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    Open Access publizieren auf MACAU

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    Die Broschüre gibt einen informativen Überblick über das Verfahren des Publizierens im Open Access auf dem Publikationsserver der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, MACAU. Beschrieben wird der Weg zur Veröffentlichung. Zudem werden Themen angesprochen, die im Rahmen des Publikationsprozesses von Bedeutung sind: Rechte und Lizenzen, Metadaten, Forschungsdaten und die PDF-Erstellung.This brochure provides an informative overview of the process of publishing in Open Access on the publication server of Kiel University, MACAU. It describes the route to publication. In addition, topics are addressed that are important in the context of the publication process: Rights and licenses, metadata, research data and PDF creation

    Towards enhanced shelf life and performance: genetic improvement and quality control of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora

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    Limited shelf-life is a major constraint to successful commercialization of the entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) Heterorhabditis bacteriophora that is symbiotically associated with bacteria from the genus Photorhabdus spp. The optimal cold storage temperature of two H. bacteriophora strains in diatomaceous earth formulation was determined to be 8°C (28 days for strain D2D6) and 9°C (25 days for strain HB4). Both strains recorded lowest virulence at 5°C, 6% and 46% for HB4 and D2D6 respectively after 9 weeks of storage. A qPCR technique to quantify the bacteria Photorhabdus spp. inside the nematode during storage was optimized by identifying ten single copy genes with no homology to other bacterial accessions in the genome of P. laumondii. A 4.5 and 1.8-fold decline in the bacteria target gene copy number was detected inside nematodes stored at 2°C and 4°C respectively after two weeks and by week 6 an 8-fold decline was recorded at both temperatures. In comparison, a slight increase in bacterial target gene copy number was detected in nematodes stored at 7.5°C after 6 weeks. The H. bacteriophora genetic diversity was exploited and better performing wild type inbred line (WT IL) XX21 identified after phenotyping for reproductive potential, stress tolerance and virulence. Fourteen single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers were found to be associated with these traits. Marker assisted breeding thereafter yielded a stress tolerant and high reproducing hybrid pool X21L3 from a cross between XX21 and a commercial line (IL3). This study defines H. bacteriophora optimal cold storage conditions and provides a qPCR quality control tool. We finally avail a stress tolerant hybrid pool X21L3 with potential for commercialization

    Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms for Microbial Discrimination in Sponges

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    Sponges (Porifera) are basal metazoans that feed on and establish symbiotic associations with microbes. How sponges discriminate between bacteria to digest as food, incorporate as symbionts, or eliminate as pathogens remains unknown. This thesis aimed to study mechanisms for microbial discrimination in sponges. Mechanisms likely to modulate sponge-microbe interactions are introduced (Chapter 1). The host transcriptomic response upon seawater and symbiont microbial consortia encounter was characterized by RNASeq in two sponges (Chapter 2). Aplysina aerophoba showed little differential gene expression and no participation of receptors, whereas Dysidea avara responded by regulating NLRs suggesting that microbial discrimination is driven by the repertoire of immune genes as well as to what degree they are induced. On the cellular level, an in-vivo phagocytosis assay was established in Halichondria panicea combining incubations with microalgae, bacteria, and latex beads with cell dissociation and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to quantify particle incorporation into sponge cells (Chapter 3). After 30 min particles were predominantly incorporated into choanocyte-like cells and appeared to be translocated to archaeocyte-like cells after 60 min. Lastly, the established assay was combined with proteomic analysis to investigate H. panicea’s phagocytic response upon exposure to a “native” and a “foreign” Vibrio isolate (Chapter 4). Vibrio incorporation into sponge cells was indiscriminate, but the distribution of vibrios into different cell types differed between isolates. Phagocytic-related proteins were in a higher abundance in the foreign vs. the native treatment. These results indicate that bacterial discrimination in H. panicea occurs after internalization leading to differences in the processing of foreign vs native vibrio types

    Sulfur Fertilization and Waterlogging Stress Resistance: Elucidation of the underlying mechanisms in wheat and rapeseed

