475 research outputs found

    Breeding of Hygienic Disease Resistant Bees

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    Hygienic behaviour in the honeybee (Apis mellifera) has been shown to be an effective control mechanism against brood diseases such as chalkbrood and AFB. Chalkbrood has proven to be problematic for the Australian honey industry since it was identified here in 1993. Hygienic behaviour is a much studied trait. Rothenbuhler investigated the genetic basis of hygienic behaviour, proposing a two-gene model to explain the uncapping and removal of dead brood. His elegant experiment remains the textbook example of a behavioural genetic study. Although this model has been challenged, it is still generally agreed that a small number of unlinked genes produce a large effect on hygienic behaviour, that hygienic alleles are recessive and are inherited in a Mendelian manner. Experimental backcross colonies were produced from an inbred hygienic line and an inbred non-hygienic line, both provided by Dr. Marla Spivak, University of Minnesota. These backcross colonies were assessed for hygienic behaviour using a standard assay. Statistical analyses of the field data indicated that the genetic basis of the trait was more complex than either the simple Mendelian and widely accepted two-gene or three-gene models that have been proposed previously. Molecular techniques, linkage mapping and QTL analysis then were employed to determine how many loci directly influence hygienic behaviour and the relative level of influence and location of each locus within the genome of A. mellifera. Full multipoint linkage analysis by Mapmaker v3.0 software produced a new genetic map of the honeybee comprised of 358 marker loci ordered over 25 linkage groups spanning a total distance of 3406.2 cM. The average distance between each marker was 9.5 cM. QTL analysis of the experimental data identified seven putative genetic markers associated with hygienic behaviour. QTLs located on linkage groups 2, 4, 6 and 22 were detected for both overall hygienic behaviour and uncapping behaviour only. Individually, each QTL is of relatively small effect with each explaining only 9% – 15% of the variance in hygienic levels observed. Collectively, the putative QTLs identified here explain 79.4% of the observed variance in the expression of hygienic behaviour. These results indicate that there are many genes of low to moderate effect rather than few genes of large effect involved in this complex behavioural trait. This is typical of inherited quantitative traits which do not exhibit Mendelian phenotypic ratios. DNA extracted from the brood samples taken during testing of commercial stock, and from individual bees identified as either highly hygienic or non-hygienic in a reciprocal backcross experiment, were screened with the candidate markers associated with putative QTLs to test their diagnostic power. Unfortunately, none have produced reliably diagnostic DNA profiles. As we have now shown that hygienic behaviour is a polygenic, quantitative trait, simple diagnostic markers for Rothenbuhler's 'uncapping' and 'removal' genes are unlikely to be achieved. Our results show that the most likely way to improve disease resistance in Australian stock is via traditional methods of recurrent selection. The project was responsible for the importation of new genetic material into Australia from the United States. This hygienic stock has been well received by industry, has been widely disseminated, and incorporated into local breeding programs. We hope that it has lead to a general improvement in the level of disease resistance in Australian commercial bees

    Reintroduction biology of yellow-footed rock wallabies (petrogale xanthopus celeris and P. x. xanthopus

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    Based on the recommendations of both the 1993 Reintroduction biology of Australasian Fauna Conference and the 1994 Rock Wallaby Symposium, captive-bred Yellow footed rock wallabies were reintroduced into areas of their former ranges in both South Australia and Queenslan


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    Problems associated with managing vertebrate invasive species, defined as any exotic or native species that has spread beyond its natural range, are remarkably common around the world. Although the species may differ, the niches they fill and the damage they generally cause is often consistent. As such, a possibility exists for greater collaboration and harmonization in developing new tools to manage the impacts of invasive species. Moreover, the considerable expense of developing new products, the often onerous registration process, and the lack of return on investment leading to market failure has meant that progress within the field of invasive animal management product development can sometimes be stifled. This paper details a potential way forward using specific examples of ways the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre (IACRC), Pestat P/L, and other IACRC commercial partners aim to provide overseas organizations with humane non-lethal and lethal wildlife management tools. Conversely, we detail overseas-developed products currently being tested in Australia, and a proposal to keep abreast of new developments in other countries to ensure invasive species management within Australasia remains of the highest level. This can only be achieved through truly collaborative research and the global harmonization of registration packages, so product development costs can be minimized and the necessary scales of production can be attained

    Is America Ready for a Humane Feral Pig Toxicant?

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    In 2005 the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre undertook an extensive literature review in an attempt to discover possible pharmacological weaknesses of pigs that could be inherently targeted with specific chemicals. For a chemical to have utility it ideally had to be: safe for human operators, highly toxic to pigs, bait deliverable, target specific, humane, residue-less, reversible, inexpensive, already registered for other purposes, patentable, acceptable to trading partners, and have a well documented toxicological profile. Numerous weaknesses and associated candidate chemicals were discovered, but only one, sodium nitrite, proved appropriate in gavage and bait delivery proof-of-concept pen trials. This paper details the discovery process, two years of research towards formulating an article-of-commerce, and three years of development and registration. Discussed is what is required in relation to lobbying and funding, dealing with bureaucracy, intellectual property protection, formulation, target-specificity and nontarget safety, humaneness, ground and aerial baiting field efficacy, product stability, environmental fate and residue data in order to register a commonly available human food preservative as a new vertebrate pesticide in Australia. Also discussed is the development of a novel bait delivery device that increases the target-specificity and cost-efficiency of feral pig control

