4,399 research outputs found

    Using Spectral Analysis to Evaluate Flute Tone Quality

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    Many skilled flutists place a high priority on good tone quality, or timbre. Timbre can be defined as the audible difference in character that a listener perceives for two notes played at the same pitch. Different timbres are determined by the combination and balance of harmonics that comprise a note. Unlike pitch and rhythm, timbre is difficult to objectively quantify. This project explores (1) how tone quality is described by skilled flutists, (2) whether the harmonic spectrum has some correlation with tone quality, (3) whether certain harmonic spectra are preferred, or considered good . Thirty-one flutists ranging from high school students to professionals were recorded. A set of samples was used in surveys and interviews to capture descriptors and ratings of tone quality. All of the recorded samples were analyzed using application programs, Harmonic Analysis Tools (HAT), created for this study. HAT uses digital signal processing techniques to produce spectral signatures . The signatures consist of the harmonic content, pitch, and amplitude of a sample. In the future, with further development, HAT may be a useful tool for musicians for tone development in the practice room. The outcome of this research is a baseline set of some often used descriptors. In addition, results showed some correlation between harmonic spectra and descriptors. There were also trends in preferences with respect to certain spectral characteristics. An unexpected finding was that University students showed divergent timbre preferences compared to highly experienced flutists

    A study of the directors of women's residence halls in universities and colleges.

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Analysis of Environmental Sanitation Risk Factors Scabies in Adolescents

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    Scabies is an infectious disease that affects all races and groups worldwide but is more common in children and young adults. Meta-analysis found that occupancy density, temperature, light, clean water, ventilation, gender, personal hygiene, knowledge, and contact with sufferers were risk factors for scabies in adolescents living in Islamic boarding schools. Research is needed by identifying close contact cases in the community, especially in high-risk groups such as students who live in dormitories. This study aims to analyze the factors associated with the incidence of scabies in young women at the Makrifatul Ilmi Islamic Boarding School, South Bengkulu Regency. The research design was cross-sectional, with the dependent variable being knowledge, age, personal hygiene, and environmental sanitation, while the dependent variable was the incidence of scabies. A sample of 50 teenagers was taken by accidental sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire and an observation sheet. Data were analyzed univariately with frequency distribution tables, bivariate with chi-square, and multivariate logistic regression. The study's results found a relationship between gender and scabies, p=0.00, and there was a relationship between knowledge and scabies, p=0.00. There is a relationship between personal hygiene and scabies p=0.00. There is a relationship between environmental sanitation and scabies p=0.00. Environmental sanitation is the most dominant risk factor associated with scabies. Health service providers must work with non-health workers, including pesantren supervisors, parents, health workers, and health cadres, in conducting education, prevention, and treatment to ensure mite elimination and break the transmission.Keyword:  Sanitation, Personal hygiene, Scabies knowledg

    Oxytocin Massage Can Increase Breastfeeding Production in Postpartum Mothers

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    Breastfeeding is the most appropriate feeding method for babies, so the Government issued a policy of Implementing 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding to support successful breastfeeding. However, the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding is still low. Pre-lacteal feeding, culture, and common knowledge are the causes of the failure of exclusive breastfeeding. In addition, the mother's perception of insufficient milk supply is the most common reason for stopping breastfeeding. Therefore, an oxytocin massage intervention is needed to increase milk production. This study aims to determine the effect of oxytocin massage on breastfeeding production in postpartum mothers in the work area of the Bengkulu City Health Center. Quasi-experimental research design with control group post-test only. The treatment group was postpartum women who were given oxytocin massage, while the control group was given endorphin massage. A sample of 34 people was taken by purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through questionnaires and observation sheets. A breast pump measures breastfeeding production. Data were analyzed univariately, bivariate with independent t-test, and multivariate with Ancona. The results showed that there was an effect of oxytocin massage on milk production p=0.00. The mean difference was 1.54. There is an effect of IMD status on breast milk production p=0.00, and there is an effect of frequency of breastfeeding on milk production p=0.00. Oxytocin massage is not the most dominant variable affecting breastfeeding production. It is recommended that health service providers provide breastfeeding education continuously during pregnancy, perinatal, and until the baby is two years old by involving the family and using digital information technology that can reach all targets. Keywords: Oxytocin massage, Breastfeeding Productio