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    The displayed thesis consists of three independent experiments. The first study figured out the drastic effect of waterlogging on S-uptake, growth, yield, and yield quality of inbred (Kredo) and hybrid (Hyvento) wheat cultivars in two crucial stages of growth, namely tillering stage/early waterlogging (Feekes Stage 6) and/or ear emergence stage/late waterlogging (Feekes Stage 10.1). The hybrid (Hyvento) variety showed a lesser decline in S concentration and uptake compared with inbred (Kredo). Waterlogging at Feekes Stage 10.1 could drastically affect S uptake, yields, and protein patterns in both varieties, compared with Feekes Stage 6. In the second experiment, different levels of supplemented S in soil, ranging from no-S to high-S was applied to investigate the S-induced stress resistance of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) plants under waterlogging condition. Sulfur supplementation, in soil from medium-S to high-S levels significantly improved the antioxidative defense system and growth. In the third experiment, the effect of S supplementation as foliar-S and/or soil S-fertilized plants on growth, photosynthetic response, antioxidant defense system, and impact on ion homeostasis in Brassica napus plants grown under waterlogging was investigated. Foliar S protected rapeseed plants from waterlogging-induced adversities through restricting ROS-induced cellular damage by raising the activities of antioxidant enzymes, non-enzymatic antioxidants and accumulating lesser Fe and Mn, but more P, S, Zn in rapeseed plants

    Vorwort | Նախաբան

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    Einführung in den Sammelband Das kulturelle Erbe von Arzach. Armenische Geschichte und deren Spuren in Berg-Karabach. Die Region ist mehrheitlich von ethnischen Armeniern besiedelt. Kulturelle Spuren aus gut zwei Jahrtausenden weisen auf ihre lange Geschichte vor Ort hin. Durch die kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen mit Aserbaidschan und die gewaltsame Übernahme der Republik Arzach durch die aserbaidschanische Regierung am 20. September 2023 ist dieses Kulturgut gerade massiv gefährdet. Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert eine interdisziplinäre Tagung, die 2022 in Armenien stattgefunden hat. Er bietet den bisher vollständigsten dreisprachigen Überblick über die Geschichte, Kultur und globalen Kontakte dieser schutzlosen Gegend im südlichen Kaukasus.Introduction to the anthology Das kulturelle Erbe von Arzach. Armenische Geschichte und deren Spuren in Berg-Karabach (The Cultural Heritage of Artsakh. Armenian history and its traces in Nagorno-Karabakh). The region is populated mostly by ethnic Armenians. Cultural traces from over two millennia indicate their long history on site. Due to the armed conflict with Azerbaijan and the violent takeover of the Republic of Artsakh by the Azerbaijani government on September 20, 2023, these cultural assets are currently at massive risk. This volume documents an interdisciplinary conference that took place in Armenia in 2022. It offers the most complete trilingual overview to date on the history, culture and global contacts of this unshielded area in the Southern Caucasus

    The role of JNK signal transduction and inflammation in the development of chronic lung diseases including lung cancer: studies using tailored Drosophila models

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality. I specifically expressed constitutively active Egfr in the Drosophila airway system and performed a comprehensive phenotypic analysis. Ectopic expression of Egfr induced tumor-like growth of larval tracheal stem cells and thickening of the tracheal epithelium, leading to early death. I found that overexpression of Egfr in larval trachea activated three canonical downstream signaling pathways: MAPK, PI3K/Akt, and JAK/STAT signaling pathways, respectively. I blocked each of the three signaling pathways and found that in this Egfr ectopic expression-induced lung cancer model, the MAPK pathway was mainly involved in proliferation, PI3K/Akt in maintaining cell survival, and JAK/STAT in invasion. Next, I found that JNK activated in the Egfr-induced tumor and blocking JNK rescued tumor-like proliferation and significantly reduced Egfr activation of MAPK, PI3K, and JAK/STAT pathways, while also rescuing Egfr-induced animal death. Specialized overexpression of the receptor PGRP-LC in the airway system activates the IMD pathway. Overexpression of PGRP-LC early in Drosophila development leads to death in the pupal stage in all animals. The airway system of larvae overexpressing PGRP-LC were dissected and I found significant thickening of the tracheal epithelium and shrinking of the T4 and T5 Tracheoblasts, with their location shifted from the dorsal trunk to the secondary bronchi. I found that the tracheoblasts on day 2 of activation were significantly larger than day 1. Next, I identified that IMD-induced phenotypes achieved by activating the following pathways: apoptotic signaling pathway dependent on AP1 and FoxO; migration dependent on STAT; and proliferative dependent on Ets21c, respectively

    Open Access Publishing on MACAU

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    This brochure provides an informative overview of the process of publishing in Open Access on the publication server of Kiel University, MACAU. It describes the route to publication. In addition, topics are addressed that are important in the context of the publication process: Rights and licenses, metadata, research data and PDF creation.Die Broschüre gibt einen informativen Überblick über das Verfahren des Publizierens im Open Access auf dem Publikationsserver der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, MACAU. Beschrieben wird der Weg zur Veröffentlichung. Zudem werden Themen angesprochen, die im Rahmen des Publikationsprozesses von Bedeutung sind: Rechte und Lizenzen, Metadaten, Forschungsdaten und die PDF-Erstellung

