293 research outputs found

    Real-time onboard geometric image correction

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    A system to perform real time onboard geometric connection of LANDSAT D resolution satellite imagery is described. System requirements, algorithms, sensors, and other hardware components are defined. Feasibility of implementing the correction process is demonstrated using Kalman filter techniques to incorporate information from onboard ephemeris, attitude control, and ground control points. Random access sensor systems, such as charge injected devices and charge coupled devices are used to obtain pixel values at desired ground location, thus greatly reducing the data processing requirements

    A First Year\u27s Students Guide to Using Blackboardā€‹

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    In this Poster Symposium I detail a lesson that was given to my COR 101 class where I modeled how to use Blackboard and where to find essential links found on myRedDragon. A lesson objective is given and results from verbal feedback by Students is also provided.https://digitalcommons.cortland.edu/corslides/1008/thumbnail.jp

    Music and Dance of Chile

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    In six lessons, third grade students will study Chilean folk music. Students will be developing auditory, rhythmic, and movement skills as well as their historical knowledge of the country. The lessons are designed to fit into a forty to forty-five minute class period. The lessons focus on the cueca dance and its importance to the countryā€™s identity. The unit helps students develop syncopation skills as well as recognizing musical sections of a piece while participating in a dance. Students are also exposed to a new culture and how music is experienced in that culture

    Health Care in Missouri: Navigating Implementation of the Federal Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion in a Pushback Environment

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    The year 2014 marks the beginning of the implementation stage for the largest number of federal health care reform policies under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010, and Missouri policymakers, health care providers, health insurance companies, and government agencies alike find themselves desperately trying to navigate uncertain waters. It is no surprise that perhaps the two most contentious and far-reaching policies for states under the PPACA mantra, implementation of state health insurance exchanges for the medically uninsured and state Medicaid expansion, stand to generate the largest number of unintended consequences for Missouri residents and the stateā€™s economic well-being. For example, with an estimated 704,000 uninsured individuals in the state of Missouri, Medicaid expansion alone would not only provide health insurance to more of these individuals, but, according to Joel Ferber of the Missouri Health Advocacy Alliance, it would also generate approximately 15.7billioninfederalmatchingfundstoMissourifrom2014to2021,whileonlycostingthestate15.7 billion in federal matching funds to Missouri from 2014 to 2021, while only costing the state 806 million in state match. This organization is a statewide non-profit advocacy organization, which, as its mission states, is ā€œdedicated to quality affordable health care for all.ā€ This issue will be explored. Similarly, state health insurance exchanges are expected to provide affordable coverage to currently uninsured individuals with more moderate incomes, thus reducing cost-shifting to the insured in cases of medical emergencies

    Least squares linear lags and limited memory filters

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    Pure autoregressive (AR) models which are linear in the short term, that is when a variable can be predicted by linear regression on a limited number of past observations, are discussed. When evenly spaced observations are available, a fixed set of AR coefficients can be calculated independent of the data. For filtering purposes, such a lag structure can be implemented recursively with an efficient algorithm. The method of computing variance recursively is also derived. A complete algorithm is presented in the appendix

    Dorsal lateral geniculate substructure in the Long-Evans rat: A cholera toxin B-subunit study

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    This study describes the substructure of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus of the pigmented rat (Rattus norvegicus) based on the eye-of-origin of its retinal ganglion cell inputs. We made monocular intra-ocular injections of the B-subunit of cholera toxin (CTB), a sensitive anterograde tracer, in three adult male Long-Evans rats. In four additional subjects, we injected fluorophor-conjugated CTB in both eyes, using a different fluorophor in each eye. Brains of these subjects were fixed and sectioned, and the labeled retinal ganglion cell termini were imaged with wide-field sub-micron resolution slide scanners. Retinal termination zones were traced to reconstruct a three dimensional model of the ipsilateral and contralateral retinal termination zones in the dLGN on both sides of the brain. The dLGN volume was 1.58 \pm0.094 mm^{3}, comprising 70 \pm 3% the volume of the entire retinorecipient LGN. We find the retinal terminals to be well-segregated by eye of origin. We consistently found three or four spatially separated ipsilateral-recipient zones within each dLGN, rather than the single compact zone expected. It remains to be determined whether these subdomains represent distinct functional sublaminae

    Selective Detection of Non-Aromatic Pesticides via Cyclodextrin-Promoted Fluorescence Modulation

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    Reported herein is the detection of aliphatic pesticides using cyclodextrin-promoted fluorescence modulation. The introduction of the pesticide leads to noticeable changes in the emission of a fluorophore held in close proximity by cyclodextrin, leading to a pesticide detection system that operates with 100% successful differentiation and low limits of detection

    Basin scale assessment of landslides geomorphological setting by advanced InSAR analysis

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    An extensive investigation of more than 90 landslides affecting a small river basin in Central Italy was performed by combining field surveys and remote sensing techniques. We thus defined the geomorphological setting of slope instability processes. Basic information, such as landslides mapping and landslides type definition, have been acquired thanks to geomorphological field investigations and multi-temporal aerial photos interpretation, while satellite SAR archive data (acquired by ERS and Envisat from 1992 to 2010) have been analyzed by means of A-DInSAR (Advanced Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) techniques to evaluate landslides past displacements patterns. Multi-temporal assessment of landslides state of activity has been performed basing on geomorphological evidence criteria and past ground displacement measurements obtained by A-DInSAR. This step has been performed by means of an activity matrix derived from information achieved thanks to double orbital geometry. Thanks to this approach we also achieved more detailed knowledge about the landslides kinematics in time and space

    Sweet, Sweet Science: Addressing the Gender Gap in STEM Disciplines through a One-Day High School Program in Sugar Chemistry

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    Reported herein is the design, implementation, and evaluation of a full-day outreach program for high school girls that focuses entirely on sugar-related activities. The program, which we ran in February 2016 and February 2017, included multiple hands-on sugar-based experiments to increase the participantsā€™ interest in and enthusiasm for science. The success of the program was quantitatively evaluated through the administration of precamp and postcamp surveys. Overall, the survey results indicated a statistically significant improvement in responses in one of the two program years, which corresponds to success in changing the participantsā€™ attitudes regarding the practical applicability of science and in increasing their interest in pursuing scientific careers

    The Development of a New Paradigm of Humanitarian Intervention: Assessing the Responsibility to Protect

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    The Responsibility to Protect (RtoP) concept aimed to clarify the relationship between state sovereignty and humanitarian intervention, and its invocation during the recent intervention in Libya provides an opportunity to assess its impact. This project compares the events of Libya with the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina of the early 1990s, examining the framing of these conflicts as well as the perceived role of other states, the engagement of international organizations with the concept, and the effect on operations during the humanitarian interventions themselves. Providing a historical comparison more accurately situates the contributions of RtoP in the re-prioritization of human rights over states sovereignty, while also providing a chance to highlight recurring concerns with the emerging doctrine
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