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    Kejadian BBLR di Indonesia masih tinggi, yang berdampak terhadap infeksi, komplikasi gangguan pernafasan, susunan saraf pusat, risiko kematian serta kejadian stunting, sehingga diperlukan antenatal terpadu sebagai instrumen untuk pertumbuhan janin intrauterin karena antenatal care yang adekuat dapat kesehatan maternal sehingga meningkatkan kesehatan bayi yang akan dilahirkan. Antenatal care terpadu dilakukan dengan instrumen 10 T, sebagai upaya peningkatan pertumbuhan dan kesejahteraan janin intrauterine agar janin dilahirkan dalam kondisi terbaik dan jika janin mengalami pertumbuhan terhambat dapat ditindaklanjuti dengan cermat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas program antenatal Gizi Kia terpadu (Gikatera) terhadap pertumbuhan dan kesejahteraan janin pada ibu TM III di KabupatenSeluma tahun 2022. Desain penelitian kuasi eksperimen post test only dengan kelompok kontrol dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Kelompok perlakuan adalah ibu hamil yang menerima pelayanan antenatal Gizi KIA terpadu (Gikatera) selama masa kehamilan sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah ibu hamil yang menerima antenatal care konvensional di Puskesmas, BPM atau posyandu. Intervensi penelitian berupa Pelayanan antenatal Gikatera yang diberikan minimal 3 kali dengan standar 10 T dimulai pada kehamilan TM I sampai TM III dengan usia kehamilan 35 minggu. Pengukuran pertumbuhan janin diukur melalui taksiran berat janin dan tinggi fundus uteri sedangkan kesejahteraanjanin diidentifikasi melalui frekuensi denyut jantung janin dan gerakanjanin. Variabel independen yaitu pelayanan antenatal Gikatera sedangkan variabel dependen pertumbuhanjanin dankesejahteraan janin. Sampel berupa ibu hamil dengan kriteria inklusi ibu hamil TM I, Kriteria eksklusi adalahibu hamil dengan riwayat bad obstetrik atau menderita komplikasi atau penyulit kehamilan saat penelitian berlangsung atau terjadi partus prematurus. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil: Ada pengaruh Program Antenatal Gikatera Terhadap Pertumbuhan janin. Ada pengaruh Program Antenatal Gizi Kia Terpadu Gikatera Terhadap Kesejahteraan Janin. Ada pengaruh status anemia dan KEK terhadap Pertumbuhan janin. Tidak ada pengaruh usia, paritas, jarak kehamilan, status anemia dan KEK terhadap kesejahteraan janin. Tenaga Kesehatan harus memberikan pelayanan antenatal Gizi KIA terpadu untuk meningkatkan kualitas outcome kehamilan dan persalinaan


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    Teacher competence is a set of knowledge, skills and behaviors that must be mastered by every educator. teacher competency is also a principal agent in the implementation of the process of learning and learning activities that occur at every level of the school. Based on data exposure The purpose of this study was to determine the preparation of learning plans in TK Muslimat NU 31, knowing the implementation of the teaching and learning process at TK Muslimat NU 31, and knowing the implementation of teaching and learning assessments at TK Muslimat NU 31. The preparation of the learning plan at this institution is entirely designed by the homeroom teacher starting from the program, RPPM, and RPPH which is updated every new school year. for Prota is designed by all educators, it's just that prota at this institution has not been updated for a long time. The implementation of learning activities at this institution starts from the material, media, learning methods, and assessment techniques used in accordance with the planned learning plan. Implementation of the assessment of the results of learning activities at this institution using 3 techniques including rating techniques for the achievement of child development scales (rating scale) with a checklist format, anecdotal note assessment techniques, and techniques for evaluating the notes of the work. The assessment instrument uses 9 intelligence guidelines
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