27,913 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Use of Consortium of e-Resources in Agriculture in Context of Kerala Agricultural University

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    As digital information resources available online are increasing at an exponential rate, several practices have evolved for the economic and effective delivery of such information to the end users. In this context, consortia-based information services have gathered momentum world over during the last few years. Though, there are several library consortia in India, UGC Infonet is mainly meant for universities controlled by UGC and CeRA is meant for agricultural universities. This paper discusses utilisation of consortia-based digital information resources by the post graduate and doctoral students of the Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur. Results show that cent percent of the students were familiar with the use of digital information resources available online and 87.14 per cent of them used CeRA. Eighty two per cent students were acquainted with CeRA and learned the required skills for the access and use of digital information resources through curriculum-based courses like ‘library and information services’, ‘research methodology’, etc. The students in general would like to strengthen the CeRA services by adding more resources and facilities

    The essential roles of metal ions in insect homeostasis and physiology

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    Metal ions play distinct roles in living organisms, including insects. Some, like sodium and potassium, are central players in osmoregulation and ‘blood and guts’ transport physiology, and have been implicated in cold adaptation. Calcium is a key player as a second messenger, and as a structural element. Other metals, particularly those with multiple redox states, can be cofactors in many metalloenzymes, but can contribute to toxic oxidative stress on the organism in excess. This short review selects some examples where classical knowledge has been supplemented with recent advances, in order to emphasize the importance of metals as essential nutrients for insect survival


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    Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Interaction model for magnetic holes in a ferrofluid layer

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    Nonmagnetic spheres confined in a ferrofluid layer (magnetic holes) present dipolar interactions when an external magnetic field is exerted. The interaction potential of a microsphere pair is derived analytically, with a precise care for the boundary conditions along the glass plates confining the system. Considering external fields consisting of a constant normal component and a high frequency rotating in-plane component, this interaction potential is averaged over time to exhibit the average interparticular forces acting when the imposed frequency exceeds the inverse of the viscous relaxation time of the system. The existence of an equilibrium configuration without contact between the particles is demonstrated for a whole range of exciting fields, and the equilibrium separation distance depending on the structure of the external field is established. The stability of the system under out-of-plane buckling is also studied. The dynamics of such a particle pair is simulated and validated by experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures (18 with subfigures). to appear in Phys. Rev.


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    Food Security and Poverty,


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    International Relations/Trade,

    University Library Websites in Kerala: An Analysis (Web Survey)

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    The article is an analysis of library websites or web pages of the universities in Kerala. Factors like speed, size, downloading time, facilities for information services etc. have been analyzed. The survey was conducted during the period from 14-01- 2013 to 19-01-2013. The study reveals that though the websites provide lot of useful information to the users, further improvement both in contents and management of it is needed in most of the library websites. The study also provided insight to judge the quality of the library websites and information services provided through them

    Pared-down landscapes in Antarctica

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    The frigid-arid climate that now prevails in ice-free parts of Victoria Land, Antarctica, inhibits glacial erosion. If certain landscapes, more or less remote from the great troughs of outlet glaciers, have been glaciated in the past, as seems very probable, landforms that resulted from glaciation have been replaced by surfaces of different origin. A widespread landscape glaciation was probably contemporaneous with the excavation of large cirques which still survive in mountain summit areas. Replacement of glaciated landforms by others, in a general paring down of the land surface to forms of moderate relief, seems to have resulted from the process of gravity removal of debris from precipitous rock outcrops that were retreating because of disintegration by salt weathering and were eventually eliminated, in most cases, so that the landscape became a mosaic of smooth denudation slopes inclined at 33° to 350. In the Darwin Mountains ice-free area (80ÂșS) an advanced stage of such denudation with respect to a base level some 400 m above the present level of surrounding glaciers has produced some pyramidal landforms. Just above the present ice level, however, narrow Richter denudation slopes that border weathering rock faces are at only a juvenile stage of development. Thus the ice level appears to have stood alternately at about its present position and 400 m higher in Pleistocene interglacials and glacial ages respectively. The higher ice levels must have been due to extensions of the ice sheet seaward caused by groundings of the shelf ice during low glacio-eustatic stands of sea leve

    Flexible programmable networking: A reflective, component-based approach

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    The need for programmability and adaptability in networking systems is becoming increasingly important. More specifically, the challenge is in the ability to add services rapidly, and be able to deploy, configure and reconfigure them as easily as possible. Such demand is creating a considerable shift in the way networks are expected to operate in the future. This is the main aim of programmable networking research community, and in our project we are investigating a component-based approach to the structuring of programmable networking software. Our intention is to apply the notion of components, component frameworks and reflection ubiquitously, thus accommodating all the different elements that comprise a programmable networking system
