176 research outputs found

    Bioraffinering af kløvergræs og andre afgrøder - kvalitet og udbytte

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    Proteinfoder kan produceres af kløvergræs ved hjælp af bioraffinering. Restprodukterne kan bruges til produktion af biogas og gødning

    Antonia Harbus, Helena of Britain in Medieval Legend. D.S. Brewer, 2002

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    Biorefining of proteins from grass clover as an innovative solution to a truly sustainable organic production

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    To shape a common solution to challenges with low crop yields, proper protein supply and insufficient climate mitigation capacity, biorefining of protein feed from grassland crops for monogastric animals (including human) is introduced to the organic production system. Bio-refining using mechanical and natural fermentation techniques are compatible with the organic principles and standards. Crop yields from Danish field trials with alfalfa, clover and grass-clover mixtures demonstrate average yields around 12 tons dry matter per hectare yielding on average 700 kg extracted protein per hectare and 3000 to 6000 m3 methane per hectare. With these yields the profitability of biorefining of organic protein feed is calculated and shows a positive economic result, especially when used as wet-feed saving the cost for drying. But it should be noticed that economy is sensitive to changes in yields and prices

    Editorial: Gender Relations and Women’s Struggles in Socialist Southeast Europe

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    For readers versed in the tradition of North Atlantic feminist theory, the intersection of “socialism” and “feminism” is relatively uncomplicated. As a rule, the theory proffers a critique of the “double oppression” that women experience under patriarchy and capitalism, with the exact relationship between these two systems then up for debate. While often not explicitly thematized, the theory’s geographical roots in North American and Western European struggles and contexts inform its epistemological practice and organizational protocols

    En ny tids bonde med et ben i hvert ĂĄrtusind

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    “Når vi forstår en hændelse, er det kulturen, hændelsen foregår i, vi forstår.Forsvinder kulturen, forsvinder forståelsen, og hændelserne står gådefulde tilbage som statuer på Påskeøen.” Citatet stammer fra den norske forfatter KarlOve Knausgårds bogværk “Min Kamp”, sjette bind. Citatet rummer noget megetcentralt for forståelsen af en tid. Når en periodes historie skrives og fortælles, er fundamentet for indblik i og forståelsen af tiden, og det der skete, at kulturen og baggrunden for de aktører, der var involveret, og sådan som de oplevede det, spiller aktivt med.Det er på den baggrund, at mit bidrag skal læses. En subjektiv fortælling omde seneste cirka 50 år i dansk landbrug set i og fra mine cirkler, både fra centrum og fra periferien, men også iagttaget gennem bakspejlet og udefra påafstand. Mit håb er, at det kan indgå som en af mange replikker til forståelsenaf tiden og især reaktionerne, der fulgte på det, vi oplevede med ændringer iopfattelsen af landbrugets rolle og landmandens opfattelse af egen rolle

    Influence of the development stage of the plant biomass for protein yield in a green biorefinery.

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    The scarce availability of organic animal feed for monogastric animals is hindering the development of organic farming in many regions. A green biorefinery platform called OrganoFinery aims at producing organic protein-rich animal feed based on organically grown green biomass. The freshly harvested green biomass is separated into a solid fraction (press cake) and a liquid fraction (green juice). Subsequently, the green juice is inoculated with specific lactic acid bacteria which ferment the soluble sugars into lactic acid triggering a pH drop and thus, the precipitation of proteins. Last, proteins are extracted by centrifugation and the organic protein concentrate is suitable for feeding monogastric animals. Green perennial crops can be harvested several times during a season. In the present study, the impact of the development stage of the plant biomass, exemplified by red clover, at harvesting time for the protein extraction yield was assessed in order to develop a harvesting strategy. Red clover was harvested at different developmental stages i.e. early stem elongation, late stem elongation and heading. Right after harvest, the fresh biomass was processed to produce a protein concentrate as described above. The green juices presented higher concentration of soluble proteins and soluble sugars with increasing maturity. After 10 hours fermentation, the pH dropped from 5.9-6.0 to 3.9-4.0 in all green juice samples and the lactic acid concentration reached up to 20.6 g/L. The highest lactic acid concentration (20.6 g/L) was achieved for the late maturity stage and was 1.5 higher than in the early maturity stage. Differences due to the development stage were also observed in the recovery of proteins from the green juice into the protein concentrate. Indeed, the recovery of proteins from the green juice was between 70-80% of the content in the green juice and with the highest values obtained for the late maturity stage. The relevance of this study relies on the fact that the harvesting strategy is crucial in order to maximize the protein yield from green biomass and, to develop an economically viable green biorefinery platform to produce organic protein-rich feed for monogastric animals

    Bondekone i brydningstid

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    Livet i landbruget har ændret sig meget i den danske efterkrigstid. Det gælderbåde for husmænd og gårdejere, men også for deres hustruer og børn. I denneerindringsartikel fortæller Karen Margrethe Karkov, født 1945, om sit liv somhusmandsdatter og siden gårdmandskone med udeerhverv
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