    Writing in Britain and Ireland, c. 400 to c. 800

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    Kolping house, shelter for mothers with children, to prevent social exclusion

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    Bakalářská práce - Kolpingův dům, azylový dům pro matky s dětmi, jako prevence sociálního vyloučení, pojednává o společenském jevu - o sociálním vyloučení. Zvláště o jeho příčinách a problémech, které se k tomu vztahují. Sociální vyloučení se týká i osamocených rodičů a tato práce se zaměřuje převážně na tuto skupinu. Následující část práce je o úloze státních organizacích, které sociálně vyloučené osoby podporují finančně a prostřednictvím sociálních služeb zaměřených na prevenci. Praktická část práce je věnována Kolpingovu domu - azylovému domu pro matky s dětmi, kterým hrozí riziko sociálního vyloučení. Představuji zde cíle organizace, podmínky pobytu v Kolpingově domě a pro koho je pobyt v Kolpingově domě prioritně určen. Práce obsahuje popis sociální práce v Kolpingově domě, především informace o službě pod názvem videotrénink interakcí, kasuistiku neboli příběh typické klientky, se kterou jsem delší dobu v kontaktu, rozhovor se sociální pracovnicí Kolpingova domu a dotazník zjišťující spokojenost a kvalitu poskytovaných sociálních služeb v Kolpingově domě. Součást práce je osm příloh, např. aktuální seznam azylových domů pro matky s dětmi v České republice, týdenní program Kolpingova domu a představení ostatních projektů Kolpingova díla. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Bachelor's thesis - Kolping house, shelter for mothers with children, to prevent social exclusion, deals with the social phenomenon - social exclusion. Especially on the causes and issues that relate to this. Social exclusion also applies to lonely parents and this work focuses mainly on this group. The following is part of the work on the role of state organizations that promote socially excluded persons through financial and social services aimed at prevention. Practical work is given Kolping house - the house of asylum for mothers with children, who risk social exclusion. I present here the objectives of the organization, the conditions of stay in Kolping house and who is resident in the house Kolpingově primarily intended. The work contains a description of social work in Kolping house, especially information about the service under the name video interaction guidance, the story - case study of typical clients with I have a longer time in contact, interview with social worker Kolping house, questionnaire and providing satisfaction and quality of social services in Kolping house. Part of the work are eight annexes, such as the current list of shelters house for mothers with children in the Czech Republic, a weekly program Kolpingova house and other projects Kolping work. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)JabokJabokProtestant Theological FacultyEvangelická teologická fakult

    Creating the cult of a saint: Communication strategies in 10th century England

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    In late 10th century England, a little-known and long-dead bishop named Swithun was canonised and became one of the most-widely culted saints in the country. Behind the creation of the cult of Saint Swithun were communication and political strategies with aspects of brand creation and extension, fund-raising, message creation and delivery, and stakeholder engagement using tactics such as word-of-mouth, the creation of special events and music, and use of specially commissioned publications. Using the prism of modern public relations practice and theory, the creation and maintenance of this important saintly cult is reviewed

    An Anglo-Saxon fragment of Justinus's Epitome

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    Copyright © Cambridge University Press 1987In 1910, Samuel Brandt published a description and photograph of a fragment of Justinus's Epitome of the Historiae Philippicae of Pompeius Trogus. The leaf, whose present location is unknown, belonged at that time to the collection of Ernst Fischer at Weinheim. Fischer dated its script, an Anglo-Saxon minuscule, to about AD 800, which, as Brandt observed, would mean that it antedated the earliest known manuscripts of the text, which are ninth-century. Although E. A. Lowe indicated in his Codices Latini Antiquiores that the fragment was lost, it has continued to attract scholarly attention. Professor Bernhard Bischoff suggested that the fragment could be identified with a copy of Justinus listed among the books of Gerward, palace librarian of Louis the Pious. This implied connection with the Carolingian court, taken together with Alcuin's naming of Justinus's work among the books described in the poem on York and his later association with the Carolingian court, has raised the possibility of an English origin for the Weinheim manuscript and therefore also for the earliest known branch of the text. As L.D. Reynolds remarked, ‘This fragment has a significance quite out of keeping with its size.

    Conservatism and innovation in Anglo-Saxon scribal practice

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    The text of the Old English Bede found in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS. 41 (B) is remarkable for its extensively updated language, when compared with other, earlier Bede manuscripts. This paper compares B with other manuscripts of the Bede to uncover some of the scribal decisions which shape the surviving text. B’s text is subject to many alterations, indicating a translator scribe who frequently updated and altered the language of his exemplar (i.e. the manuscript from which he copied to produce the present text). However, the presence of a number of nonsensical readings points to a scribe who sometimes struggled to make sense of the text in front of him and whose abilities did not extend far enough to create a good reading in the face of these difficulties. These scribal decisions allow us to identify factors which influenced the shape of B’s text, such as the interplay between B’s now-lost exemplar and its scribes’ working methods. Careful analysis of some of B’s linguistic features enables us to draw conclusions about the age and status of its exemplar and to recover some part of a lost Bede manuscript