (stat) +- 0.009 (syst) ps-1 and the mean B0_s lifetime, \tau_s = 1.528 +- 0.019 (stat) +- 0.009 (syst) ps, which are consistent and competitive with determinations by other experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett 109, 171802 (2012

    Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying into two photons in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV

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    A search for a Higgs boson decaying into two photons is described. The analysis is performed using a dataset recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC from pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, which corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.8 inverse femtobarns. Limits are set on the cross section of the standard model Higgs boson decaying to two photons. The expected exclusion limit at 95% confidence level is between 1.4 and 2.4 times the standard model cross section in the mass range between 110 and 150 GeV. The analysis of the data excludes, at 95% confidence level, the standard model Higgs boson decaying into two photons in the mass range 128 to 132 GeV. The largest excess of events above the expected standard model background is observed for a Higgs boson mass hypothesis of 124 GeV with a local significance of 3.1 sigma. The global significance of observing an excess with a local significance greater than 3.1 sigma anywhere in the search range 110-150 GeV is estimated to be 1.8 sigma. More data are required to ascertain the origin of this excess.Comment: Submitted to Physics Letters