    Quasi-2/3-Level Modulation of Multilevel Converters for Medium-Voltage Applications

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    Silicon Carbide (SiC)-based power converters can reach higher power density than the Silicon (Si)-based. The voltage capability of SiC is higher than that of the Si devices. Hence, SiC-based converters can be used in MV applications. In contrast, the MV infrastructure has voltage levels up to 100 kV. Whereas a simple 2-level SiC converter can be used for some grids, it is impossible to use this configuration for the grids with higher voltage. Multilevel (ML) converters do not solve the issue. Higher number of levels increases the number of required capacitors, operation and control complexity, communication burden and overall cost. An alternative solution is to partially utilize available voltage levels, forcing ML converters to operate in 2-/3-Level manner. This approach is called Quasi-2-Level (Q2L) or Quasi-3-Level (Q3L) modulation, respectively. The main advantage of such modulations is that the intermediate capacitors are only used to ensure equal voltage distribution between the SiCs. Therefore, they contribute insignificantly to the total converter volume, allowing to increase the voltage levels without affecting the volume and operation complexity. On the other hand, the limitations of Q2L and Q3L concepts need to be investigated. It is essential to determine how the number of series-connected SiC devices affects the performance of quasi-modulated converters. Furthermore, the capacitor selection needs to be done based on the voltage and current ripples. Due to very small capacitance, capacitor voltages must be constantly maintained around the reference points. In contrast, it is possible to take advantage of such a drawback. Intentionally changing the voltage across a single capacitor makes it possible to redistribute the voltage sharing between two adjacent semiconductors. This feature can be used to micro-adjust the power losses across all switching devices in the converter arm and to perform active thermal control

    Language Design for Reactive Systems: On Modal Models, Time, and Object Orientation in Lingua Franca and SCCharts

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    Reactive systems play a crucial role in the embedded domain. They continuously interact with their environment, handle concurrent operations, and are commonly expected to provide deterministic behavior to enable application in safety-critical systems. In this context, language design is a key aspect, since carefully tailored language constructs can aid in addressing the challenges faced in this domain, as illustrated by the various concurrency models that prevent the known pitfalls of regular threads. Today, many languages exist in this domain and often provide unique characteristics that make them specifically fit for certain use cases. This thesis evolves around two distinctive languages: the actor-oriented polyglot coordination language Lingua Franca and the synchronous statecharts dialect SCCharts. While they take different approaches in providing reactive modeling capabilities, they share clear similarities in their semantics and complement each other in design principles. This thesis analyzes and compares key design aspects in the context of these two languages. For three particularly relevant concepts, it provides and evaluates lean and seamless language extensions that are carefully aligned with the fundamental principles of the underlying language. Specifically, Lingua Franca is extended toward coordinating modal behavior, while SCCharts receives a timed automaton notation with an efficient execution model using dynamic ticks and an extension toward the object-oriented modeling paradigm

    Spectral multipliers on two-step structures

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    In harmonic analysis and partial differential equations, the topics of Fourier restriction estimates, wave estimates for linear wave equations, and spectral multiplier problems associated with elliptic and sub-elliptic linear differential operators are closely related. The aim of this thesis is to further explore these connections and to contribute to a deeper understanding of these phenomena. We focus on certain classes of differential operators which are sub-Laplacians defined as divergence form operators associated with a two-step sub-Riemannian structure on a smooth manifold. The analysis of these operators is closely related to their underlying sub-Riemannian geometry, which is a major challenge in understanding analytic properties of these differential operators. The specific question addressed in this thesis is as follows. The functional calculus for the sub-Laplacian L provided by the spectral theorem allows to define the operator F(L) for every spectral multiplier F : R → C. The L^p-spectral multiplier problem asks to identify spectral multipliers F for which F(L) extends to a bounded operator on the Lebesgue space L^p. Usually this question is answered by so-called Mikhlin–Hörmander type theorems, which require a smoothness condition on the multiplier F. In this thesis we prove spectral multiplier theorems where this smoothness condition is even p-specific. This is done for two specific classes of sub-Laplacians, namely Grushin operators and left-invariant sub-Laplacians on certain subclasses of two-step stratified Lie groups. The proof of these spectral multiplier theorems relies on a careful analysis of the underlying sub-Riemannian geometry and exploiting appropriate restriction type estimates, an idea that goes back to C. Fefferman. A novelty in the restriction type estimates proved in this thesis is an additional truncation along the spectrum of a Laplacian on the second layer of the associated two-step structure


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