2,495 research outputs found

    Technifermion Representations and Precision Electroweak Constraints

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    We discuss the selection of fermion representations in technicolor models with a view toward minimizing technicolor contributions to the precision electroweak SS parameter. We present and analyze models that involve one technifermion SU(2)L_L doublet with standard-model singlet technifermion sectors that lead to walking behavior, which further reduces SS. We also consider models that have technifermions in higher-dimensional representations and study embeddings in extended technicolor theories.Comment: 8 pages, late

    Quark Dipole Operators in Extended Technicolor Models

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    We study diagonal and transition quark dipole operators in a class of extended technicolor (ETC) models, taking account of the multiscale nature of the ETC gauge symmetry breaking and of the mixing among ETC interaction eigenstates. Because of this mixing, terms involving the lowest ETC scale can play an important role in dipole operators, and we focus on these terms. We derive from experiment new correlated constraints on the quark mixing angles and phases. Our bounds yield information on mixing angles individually in the up- and down-sectors, for both left- and right-handed quark fields and thus constrain even quark mixing parameters that do not enter in the CKM matrix. With phases of order unity, we conclude that these mixing angles are small, constraining future ETC model building, but plausibly in the range suggested by the size of the CKM elements. These values still allow substantial deviations from the standard model predictions, in particular for several CP violating quantities, including the asymmetries in bsγb \to s \gamma and BdϕKSB_{d} \to \phi K_S, Re(ϵ/ϵ)Re(\epsilon^\prime/\epsilon), and the electric dipole moments of the neutron and the 199{}^{199}Hg atom.Comment: 9 pages, late

    Neutrino Masses in Theories with Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

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    We address the problem of accounting for light neutrino masses in theories with dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking. We discuss this in the context of a class of (extended) technicolor (ETC) models and analyze the full set of Dirac and Majorana masses that arise in such theories. As a possible solution, we propose a combination of suppressed Dirac masses and a seesaw involving dynamically generated ΔL=2|\Delta L|=2 condensates of standard-model singlet, ETC-nonsinglet fermions. We show how this can be realized in an explicit ETC model. An important feature of this proposal is that, because of the suppression of Dirac neutrino mass terms, a seesaw yielding realistic neutrino masses does not require superheavy Majorana masses; indeed, these Majorana masses are typically much smaller than the largest ETC scale.Comment: 13 pages, latex; simplified mode

    Lepton Dipole Moments in Extended Technicolor Models

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    We analyze the diagonal and transition magnetic and electric dipole moments of charged leptons in extended technicolor (ETC) models, taking account of the multiscale nature of the ETC gauge symmetry breaking, conformal (walking) behavior of the technicolor theory, and mixing in the charged-lepton mass matrix. We show that mixing effects dominate the ETC contributions to charged lepton electric dipole moments and that these can yield a value of |d_e| comparable to the current limit. The rate for mu to e gamma can also be close to its limit. From these and other processes we derive constraints on the charged lepton mixing angles. The constraints are such that the ETC contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, which includes a significant lepton mixing term, can approach, but does not exceed, the current sensitivity level.Comment: 4 pages, revte

    Maximum Wavelength of Confined Quarks and Gluons and Properties of Quantum Chromodynamics

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    Because quarks and gluons are confined within hadrons, they have a maximum wavelength of order the confinement scale. Propagators, normally calculated for free quarks and gluons using Dyson-Schwinger equations, are modified by bound-state effects in close analogy to the calculation of the Lamb shift in atomic physics. Because of confinement, the effective quantum chromodynamic coupling stays finite in the infrared. The quark condensate which arises from spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in the bound state Dyson-Schwinger equation is the expectation value of the operator qˉq\bar q q evaluated in the background of the fields of the other hadronic constituents, in contrast to a true vacuum expectation value. Thus quark and gluon condensates reside within hadrons. The effects of instantons are also modified. We discuss the implications of the maximum quark and gluon wavelength for phenomena such as deep inelastic scattering and annihilation, the decay of heavy quarkonia, jets, and dimensional counting rules for exclusive reactions. We also discuss implications for the zero-temperature phase structure of a vectorial SU(NN) gauge theory with a variable number NfN_f of massless fermions.Comment: 6 pages, late

    The Zero Temperature Chiral Phase Transition in SU(N) Gauge Theories

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    We investigate the zero temperature chiral phase transition in an SU(N) gauge theory as the number of fermions NfN_f is varied. We argue that there exists a critical number of fermions NfcN_f^c, above which there is no chiral symmetry breaking or confinement, and below which both chiral symmetry breaking and confinement set in. We estimate NfcN_f^c and discuss the nature of the phase transition.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, version published in PR

    Chiral phase transition at finite temperature and conformal dynamics in large Nf QCD

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    We investigate the chiral phase transition at finite temperature (T) in colour SU(Nc=3) Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) with six species of fermions (Nf=6) in the fundamental representation by using lattice QCD with improved staggered fermions. By considering lattices with several temporal extensions Nt, we observe asymptotic scaling for Nt > 4. We then extract the dimensionless ratio Tc/Lambda_L (Lambda_L = Lattice Lambda-parameter) for Nf = 6 and Nf = 8, the latter relying on our earlier results. Further, we collect the critical couplings beta^c for the chiral phase transition at Nf = 0 (quenched), and Nf = 4 at a fixed Nt = 6. The results are consistent with enhanced fermionic screening at larger Nf. The Tc/Lambda_L depends very mildly on Nf in the Nf = 0 - 4 region, starts increasing at Nf = 6, and becomes significantly larger at Nf = 8, close to the edge of the conformal window. We discuss interpretations of these results as well as their possible interrelation with preconformal dynamics in the light of a functional renormalization group analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    A Realistic Technicolor Model from 150 TeV down

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    A realistic technicolor model is presented with the dynamics below 150150 TeV treated explicitly. Electroweak symmetry is broken by the condensates of a `minimal' doublet of technifermions. The new feature of the model is that the the third generation quarks are unified with the technifermions into multiplets of a walking gauge force down to a scale of 1010 TeV. The remaining quarks and leptons are not involved in this unification however. The walking dynamics enhances the higher dimension interactions which give the ordinary fermions their masses and mixing, while leaving flavor-changing neutral currents suppressed. Because the third generation quarks actually feel the walking force their masses can be much larger than those of the other quarks and the leptons. The only non-standard particles with masses below several TeV are the single doublet of technifermions, so electroweak radiative corrections are estimable and within experimental limits.Comment: 21 page

    Multiscale Technicolor and Top Production

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    Pair-production of heavy top quarks at the Tevatron Collider is significantly enhanced by the color--octet technipion, ηT\eta_T, occurring in multiscale models of walking technicolor. We discuss tˉt\bar tt rates for mt=170m_t = 170 GeV and MηT=400500M_{\eta_T} = 400-500 GeV. Multiscale models also have color--octet technirho states in the mass range 200-600 GeV that appear as resonances in dijet production and technipion pair--production.Comment: 12 pages (plain TeX) and 4 figures (uuencoded), FERMILAB--PUB--94/007-T and BUHEP-94-

    A condition on the chiral symmetry breaking solution of the Dyson-Schwinger equation in three-dimensional QED

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    In three-dimensional QED, which is analyzed in the 1/NN expansion, we obtain a sufficient and necessary condition for a nontrivial solution of the Dyson-Schwinger equation to be chiral symmetry breaking solution. In the derivation, a normalization condition of the Goldstone bound state is used. It is showed that the existent analytical solutions satisfy this condition.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, no figures, accepted by Phys.Lett.