41 research outputs found

    Firms' intellectual property ownership aggressiveness in university–industry collaboration projects: Choosing the right governance mode

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    Intellectual property (IP) ownership aggressiveness constitutes an organization's strategic stance that prioritizes its IP protection. An organization thus pursues a rigid approach to protect its background IP and strives for exclusive ownership of the foreground IP that results from collaborative projects. This paper investigates how firms' IP ownership aggressiveness influences university–industry collaboration (UIC) project success and examines if the relationship is contingent on the governance modes that firms employ in UICs, especially the intensity of contract formality and shared governance. Analysing survey data from UIC projects of medium‐sized to large firms covering four industries, we find that the levels of contract formality and shared governance moderate the effect of firms' IP ownership aggressiveness on project success. Strong contract formality leads to a negative relationship between firms' IP ownership aggressiveness and UIC project success. Conversely, if firms apply strong shared governance, the relationship between IP ownership aggressiveness and UIC project success is positive. Given firms' strategic approach to protect background IP and claim ownership of foreground IP, these results have implications for UIC managers when selecting governance modes to best support UIC project success

    Fat navigators and Moiré phase tracking comparison for motion estimation and retrospective correction

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    Purpose: To compare motion tracking by two modern methods (fat navigators - FatNavs and Moiré phase tracking - MPT) as well as their performance for retrospective correction of very high resolution acquisitions. Methods: A direct comparison of FatNavs and MPT motion parameters was performed for several deliberate motion patterns to estimate the agreement between methods. In addition, two different navigator resolution were applied. 0.5 mm isotropic MP2RAGE images with simultaneous MPT and FatNavs tracking were acquired in nine cooperative subjects with no intentional motion. Retrospective motion corrections based on both tracking modalities were compared qualitatively and quantitatively. The FatNavs impact on quantitative T1 maps was also investigated. Results: Both methods showed good agreement within a 0.3 mm/° margin in subjects that moved very little. Higher resolution FatNavs (2mm) showed overall better agreement with MPT than 4mm resolution ones, except for fast and large motion. The retrospective motion corrections based on MPT or FatNavs were at par in 33 cases out of 36, and visibly improved image quality compared to the uncorrected images. In separate fringe cases, both methods suffered from their respective potential shortcomings: unreliable marker attachment for MPT and poor temporal resolution for FatNavs. The magnetization transfer induced by the navigator RF pulses had a visible impact on the T1 values distribution, with a shift of the gray and white matter peaks of 12 ms at most. Conclusion: This work confirms both FatNavs and MPT as excellent retrospective motion correction methods for very high resolution imaging of cooperative subjects

    Writing in Britain and Ireland, c. 400 to c. 800

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    Creating and curating an archive: Bury St Edmunds and its Anglo-Saxon past

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    This contribution explores the mechanisms by which the Benedictine foundation of Bury St Edmunds sought to legitimise and preserve their spurious pre-Conquest privileges and holdings throughout the Middle Ages. The archive is extraordinary in terms of the large number of surviving registers and cartularies which contain copies of Anglo-Saxon charters, many of which are wholly or partly in Old English. The essay charts the changing use to which these ancient documents were put in response to threats to the foundation's continued enjoyment of its liberties. The focus throughout the essay is to demonstrate how pragmatic considerations at every stage affects the development of the archive and the ways in which these linguistically challenging texts were presented, re-presented, and represented during the Abbey’s history

    Forschungskooperationen zwischen UniversitÀten und Unternehmen: Eine Betrachtung auf Organisationsebene und Projektebene

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    FĂŒr Unternehmen bieten Forschungskooperationen mit UniversitĂ€ten (UIC) den Zugang zu komplementĂ€ren Ressourcen, neuem Wissen und Technologien. Die unterschiedlichen organisationalen HintergrĂŒnde setzen jedoch Barrieren fĂŒr die Zusammenarbeit. Es ist daher aus der Forschungssicht und der Managementperspektive relevant, ein vertieftes VerstĂ€ndnis fĂŒr die organisationalen Bedingungen und die projektbezogenen ManagementaktivitĂ€ten zu entwickeln, die den Erfolg in UIC-Projekten beeinflussen. Zudem werden Kontingenzfaktoren betrachtet, die Auswirkungen auf das Management der UIC haben. Es wird untersucht, wie organisations- und projektbezogene Einflussfaktoren miteinander interagieren und es werden Mechanismen aufgezeigt, wie UIC-Projekte erfolgreich gemanagt werden können. Die Dissertation baut auf vier Studien mit vier verschiedenen DatensĂ€tzen auf. In Studie 1 werden die kritischen ManagementaktivitĂ€ten in UIC-Projekten und treibende organisations- sowie projektbezogene Einflussfaktoren untersucht. Die Resultate werden in einem konzeptionellen Modell mit Propositionen fĂŒr ein effektives Management der UIC-Projekte zusammengefasst. Die Effekte der parallelen Zusammenarbeit eines Unternehmens sowohl in UIC als auch mit marktbasierten Akteuren werden in Studie 2 betrachtet. Die Befunde zeigen, dass die Partnerauswahl und die Wirksamkeit der Zusammenarbeit von dem Innovationsgrad abhĂ€ngen können. FĂŒr hochinnovative Forschungsvorhaben können Unternehmen von der parallelen Zusammenarbeit mit UniversitĂ€ten und Unternehmen in der sehr frĂŒhen Innovationsphase profitieren. In Studie 3 wird die geteilte Wahrnehmung der Innovationsherausforderung in UIC und deren Wirkung auf den Projekterfolg untersucht. Die Resultate zeigen, dass die formelle Projektsteuerung hilft, mit der Ungewissheit explorativer Forschungsvorhaben umzugehen. Besonders die informelle Projektsteuerung unterstĂŒtzt die Partner, eine geteilte Wahrnehmung zu entwickeln und die Forschungsaufgaben gemeinsam zu bewĂ€ltigen. FĂŒr die unternehmensseitige AggressivitĂ€t der Intellectual Property (IP)-Strategie wird in Studie 4 verdeutlicht, dass hauptsĂ€chlich informelle Mechanismen der Projektsteuerung die potenziell negativen Effekte dieser Unternehmensstrategie abschwĂ€chen helfen, wohingegen formelle Steuerungsmechanismen die Spannungen zwischen den Partnern tendenziell verschĂ€rfen. Formelle Steuerungsmechanismen können folglich eine gute Basis fĂŒr die Zusammenarbeit schaffen, da die Anforderungen und zu erzielenden Resultate festgelegt werden. Informelle Mechanismen der Projektsteuerung schaffen durch eine interaktive Beteiligung und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit allerdings bessere Möglichkeiten zur Überwindung wahrgenommener organisationaler Barrieren und Herausforderungen im Projektfortschritt

    The influence of shared R&D-project-innovativeness perceptions on university-industry collaboration performance.

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    University-industry collaboration (UIC) partners’ different organizational backgrounds entail socialization with distinct thought worlds, management approaches, and therefore diverging goals, which may lead to differences in their perceptions of the R&D challenge. These differences can hamper relationship quality and may cause coordination challenges. Using dyadic survey data of 164 UIC project managers of 82 projects, we analyze the consequences of partners’ shared R&D-project innovativeness perceptions for project performance. We consider the planning intensity and the collaboration in the planning process as antecedents to partners’ shared perceptions. We find that partners’ shared R&D-project innovativeness perceptions increase project performance. We also show that collaborative planning enhances shared perception. Moreover, we find support that planning intensity (i.e., formal control) and collaborative planning (i.e., social control) complement each other. Hence, if both partners are involved in a collaborative and intensive planning process, they will more likely exhibit a shared R&D project innovativeness perception and, therefore, increase UIC project performance. This will help to manage their R&D activities to create a sense of ownership and to prevent inefficient project deviations

    The Impact of Differences in University and Industry R&D Project Perceptions on Collaboration Performace.

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    University-industry collaboration (UIC) partners’ different organizational backgrounds entail socialization with distinct thought worlds, management approaches, and therefore diverging goals, which may lead to differences in their perceptions of the R&D challenge. These differences can hamper relationship quality and may cause coordination challenges. Using dyadic survey data of 164 UIC project managers of 82 projects, we analyze the consequences of partners’ shared R&D-project innovativeness perceptions for project performance. We consider the planning intensity and the collaboration in the planning process as antecedents to partners’ shared perceptions. We find that partners’ shared R&D-project innovativeness perceptions increase project performance. We also show that collaborative planning enhances shared perception. Moreover, we find support that planning intensity (i.e., formal control) and collaborative planning (i.e., social control) complement each other. Hence, if both partners are involved in a collaborative and intensive planning process, they will more likely exhibit a shared R&D project innovativeness perception and, therefore, increase UIC project performance. This will help to manage their R&D activities to create a sense of ownership and to prevent inefficient project deviations